Here’s The After-Action Report From the Alabama Senate Disinformation Campaign
So, Doug Jones will be stepping down from his stolen Senate seat now? No? Oh, okay then. Back to stockpiling the ammo.
Looks like someone was doing their job very well. It will all be waved away as legal electioneering or, more likely, completely ignored by the lugenpresse. How do you get 51% a state or of America to vote for a 3rd way? Fuuuu
Gotta love (((Democracy)))
le bump
The spin on (((CNN))) is "this rogue group used muh russians techniques" on the election.
Roy Moore should call for their arrest.
Thank G-d for democracy.
bump her
He should. He has enough support on the ground here.
You don't and it wouldn't matter anyway. Voting is part of the circus in panem et circensis.
I don't need a report to know that they came up with lies regarding the Alabama Senate Race.
I know a little bit about Alabama, what happened was they pushed the Pedo thing which cased all the super religious people to stay home.
The Democratic vote share did not increase, just the Baptists stayed home is all. Most of Alabama is the Church every Sunday types who watch Fox News and think its all true.
Could a class action suit work?
Kavanaugh,Herman Cain,Clarence,moore,Trump, and other haven accused of rape for political reasons.
Kill yourself blackpill shill.
Even if it were true, it wouldn't be pedo at all.
Bump, I don’t understand why this is getting slid so fucking hard here , the False Flag Story was in the New York Times , the company New Knowledge provided the Senate Intel Report with it’s ‘Russia, Russia.Russia’ bullshit and it’s CEO used to work for the Clinton State Department
Well adviser (Hello World) , I assume he gets paid and I’d throw 10grand on it that it was the Clinton State Department
Nobody stayed home, it was straight-up voter fraud. Pic related.
I know. There was massive voter fraud this last election too. :^)
why are they all concentrated on highway 80?
Bump and petition the universe to take
Link friend?
It's ELECTION fraud.
The New York Times Articles on New Knowledge Roy Moore False Flag Experiment and The Senate Intel Committee Report Article a few days before that. The other I found on a Google search of New Knowledge CEO Jonathon Morgan
We will continue to slide these threads with shit ‘da jews’ , ‘direct action’ faggotry because it proves we are actively shilling on this board .
Don’t Vote Goy it helps the ZOG POTUS
Have a bump then.
This hasn't gotten a lot of media attention.
outdated farm equipment remains where it was abandoned.
That's also the spin in the NYT article first discussing it. They're using outrage provoked by this finding to try to legitimize their bullshit "Russian interference" narrative among pro-Trump die-hards in the run-up to Mueller dumping his report on that chapter of his witch-hunt. That's the only reason why this is coming to light at all.