Company pushing Russia-gate narrative exposed

Company pushing Russia-gate narrative exposed as an organization run by 'former' spooks who used the very tactics they accuse Russia of against Roy Moore!

"Russia-gate" is about obfuscating the israeli role in propelling their asset to the presidency.
No one here gives a shit about some zionist faggot.

That's not the fucking point.

I swear, 50% of the faggots on this site just F5 the catalog just to find threads to spew tired old talking points

Of course it's the point. It's the only reason you're even making this thread.

No, it's fucking not. You clearly didn't watch the video.

Neck yourself

I don't need to watch the video. This isn't the first thread on this subject. The basic gist is that Roy Moore, a dastardly, subversive zionist in the employ of israeli fifth columnists, was unjustly smeared with a "Russian style" social media "disinformation" campaign regarding his taste in women carried out by operatives of the Democratic party.

And to this end.. so what? If the DNC wants to run ops to get zionist traitors away from the levers of power, I hope they step it up.

No shit-head. The story is that the founder, CEO, CTO of a specific organization pushing the Russia narrative are literal spooks who were caught (specifically, not pol tin foil) employing the very tactics they accused Russia of and the CEO was subsequently banned.

Holy shit why do lazy assholes like you parade around in your ignorance

If spooks are drumming zionist agents out of government, that's a good thing.

Why are you taking obvious bait? The angle he's playing is to try and draw attention from practical information by pretending to be a clueless strawman that's never satisfied in an attempt to divide and distract.

I think he's just a moron bumping my thread

I'm not playing any angle at all. The angle being played is from the OP.

What's funny about opening the "troll farms and bots" can of worms is it begs the question how is some post-Soviet country full of drunks more capable than countries like the US that possess giant tech companies, huge political groups, and NGO's all with the will to do what they accuse Russia of. The west has a technological, budgetary, and linguistic edge far superior to Russia. It's a double-edged sword to introduce the concept of manufactured narratives online to the public, they must really want to make Russia the hill they die on. It's an interesting topic that I'm glad is coming to light.

What, more than $4700?

I'm sure there are political interests that could scrounge up at least 5 g's for a little 21st century propaganda.

Jimmy's video's are awesome. This one in particular was a killer.


He is a lefty that holds a bunch of retarded opinions. But I do appreciate when the fringe left agrees with the fringe right against the MSM gaslight narrative like here, it convinces me I'm not so delusional.

They're called shills, user. They've been here far longer than you have.

It's really a question of calling out the corporate whores, like what his latest video did with Biden. That isn't a left-right issue. It's a neoliberal & neoconservative vs the people issue


I loved the one he did on Hillary's Syria tweet recently, even shared it with some people. He believes in racial equality though, that your taxpayer money should give free college to every single 70 IQ dope that manages to show up, and single payer healthcare so morbidly-obese non-tax paying niggers collapse the system. So, yeah. He's an juvenile idealistic dope on many of his opinions, but you are also correct in your framing of the issue I think.

I definitely don't agree with him on economics, but this video was near flawless

It's cool. I didn't mean to derail, carry on.


I still have respect for the wing of the left that's willing to deal with reality, even if they only do this selectively. I wish both sides weren't so autistic or we could team up against the CIAspooks and the perpetual war brigade.

"It's almost as if they're capitalizing on a scandal that they're creating"
He rubs his hands together mischievously when he says this. (at around 19:40). Top meme material

Thing is the spooks are constantly playing people against each other in this left-right BS

The reality is that the right-left divide once truly meant something, and at their core there really is a deep and hard to reconcile difference between them.

The way this plays out in reality is completely different though. In modern politics the left-right divide ends up manifesting as which color flag you wave and which controlled opposition you support. That doesn't meant the differences aren't there, but it means that right now it doesn't matter because 90% of our lived experiences are controlled illusions.

Attached: tayai.jpg (480x360, 26.14K)

The kikes are fucking pissed. They are hitting hatechan like it's the last piece of ass on the planet.