>Juden Peterstein speaks to Donald Trump Jr., Kimberly Guilfoyle, Charlie Kirk, and others behind the scenes, about how the Right and Left may be able to find common ground on the topic of (((sexual deviance))) among young people in society today.
Peterson/ Trump debate on sexual deviance
Reminder that Peterstein in pro-gay marriage. He claims it will "help homosexuals integrate into society" which is "a good thing".
Reminder also that a man in BC, Bill Whatcott, is being charged for calling a tranny a man, and Peterstein has said absolutely nothing about it, he has not brought any attention to the court case whatsoever. This is despite the fact that it is the first instance of a Canadian being charged under the provisions of bill C-16 as he predicted would happen.
The reason why Peterstein won't bring any attention to Bill Whatcott's case is probably because Mr. Whatcott is ardently anti-homosexuality.
kikes prbly
So glad America is receiving moral instruction from pious Chosenites.
What a moronic and ludicrous statement by Peterstein. The people on the "left" don't give a shit about rape or the dangers of sex, their rhetoric of the existence of a "rape culture" is nothing more than a part of their Cultural Marxist dialectic that aims to paint all White men as violent oppressors. Their narrative of "consent" is designed not to protect women from sexual abuse, but to give women power over men.
The fact that Peterstein does not highlight that reality and instead pretends that "the left" can be seen as an ally to help reestablish conservative sexual values is perfect evidence of his subversive nature and agenda.
Don't forget that just a few months ago Peterstein was shilling a propaganda video made by the Democratic party, trying to convince his audience that the Democrats were "changing their tune" and becoming a good alternative to Trump's "divisive populism", all right before the midterms.
Peterstein has a low IQ and doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about.
I'm using that, thanks.
Ivana is Catholic, sorry.
Who gives a shit?
If I'm feeling particularly kind I say that 2 (two) sodomites can be allowed to sign contracts for loans or some other joint ventures or name each other as inheritors in case either one dies from GRIDS.
Marriage exists solely to create offspring in a healthy environment, fags don't reproduce nor create a healthy environment.
Knowing their AIDS rates, child abuse rates, drug problems, and filth, however I am reminded they belong in the bog.
Shalomstein my fellow goyimsteins!
This shithead has no right to lecture others on fatherhood or degeneracy when his daughter is an unemployed whore who charges people for pictures of her tits.
He's vastly overrated. What he appears to have done is that he's taken on the mantle of Marshall McCluhan who was genuinely a brilliant guy, a man who foresaw and foretold the coming of the Internet age and what it would involve, going back to the 50's and 60's.
He's not Marshall level brainpower, not even close.
the main problem I have with "gay marriage" is that it normalizes their deviancy enough in society's eyes to permit them to adopt children, even very small ones. This is atrocious filth.
Oh, speaking of the kush man: the CBC landwhale reporter was making fun of him as 'one of the biggest stories of the year' last night.
Yet his big thing was refusing to play ball with trannies Should be obvious to everyone that he cares way more about money than any sort of principle
Wait, what?
Secular marriage is a corporate merger for tax incentives (promoting children). I supported gay marriage as an accelerationist strategy. Hetreo marriage is already a joke, let's end it and go back to church-based matching or pagan handfasting.
Don't lend legitimacy to their terms. Saying "homo-" or "heterosexual" seeks to lend credibility to the inane "sexuality" concept. There's no sexuality, there's procreation and goofing off
She's still a shrill, Jew enabling leftist so I don't see much difference
Starting to see more alt-right fags wake up to peterstein's tricks. All it took was a few people waving around the photos of his house like the gigantic basically mural focus of his living room featuring vladimir lenin and that other photo of him in drag makeup. After that people became receptive to his core trick.
It's no doubt to anyone here that juden peterstein is an agent of the jews especially after his second meeting with major kikes at the UN meeting, in fact showing that is also kryptonite to alt-right fags and shouldn't be memory-holed. But they basically have to be explained to, that they're being tricked into being diffused. Defusal is where the side jews are targeting are being convinced into relaxing on their goals. Alt-right children are useful idiots in so many ways, but the jews fear the ones LARPing as nazis. They saw how Zig Forums went from LARPing as nazis to becoming the progenitors for a new NSDAP.
So the alt-right children who are on the fence of going full NSDAP but still accept (((tolerance))) are the most susceptible to juden peterstein. Let's also keep in mind that this jewish trick I'm about to describe is not new and goes back to the bible. Remember the jesus quote, "Those who are without sin cast the first stone?" This is the jewish trick that juden peterstein relies on the most. He constantly targets alt-right kids by patronizing them in the purest sense of that word, then tells them (paraphrasing), "How do you justify your actions when you haven't cleaned your room?"
The imagery and (((lesson))) of cleaning one's room is part surface level to trick the person into thinking they have to get their life in order before doing anything. This is a mental trap. The underlying trick, the trap, is to make the person think they have to be pure before they can accuse anyone of doing anything. This is the deception that goes back to jesus' words and jews use this all the time. Jews turn around the blame aimed at them by suggesting that the accuser has to be completely without fault before accusing anyone.
This is also another example of how jews bastardized morality. Whites, including wayward alt-right kids, have an inherent desire to be moral. So when a jew uses this trick, it hits deep. It stops fence-sitters from taking action. It makes them think that they absolutely have to get their life in order in every sense of the word before they do anything. It activates a guilt-complex that makes them question their "racist, bigoted, x-phobic behavior," and the most weak-willed ones will shun alt-right or anything right-wing in a futile and pathetic search for faux-virtue and jewish-morality.
It needs to be said, especially for lurkers here who are on the fence of what juden peterstein does. You don't have to be a paragon of goodness to stop evil. You will never be perfectly pure and perfect to everyone's standards. That's why jews (the evil) try to force you to adopt their "standards." If you play by the enemy's rules, they win. If you take advice from an enemy, they win. To be more frank, you don't even have to be "good" to stop evil. Many will decide to thwart evil just because it momentarily suits them. It's only good-natured folk, whites, that worry about their moral character and have been deceived into thinking they lack the prerequisites to justify punishing evil.
This is why jews have sent agents like juden peterstein to be a faux-advisor. (((They))) through him will tug at your heartstrings, fill you with doubt, make you feel guilty, and render you inactive and impotent. Only whites feel guilt. Now you know why jews work tirelessly to make you feel and not think, and to prevent you from pulling the much deserved trigger on them.
Every paragraph is 5-7 sentences and a majority of your grammar including the lack of capitalization is very much baffling compared to the amount of effort you put into this post. I couldn't tell you how much effort however, seeing as I stopped reading as soon as you mentioned the words "alt-right." Go back to cuckchan faggot, the alt-right doesn't exist and is a media ploy in order to generalize the majority of right-wing sympathizers into one big group, due to places like cuckchan and infinitychan being complete chaos due to the amount of different beliefs on the right side of the compass. Gas yourself kike.
Found an acolyte.
Emedded and here:
Here's another video in which he larps as a democrat giving the speech he wishes they had given in the ad:
This is the state of tl;dr niggers. They want to decry something but didn't read it and will argue around that post they didn't read.
Guess how much of a dumbass you have to be to state the obvious while refusing to read something. You accomplished the equivalent of a shill who sees someone contribute something substantial so they slide discussion. If you took the time to read instead of being a nigger who refused to read, the context was obvious of what alt-right refers to in that post. There's tons of young men who follow "alt-right" (((leaders))) and those are the most susceptible to juden peterstein's tricks.
Congratulations on being a nigger. The next time a word triggers you, remind yourself that your home is tumblr. There's a shill laughing right now at how you're doing their job in an attempt to see smart.
I would attach read_a_book_nigger.jpg to accompany this post but I would rather force you to read this sentence instead.
All of those people are themselves sexual deviants or at any rate pro (((sexual deviancy))).
How the hell people still don't fucking realize that the Juden Peterstein is a fucking kike, a controlled opposition and a BRILLIANT piece of Jewish Propaganda ?
JP: "I can't talk about the Jewish Question…I just can't" How fucking convenient .
Hooktube: hooktube.com
PS: Forget the hooktube link.
Go for the youtube link…Of course, the link is TOTALLY (((Goulaged))). He's so obvious that JP is a Jewish agent, a psy-ops agent. They wouldn't goulag the video otherwise.
Last time we had a thread about him we resolved that he was using the Nuremberg trials as a metric to establish that there is objective evil and he went on about the holocaust.
Plural of "goy" is goyim, faggot.
t. user who's done merchant memes
And it's not a coincidence that this guy has been pushed every single where in the face of all conservatives, right, Zig Forums people. It's Jewish astroturfed, just like (((Ben Shapiro))) and other """Based""" Jews or """Based""" Useful Idiots, while legit Jew naming scholars like E.Michael Jones is very hardly been put in the front of the scene, while he is actually naming the Jews openly and has written numbers of impressive books about the Jewish Question. When you realize than E.Michael Jones has very low audience compared to Jordan Peterstein, Ben Shaprio and other """based""" jews or useful idiots, it's obvious that they were pushed into us as a safety jewish net, as controlled opposition and kiked operation.
Same thing in France btw, with """Based""" kike Eric Zemmour is pushed every fucking where and has been given platform in the media and internet for years and has millions of views in the net and huge popularity while legit red pills like Henry de Lesquen, who names the Jew (which is very dangerous in France) is very hardly given any publicity in the media and almost absolutely nothing in the media. Because the """based""" kike is controlled opposition and pushed and astroturfed everywhere, while the legit french man fighting against the corruption is pushed aside.
Wrong, kike.
Jordan Peterson is not even right wing anymore.
When was he?
When he's astroturfed around here?
She is a mom, but now has an online business where she consults with people about diet.
Her instagram has some nude photos (tits cropped out) and lots of semi-nude photos to show her figure, but it's really about attention.
She did have a terrible illness as a child, so I think she kind of turned out OK considering that. She could have ended up an alcoholic or obese or something.
Comparative data of childhood and adolescence molestation in heterosexual and homosexual persons.
>In research with 942 nonclinical adult participants, gay men and lesbian women reported a significantly higher rate of childhood molestation than did heterosexual men and women. Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation. Twenty-two percent of lesbian women in contrast to 1% of heterosexual women reported homosexual molestation.
Threadly reminder: (nearly) all faggots are pedos because that's how they reproduce.
(req some medfag or collegefag grab the whole article)
Yup look up youtube for gay club child molesters caught on camera. Some dude went undercover and got dozens of faggots to admit their mentor/pupil origin stories.
It makes no difference for the reality of those traitors/enemy mongrels.
I'm having trouble finding that video when searching it. could you provide a link?
nevermind, I didn't scroll down far enough
thought uploading an image would counteract the 'file has already been uploaded' for embeds
What the actual fuck.
I guess homosexuality is a (childhood) trauma induced disease, and many homosexuals "become" heterosexuals later in life…
Making a person gain a healthy life style changes their brain chemistry.
Are you illiterate?
The paper you linked discusses past literature on statistics relating correlates of homosexuality (as defined by behavior? attraction? or identity?) with molestation (undefined), incest (undefined) and alcoholism (serious enough to be in recovery program). The numbers of the past studies range from totally unreliable and useless (N=1000, a widen net lessening the effect of a selection bias on part of the researchers).
The authors note, properly, that
This means to say that in no way is there any known causal factor between molestation and homosexuality (nebulously undefined, as usual in academia), only an apparent correlation. Moreover, as there was no experimentation, these are mere surveys (data gathering) and the scientific method was not employed, thus this is not a scientific paper (why it's titled 'comparative data' and not 'study').
No clear causation between sexual molestation (however defined), sexuality (however defined) and pedophilia (however defined) is known to exist, although the apparent correlation should give rise to further, hopefully earnest, research. Furthermore, if a causal link between early sexual experiences with adults and sexuality were to be established, it would bolster the theory that sexuality is environmental and fluid. That is, exactly the opposite of what is currently the academic trend among sexual psychologists ('born that way'), and more akin to the beliefs of past sexuality researchers like Kinsey.
All of the research by "sexual psychologists" is just jewish nonsense that is used to destroy our society. They don't care if their 'born that way' vs 'gender fluid' ideologies are contradictory, they will use whichever suits their purpose for destroying our society and exterminating our race.
Poop in the Shoot, Gay Nationalism Now!
You can't pretend that everything put out by people you may not like or respect is untrue, simply by virtue of you not liking them. Sometimes conspiracy or competition of ethnic interests is a useful explanation for fraudulent academic theories, as with Franz Boas, Sigmund Freud, and Stephen Jay Gould. Not all science, however, is a Jewish conspiracy.
They aren't contradictory in the sense that liberals don't hold them both to be true at the same time, and they aren't ideologies. They are two competing theories, one of which is more scientifically grounded than the other. 'Born that way' was a political spearhead meant to justify marriage between two people of the same sex using reasoning that approaches the naturalistic fallacy. Sexual fluidity within limits, much as the thought is icky and uncomfy to rigid personalities with low Openness to Experience quotients, is the theory that best accords with a century of observation and research into this issue.
Nevertheless, it's always interesting to see that while whorishness is widely believed to be a common characteristic of those that aren't exclusively heterosexual in behavior/attraction, many of the people who believe that simultaneously oppose incentivizing long term mate-pairing for those individuals through the civic institution of marriage/legally recognized partnership. Lots of Christians rail from the pulpit about them godless homosexers, but rarely do I see them agitating for divorce law reform.
…is the ultimate goal of a handful of very powerful, very wealthy, very influential members of a certain tribe. The vast majority of people you would claim to be a part of this conspiracy are unwitting accomplices or dupes, and that goes for academics as well, loathesome as they are.
Hello, Jordan Peterson, you insufferable coward. It greatly amuses me that you still visit imageboards and lurk discussions about yourself. There was a time when you truly believed you could hijack the minds anons and steer them into your kosher intellectual playpen; it's spectacular how that's backfired, isn't it?
How did it feel when we thoroughly exposed you as a hypocrite who had worked for George Soros' protege at the United Nations, drafting Marxist whitepapers that outlined plans for creating equality of outcome on a global scale? How long did you think that you could continue to push forward your leftist anti-White agenda under the guise of "enlightened" centrism before you were exposed as a charlatan?
Nice strawman, and psychology isn't science.
Yes, they do.
Yes, they are. The belief that "gender is a spectrum" and that one can "change genders" is an ideological belief that has no basis in reality whatsoever.
>Sexual fluidity within limits, much as the thought is icky and uncomfy to rigid personalities with low Openness to Experience quotients, is the theory that best accords with a century of observation and research into this issue.
Thanks for revealing yourself with this one, Peterstein. You just can't help but try to cram everything into the Big Five Personality Traits box, can you? How many millions of dollars have you made selling your personality tests to the goyim? I imagine sales went through the roof after your appearance on Dr. OZ.
You're forgetting that "gay marriage" was pushed by Cultural Marxists to undermine the moral fabric of society as part of their revolutionary process. Also, your belief that homosexuals can be reformed by convincing society to pretend that homosexuality is normal is ridiculous. All you're doing is crafting alternative arguments for the Cultural Marxists to fall back on if their current dogma is invalidated, which is in fact the majority of what you have worked to accomplish in the past two years. Once the Cultural Marxists lose their footing with their current strategy, you've conveniently constructed a new ideological framework for them to inhabit that pushes forward towards the exact same goals. Too bad for you that people have noticed this, and are already systematically dismantling your faulty logic and arguments.
Yes, your tribe.
False, even many low level academics recognize that the end result will be the extermination of the White race, and they even openly celebrate that supposed eventuality.
You are a pathetic man, Juden Peterstein. You won't escape judgement, not in this life or in the next.
No they don't. It's a popular trend to believe that sexuality is mostly, if not almost entirely, genetic, in spite of all evidence to the contrary showing minor genetic and epigenetic but much environmental influence.
Left-liberalism or cultural marxism is the word you were looking for. That's the ideology. I don't know why you brought up gender, that's a different zeitgeist trend—not an 'ideology', but an idea, albeit a wrong one.
Yet again, invoking conspiracy where none exists. I certainly agree that marriage reforms were pushed with the (partial) intent to destroy the family norms that constitute the building block of our civilization. I myself am one man with a few opinions on this topic, which I have shared with you. Your talk of dismantling faulty logic and arguments is naught but projection, because you refuse to accept any research into this topic, esp ironic considering that you first linked a paper. In other words, any academic research, of whatever quality, that agrees with your a priori assumptions (drawing conclusions intuitively, hastily and not experimentally, patiently) is a-ok, but all other research is verboten and 'jewish'. This is a logical fallacy known as special pleading. I prefer to analyse the research by the quality of methodology and the predictive power of the tentatively suggested conclusions.
I find it curious that while you pretend to disregard all the science into sexual research, you use their vocabulary. Furthermore, you did not address my comment regarding long term mate-pairing for non normative individuals. The idea of a common law partnership between 'confirmed bachelors' was a feature of some western societies in the past, allowing their property to be treated similarly to married couples. For all your talk of 'moral fabric' you also didn't address my comment on divorce law, which is presumably not as injurious to society as two fruitless men or women living together in your mind. Potentially you could force monogamous relationships between men and women regardless of their sexual and romantic preferences, but I do not believe such an arrangement would last long given white men's tendency to maximize individual liberty within the limits of what is good for society.
As for the rest of what your wrote
Firstly, if you think Peterson is a Jew, you reveal yourself to be totally untethered from any burden of proof and normal standards of evidence. Also, if you think he posts here, you are paranoid and frivolous beyond repair.
I work in low level academia and this is not only simple not true, it is blatantly ignorant of the state of academia. Most academics are insufferably pious in their Puritan zeal—much like you, although you apply your fanaticism to different ideologies—and are focused on their work like everyone else in the world. Not all of them are critical theorists, and the ones that are have been steeped in its doctrine since day 1 of kindergarten. It dominates private schools, secular and Christian, as well as much homeschooling literature. This makes them midwits lacking critical thinking skills, not devious and malicious conspirators. Very few people are capable of seeing a hundrede years into the future, and do not understand that white genocide will be the ultimate result of our current immigration and forced racial integration policies. Those that do, surprise surprise, tend to be Jews like Tim Wise and Noel Ignatiev. They are generally ignored as fanatics among the average academic that is more concerned with the goings-on in their field than in 'critical race theory'.
Gender theory or whatever they term it would constitute a part of (b), yes, but it would not be the sociopolitical program itself, that being 'ideology'.
Yes, partial intent to destroy family norms. At the time many people were swayed by arguments that amounted to 'freedom from an incredibly unhappy relationship for the rest of your life' and suchlike. Decades later we understand why we should be very careful with selection of a mate and that we are tethered with them 'for better and for worse' because women will drop and leave any man they don't think deserves them, i.e. all men on the planet.
>read these whitepapers and get a degree like me in (((psychology))), only then will you become enlightened and see why homosexuals need to be allowed to marry one another
If you don't think psychology, the study of the mind, is a legitimate pursuit than I don't know how you think you can call yourself a lover of wisdom and demonstrates incredible obtuseness on your part.
No it is not, that is another strawman. Nowhere did I suggest the undermining of traditional society in the attempt to reform the behavior of sexual deviants. You know what is undermining of traditional society? No fault divorce and family courts, on which Christians are curiously silent, preferring to talk about cake bakeries and electroshock therapy. These churches are notoriously selective in their reading and application of their scripture.
This itself is a strawman and I did no such thing. I am not asking anyone to redefine marriage. I think the traditional one-man-one-woman concept of marriage was perfectly fine for thousands of years and contributed to the success of our civilization.
Ah I see the issue. I am arguing with a Christian, that explains why I'm being dragged down to the Christian tier of argumentation.
I think we're done here. If you want to consider a viewpoint other than your own, I highly recommend reading the literature I attached above.
This shit is so goddamn stupid. I don't engage in casual sex because I value myself enough to not pass my body around like some sort of toy to be used and discarded. I formed an emotional connection with my wife and consummated that relationship through sex. The usage of others for only sexual relief lies inherently in the treatment of others as objects. Reducing yourself to a fleshy tube/hole to be used and then discarded is an inherently immoral and dehumanizing action, regardless of whether those involved consented in throwing away their humanity or not.
This is true. When you have casual sex with someone, they don't care about you at all. They are just using you, and you them. If you're enlightened enough to see this, casual sex loses all appeal.
Your judaism is showing.
Except for the part where you want society to accept homosexuality and other sexual deviancy by helping them "integrate" with common law marriage.
Welcome to Weimerica.