Israel and the US backed opposing sides in the Nigerian Civil War and Lebanese Civil War
Israel and the US backed opposing sides in the Nigerian Civil War and Lebanese Civil War
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>OP doesn't point out all the (((dual citizens))) in both Houses of Congress, or how many jews are in so many different government jobs like the judicial branch which is crawling with them, or how much media is owned by them which is extremely influential on changing what people think, etc there's jews all over this shit and going on about it is too long for a post like this
OP is a faggot purposely obfuscating the amount of power jews have in the US.
… and /thread
Reminder that codemonkey personally allows these threads here.
Jews play both sides you stupid fuck, sage for rage.
Who owns literally all of those companies? Do some research Zoomer know-it-all retard.
White people only complain that Jews use that power to try and destroy whites.
If they were benign, nobody would care, and we would probably congratulate them.
And what's wrong with that? What's wrong with these threads? Blowing the fuck out of jewish arguments is Zig Forums's official sport.
First post did it right off the bat, anything else we had is simply for the lurkers to learn something new. If you ask my opinion, this sort of thread are very much welcome: it's the kind of thread where a Jew thinks himself to be a genious but shoots himself in the foot with a couple posts.
OP is clearly a fag, but there's a decent point lurking here. Don't overrate the kikes; they're not all-powerful. When US and Israeli interests diverge – and when it's really important – America is more than capable of jerking the Jews' leash.
I remember in the '80s or '90s, when Israel signed some kind of deal to sell billions of dollars' worth of missile components to China, the US State Department just fucking announced the deal was off, possibly without consulting either party. It was a deliberate international humiliation, and it was meant to remind Israel where it really stands.
It's not overly common for the two countries' interests to diverge like that, but it's not unheard of either. And when it does happen, the US gets its way. Remember – overestimating your foe can be as expensive as underestimating him.
What a dipshit op. You think Israel are all Jews? Only the retarded religious ones and those caught with their fingers down little girls pants end up in Israel. The rest remain abroad. It isn't Israel alone who are the problem.
No shit Captain Obvious, if jews weren't the filthy subversive kike they all are, we certainly as fuck wouldn't have a problem with them.
Why cite Rodriguez, p. 385 for this meme? Neither one of the statistics are there. The main thrust of Rodriguez's argument is that jews were meerly behaving like white Southern Christians.
Israel owns USA like Weinstein owns Rose McGowan.
AIPAC is not one of the biggest because they only need to give Congress scraps to get anything they want. Because Jews have other more effective forms of leverage.
Interesting reply.
It's literally right there in the 10th line of column 2.
Christians hand power to jews because they are retarded. Christianity has become a death cult, obsessing over the return of christ.
Put a bullet in your head.
NOT. ON. OUR. HOME. SOIL. Explain why everyone on the fucking planet gets to have their own board except us. Explain why we can't have ONE WEBSITE, ANYWHERE, where WE can post, while we're banned from everywhere else. Explain this, you subhuman piece of shit kike. Explain why whites can't have their own nations where everyone else is banned. Explain why Zig Forums can't have its own board where everyone else is banned.
They're supposed to fucking lurk. We have >>>/polarchive/ for them.
I'm getting real tired of seeing this constant barage of shilling on the board.
Can't you /int/niggers content yourselves with shitposting on 4chan?
Why were the mods identities concealed on the board log?
Why was the userbase not informed of the change in administrators?
Why did we see a sudden swell in this kind of nonsense shitpost after the midterms?
Its all so tiresome.
According to OpenSecrets, pro-Israel groups were (combined) in the top 10, going by The Hill's listings.
Nope. In fact, the more you look into it, the more sense it makes that the JEWS - not "Israel", the fake country populated by the Jews - are in control of the US.
And the Jews love Israel - its their backup for when the US eventually goes belly-up or drives them out.
Gotta maintain appearances goy.
To help you do some math on this, consider that, according to OpenSecrets…
Wow, 158 million eh? Seems like a lot…
…. Buuuuut then you consider that the JEWS contributed over $1 billion, very-likely more than 10x the amount contributed by those 5 countries.
Starting to see how this works now OP, you kosher nigger?
It just says 20,000 Southern jews of which 5,000 had one or more slaves. So that's 25% of these jews not 40%. Then it says these 5,000 jews represented about 1.25% of all slaveowners. So that means about 400,000 Southern slave owners overall, of which 98.75% were not jews. How can the numbers 20,000 5,000 and 1.25 be used in any equation to come up with either statement? I'm not saying the statements are wrong, just that Rodriguez p. 385 doesn't reach the same conclusions. Sage as this is straying off topic. So if OP is going to be one and done without trying to defend stupidity, then I agree with you that the thread didn't need to exist to begin with.
You can't. The purpose of that graphic is to make the ones using it look stupid. Its a false statistic.
Don't save a thing unless you've verified it.
You're wrong or a kike. Jews control the entire global economy through their operation of central banks, the imf/world bank and private banks. The US was created as a judeo-masonic project. There is no such thing as American interest that dont serve their creators and masters
Fuck off
why do a lot of thes shills sniff alot, even Trump does it, are they all on coke ?
Most are on some form of stimulant, yes; but no, its because most of them are constantly ill as the result of bad diet, bad lifestyle, and widespread exposure to pathogens.
Waiting for the shizo's to explain how jews control the wor- too late
Sometimes I think Zig Forums exists solely to discredit white nationalism with /x/ tier shizo jew conspiracy shit
The beaners have more control than the Jews.
Out of nowhere comes the shill to add some much needed religion D&C and shitposting into a thread that had nothing to do with it