Feel free to change my mind but;
In short, this board is really, really braindead. Also civilized people will never believe your retarded shit in the long run. So your paganism is a literal fad, no better than tarot cards.
If you think paganism will save us, you're retarded
Other urls found in this thread:
LARPagans are jewish shills, no exceptions.
It sure saved my foreskin, bro.
Come penis gas inspection day, I will run free, while all the circumchristians will be indistinguishable from jews and muslims.
Men will be sorted by IQ, not muh dick, so that means you're getting the rope with all the other niggers, brainlet
And larping as a hebrew is somehow an improvement? I'm nordic. I have no need of noahide laws. I have no need of moses or abraham or anything else to do with hebrews and their faith. Christianity, at its core, is judaism because its foundation is hebrew non-stop endless references to jews, hebrews, noah, and hebrew larping exists in the bible, which exists to distract you from Jesus. Nothing you say can change that. However, the Third Reich did try to change that through Positive Christianity, a form of Christianity you faggots never seem to remember, push or talk about.
Europe made Christianity great, never forget that, you ungrateful faggot. Jews have done well to undo any influence Europe may have had on Christianity, which has resulted in modern judeo-Christianity, evangelicalism and Christians who would throw themselves at a fire if so commanded to by satanic Israeli jews.
Same, thankfully. Another thing these cucks will defend to their dying breath is the mutilation judaism, niggers and islam demand of the newborn. Blood rituals, satanic in nature, with no purpose other than superstition, and petty grudges. Bris Milah being one of rabbis pissed off jews once started abandoning their old blood rites for the better alternatives.
These threads are pointless JIDF. We've had them thousands of times. We all know your talking points. Go home.
not being abrahamitic filth is already a great start
I guess skiing and fishing are also anti-aryan
great display of christmutt intellect right there, totally not apples and oranges
Do you have a source to back this up. But even if it's true, then don't have modern non-European elements. This gripe can be applied to Christianity as well
Pic related
Degenerates infiltrate and degenerate. This gripe could be towards Christianity as well
Shit tier Zig Forums bait
"Paganism" is a large group of different beliefs. Mine, like most of Zig Forums's pagans, are based in historical Germanic paganism and has nothing to do with Africa.
Tacitus disagrees
"Their marriage code is strict, and no feature of their morality deserves higher praise. They are almost unique among barbarians in being content with one wife apiece – all of them, that is, except a very few who take more than one wife not to satisfy their desires but because their exalted rank brings them many pressing offers of matrimonial alliance."
You're thinking of Neo-pagans. Neo-pagans follow belief systems that trace back through wicca to thelema to Crowley and the judaic secret societies he was a part of. It's only given a thin veil to hide its jewish roots.
A Christian father would prefer his daughter marry a holy nigger than a pagan aryan. thats all i ever needed to know about abrahamic death cultists.
Ain't even mad.
Hot off the front page from tv
That's right; kikels are trying to shovel anything except Christianity into the spiritual void of goyim souls.
I feel your pain. I will avenge this humiliation by personally executing 6 gorillion kikes.
Northern Europe was never very religious. Aside from initial conversion there was never any religious wars over Christianity and there was never an inquisition.
If Christianity is so bad then why would jesus the founder of the religion attack jew's for doing bullshit. Also if Christianity is jewish why would it call out jews as the lying faggots they are and dub them the "synagogue of satan". True christianity is right and just. This modern perversion of the religion is not Christianity as the "followers" are literally worshipping the anti christ. As anti christ means enemies of christ something tells me that people who claim that the christian messiah is burning in hell under flaming shit are not jesus' allies.
A sign of a bad argument is name calling as you are attempting to weaken the persons view in other peoples eyes this is literally kikery 101 which would then make their opinion less valid because they are a "christmutt". This also applies to this person as he calls Christians "abrahamic filth" instead of building up a strong argument against Christianity.
What most people don't understand is that the current Christianity isn't Christianity at all. The church has committed some of the greatest sins imaginable such as pedophilia, usury, defending jews and who could forget all the shit they are doing to accelerate the jewish world order. That's not even beginning to say how they haven't even attempted to take jerusalem since the crusades.
The thirty years war
Jews pretending to fight each other to get the goyim to support the "good jew" is one of the oldest tricks in the book, you retard.
You must not have peered very far into the history of the north if you believe there was no blood shed over the Christian takeover.
The last vestige of what I could call a worthy Christianity died in world war one and two, when Christianity rallied to combat the international jewish congress and global initiative to enforce miscegenation across the globe.
Never the less. I will never be Christian. And nothing you say can convince me otherwise. Nature is my god. Creation is my god. I require no mask to be placed on god. Wotan. Ahura Mazda, there are far more impressionable deities.
Jesus was surrounded by jews. The bible dissected his teachings and scattered them so that they would be inconsistent, and incoherent. The "prophets" and "saints" that came later would work tirelessly to reinstate Hebrew supremacy over what Jesus intended. And the primary criticism remains no matter what you say, miscegenation was never condemned by Jesus, and if it was, it was not written. That's my gripe and deal breaker.
Just about all of the context of jews in the new testament is towards Pharisees, not jews as a race. As for "modern" Christianity, you're right it's corrupted like a whole lot of things today, but the general outlook and actions done are very similar as what's been seen before in history
Is this the quality of content you have decided to bring over to us from cuckchan?
I've had a bit of a spiritual change of heart lately.
Every pagan I've run into is a complete retard, but I've felt that way for a long time.
But I'm abandoning hope for Christianity in the west.
I went to Church on Christmas and the priest did a 20 minute sermon against racism and 'xenophobia'.
I think the Church came to serve it's purpose, I think it is divinely inspired but I think it came to fulfil it's purpose and is now dying that it has done so, and I don't know what that means for us.I don't know what God has planned for us next but I imagine it will be extremely difficult and challenging.
I'm not an atheist but I don't know what to do anymore.
Christianity, Judaism and Islam are not even religion, it's a money making scheme that jews think of.
If you ignore the gods of your own people, might as well be an Atheist.
There's no difference between an Atheist and a Christian/Judaist/Islam, all are jew-mind controlled.
We need a new cultus based on a fusion of ancient nature-worship and veneration of ancestral heroes, taking the good parts of honoring the old, the profound, the blood and soil concept, and a forward-looking, somewhat Nietzsche-derived search for the ascended Overman within us (exemplified by western non-semitic archetypes of the Christ and the Saints).
Pagans and wiccans seldom have genuinely strong convictions (of the type the ancient martyrs, or even communist revolutionaries, possessed) and simply seek a more nature-oriented, less semitic kind of faith, which often includes a more intimate relationship to archetypes of the Divine. They would also find what they seek in this.
Islam is not the answer, the cousin-marriage alone systematically degrades DNA, and polygamy is very similar to female hypergamy, leaving many men to die alone and childless, or become destabilising influences.
Our new spirituality needs a side of faith and doctrine, dogma even, for the weaker-minded, and a higher intellectual side for the strongest among us, to find nourishment and meaning even as they are able to reject empty platitudes.
Hinduism accomplishes something like this (I am not exalting the present-day indian person here), they have highly intellectual vedannta and lowly village Hinduism with totems, magic trees, and all things in between to meet the needs of their people's intellectual and emotional development.
So, like this, but better, and with man at its pinnacle as made in the image of the Divine.
This would start out as very external and different, and eventually fuse seamlessly into the remains of Christianized culture and the new age ideas that have permeated (particularly with women), just as eastern notions of karma slowly merged into people's minds after their introduction in the 60's.
That's paganism, or specifically Odinism and Greco-Roman pantheon.
Quit making up new shit and go back to worship your own ancestors.
All this new age cooked up religion shit is cringy as fuck.
wow, if anything is a fad here it's the short 2000 year old story of Christianity.
You don't know what you're talking about. Atheism is no community, and has no shared values, and atheist usually are very different from one another in most regards, whether it be political persuasion or social values and the like. "Jew-Controlled" is true for most lemmings today, but that's because Jews hold the reins of the modern governments and militaries.
Jews are notoriously paranoid about everything. They would never do such a thing because it puts them at a potential risk. It doesn't fit their characteristics by saying that they would absolutely do such a thing when it could expose them for what they are lying schemeing degenerates.
I believe a christian is someone who follows the teachings of the bible and the word of god. Not someone who follows the pope.
Revelations specifically points out that all people who claim to be jews are liars in the future and worship the devil. If good jews did exist then they were wiped out a long time ago.
generalization. That's like me claiming that all pagans drink gallons of semen because odin did so or how all pagans would love to give birth to an eight legged horse because loki did it.
They have the same shared values as the christians, most atheists WERE christians, it's basically their rebel phase.
And their fucking mind/spirit. Jesus/YHWH is a literal kike demon god from the desert, purge that shit from your mind.
The Odin semen myth is invented by a jew, and there's no gayer religion than Christianity where the priests fuck kid.
Meanwhile, the MAJORITY of Christian, just like the MAJORITY of islamics, are controlled by jews.
Homosexuality is a sin in Christianity. You clearly don't know shit because you haven't read the bible and only listen to the priests who sprout their agenda rather than spreading the word of god.
Source? Even if that were the case, many of the atheists I have known who were raised in a Christian setting tend to actually agree with my Zig Forumsitical platform once I sorted through the facts with them. It doesn't seem to be the case that Christianity left its curse on the de-converted atheist.
Yet their priests are all pedo homos, who judge them?
I don't need to read the bible to know Christianity, it's the people who are christian, not any shitty book.
Most atheists in the western world are raised in Christian environment and it grows from there.
Anecdotes. MOST atheists are raised in Christian setting.
this is your brain on christniggery
see above, christianity is rebel judaism, no more, no less, and see jews as the heretics, and the latter see the former the same
literally a quarrel about "muh true judaism"
yeshua ben josef was nothing more than a heretic jew(compared to the orthodox judaism of the time), that literally described himself as direct descendant of both abraham and david
Yeah yeah, I know it's an anecdote, but I'm just explaining what I've got. Do you have any actual statistics to back up your claims?
My ancestors made up new shit to meet their needs, they did not sit still or look backwards.
Present-day Odinists are locked in venerating "the lore" and squabbling over petty minutiae based on what was or was not found in a grave. To succeed racially we need the drive that only an expansive and proselytising religion possesses, a real thirst for conquest.
These do not spring naturally from present-day Odinism, which is also blighted by the presence of universalist "asatruar" who muddy the waters online and off, speaking proudly of their "inclusiveness," their black homosexual Vitkis, and the like.
We have to accept our native faiths and ways lost out to Christianity and that it happened for several reasons, to remove the plague we can’t try to recreate faiths that lost their hold, we must analyse human nature dispassionately and see what works.
Islam is the fastest growing religion because it offers certainties and strict rules. These work, and motivate young men and also women into martyrdom and self-sacrifice, things our people crave.
The quest for authenticity that spawned some of the hipster movement's return to retrograde forms, that you witness all over in various masks, is our people crying out for a compelling faith and spiritual mandate.
Nothing in what I propose would eliminate or diminish the Allfather as either a personal spiritual connection or an archetype of our blood.
The problem with a book composed of writings and sayings passed down from countless authors is you get a lot of bad apples mixed in, and many of them happen to be jews.
Statistics is simple: the majority of Europe was christian, and the atheist population grows from that.
Then your ancestors are wrong.
Worship the root, not fucking made up new shit.
Who were your ancestors? Go back and venerate them.
All the bibles are written by jews.
Shit's JEWISH to the core.
Yes unfortunately this is the case I read the bible I try to follow the teachings not everyone is like me who are curious about what actually is a sin and what isn't. Those priests are going against jesus' teachings. I judge christians on how closely they follow the bible if they do not follow the bible then why should they be considered a christian as a christian is someone who follows the teachings of jesus. If these priests aren't doing that then can you really call them christian?
Yeah but, how many of the European atheists were Christian in their lifetimes, or were actually raised Christian? It doesn't count if they weren't inundated with Christian values and teachings.
Besides that, Europe's problem isn't that it has lost its religion (Although many Abrahamites disagree), but that it was subjected to decades of (((White Guilt, "Denazification", Progressive, Liberal, Die-versity))) propaganda after the War. Everything we are seeing now is the result of this.
Christianity is useful insofar as it's preserved certain "Europeanisms". It's a religion that synthesized the ancient pantheon with Judaism, not to mention that "pagan" thought wasn't expunged entirely. What Americans refer to colloquially as karma is more akin to the Nordic concept of "wyrd". The culture reinforces the religious thought, but most of Europe has been thoroughly Judaized. If you look at religions as psychic Empires their behaviors make more sense. What we're witnessing in the West is a fracturing of Christianity into proto-folk religions
You go ask them that, it's not my fucking problem that we are playing word game here.
MOST if not ALL atheists are raised as christians, the actual amount of atheist parents are very low since atheists don't give birth at all.
>Besides that, Europe's problem isn't that it has lost its religion (Although many Abrahamites disagree), but that it was subjected to decades of (((White Guilt, "Denazification", Progressive, Liberal, Die-versity))) propaganda after the War.
Europe problem started ever since the kike brought fucking desert religion to Europe and the romans LARP it up, then the germans LARP it up. Shit's never been the same ever since.
Jews give birth to Christianity, Christianity gives birth to secularism, and secularism gives birth to Communism and so on and so on.
>six millionth thread in which (((christcuck))) tries to deconstruct and destroy anything that does not align with his semitic religion
I brought up what the word christian actually meant. If the priests making an attempt to follow christs teachings then they aren't christian.
Then go tell them that. They are still calling themselves christians and they have their own church.
Let's be honest they'll tell me that I am not following the word of god by misquoting the bible and when I give them an actual quote then I would get kicked out.
So in short, following the Bible doesn't matter jack fucking shit.
Christianity isn't a religion, it's a fucking political and economic organization.
their victim/slave mentality is essentially the same as their jewish cousins, they get high on playing the persecuted/martyr
You mean a holy nigger.
Yeah, the Jew is the source of all strife. But I'm referring to modern libtarded die-versity cults that import shitskins by the banana boat. That shit is a direct consequence of post-war (((White Guilt))) propaganda and Jewish political maneuvering.
I know for a fact that you have no idea what proper pagan worship would even entail. Nobody does. The shit was never written down in any kind of coherent fashion. This LARPagan bullshit is just you and your buddies in Tel Aviv trying to find a fracture point and exploit it. Pagan vs. Christian, X isn't White, it's all the same shit, intended to destroy and sew chaos.
Odin and Thor are not going to ride down on winged pegasi to smite all the Semitic races. Zeus isn't on Mt. Olympus. What you propose is a mere continuation of European man's spiritual void. Paganism has had over a thousand years to reconstitute itself, yet it has not done so. That isn't because le mean ebil christcucks, that's because it has meant virtually nothing to Europeans for that entire time. Even if you got your wish and Varg burnt down every church in the world, no good would come of it and we wouldn't instantly go back to celebrating Saturnalia again. It would just create an even greater spiritual void and most likely get replaced by Islam - which, as you would say, is what the Jews want.
Have you tried prayer, the study of scripture, listening to music?
When I have trouble maintaining my faith in the Gods I will often read something from the Eddas or listen to Wardruna or I picture a mythological scene in my mind.
No you don't get to choose a third option. In this specific scenario, there is no White Christian suitor, only a godly nigger.
The holy pagan worship is about venerating your ancestor.
No need for any fucking ceremony, priesthood, bureaucrat, no need for all the church tax and all that bullcrap.
You respect and venerate your ancestor who gives birth to you.
Not some desert demon.
Christianity itself is growing these shitskins so that they can be shipped off in the first place.
The two have nothing to do with each other, so the fact you lump them together, proves you have no idea what you are talking about.
Oh shit I forgot about that. (((Foreign Aid))) and (((Christian Charity))) lmao.
No, faggot, no. The only roasties all about fucking niggers are the ones raised by your women, not our men. Godless tattooed whores go with niggers like your butthole goes with AIDS.
but what about a BASED black christian man?
See a live example
Holy nigger.
Heathenry is in White Blood. It'll never wash out in a million years (unless all White Blood is destroyed by being miscegenated). No need for a book, when the clap of thunder tells you who your real Gods are every time. Books and accumulated knowledge come after experience.
OUR ancestors: white people innovate, we don't sit on our backsides looking back at a golden age that never existed. Many men whose families had worshipped Odin for centuries thought nothing of raiding their neighbours and selling the women and children into slavery to Arabs, there is no mechanism in a pagan, indigenous approach to our ancestral gods that protects our race and drives it to overcome challenges.
Christianity housed great thinkers and literature, and was the dominant religion at a time when Europeans ruled most of the world, part-motivated by spiritual conquest. That finally degenerated into the current form, from seeds that were always present, but it was not innately limited to looking backwards to a more perfect ancestral past.
No faith that does this succeeds, these are dead-end concepts that mean each new generation is that bit less blessed.
We don't know exactly what our ancestors believed, because most of what we have was handed to us by Christians and possibly tainted by their beliefs, but we do know it LOST: lost to the Christian meme of the ascended God-man, who could give you powers (witness the many saints who healed in the name of Christ) and make you so perfected you were fit to sit with God.
I honour my ancestors (and the Allfather) by attempting to find what their strove for when they accepted Christianity, and aligning that with our heritage.
So is Islam. These seem to be a winning formula.
This is also my conclusion.
Oh look, a jewish false dichotomy argument. Imagine my absolute shock that you're jewish.
That's all very nice, but having a faith and hinting at one are two different things.
We have the faith in the Old Gods and you hint at some super duper totally rad faith that is like totally better then all other faiths.
The first one exists, the other one does not.
Where I live, Christian women marry niggers a whole lot more often than atheist girls. The Christian girls always say "God Put us together"
Nope, YOUR, we have different ancestors, maybe the same root, but different ancestors.
My ancestors don't think of some new gods to worship, my ancestors worship THEIR ancestors, being the root of their bloodline. That's all that was needed.
Winning formula to get you enslaved and taxed to hell, yes.
It never died completely, it was hacked apart and the pieces were absorbed into Christianity
Is that why people resisted conversion, even in the face of death?
We just celebrated it a few days ago :^)
I don't think so, at least not in the USA. Americans almost worship the Republic as divinely inspired, it wouldn't surprise me if this quasi-religion gradually replaces Christianity
The fuck?
Oh look, another jewish tactic. Keep them coming, rabbi.
That would apply to Christian traditions as well, those grew from the source material, so will ours grow again from the source material.
As if there aren't flocks of Christian girls marrying Christian hoop apes all the time. Just answer the damn question and tell us where your true loyalty lies: with Faith, or with Blood.
How is that anymore anecdotal than my godly nigger somehow not marrying my godly white hoes?
There's church-sponsored miscegenation propaganda circulating, and it's pretty damn popular where I'm from (very Christian area)
Link related, one of the most popular sources of Creationist delusion, and their take on interracial marriage.
Nice try, satan.
The option is, as always, white men chose white husbands for their daughters. Your tribe of chosenites have destroyed christian culture with feminism and family courts, but before your kind came, no Christian man ever gave his daughter to a nigger, not in Europe, and not in America. But if you say that Christianity permitted it, show me a case where it happened prior to the jewish institutions of suffrage and "civil rights" being instituted. protip, you can't, rabbi
Just like Thor in Alvismal.
4. "Break it shall I, | for over the bride
Her father has foremost right;
At home was I not | when the promise thou hadst, And I give her alone of the gods."
Which doesn't require Christianity.
Christianity actually encourages you to mix since we are all god's children or some bullshit.
I can
"n 17th century Barbados (and elsewhere) Planters forcibly bred female Irish servants with male African slaves. This practice was so widespread that it had to be banned as it was impacting on the profits made by slave trading companies."
"White woman in particular were singled out for this punishment in the fields. Sometimes, to satisfy a perverted craving, the mulatto drivers forced the women to strip naked before commencing the flogging…[…]..while the women were weeding in the fields in that condition, the drivers often satisfied their lust by taking them from the rear.” — Sean O’Callaghan, To Hell or Barbados: the Ethnic Cleansing of Ireland (2000)
"Some of the physically larger blacks were made guards and were given certain privileges, namely Irish women. There had been several Irish killed trying to protect the Irish women from being assaulted by these savage blacks.” — Lawrence R. Kelleher, To shed a tear — A story of Irish slavery in the British West Indies (2001), 73
“The settlers began to breed Irish women and girls with African men to produce slaves with a distinct complexion. These new “mulatto” slaves brought a higher price than Irish livestock and, likewise, enabled the settlers to save money rather than purchase new African slaves. This practice of interbreeding Irish females with African men went on for several decades and was so widespread that, in 1681, legislation was passed “forbidding the practice of mating Irish slave women to African slave men for the purpose of producing slaves for sale.” In short, it was stopped only because it interfered with the profits of a large slave transport company.” — John Martin, The Irish Slave Trade — the Forgotten “White” Slaves (2008), GlobalResearch.ca
“This African would serve as a stud for the inexpensive Irish women slaves…[these breeding programs were stopped] because it was reducing the profits of the Royal African Company…[but] due to the profitability of these breeding programs the practice continued until well after the end of Ireland’s “Potato Famine”. — Guy Nixon, Slavery in the West: The Untold Story of the Slavery of Native Americans in the West (2011), 12
“Female Irish slaves were raped by their owners and bred to male African slaves to produce offspring who would grow into big, strong, mulatto slaves.”
Maggie Plummer, author of Spirited Away — A Novel of the Stolen Irish, Lake County writer examines Irish enslavement in historical novel, The Missoulian (2012)
“…the black or mulatto overseers also often forced the [Irish] women to strip while working in the fields and often used them sexually as well.” — Radio 2 Hot, The Irish Slaves — What they will never, ever tell you in history class (2013), radio2hot
“…the most unfortunate of these young [Irish] girls were taken to stud farms to be bred with the most favoured of the black slaves.” — Jenifer Dixon, To Hell or Barbados: Was life for the Irish slave worse than that of the African slave?, The Barnes Review (Sept/Oct 2013), 16. N.B. The Barnes Review is journal dedicated to Holocaust denial.
“There are even documents of parentage saved from the archives of the Montserrat Library during the June 1977 volcanic eruption that destroyed much of the island. These documents read like animal pedigree papers, showing the pairing of young Irish girls with Mandingo warriors to breed a better slave, more capable of working in the burning sun.” — Mike McCormack, Ancient Order of Hibernians, History Ireland Magazine, September/October 2017, 12
Hypotheticals such as that one cannot be false dichotomies. You are not claiming that those are the only possibilities; you are asking what the person would do IF those were the only possibilities.
He's not claiming that those are the only two options in every real-life scenario, you utter retard. It's a hypothetical scenario that exists to demonstrate that a devout christian will often place his religion far above his own race and engage in miscegenation if he believes it will "strengthen" his religious beliefs.
Ah yes the archetypes of Thor, Odin, etc. were uncovered in Africa and the whole bit about preserving your ancestor's blood and spirit means popping out mongrels. A+ analysis, OP.
I speak of rolling up our sleeves, putting away the endless bickering over what shreds and ashes in a 1700-year old grave meant, or what parts of a semitic cult we can safely embrace, and manufacturing a new one, yes. One that can assimilate the best of the old, while keeping its focus on the problems we face now.
A white man created Scientology, which has immense influence: white men guided Christianity for a very long time, white men imported seeds of Hindu and Buddhist thought that sparked the new age concepts that have permeated our culture. The Crusades were literal insanity of "retaking" non-ancestral land in the middle east, motivated by love for the idea of Christ, an ascended man, always portrayed as white. That kind of insanity is sorely lacking, and its drive and fire makes our people easy prey. We need concepts that fire that same spiritual certainty and quest for triumph.
The gods are immortal, and the divine spark handed from ancestors, through us, to our children; but religions are manufactured.
We can sit around waiting for all white people, feeble-minded ones included, to reach our oh-so-refined state, or we can get to work creating a religion (manufactured structure) to guide society where we want it to go. Think of it as the opposite of a gateway drug, to lead our people out of the doped state of passive serenity Christianity has created in them.
My ancestors were Christian and held onto some older traditions, partly they were from Scotland. I have no non-European admixture.
This faith you speak of, an unbroken line of ancestor-worshipping Europeans, has not held on in most of Europe and our people are in dire need of something a little stringer to embrace and give them BACK a sense of mission, of holy blood and of having a quest, and a purpose in life, other than making way for Africans to inherit (and permanently destroy) all we have created.
For one thing, I said "daughter" you illiterate nigger. For two, the slave owners were of your tribe, not white men. That goes double for Spanish plantations, probably the most kiked institutions of colonialism. For three, the Irish were never considered white, and were always counted as equal to niggers by Anglos.
Three strikes and you are out, rabbi.
And thus Europe needs to get back to it.
It's that SIMPLE.
Europe has been lead astray since the infection of Christianity, but we need to get back to what we were before, son of gods, not fucking desert cult worship.
This has always been a meme, propagated by jews hiding in England.
Literally a Christian defending the rape of Irish woman by blacks, you can't make this shit up, he could have back peddled, but noooooooo
gas yourself
That is a literal definition of a meme, yid.
An idea spread to the common mass.
Just neck yourself now while you're ahead.
It's not that it "saves" it's what replaces collapse.
NuPaganism is just atheism, which is inherently jewish and has no place in traditional European society. There is zero cultural link to the actual paganism of pre Christian Europe in the modern world.
Being this kiked in the current year.