Chinks Produce Fake Gold

A team of Chinese researchers have turned cheap copper into a new material “almost identical” to gold

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Other urls found in this thread:

Everything about Chinks appears to be fake.

It's all so tiresome.

But isn't copper kind of expensive right now?

Literally fake gold.

But this is actually good news. It says right there that it's unsuitable for use in faking real gold bars.

Assuming the science wasn't faked, which it probably was, and there still is the issue of corrosion resistance. Gold contacts for contact surfaces are optimal.

now Chinese electronics will be even more crap as they cut corners using fake gold, yeah!

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Nice cropping OP
This article was on ZH and they distinctly said at the end of the article that in NO way could this pass as fake gold, because the advanced form of copper carries a different density to gold.
So take this slide thread and fuck yourself sideways.
What this advanced copper form does do is allows it to be used in electronics and technology for a fraction of the cost of using gold for the same application.
This whole thread proves how little anons read of articles. Just the title and run with it.

It's the second sentence.

From a material property perspective. If the properties could be matched or closely simulated with a different, less expensive material that would be optimal.

Using gold interconnects is bad m'kay
Like we haven't ever invented copper or aluminum or silver interconnects …
Amount of gold in anything but rings and jewelry is practically neglegible

Over 1 billion without the integrity to amass 3% and over throw the commies who crush their spirit because they know they are worth having freedom.

The main problem is density. Lead doesn't alloy well with gold and the heavier options have the obvious problem.

Did the chinks out jew the kikes? Even Jews would be disgusted my idea of fake gold.

500 years later, alchemy got meme'ed into reality.

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according to a Pentagon study about Doomsday, the world runs out of copper in the year 2047. think of Peak Oil, but applied to minerals and rare earth minerals. so if the yellow kikes succeed in transmuting fake copper into fake gold, then even more copper will be used, and Earth will run out of profitable copper to mine well before 2047. therefore, i don't care what the slants do and i encourage them to scheme like kikes for shekels.

Nobody cares.

Or they could just turn mercury into gold with a nuke plant.
They always cheat.


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Only if you're not doing a proper fucking ore assay and stripping any fucking dirt you come across. Oh fuck the stupid burns.

Americans just jealous the rise of asia
Moan whatever you want . you will lose definite

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That's actually pretty impressive. We spent centuries with our ancient magics, alchemy, then chemistry and molecular and nuclear physics to turn lesser metals into gold and the chinks actually managed to create the philosopher's stone.

the philosopher's stone isn't fool's gold you moron

maybe fool's gold is that anons philosoper stone user dont be so judgemental

maybe my piliosoper's stone is ten feet up your ass

It would be awesome if a meteor crashed into earth made of solid gold, providing enough raw metal to put all world currencies back on the gold standard. Currency manipulating Chinks and Jews would commit suicide rather than live in a world of stable valuable money backed by real metal

Even more awesome if this meteor was the size of Texas and crashed right on China, nuking the entire mainland and sending every non-prepared loser spiraling elsewhere in the world into nuclear winter doom


Copper to gold magically jump 3 rows on the periodic table. The ancients were way ahead of this game dump 3 protons from lead and bingo you are left with gold.

Well user I am pretty much convinced we have all the gold we can ever use except since it is so dense that it settles right at the middle of the giant magma soup in the middle of the earth. Iron being lighter surrounds it and gives us our field and since it is not beyond ordinary chemical means only 10Kº it is still liquid gold pooled in the very middle with some other cool elements as well.

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Cretinous popular science article frames chemical research in sensational terms to hook in morons.
Article actually contains an experiment with interesting results.
Morons kvetch incontinently with less intelligence than old scullions either not reading or not understanding the article.

The state of this board.

they are bug people and they ARE commies, their spirit isn't crushed, their spirit IS communism

fuckin ants

Kek what a meme.

Interesting. OP is a faggot though. We've had so few science threads lately, and no space elevator threads anymore.

Could be extremely useful for electronics if this pseudo-gold can be utilized, and break the stranglehold jews have over gold reserves. They'd be the ones currently most threatened by this discovery, although premature to assume its potential utilization.

Most of the people posting in this thread are faggots as well, as

made note of.

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Friendly reminder.

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It would reset the earth. Everything would likely be annihilated considering the density of gold and the amount you're considering to balance the scales.

Can we meme them into eating fake dogs instead of real ones?

Fake chinky science? Imagine my shawk lol

All they can do is copy, the jews and good goyim said. Don't worry. Focus on laws giving monkeys more wealth and power. Bet on monkeys.

It's almost a guarantee that some chinks try to pass off rat meat soup as dog meat soup.

Kek. Then resell it as beef.

How many of us are actually left when more than half of the posts in nearly every thread are of this quality.

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I hope I live long enough to see what they turn niggers into.

under rated post

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If that lollipop is made with artificial sweeteners, then it's natural. Other species don't perceive those substances the same way as real sugar.

Hard working fathers.


Interesting… Although scaling discovery's like this usually were the rug falls out from under them.


Aw, someone fee fees are hurt. Good.

lol die

I can and will post this until the heat death of the universe and never tire of it.

Numbers of jews gassed by national socialists since the alleged holocaust: 0. Zero.

Numbers of penises mutilated by jews since national socialist Germany: millions
Numbers of animals slaughtered with inhumane kosher slaughter practices since NatSoc Germany: probably billions.
Boycotts against domestic gentile trade with the kosher label and prerequisite for jewish patronage: countless.
Instances of masquerading as whites of European descent by ashkenazim for the purpose of race baiting and other sabotage: countless.
Resources drained from gentile nations and people, including the alleged saviors of the jews, the Americans: many, many billions worth.
Numbers of chickens waved around in the ritual of kapparot that transfers sins from the jew onto the chicken: probably billions.
Numbers of oaths and promises voided which whites take seriously and at face value via the ritual of kol nidre: countless since it happens every year at yom kippur.
Amount of antiwhite propaganda produced and aimed at even their alleged saviors: countless.
Amount of atrocities committed against gentiles: countless.
Amount of usurious FIAT currency created, peddled and cultivated by jews: a figure that doesn't fit inside this comment due to the sheer number of zeroes.
Amount of meddling in foreign affairs despite usually being only 1-5% of the population: nigh infinite
Amount of marxism, bolshevism, globalism etc: infinite
Amount of kvetching in general: infinite.

And many, many, many other things that happened after the alleged holocaust, including the lie itself and all the atrocities against whites derived from that.

Now to the important tally:
Number of worries about jews voiced by gentiles based on actual things happening like genital mutilation et cetera legitimized by jews and golems: 0
Number of worries about nazis actively hunting, killing, persecuting, gassing jews despite none of that happenin legitimized by jews and golems: as many as there are claims made.

tl; dr:
jewish fear of persecution, which they deserve due to their heinous acts and despicable nature but is, sadly, not happening is routinely legitimized.
Gentile fear of the degrading, parasitical, atrocious effect of the jewish race in the light of their many, many actions which they commit daily is stamped away as irrational.

Chutzpah is a mental illness, though, and whitey has long grown tired of this stupid game. Next time the table gets flipped, you'll wish for the lies about the holocaust because they will be considered heavenly in comparison to the fate this abomination of a race will face due to its own, never knowing when to leave well enough alone, actions.

It's so bad, and the replies are such cliches about da jooz, and rat eating chinks etc etc etc, all of which has nothing to do with it, I'm almost inclined to believe the board owners are running bots here to keep the board from running dry.

Ah fuck it…

Numbers of jews gassed by national socialists since the alleged holocaust: 0. Zero.

Numbers of penises mutilated by jews since national socialist Germany: millions
Numbers of animals slaughtered with inhumane kosher slaughter practices since NatSoc Germany: probably billions.
Boycotts against domestic gentile trade with the kosher label and prerequisite for jewish patronage: countless.
Instances of masquerading as whites of European descent by ashkenazim for the purpose of race baiting and other sabotage: countless.
Resources drained from gentile nations and people, including the alleged saviors of the jews, the Americans: many, many billions worth.
Numbers of chickens waved around in the ritual of kapparot that transfers sins from the jew onto the chicken: probably billions.
Numbers of oaths and promises voided which whites take seriously and at face value via the ritual of kol nidre: countless since it happens every year at yom kippur.
Amount of antiwhite propaganda produced and aimed at even their alleged saviors: countless.
Amount of atrocities committed against gentiles: countless.
Amount of usurious FIAT currency created, peddled and cultivated by jews: a figure that doesn't fit inside this comment due to the sheer number of zeroes.
Amount of meddling in foreign affairs despite usually being only 1-5% of the population: nigh infinite
Amount of marxism, bolshevism, globalism etc: infinite
Amount of kvetching in general: infinite.

And many, many, many other things that happened after the alleged holocaust, including the lie itself and all the atrocities against whites derived from that.

Now to the important tally:
Number of worries about jews voiced by gentiles based on actual things happening like genital mutilation et cetera legitimized by jews and golems: 0
Number of worries about nazis actively hunting, killing, persecuting, gassing jews despite none of that happenin legitimized by jews and golems: as many as there are claims made.

tl; dr:
jewish fear of persecution, which they deserve due to their heinous acts and despicable nature but is, sadly, not happening is routinely legitimized.
Gentile fear of the degrading, parasitical, atrocious effect of the jewish race in the light of their many, many actions which they commit daily is stamped away as irrational.

Chutzpah is a mental illness, though, and whitey has long grown tired of this stupid game. Next time the table gets flipped, you'll wish for the lies about the holocaust because they will be considered heavenly in comparison to the fate this abomination of a race will face due to its own, never knowing when to leave well enough alone, actions.

UK already did it.

Grey commander here, we'll look into it as a social experiment.

I've experimented and found to my satisfaction bots are being used, along with glownigger created & bumped threads.
t. Blade runner

would bot a Use confuse language that but human could a understand ;^)

Running bots that go "anti jew" is retarded because the biggest strength of "the ones that oppose dah jooz with dem clichees" is truth.

I also relish the satisfaction of der buttered rear ends of dem juju bumbum in cnofusszled lang age der a human still cöuld ündersteht.

Who said I was running a bot? Certainly not me, because that would be, as you say, "retarded".

Based and almost a quadget

The Chinks are called the Jews of the East for a reason.

This just makes copper perform a catalytic function previously only doable by precious metals.
I would never buy Chinese gold though.

How did China go from the proud empire that spearheaded basically all of Eastern technology and culture to the monstrosity it is today? Were they mutated by all the pollution? Or was ancient China never anything more than a few good exceptions to the rule taking command over a nation of inhuman chinsects?

"Chinks! Chinks! Chinks!"

Why are we getting shilled against China?

It never was a "proud empire". China always was a bloated bureaucracy which split into warring factions and/or fell to an external invader whenever it wasn't ruled by an iron fist.
That's a funny way to say "accidentally discovered and never put to good use". Chinks put gunpowder into fireworks. The White man put it into automatic weapons. Chinks had a merchant fleet that could, theoretically, circumnavigate the world. What did they do to it? They sunk it, because "arr who want trade with China wirr come by themserves".
Exactly. Read "Ways that are Dark" by Ralph Townsend for insight into their psychology and way of thinking.

Chinsects! -D

Why aren't you out gambling, smoking (fake) tobacco and getting smashed on alcohol distilled from human shit, Ching Wang? Is something burning your asshole? Apply tiger penis to it, I heard it helped Chairman Mao himself.

How stupid is the average person here? You stupid niggers have a knee-jerk reaction to everything you read on the internet.

Inb4 miles mathis is referenced.

Inb4 99% of you have a fucking clue what this means.

Inb4 muh electron orbits.

About that.
Quickly, Hebrew is voweless. Cohen. The line of kike priests from aaron moses brother.
Today we have.

See it now. Ask Emma about the oriental jew

It's funny how hard you faggots try to blend in.

Its not all Trumpniggers and NSA bots.
{{{They}}} are creeping over from cuckchan.

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Yawn~~ heard that already, come up with something new pls

i totally think china is a great civilization now, right up there with the aztecs.

Nice reading comprehensions, original penis. It's not counterfeit gold, it's a cheap gold alternative for electronics and chemistry.

Hope you invested in gold, goyim

Chinese philosopherStone KeK

The Time line we live in is so comfy


They've pretty much abandoned communism for state capitalism. Fucking hell, some of the high ranking members of the CCP are billionaires.

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