Explosion at Con Ed plant in Queens
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Looks like a transformer at the Con Ed plant blew. Fire seems to be out now. Is everyone ok?
what a tragic accident………………………
Let this be the big one
The time has come to actually do something for once in our fucking lives. And the best part is that they can’t even stop us. The time has come to shut down power and communications, across the Western world. All it would take to completely shut down the communications in an entire city is a normal flathead screwdriver, a pair of wire cutters, and a small flathead screwdriver. Maybe a pair of bolt cutters to get rid of padlocks.
Fiber optic is the easiest to sabotage. Just bend it until you hear a crack and congratulations, you just fucked up a mile and a half of fiber. It will take them at least a day to figure out what the problem is and where it is, and if you snap the fiber in the middle of a run they can’t just undo an expansion loop and cut off the damaged section. They have to order the right fiber (different sizes are used), cut it to the right length, and hire a subcontractor to do an emergency job to install the new fiber, which is typically an all day job. Once they’re done, a splicer comes in to splice the new fiber into the network. At the very least, if you damage a fiber line, you’re looking at two or three days where that line and everyone “downstream” of it has no service, plus tens of thousands of dollars in expense replacing it. Breaking the fiber near the “can” that it goes into is easy to fix. They just undo an expansion loop, stretch out the fiber, cut off the damaged section, and splice it. One day of work, max. Always break fiber in the middle of a run.
Telephone and cable TV/Internet? Just open up the tap, use the small screwdriver to back out the contact screws, and close the tap up. With the screws backed out, the cable isn’t making contact and loses signal. They will spend all fucking day trying to figure out what the problem is (note that they will know exactly where it is) until someone thinks to tighten the screws or just replaces the entire tap. This is nothing serious, but it’s something that could be easily and quickly done over and over again to knock out service to a large area.
Power supply cabinets? Use the big screwdriver to open the bicycle lock mechanism, then just unscrew the batteries and unplug them. If you really wanted to do some damage, cut off the padlock, open up the fuse panel, turn the fuse upside down, close it, and put a new padlock on it. Alternatively, just set off some homemade thermite on top of the cabinet, slightly off center (away from the end with the fuse panel) and it will damage the repeater, batteries, and cabinet to the extent that they’ll have to replace the whole thing, which is an all day job.
And no, most places like major airports, hospitals, military bases, etc. do not have redundant communications lines. They get cable TV/phone/Internet from a single provider, and that provider runs a single set of lines into whatever place they’re serving. One man with basic tools could be driving all over a major city and completely destroy its communications if he knew where to cut off the nodes. Just back out some screws, snip some connectors, and you just cut off all communications except cell phones and radios.
Cell phones are shut down by cutting the fiber line that goes into the cell tower. Or you can take out the tower by shooting the transceivers with a high-powered rifle. Radio is easy to knock out, too. Build a spark gap generator, plug it into a power supply somewhere, and walk away. It’s broadband and it will keep transmitting on every frequency, jamming the signal within its radius. Set up a bunch of these all over town and nobody is communicating via radio: not police, military, fire department, nor EMS. It’ll jam cell phones, too. Yes, they’ll triangulate their positions (especially if the military gets involved, which is why you need multiple jammers) and get rid of them, but that takes time, especially the first time it happens when nobody has any idea what is going on or whose responsibility it is to fix it.
Half a dozen guys can, in a single day, completely disrupt communications in a major city and cause millions of dollars of damage and lost revenue with basic tools and spend noting more than the gas they use to drive around. A couple hundred bucks at most if they build a couple dozen spark gap jammers to plant. People have absolutely no idea how vulnerable our communications infrastructure is.
And the best part is that all you have to do… is go do it. We’re not going to talk about a date. You don’t have to post here saying you’ll do it. You don’t have to tell us what city you’re in. You don’t have to expose yourself in any way. Just go do it, when you have the means to do it, wherever you are.
It is IMPOSSIBLE for them to monitor every power/communications junction across even just the United States, much less Europe. They don’t have the manpower, the automated infrastructure, or the funding to do so. They CAN’T stop us, and it doesn’t even have to be a time-coordinated action. THEREFORE IT’S TIME TO DO IT.
This was probably just a workplace accident.
As if there weren't multiple CCR cameras in every block or every major US city..
It's weird how the CIA uses such outdated agit prop.
more guys = more probabilities for error, snitching or getting caught, etc
There is nothing more dangerous than a lone wolf. Please at least teach something useful dear PIG
He isn't trying to help. He's trying to hinder.
But at least they should try to be a little less obvious.. i mean.. we are dealing with JIDF retard quality material here, LOL
must of ignited the swamp gas ionosphere bouncing off Venus
That's some real S.T.A.L.K.E.R shit right there
oh no not jew york
Will be interesting to watch what happened in a new installment of USCSB videos. Plant is probably owned by International jews and the workers are probably all hometown goys, getting roasted just like cattle.
If I'm not mistaken, a transformer explosion is dreadfully toxic and deadly, what with its poisonous byproducts and such. I may be wrong, but it is something I heard.
I used to live right across the street from that place. The street running parallel to ConEd is 20th Avenue in Astoria if you want to look it up. That fence runs down all the way to Astoria Park. Lived there a long time, never saw anything like that happen.
Shitty luck. Glad I moved.
those who make peaceful revolution make violent revolution inevitable
He's pointing out that you're a CIA agent glow nigger who is full of crap.
whatever nigger, I didn't even make the glow post
yes, let's all stare at those UV rays!
If it wasn't a door to R'lyeh opening, it was probably nigger workers or fat jews.
… or did you?
bamp this is weird shit
An explosion at an industrial facility is "weird shit"?
Putin personally did this!
Screencap my post.
That looks like the result of an drone crash EMP. Very similar to the test from Starfish by the US several years back. Hell it is even pulsing.
This is very interesting. The CIA posted here:
Why is the CIA downshilling?
You're leaking from your containment board.
Q predicted this
It will probably improve the NYC air quality.
Same thing happened last night in Kenner, LA.
Thanks lad.
Israeli false flag
Fuck! For DACA's sake, what is happening?
Thank you my brother is DACA!
D implies A. It's redundant. How perfectly spic.
If you believe that a transformer explosion is anything other than a "bang" followed by all the lights going out, you are completely ignorant of almost everything elecytrical.
Literally, every Fake News outlet is bending over backwards to make sure we all think it was a transformer explosion.
News flash (yes, that's a pun) Have you ever seen a grenade slowly explode over ten minutes?
Have you?
No. Whatever was going on, it was not a transformer explosion. It was not the aftermath of a transformer explosion.
Was it some custom pyrotechnics to cover a cutoff of the communications? I have seen them do this to an entire city. (I was there.)
No one could use any phones, landline or cellular, to call OUT, but people were calling IN. The explanation? Oh, an optical fiber was cut. Really. Isn't that like saying "Well, the water main broke, but your water pressure will work just fine, like completely normal, as long as someone calls you from outside the city and says "Water main fixed, abracadabra."
The abysmal depth of the ignorance of normies, such as yourselves, absolutely makes me marvel.
"Yeah, I was fine until that grenade took ten minutes to explode. Watching the pressure wave and shrapnel go by me at 1/200th of a mile per hour wast just cray-cray, yo!"
The blue light was evidently set up to look like electrical discharge. Transformer explosions are standard yellow bright flashes. Instantaneous.
Notice how literally no one had any closeup video of it, though hundreds of such videos are all over the internet of ACTUAL power line outages, replete with sparks and blue electrical discharges dancing around?
Oh, spooky cohencidence. It's only visible from fifteen miles away.
Geez. Wake up, people,
I don't know what it is.
What I know is what it was NOT.
Nah. Modern transformer oils are no longer parachloridated biphenyls. They use the new stuff in face creams and other applications requiring direct skin contact.
Thus, transformer explosions are no longer so toxic. (Unless it's with an absolutely ANCIENT transformer, then it may have PCB's in it, which oils are not toxic directly, but only if burnt at a too-low temperature.)
Now, a transformer short circuit/air gap spark jump is something else.
But, they do not occur after a transformer explodes. They may precede it, but examine this examples in this video.
BTW, do not stare at an arc. There is FAR more ultraviolet than there is visible light. Your pupils will not contract nearly enough to protect your eyes. (as in, completely shut.) View your phone screen as it views the arc, but never look at an arc. Welders get sunburns off their tiny little arc.
Treat it like it's a laser beam there to fry the back of your eyeballs white. No peeking, except by looking at your phone screen as it records or whatever. You can look at the vicinity, FOR A VERY LIMITED TIME, which will still be bouncing the UV off of it, to a lesser extent, but don't look at the arc.
Was Skippy Pedesta testing his Project Bluebeam shit?
Decentralization of news has just begun.
I thought he was locked up.
Isn't it Pedosta?
What is the story to this screencap? Someone was livestreaming periscope conveniently at this innocuous area prior to explosion?
Allow me to help you with context:
Nice try shillboi.
if dubs, it happens across the usa tonight
What are masks?
It also = more results.
2 men can accomplish far more than one.
Now if only i knew the significance of this from a technical viewpoint. Origin is China and timing coincides with explosion in Queenz?
Yes and they have done it twice before.
My apologies I meant to explain it. BGP is a protocol that tells routers how they should route packets to each other. China impersonated the doe routers to intercept traffic usually for comms and credentials. This will provide them much greater access if they then move laterally.
Thanks for the info. Read up a bit on the bgp about us page,figured it was an intentional disruption type targeting.
Any other info greatly appreciated
All the ones I know of from last night that aren't NYC:
I see a mad shill hehehe.
t. assmad votecuck
You do not belong here. The system must be destroyed.
1999 called it wants it's hacks back China
wew lad nice digits and ID
shits definitely spooky
I've seen this series of events with the DOE getting hit followed by what seems like field ops teams doing dirt before. I suspect they gather intelligence from DOE networks and then use it to guide field operations. If I had to guess Trump knows and willl let the enemy pull us in thus manufacturing consent for war with China.
No doubt user no doubt and checked.
Ok, so what? What if there was some telecom attack in the cradle of Kikeville, USA? I want the cities to burn and panic like any patriot, so how is this bad? Lets get this show on the road.
I'm not sure if you have ever been outside a basement in Tel Aviv, but the light you SEE is blue. It it is a broad spectrum of very high energy EMR, thus it is blue, violet, into the red end, also, but a lot of it is also UV, and thus is a very real danger to the retinas of people who have seen the light of day, not just the monitors of their shill computers.
>(((Lightning))) then causing a convenient domino-effect ((((down shuttening.))) even though the power grid is a GRID, not a single-line diagram where pissing on a doorbell transformer in your closet in hoboken dominoes all the way to Russia, killing every generating station along the way.
Good find. Demonstrates the level of disinformation. Good thing the news is not entirely in (((their))) hands anymore. I wonder how many trillions in insurance were collected for merchandise that (((went missing?)))
I love all these retards stairing at the arch. I'll bet their eyes feel great today.
wew laddie, thats some high level paranoia, this is exactly what habbens when transformers go, sometimes they go with a bang other times they overload and cause these types of electrical pulses and pops
That's a sweet plan, agent. Which agency are you with again?
Have you ever tried welding without the protection mask?
Stopped reading. Go LARP somewhere else, nigger. Or do what you're saying instead of typing it on Zig Forums. There's no reason to type this here unless you're a shill or a LARPing nigger. Fuck off.
Makes sense.
Found the shill.
read the third post, replete with link to youtube.
Something that crackles away for ten minutes is not an "explosion" any more than toasting a piece of bread is an "explosion" of heat.
This wasn't the only power outage.
America's infrastructure is crumbling…
pleyadeans are here and the yids are running to their bunkers, too late tho bb kikes eternally
Globalist sabotage for the takeover.
Oldfag here
I was actually in the stadium that night
Checked in hopes of a real Happening.
Burn It All and the Phoenix Shall Rise
The Witch-Kike of Jew York attacks.
i think you mean US dept of state technology
Hm, I'm getting some (((Ordo Ab Chao))) vibes here. GTFO please.