Tranny Christina Ginther learned about the team at a Pride Festival and thought they were LGBT-friendly.
Tranny Christina Ginther learned about the team at a Pride Festival and thought they were LGBT-friendly.
Fucking do it
Seems clearly unconstitutional that the gvt has a say in private business matters.
Hello, welcome to the civil rights act
That's public institutions. I can still have a blacks-only club or whatever busioness so long as it isn't a public utility like a walk-in grocery or social-media company or something, which should still have this right protected.
I would like to see black twitter be a thing.
oh man that's so hilarious ahahahahahaah
I love this timeline.
One day we will see somebody argue 1) that they should be able to discriminate against sex or race because these things are changeable and/or 2) that economic status is also not something people can control and they should get things for less money or for no money because of it.
He's not wrong.
He undoubtedly still wants to fuck women, how is 'gender presentation' synonymous with 'sexual orientation'. A decent lawyer should be all over that.
I support this, let's replace all female players with trannies. Women are the main force behing this transgender crap let them have what they asked for.
top kek
before long women will willing leave the male dominated sports arena and reenter knitting clubs and other domestic hobbies. no liberal stays liberal when they have to actually live up to their delusional standards of justice.
Fuck it boys let's all just lop our knobs off and join female sports leagues.
Ya know what? FUCK YEAH! Let them cannibalize each other.
At least the freak admits it
That's a pretty impressive degree of self refection for one of these defective freaks.
Fuck niggerball.
why is the kid with an IQ of 179 not have a scholarship or get an internship
why is that kid too dumb to go to junior college and get a decent wage job then finish bachelors somewhere else even though they have a high IQ
this fucking image sucks.
black idiot gets a scholarship because people rather watch him pick his nose after he catches a ball instead of watching the smart kid pick his nose after solving a math problem
welcome to fucking being a retard on the internet
oh , and that tranny is hawt
Once more, I am summoned from the aethernet, as any post about transgender issues forcefully summons me.
So here's my take on it: What the fuck.
The point of these sports is to have fun playing against peers. Now, if these lunatics wanted to seriously dismantle gender-roles, or even the very concept that "sex" has meaning, then of course, all sportsball teams should disregard sex and accept only the best. Which funnily enough, will end up being only men. Not women.
So of course, we cannot do that. We must make our hierarchies based on sex for these sorts of amusing games, and that means that biological males cannot join a team of biological females. The short-hand word, "woman" is only used to make it sound sane and friendly.
But the truth is that males are not wanted in a female team. Nothing could be more obvious. This transgender fool here is a disgrace, and if there was any sort of gate to prevent these absurdities from calling themselves, "transgender," I would be the one to block the entrance.
I really need to clarify that to me, transgender only means "shamanic caste," and has very little to do with popular trends or degeneracy. It is simply a reality that I cannot be warrior/worker class. I must be the priest class, and because all religions are false, and there is no god, it is simply tough to advocate for myself, seeing as there is truly no role for me to fit into, as philosophy is nigh-dead, and science is infiltrated entirely, and completely worthless.
So here I sit, chanting into the night as I'm forced to witness the slow collapse of society and all that is logical. What a pain.
There is a way for you to end the pain.
He's almost at a realization. I wonder what prevents them from making that final leap to realize they are defective freaks.
$20,000 tax free helps.
Reminder that if you're right-wing/conservative you're a hypocrite for being against trannies. Trannies believe in the same gender roles that traditionalists do, that's why they believe if a boy likes the color pink he must be a girl and why fags are forcibly converted to transsexuals in Iran. The only real arguments against trannies come from radical feminists.
Reminds me of a story about fire stations.
Woman wants to be fireman pushes the shit and is finally allowed to be fireman. Goes to join the firehouse another big hoopla over living and sleeping quarters and such. Wise old fire chief speaks up and says "Why dont we just have womyns only fire houses?"
Everyone else at the meeting freaks and realizes what a disaster that would be to public safety.
Firegirl gets to be house mascot kinda like a 2 legged version of a dalamation.
How much gold do you pick out of your hooked nose Mordecai?
It seems we understand that society is not doing so well.
But perhaps it's your fault. Perhaps you are performing the act of shunning your own shamanic caste. That doomed you before. You were tricked by Jewish religions into calling your own wisemen "heretics," or "witches," or "faggots," and thus you burned them all, and almost immediately, your empire fell, and here we are.
Play wisely and you will see great monuments rise. Play foolishly, and the collapse will continue.
Your (((daily reminder))) had so much judaism all over it the urge to say Happy Hanukah filled me
Well, the God that is paraded out there as a strawman is the husk of the god (((they))) evoked via blasphemous rites, and hubris filled incantations. God is all, but (((their conception))) of divinity was related to the slaves to make quite sure the chains upon the arms, legs, and minds of the slave remained intact.
Kosher bait.
I can't wait to see some bitches get REKT!
top kek
Yeah, that is what you are. A poor mentally ill dude.
I came here to make sure someone posted this.
I'm confused the Judge rule based on something he wasn't banned for? His sexual orientation is irrelevant to his biological sex.
I'm sure they'll be saying than when he kills a female player.
but its a tranny not a gay homo. so how does that apply
This is snakes eating snakes, men proving they are once again better than women.
you don't need to do that. Just (((identify))) as a woman and dress like a retard
kys, pretentious faggot
You sound like fucking lindybeige
But this isn't business, it's a sporting event. Anyway, good. I love seeing progressivism bite women in the ass, because if it weren't for their vote, it wouldn't exist.
It is sweet to see the women get free rekts from the MtF trannies for being so progressive.
Dear ladies,
If you are reading this then I am glad you got it what you wanted for DIvErsity and In-EQUALITY. So empowering for women!
Your sincerely
t. Smiling user
How can people like you do this…trying to rationalize an obvious lie, perpetrated by insane jews to violently disrupt societies? A little child can see that this is utter madness, yet nobody grabs a pitchfork and goes after the obvious source. Why?
The simple fact is that I was deliberately brainwashed as part of the government school curriculum. If you have a pitchfork, then go after the ones who find people like me, and then deliberately corrupt me.
All I can say is that if I had been raised properly by my parents and community, instead of by the government and media, transgender wouldn't be a known word. I'd be a classic nerd, shaman, priest, engineer, scientist, philosopher, or whatever you'd call a person who's smart and a tad feminine, in the sense of reading books and enjoying peaceful activities.
I truly do urge you: Know your true enemy. It's not the traps of today. They're victims, even if they end up being corrupted into liberal monsters. It's the same with soyboys and npcs and all of those poor fools who got shredded by the media and schooling. Their brains are mush, and perhaps for some, that's just the nature of being a degenerate person.
But for others, they are deliberately corrupted and forced to want to be girls. So avenge me, brother. Don't look at me and see an enemy. See a warrior wounded in battle. You know who the true enemy is. Focus. Focus your mind and remember that we are bound by blood, and that there is a true enemy out there that has true power over society. That enemy is the one who figured it out: Control money, control government, and control knowledge. Gather all the children into one place, and brainwash them one at a time, and make it illegal to not send your child there.
No matter if it's a church, a school, or a corporate HR hellscape, there is no escape from the corruption. So you must avenge me by focusing your hatred onto the true enemy.
Jews disagree and discriminate against the poor all the time
They dont get scholarship because scholarships are reserved for hinderances aside from wealth to a degree. And being white is considered a boon by both gov and marxist institutions. As for internships, its reserved for brownnose kikes or indians.
Um, excuse me? Have you not met the gender identity unicorn? If you had met the gender identity unicorn you would know that some women have sex with women, are genetically men, and dress like men, and are romantically interested in women. ahem, hello, it's not the 50's anymore, like whoa
Why the fuck is Zig Forums not helping to destroy nigger felon league and American football by getting liberal schools to eat each other? This will be a huge blow to leftists colleges.
Because most kids in America with a IQ of 179 are white. Now take the jewish cock out of your mouth and think before bitching.
Service Dog and emotional support/comfort Animal/etc. are completely different under the Law and is a thread in itself.
Emotional support animals, comfort animals, and therapy dogs are not service animals under Title II and Title III of the ADA. Other species of animals, whether wild or domestic, trained or untrained, are not considered service animals either.
Service Animal Defined by Title II and Title III of the ADA; A service animal means any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Tasks performed can include, among other things, pulling a wheelchair, retrieving dropped items, alerting a person to a sound, reminding a person to take medication, or pressing an elevator button.
As for OP;>>12611098
LOL !!!
WTF does your random tardpost have to do with anything?
The video I posted was meant to make fun of the coalburning single mother.
This is why I support trannys in sportsball
My high school class had 4 kids with 160+ IQs. All white. None got scholarships of any kind. None were accepted into any "Ivy League" schools.
You are a retard.
i hate these people so much, I mean Minnesotans of course
If you had an IQ of 179 you'd be hiring subcontractors.
It would revert to the way hockey operates. The best players are sent to special hockey schools and from there many are hired for junior or NHL. Very few schalersheeeps in hockey (they exist though) and the result? The whitest major league.
Interstate commerce. "Oh, your football league takes a federal grant? Title IX faggots. Bend over."
Sorry to hear that user, know you are not alone, everyone here has been dinged to some extent by (((them))).
Human sexual dimorphism is an effective reproductive strategy. It's used by nearly every sexually reproductive animal (e.g. cuttlefish (mollusks) use it).
Some males pose as females so they don't get run off by the alpha males, and impregnate the females when the alpha is distracted.
This is why a lot of trannys don't understand why they want to present as women, even though they're not gay.
As long as you didn't cut your dick off, you can recover completely. Lift weights, eat meat, live clean, practice combat sports.
Or, know and accept what you are, and be up front about it. Just be a man about it. Don't be a faggot and expect special treatment.
If you did cut your dick off, you'll need hormones to recover your biological balance. You'll still be mutilated, but you'll stand as an example for others for refusing to live the lie; your life will still have meaning and purpose. Plus you get to use as much T as you want, so you can grow into the Hulk if you care to.
Did they just assume xis sexual orientation? A tranny can (theoretically) be attracted either sex, right?
Sooooo close to self-awareness…
When do we get more jews in the NBA?
They probably didn't have an 160+ IQ or weren't able to network properly because they have mild autism from browsing Taiwanese cripple forums all day
Everyone goes through the same shit. You are just to weak. Weak minded, weak willed. Weak.
You blame everyone but yourself. You still made that decision. You didn't have to participate, but you still chose to. The pain of being disregarded by those around you was worse than becoming what you are today. Guess what? You're still alone! Not one of those people "before" any of your bullshit, cared for you or are still around today.
You had to have the attention, it's why you still come here craving for a crumb of it.
Sage cos fuck you, you don't deserve to be recognized.
Daily reminder that you are in fact a kike shill.
I should become a tranny for the sole purpose of being above the law.
Go woke go broke.
Just looked into it. Service dogs can detect syncopy/fainting and warn a person to lay down b4 the faint…. and then will harass them and try to wake them back up when they do faint.
They can also detect a seizure an hour before it occurs.
From what I could find through search, neither are based off smell? But instead an innate empathic ability only trainable in certain breeds.
Diabetics service dogs however can smell when a person blood sugar drops below 70, and will alert to it.
dogs are teh best
If the poster is under 20-25, he has been exposed and indoctrinated since a young age. An age were his mind could not coherently defend against the influence. Give him a break, he sees the errors of his ways and also the cause. Where as you pretend everyone who got jewed deserved it. Some do… but not those that acknowledge and regret the impact the menace had on their lives. You cannot just snap your fingers and turn back years of brainwashing, that is not how the brain works.
Very few women are interested in sports, and even fewer are interested in womens sports. Even for females into sports when younger, usually about the time they get their first dick down they forget all about wasting time doing sports and instead just pretend to be interested in sports to attract more dickdowns.
Fun fact, women whom go to be fire fighters are only interested in getting firefighter dick. Very similar to most women in the military.
From what I could find…. fuckers are basically mind readers. If they're not sensing the seizures or fainting from smell… it has to be some kind of empathic link
My pups seem to know when I'm having a hard time…. Came out of the hospital depressed and weak af…. they harassed the fuck out of me and tried to get me to play. When they realized I was to weak they quit fucking with me and spent days laying by my side until I started moving around like normal again.
Ya. One of them is a pit. Never wanted one…. but knew a nigger that stole him while he was running the streets. Nigger proceeds to try and make him an "attack dawg" by locking him a small room 24/7 with the only interaction being the nog beating him for shitting or pissing in the room. The pit refused to eat after the first day with the nig. 2 weeks in the pit was ready to die from starvation, literally nothing but rib bones…. refused steak and everything else. White man empathy kicks in and I tell nigger to give me the dog before it dies….. nigger being nigger charges me 350$ for the pup. Whitey being whitey, I pay the price thinking I will get him eating and then rehome. Takes 2 months of feeding to get him healthy…. fucking pit is bitch. Constantly getting punked by my female beagle. Never barks, never even seen any aggression from him in 4 years except for when after skunks….. sprayed 5 times in 2 months… fucking retard lel. Love him though. Never thought I'd keep a pit.
Good. This is what these stupid women asked for. If you can't argue against the forced diversity, that cuts both ways.
Ha ha! Sounds like they are already trying to get out of it because they know men are physically stronger. But too bad. They wanted all this diversity shit so they can lie in the bed they made. More and more men need to invade women's sports and everything else with women unable to do shit about it. Things are going to have to get a lot worse before there will be enough of a pushback.
Where are all the feminists decrying these men winning all the awards etc. in stuff that used to be exclusively for women? The tiny group of TERFs aren't anywhere near the numbers of the normal feminists who seem to exclusively focus on straight, white men.
I want these trannies to eat all the womens' lunches until they have to admit that men and women are different on a biological level and this nonsense of 'can change your sex if you feel different' shit comes to an end.
Its inevitable. I'd say ten years max and womens sports will be nothing but swinging dicks with long hair and makeup… Wont be long now and we will see womans sports scouts actively courting trannies.
It's going to force the recognition of biological differences between men and women and hopefully will result in the scaling back of the "equal in everything" bullshit….
Considering that somebody with an IQ happens only 1 out of every 164,000+ births… I think you're full of shit or just don't understand what the damn thing means.
t. 169 iq asshole
Well. you are.
That's called being an enabler. The fuck is wrong with you rewarding a nigger for being a nigger.
Should have called it in for animal cruelty and then adopted the poor thing from the pound after they forcibly removed him.
What the fuck has this country come to?