Malema: "The whites cannot leave South Africa"
White genocide when?
Malema: "The whites cannot leave South Africa"
White genocide when?
Listening to these subhumans makes my IQ drop to room temperature levels…
That's the beauty of (((Marxism))).
His "white friend Adriano" is probably a jew…
his speech is at 4:37
he claims whites will poison the land if they're allowed to leave, which is total nigger thinking and always a good excuse why re-distribution fails
its gonna be great when all these stupid niggers start starving to death.
He's already setting up the political excuse for the future starvation.
The siener advised that the boer defend themselves when the time came that the nogs would attempt to take all their shit
That the boer should hold out and that ultimately they would win
Shouldnt be too hard given that its the boers feeding the nogs and should the nogs become dependent on food imports, i doubt they can run their logistics well enough to prevent starvation
This is just going to be a repeat of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, just slower, with more Whites, and possibly civil war.
The problem comes in if (((the West))) tries to intervene and help the communist nigs, just like (((the West))) did during the Rhodesian bush wars, and pressuring old South Africa to end apartheid.
btw, did trump already finish his investigations about south africa? :^)
for real, trump and putin will not save them. either they leave fast enough, or be prepared for civil war
Yeah, the blacks' public position is that Whites have to just give everything they have to kangz and then die or kill themselves. They're guaranteeing that violence is the only future possibility. Stupid on their part. History shows that Whites are much better at war than Africans ever have been, even when outnumbered many times over.
guaranteed that shit monkey is just parroting whatever he's been told by his kikenvermin handler.
The jews want some exquisite slaughter to occur, perhaps so they can seize beautiful blond haired children to slake their lust after their parents have been slaughtered by the bloodthirsty shitskins.
Niggers are eternal children
I wonder how they were created, did a Aryan years back fuck an ape and create a human-ape hybrid now referred to as niggers?
thats exactly it. partly muh dick, and 100% jealousy of whites. even when they are openly doing genocide and seething with hatred for whites, they still want them to stay. wow its almost like nobody wants to be around niggers.
If whites could somehow make all the niggers want to go away, we would be celebrating. I cant imagine that intensity of joy and true happiness that would bring whites in the US if the black plauge suddenly were panicing to leave for Africa.
His name is shithole, he just spelled it wrong.
Well let's see, when niggers chimped out they killed a million something tutsi, not bad. When whites chimped out we got the most destructive war in human history with a loss of life so massive it's hard to even contemplate. I wonder how this will turn out.
Please more
This kind of lack of self-awareness would have actually shocked me at one time. The total lack of responsibility or accountability is what guarantees that blacks will be exactly as they are now in a thousand years - assuming AIDS and famine don't do them in first.
jewish slave owners committing bestiality is what gave us the american nigger.
b-b-b-but trump made a tweet!
And my personal favorite.
We should go tit-for-tat and start the purge
70 years ago and counting
I don't find this humorous. He knows that niggers are going to fail and starve. He is setting up the excuse to murder beforehand. He can say, when he re-distributes the land and niggers starve that Europeans poisoned the land.
Yeah…'European genocide' because you won't genocide anyone else like they deserve. This planet should have been our alone, but instead you all gave it away to niggers, shitskins and every manner of subhuman filth rather than begin the purge of our enemies.
Altruism is the greatist sin of our people. NEVER MAKE THE MISTAKE AGAIN!
Double dubs confirm, and this is why the ameri-nigger has such oddly shaped craniums.
Because America came along and bombed everyone who tried.
Correct word is "ape"
Yeah and orangeman and merkel give them billions in (((aid)))
That's the beauty of niggers.
Yes but what about their chink handlers with their own interest in the land's resources, or the rest of BRICS for that matter?
How much money could actually be made, selling magic charms to niggers in africa? Can we re-appropriate the gibs this way?
Can barely even keep their own country together. If they go to war it'll be with Venezuela's commie shitbag government, not ZA.
Russia's not going to send Spetznaz into rural farmland on the other side of the world to make a bunch of angry, stupid niggers happy.
Superpower any day now. I'll be more concerned about them when their people discover the value of toilets.
Hasn't won a war in 400 years, troops are ill-equipped and poorly trained, they don't even have a blue water navy, and, like Russia, they're not going to send troops into rural farmland on the other side of the world to make niggers happy. They're open and blunt about the fact that they see sub-Saharan Africans as something above monkeys and below people.
These countries will just make new mining deals with whatever future government(s) emerges from the rubble of South Africa. Whether it's retarded niggers, poo-in-loo expats, Britbongs or Boers giving them resources won't make a difference.
Its the only reasonable thing to do if youre forced to give up your homeland to an angry mob, id rather burn my house down than see it redistributed to a litter of niggers.
So, slavery.
Nothing can stop the undercurrents guiding humanity. Not even Hitler and the energy of the Third Reich could. We've been on this trajectory for at least since the time of the written word doomed to ride this course to the bitter end. It's foolish for anyone to think a single individual or group can stop whats been in the works going on long before you were born.
We're so close to global chaos bursting from the seams that there's no point wasting energy trying to hold it back other than to increase its energy when it finally breaks loose. We're living in the century of absolute violence. Bring it on so future generations can be baptized in blood and give birth to something not even we can imagine.
you know during the time of apartheid south africa was the only country able to deploy 1 million people to any country in africa within 24 hours, i do not know how eroded this capability is, but the logistical power of south africas army should not be underestimated.
we wuz checkin dubs n sheeeeittt
Who are you supposed to be addressing about what? Who are you warning about a million sa army?
That is going to be a vastly more difficult proposition this time around. We are watching. We are fighting. We are winning this war in their own controlled lands. The risk of SA becoming an cornerstone for 'us' to gain even more power and influence over normalfags is high should they take too many steps while we are here to watch.
The war has already started and they know it, those reading should know it. Currently it is still mostly simmering and non physical, an combative fight for normalfaggots minds. And they are very worried we are winning. They move against SA whites there is little cover they can use that we cannot undermine and use to crush what little influence they have left. Since they are filthy idiot jews that cannot help themselves, I am sure they will give it a try tho.
Be prepared to pounce when it happens. It can only strengthen our cause.
Apartheid ended 25 years ago. The highly-skilled White men who were in the army at that time are in their mid-40s or 50s. The South African army of today consists of about 40,000 blacks, grossly underpaid and using whatever 1980s equipment the ANC inherited at the end of White rule. When the government collapses and the soldiers are no longer being paid, most of them will just abandon their posts with whatever guns and vehicles they can easily take with them. At best they'll form roving bandit gangs or rally around the Black Warlord of the Week.
i am saying there is a lot to be gained in trying to get disaffected parts of the army to revolt and join the cause.
Have fun getting niggers to not nigger at you. Army is niggers now.
When is BASTE Trump going to act on this again?
It's not the BRICs you have to worry about. It's the USA. If it looks like whites have a chance of winning in SA, ZOG will come down on the Boer with the righteous fury of an Old Testament god. If it takes nukes, they'll use nukes.
The countries that do not offer sancturary within 2019, but offer sancturary to disgusting mudslimes, those are the ones involved in white genocide and I would bet my life on it.
then apply a kinetic solution to the handlers problem
they shouldn't be very hard to identify in the middle of niggers
I'm inclined to think that cheap drones could do wonders, equipped with chemically unstable packages
20 years ago.
Whoever made this needs to have his fingers broken.
Newsflash retard, WW2 was kikes paying mercenary anglos to devastate Europe. You didn't fight any noble war against the world: communists and anglos teamed up to murder you, who actually wanted peace.
I swear to God that the last white american will still be sitting and waiting for the DOTR while they're down to 1% population. It never comes because they want someone else to start it.
Obligatory, plus two others. Anyone have the one that goes with the first one?
What else would be a more appropriate term for it?
At least Russia allowed for 15,000 White farmers to emigrate to there, though, I doubt that it was Putin's government itself, probably a Russian NGO that actually gives half a fuck. Trump, on the other hand just made one Tweet about it. And Peter Dutton in Australia tried, but got kiked over.
user. A white mans emotions are just for letting him know there are things to be done.
Once you start doing, no need for emotions. They get in the way of doing what needs to happen efficiently. Let your mind clear the emotions drain and feel peace knowing you are doing as needed when you bring hell upon earth for your enemies to harvest. In the dark hours of the night years later, let the happy emotions of success and vindication placate you on the losses required while doing as is right.
While all that is true, it didn't exactly answer my question - what should the change to "chimping out" be for orderly rows of sharply dressed soldaten?
proto niggers SAN fucked gorillas and created the gorilla-san hybrid popularly referred to as nigger, the fact stares us in the face.
If you then know about the bantu expansion, you realize niggers is something MODERN. A invasive hybrid species killing the planet.
Please stop insulting the poor gorillas by comparing them to niggers. Koko doesn't deserve that.
well something went wrong and the hybrid creature became dysfunctional
seems to be a running theme with hybrids - africanized bees, africanzied americans - (even more foul original niggers), hapas
Malema has no power though, he is a toy and experimental flagpole of Ramaphosa's. He is representative of what the average terr believes.
I'd buy your story if you said Chimpanzees had mated/raped with the Khoi-Khoi, but not when you say something as noble and gentle as a Gorilla was the creature responsible for creating the Nigger.
I agree modern gorillas seem pretty timid
That might not been the case a few thousand years ago, they been shaped by hunting pressure so only the timid one survived.
I feel bad for whites in SA, but I would pack my bags in a second, is it difficult for them to leave?
Naw, fuck them, they're weak cucks. If they actually had any balls they'd fight
Outnumbered 10:1, fight for nigger land, only a couple generations on land. FFS I'm first gen American and I want to move back to Europe and leave California (North Mexico).
Most can't leave because it's not affordable for them to do so. The South African Rand is not completely in the toilet, but things are so that even the affluent Whites in South Africa would have trouble leaving because of the currency exchange alone. As of right now, $1 USD = 14 ZAR
Though, this does help if you wish to donate to honest organizations to help White South Africans. Dollars and Euros go far there, and I had donated ~$ 200 USD to Gun Owners of South Africa, which probably helped them a lot since that's well over 2,000 Rand.
Many Afrikaners are. Some are leaving, but some are also going to stay and fight to the death for their land.
Some trickster ran ape DNA against a database and posted his findings
look and behold
thread was deleted quickly
That shit was fucking funny. Talk about an inconvenient truth.
I just want the stuff in that last image to kick off already. I want this conflict to rage and the media desperately trying to frame it in their favour and people really see them for what they are. I want the jewel in the crown of the African Union to come crashing down, showing once and for all that blacks cannot rule and absolutely everywhere they are in charge of, falls to shit. I want all these aid agencies attacked by blacks when they fly in to hand out their gibs and are shown the true nature of these savages. Then the aid dries up because they can't get volunteers anymore due to them being raped/tortured/killed etc.
I pray for this at night
They know they're not as capable deep down, so they want to kill us out of resentment. Only some old wiser nogs in ex-colonial coastal African shitholes admit that they'd rather have Europeans running things because they actually ran things.
This same bullshit shows up in every single thread.
"X is happening to white people in Y country"
You're either the perpetrator or the victim of a psy-op. I'd wager the later.
What if AFRICOM sides with the commies and China side with the Afrikaaners?
Low X/A ratio for the European doesn’t mean more genetic distance from Africans or bonobos.
Blow me
It won't be great. Just because White South Africans were refused Asylum by European nations doesn’t mean Bantu’s won’t be air bussed to the West by the million the second there are too few farmers left unmurdered to provide them with food.
I was told they're restricted from.moving their money out of the country.
If they are going to lie about white people poisoning the land, why not salt it?
They want to kill all the whites and take their land either way.
I am not queer quit sending me queer messages.
This, it's an admission that blacks can't into mechanized agriculture. They will starve if the whites leave so the plan is to make them into serfs. Will the whites comply? South Africa has the backing of China, who I believe is responsible for a lot of the chaos there, as well as equipping farm attackers.
It's actually remarkably easy. All you have to do is show and prove that you're the strongest, and they will naturally follow. This is actually how 32Bn of the SADF was formed. However, because the whites are at a disadvantage in terms of everything and would be fighting as an insurgent group, it would be best if they stuck to their own before they acquired power.
all of that is right with the exception of China. China will undoubtedly send human waves to quell any resistance, which is why they have a military presence in Zambia, Zimbabwe, Uganda and Tanzania. Russia on the other hand, has always had a rivalry with China, so they may send aid in the form of training, even though russian sf are garbage and mostly braindead Shame we don't have ex-SAS (from either Britain, Rhodesia, Australia or New Zealand) or SADF (Recces). I guess we'll have to find a way to salvage what we can.
Don't you fucking get it? Showing that video won't do a damn thing.
Even ignoring the race aspect, it's common knowledge that 3rd world shitholes are 3rd world shitholes. No amount of kike propaganda can hide that reality, it's plain for anyone to see. These people are just straight up retarded.
Go ahead, post it to normiebook. You'll just get told "not all". Normalfags will continue to pretend that those are only the "bad areas" and that in reality, shitholes like Morocco are mostly wonderful places of sunshine and rainbow with niggers singing kumbaya all day.
As a result, there is no value gained in "converting" anyone from it. All that was gained was a couple of dumb bitches who would support mass immigrarion are dead.
I don't think Jaykwon has thought this one through, if whites can't leave the only recourse is the death of every single nigger.
There will be no future for the niggers. They don't deserve to live and we must facillitate their destruction as soon as possible. We must kill every non-White in our lands.