Anonymous Official is a total Jew psy-op
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David Wilcock is a piece of shit I always knew he was a fucking misinormation agent. He's always on the edge of wonder too. Which makes me wonder about the edge of wonder now. They might bbe misinformation agents as well.
Where the fucking repies at you piece of shits
watch 1984, anonymoose is "the resistance" mentioned in the movie, it's used as a honey pot to trap irl newfags and get them to say incriminating shit which they will save for later if they don't do their bidding, it's also similar to regular spook saboteurs who try to get people to commit acts of violence ( after which they will brutally fist them with the long arm of the law)
but for some less-than-autistic anons it can be a way to find the chans, which may or may not help him, but that reality is quickly diminishing as time goes on with anti-anonymous laws.
The site has been slowly dying over the past week or so. The number of active ISPs has been sinking like a nigger.
Wilcock's fake insider Drake Bailey was also the inspiration for the Q LARP.
Embed is 6 years old. Aside from the dates and lack of Trump clips, it's indiscernible from the modern Q videos.
Anyone who pushes the Q LARP should be discarded entirely, they're all either liars or mentally ill/gullible retards.
The Rothschilds and Bronfmans were who brought Rupert Murdoch over from Australia to start Fox. If they really had a problem with Tucker's show, it wouldn't be on the air.
Taking a page out of alex jones' script.
We've been pointing out this general narrative here on this board for years, it just gets drowned out in all the crap. Whether it is Wilcock, or Fulford, or Drake, or Q user, or much earlier newsletters from the 90s, it's an attempt to shuffle everything onto "Nazis" who don't exist and at once absolve the postwar order from its horrific crimes and the detestable, unpopular society it has created, and solidify this same order's position moving forward as a savior.
Murdoch either had a change of heart or he is controlled opposition. Look at all the Jews behind trump… Posebitch is a liar. Gavin made a video about white genocide and laughed about it. The girl with the big nose cried about a tire being popped on youtube and probably slept with a lot of people to entrap them. And I feel like Im forgetting someone else for some reason.
I personally believe this dude is the devil and thinks hes personally god himself.
There's no "either" and if you think the Neocons at Fox are really "/ourguys/", what's your problem with Anonymous Official, Wilcock, and Q? They should be right up your ally as a spiritual boomer.
Are you fucking serious? I don't actually trust fox to do the right thing in the end. Also I donr fucking trust Anonymous official because i now for a factt they are lieing because what they said is fucking impossible. Also Wilcock is a fucking reatrd that always says stupid shit. And Q…… I just want to believe.
The government attempts to hide something that ended up on YouTube. Ok then
Rupert Murdoch glows in the dark so hard that satellites can detect him from space. whatever you do, don't Jewgle for "Rupert Murdoch Shackley 1976." because you'd discover young Rupert, buying his first newspaper in Oz, with a loan courtesy of the CIA'S Nyugen Hand bank. Rupert's orders were to destroy the Oz Prime Minister in retaliation for the Pine Gap Affair. Oz wanted to kick NSA out of Pine Gap, but the NSA's giant beach ball domes at Pinr Gap were too important to just hand back to Oz. Pine Gap was geographically positioned such a way that it allowed NSA to "read the air" of the whole Earth from one location by tapping into the Ionosphere as a globe sized relay echoing all satellite traffic from the opposite end of the Earth. so CIA Chief of Station in Oz had a plan. coup the Oz govt and install a puppet who is friendly to the FVEYs Deep State. that CIA station chief's name was Ted Shackley, who later became the highest ranking CIA whistleblower.
Rupert Murdoch's entire career is a CIA front, everything he has done has been in service to CIA, so never ever trust anything connected to Murdoch or his sons or his empire of dirt.
any more info on this?
I got it from Michael Collins Piper. He briefly covers it in The Judas Goats, but there's a clip on jewtube where he goes into more detail, naming the person from Murdoch's past who was the source of the information, published in old articles in 'The Spotlight'.
I think this is the clip. If it is, the second half is a tangent about Eric Hufschmid (Murdoch's son-in-law), but he isn't all that active these days, and isn't much of an issue.
Misspoke there. His sister is married to Murdoch's son.
The memes Jew use seem pretty damn clever (such as the Nazi NWO one) , until that is we substitute what we see as the opposite of the truth, for their schemes and see they are hardly less “clever”.
50 keks.
So this Reptile jew pusher is related to Bronfmans somehow?
Princess of yugoslavia daughter's daughter was groomed by NXIVM.
connections to JFK, his brother, and
something someting melania trump
(You) type like a fag and (you)r shit's all retarded.
Never believe anything a kike says.
Welcome to 2009 user.
Thanks for the Streisand effect!
You are Q's street team with your impotent kvetching.
If you want to "resist" the system then never join a group. Learn on your own, anonymously. Take anonymous actions (they don't need to be physical or violent, hell, my worst damage comes from writing letters) and don't let your ego get to you. (((Agents))) use your ego to trap you.
Heh, I've never seen a deflated radome before.
Pick one.
Are these the same retards who are saying our governments are secretly run by former Nazi's getting revenge on the West by bringing it to it's knees?
Is it important to debunk this though, or not. And why?
It's really just this simple folks.
How long can we go without mass arrests before you'll finally accept that you've been had? Even the retards who believed Wilock and Bailey gave up soon after their first 2012 deadline, yet the Qcumbers seem to become more and more convinced as dates pass with no arrests.
You're at GITMO? How's the weather?
You'd suck as a cop, user.