Like, who would you consider the leader of white nationalism? Personally, I'd pick pic related because
Who would you consider your leader?
Like, who would you consider the leader of white nationalism? Personally, I'd pick pic related because
Who would you consider your leader?
Every time somebody rises up, both Zig Forumss tell me that they're compromised, a shill, a Zionist or an outright Jew. Regardless, we need to stay as a decentralized resistance.
Myself. Everyone should be their own leader.
Just remember that for every Bob Mathews or Matt Hale there’s at least a million Thomas Martinez’s and Hal Turners waiting to stab you in the back. Pick your allies carefully, it’s not an all you can eat buffet.
You can't get further right than Nicholas Fuentes. He's /ourguy/
Acid Rain
Immediately rejected for that faggoty goatee. Unfortunately our leader has yet to reveal himself but Terrible Tommy would never steer you wrong.
No one, dum fuk kike. We're individualists, us white people.
Shout out to nick the knife
the only true choice here
Obviously puts too much effort into his hairdo and tailored suit. Looks like a bad car salesman. Rejected.
Fuentes is a Sephardic name.
honest to god, I would shit on him for simply being famous, but there's nothing to pick apart here. The spic is actually alri- SPIC!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH…
Can you imagine a future where White people win? Because I sure as hell can't, and I've written two books these past five years.
Nice try antifa.
Let me tell you something son, there are forces at work in the world, I wouldn't call it Mother Nature for fear of be associated with hippie gibberish, but forces nonetheless, that we can't understand. Like the forces that keep the worlds population roughly 50% male,50% female. If you believe for a minute that the powers that be are going to let this world go dark, extinguish the White race, the light of the world, where the jews are going to rule over a world of muds…well.. sleep tight.
idk. who would you consider the spokesman for the jewish race? Oh wait you can't answer that question because it's unanswerable
I wouldn't trust anyone who runs antifa.
I vote for Sam Hyde.
user, please don't tell me you're Irish.
Tom Metzger, despite being over the top, doesn't disappoint.
We need Anarchism but not the AnCom shit that even Commies hate.
plot twist: we're rebuilding the holy roman empire. wignats aren't invited
Unironically this.
Barrack Obama
We don't need a single spokesman or a single leader at this point in time. Everyone should aim to cultivate leadership qualities and be a spokesman for the race.
Optics maaan.
First; Need to fix and define the definition of "White" on the census to stop counting Hispanics.
Puerto Rico 2010 ; White 75.8%, non-white 24.2%
Second; Show real population of real definition of White, which will possibly show a minority in the USA and by STATE.
Third; If White minority, start White non-profits and demands that already exist for other minorities.
Maybe eye and hair color as well?>>12612031
(((Aleksandr Dugin)))
(((Mike Enoch)))
(((Richard Spencer)))
(((Andrew Anglin)))
(((Patrick Little)))
(((David Duke)))
==(((Kevin MacDonald)))
roper is a narcissist who claims credit for anything that even one of his guys shows up to. hes not trust worthy and has a history of telling antifa what our groups are up to (he even admits this, its not a conspiracy. its one of his tactics to get press coverage. nevertheless a dumb move)
i agree with balkanization and quite a bit of what he talks about, but i have seen this dude in action and would never vouch for his character
(((Adolf Hitler))).
Thanks (((JP.)))
moon man
Yeah, you want our leader, you're gonna want to look for a little redhead firecracker of a girl. Shortstack, baggy eyes, likes wearing sweaters. Goes by "Viv". Pic related. Let me know if you want me to get you in contact with her.
Nick is a good spokesman but is not a leader.
There is a reason leaders have tended to be older men, and Nick's main issue is one of maturity.
Nick gets himself involved in retarded e-drama constantly, he treats the dissident right as if it were his highschool.
He has potential, at the very least as a public spokesman and even one day leader of a propaganda and public outreach organization.
But he acts like a kid, especially when the pressure is on.
Still, of all the 'alt-right' e-celebs he's probably the best I know of.
Every white man speaks for himself and his family.
just when all the boomers are dying…
along comes fuentes
wew lad.
This man.
basically this. someone who continues what hitler left off is what is needed.
Natt Danelaw
OP probably is Roper, the writing style is similar.
Matt Heimbach.
Now stop being a faggot and spread the words.
Never listen to an overweight man's political or philosophical prescriptions. How can he know what's best for others when he can't even manage himself?
This. Either Roper, Mr. Bond or Natt Danelaw.
Everyone is a shill! Everyone is a shill! Everyone, every single group is hopelessely compromised, fellow Polacks! Dont put out these flyers! Dont do anything! Just wait for Hitler!
We all are our own leaders fuck off.
Michael Bay. Please don't jew him to death because that'd be totes awful.
Us all
I used to dislike David Duke, but listen to him at work and really admire his persistence. I liked his show more when he had Kevin MacDonald on. I don't like the British guy very much.
I think William Pierce and Adolph Hitler are the 2 greatest whites all-time.
He's the opposite of a man ahead of his time.
This dude is good redpilling material for normie conservatives if he talks about jewish influennce, but he's no leader. I fear one won't come until things get much worse.
How many subhumans did he lynched?
Male Radec.
So redpill me on this ethnostate? Pennsylvania is becoming a shit hole but still hasn't passed any laws ridiculous enough for me to pack my bags. Good gun laws no major liberal protests outside of maybe Philly or Pitt.
Is this /ourguy/?
Billy Roper
White nationalism doesn't and cannot exist. How can something that doesn't exist have a spokesmen? Their is no nation that all whites belong to.
Baby's first red pill was fine until you realize that he doesn't name the jew. and when asked about it he'll say something to the effect of "looks whight to me". and he isn't wrong. that's why WN is stupid. just cause we look similar doesn't mean we are the same. what does a Spaniard, brit, swed, pol, german, jew and gentile have in common? white skin, other then that fucking nothing. WN is dumb. Nationalism is the answer for the European nations. and for American, they need Nationalism+DOTR/mass deportation/camps/etc.
Only correct answer.
Oy vey, this guy is a shill! Thinking for yourself causes cohesion problems. We need a centralized movement that is efficiently managed from the top. Remember that following orders is the most important skill to have. Donald Trump is our supreme leader and following his commands is our privilege and duty.
lol if you're going to do shit tier COINTELPROposting at least don't be a torfag
lmao saved