Dollar General preparing for a permanent American underclass

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The real funny part of this is how many ZOGbots won't realize they're being mocked.

I like how providing a service for poor people is portrayed as a bad thing.

It's amazing that trash like you feel welcome posting here.

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to be fair the dollar stores carry mostly the same shit as wal mart (doesn't apply to food) except walmart marks it up 4 or 5 times when it's the same quality garbage in the end.

You're mostly paying to avoid poor people. In fact that's like 80% of capitalism.

oy vey goys what can be wrong with having a large corporation who benefits from everyone being poor? It's not like they'll do whatever they can to make more poor people.

dollar stores attract niggers

I don't really see the issue here. This is like trashing McDonalds for having a dollar menu or thirft stores selling used things.
This is telling, though:
They act like this was an attack on "the poor" instead of what it really was; trying to get rid of a stupid communist burden.

Capitalism attracts niggers then pretends otherwise.

No one cares.
You're a fag.
Communism sucks.
Fuck off to
>>>Zig Forums
and talk more about it there.

Cope harder.

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Nice fake quote, retarded.


Google it up, it's fake.

Capitalism is the reason we have a bunch of fucking turdskins in our countries, faggot. The OP basically outlined it for you.

I don't understand how they can blame Dollar General for this. This falls squarely at the feet of the politicians whose job is to protect us and our posterity. That isn't Dollar Generals job, theirs is to make a dollar generally.

I've been in the stockrooms of dollar stores. Most of their stock says it was purchased for 1 penny PER CASE. and it all says made in China. How much more jewy could you get. There is a reason they dont care about stolen merchandise and have no security systems in place.

I'll just filter you up instead, Chaim.

You can filter all you want, cannot stop the truth.

Communism's endgoal is no border.

Capitalism used to protect border.

This is just fucking retarded, every communist country has had intensely strong borders, you can't even leave the country whereas capitalism requires an influx of cheap shitskin labor constantly flowing in. Communism has its own problems, but immigration isn't one of them unless you think Venezuela has an issue with illegal immigration.

They have strong borders to protect themselves from capitalism attack, but this is the same for capitalism country.

Among themselves though, free travel ahoy.

They even give send ruskies around to colonize other countries.

100% moron confirmed
they both want no borders

Capitalism has existed as long as borders exist.

Capitalism has only existed as long as the (((Dutch merchants))) have been around. Before that you had a free market where guilds (who ensured quality control and mastery of the arts) competed for the best reputation. Now days you have corporations investing in cheap labor overseas so they can sell overpriced crap to make a profit

Capitalism has existed ever since you have trading though.

Only commies say otherwise.

You might confuse capitalism with industrialization.

You can always tell the ones who know absolutely nothing about politics, economics, and political history. They are the ones who keep talking about capitalism and communism and socialism. Like it fucking matters. Like these things have actually had any relevance since 1990

How can this surprise anybody today? This underclass already exists and may as well be nearly a third of the population.
-36 million blacks
-30 million illegals
-and tack on to this the number of "asians" and whites in poverty and you have nearly 100 million or maybe even more.
I mean seriously, how many families of 4 can make it on $22,541 a year(US Census poverty threshold average)?

it was a white guy who wrote this. that is the sad part

Looks like they're headed for 3rd world status. Can't imagine why.

Nah, the demographics are doing that.


So they're upset that they're preparing for it, but not for the the importation of said underclass. Got it.

Also all of this.

No shit, I'll bet publix/win dixie sells more food than dollar stores or whole foods. whole foods is a rich people store

Funny way to say attempting to profit off of.

It's a real quote, it's from the pamphlet "Those Damned Nazis" written by Goebbels:

Watch him not reply.

socialist to them doesn't mean the same as a socialist commie

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If you are not a National Socialist by now, then I hope you at least have the sense to get out of our way when we take power. Jew-Capitalist fucks will get what's coming to them. REMEMBER, during the Medieval Ages, the Church was socialist and was red-pilled on kikes at the same time. If you believe in capitalism, then you believe in Mammon.

If you want to avoid niggers, go to costco

It can't be said enough here but look into the Third Position. Capitalism and Communism are not your only choices economically

Remember, lolbertarians will defend this crap

They also don't mean it as a one-to-one substitution for capitalism, but it's a never-ending stream of morons who keep trying to push just that.

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The pursuit of greed by traitorous whites has been just as destructive as the jews. It was the jews who transported african slaves to the shores of America, but it was wealthy plantation owners who purchased them. Their greed made them disenfranchise working whites in America in favor of cheap labor, and now America is full of niggers. The North industrialized before the south did BECAUSE the south was reliant on slave labor.

We see the same thing today with mass immigration, massive corporations unwilling to pay hardworking whites a living wage in favor of asians, indians, and hispanics (blacks refuse to work). Some fruit, for example, cannot be picked by a machine. It must be handpicked. Instead of paying a white man enough money to feed his family and buy a home, they underpay a spic who will vote for more welfare gibs. The boomer and middle class are responsible for this too, as they prefer to lower prices and disenfranchise their own people. Boomers spend their children's inheritance on themselves, put their elderly in nursing homes run by violent blacks, and neglect their children in daycares.

Industriousness is not the same thing as greed. Industriousness is working hard to create real value. Greed is getting drunk off of wealth and wanting more. A market can work to provide wealth to all, but it must be for whites and whites only.

Capitalism is a buzzword that (((Karl Marx))) made up to describe anything at all that wasn't communism. It's the definition of a false dichotomy; it's since come to mean "letting jews fuck you in the ass for money and loving it" and it's presented as the only possible alterantive to marxism. Well it's not. We are fascists, not capitalists. We believe in a centrally planned economy, geared not toward the false god of equality, but toward the good of our people. We believe in expelling the jews and other foreign invaders, ironclad borders, highly restricted immigration with strict racial discrimination, the prohibition of interest slavery, and the welfare of all members of our race. All of these values and goals are completely incompatible with the system presented to us as "capitalism", because capitalism is just as jewish and evil as marxism.

It's your own responsibility, not the politicians. They are almost always corrupt and everyone knows it. We live in a world where they're most often in the pocket of bankers, military industrial complex, and other tycoons. When OWS protest gets subverted and you just give up, you have failed at protecting your own interests, and let them rape you without even putting up a fight. Instead the banks, MSM, government buildings should all have been burning until they get the message. And any cops who "just doing muh job" should have been shot. That's how it fucking works when you actually put up a fight.

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There is literally nothing I would want to buy in a Dollar General store. Its all like .50cent McDonalds toys. What purpose do they even serve?

The more I look around the harder it is to distinguish the US from Brazil

Anything else would be communism

Reminder that codemonkey is personally responsible for allowing these people to continue to post here.

Having underclass scum to boss around is not that bad.
t. pooloo but not the gf seeking pooloo schizo

Are you retarded?

Juden Peterstein's herd has arrived.

No thanks, they literally slow productivity down.

While you, the elite man, are alive. Then the problem that lay dormant during your lifetime slowly rears its head and twenty generations later, your seed must deal with a crisis of civilization-threatening proportions.

We can all get along, but only if the Asians return to their large and bountiful continent.

Heh. I have no sympathy for neurotypicals. You purposefully give yourself meaningless jobs like "operations manager" or "HR director" when you know deep down that all you're doing is giving your signature a few hundred times and chatting at work. You're lucky your job wasn't automated 20 years ago. Boomers had the golden age of useless jobs heh. Now the middle management jobs are being destroyed thanks to the sperg master-race. We told you that you should just leave us alone and let us play vidya. You didn't listen. Now we will destroy everything you love. I can already predict the responses to this will be "#notalljobs" and "muh middle managers and managers are important srsly for reasons (can't list reasons" heh. You'll all be replaced in the next 20 years but luckily some of us spergs have set up a savings fund for you. UBI. Accept it and bow down to the sperg supremacists or die as the dog you are. Heh.

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Nope. Costco is fully enriched now.
When they only accepted the American Express card that kept them out. Now they take VISA/MC/EBT.

I'd imagine that kept out 95% of everyone else too.

They only pop up around Section Ape Mud HUDs in my area.

Of course the kikes mock those who go off to fight and die for their favorite ethnostate. Fuck, how I wish the holohoax was a real actual thing.

True. The ACA wasn't working as passed. Even anti-Trump and anti-GOP sources were admitting as much before Trump got inaugurated.

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I sometimes see them in even upscale White areas. I guess they're catering to all demographics.

It's literally not, no. You know nothing.

communist countries don't get immigrants because they're all jewish gulag death camps that no one in his right mind would flee to

jews are the reason we have niggers.

The kikes are manipulating Brazillian's currency (Real) to be above dollar for a short time, in order to deceive the bluepilled brazillians into accepting jewish investiment.
Pay attention to the current situation in Brazil. Israel wants a (first time ever) (((trade))) partnership in hueland.
They will use Brazil as a front to attack White People in all the Americas soon.

Who wrote this shit, oh its news week

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Always the most hilarious capitalist shill defense.

China gets quite a lot actually

That was probably the case long before Bolsonaro, though.


Dollar Tree >> Family Dollar >>>>> Dollar General

Only the first one is an honest to god dollar store anyways, the other two carry plenty of crap that's between two and five dollars.

China is largely communist in name only, though. The only thing they kept from (((communism))) is the one-party state and authoritarian rule.


well they have a stock market and they accept foreign investment from every white country so no, it isn't real communism. It's chinese nationalism masquerading as communism

I'm not some leftist, but it is true. North Korea is closer to the traditional communist idea, but lol, they're propped up by China who abandoned that shit when Deng Xiaoping came to power. All communist countries had to undergo market reforms in order to stay afloat and in power.

Also this.

Avoiding poor people?
Nigger, have you ever been in a fucking Walmart?

We didn't build nigger magnets. Jews lobbied for immigration and civil rights. All of this pro-nigger messaging in the media is completely orthogonal to capitalism. What about when the Jews took over Russia and promoted all kinds of society-destroying behaviour (destroying religion, marriage, promoting shit art). Whoever JEWS infect, whether it's a communist or capitalist country, is sickened.

People who whine about capitalism are generally Catholics like Eric Striker who aren't that industrious and need the state to take care of them.

You got that backwards. Dollar general sells the same products but in smaller portion size where it's actually cheaper to purchase the thing from a real grocery store

I read this is big in oklahoma
the black communities are actively targeted by those companies
and blacks noticed that once those dollar stores come to their neighborhoods their income levels go down and everything sinks even deeper into poverty as all other businesses are pushed out
they are now actively fighting against more dollar stores in their area

They are in fact closer to ancient society with closed border.

Communism is about no border, no race, no government.

Niggers are attracted to good countries, communism do not make good countries.

I don't see that quote anywhere in said doc.

The church was basically kike-hive in the Middle Ages. They had their own taxes and their own cabal inside every government.

Can you show us one example of a communist state where this was actually realized?

Not exactly. The jewish elite of communist countries is essentially monarchy, fresh with creative rights and decisional power. It's the goy underclass that is denied identity and property, like the work beasts they're considered.

They won't, it doesn't fit there personal definition

There's none, that's the point.

Fuck off, the jews bought positions, none of them are the real aristocrats.

Yes, you did. You just boasted of it. Your society is so great and amenable to niggers, they flock to it from every corner of the globe.

Tibet, where the communist Han ethnically replaced the locals in a soft genocide. Their ethnicity and borders were considered meaningless in the face of the horde's needs.

Jews got all the good positions in (((communist))) governments.

So we build great societies, that's a problem?

The problem is we not keeping the niggers off our country, not that our society is great.

It's like making a delicious cake, then gets mad that niggers want to eat it. The problem is niggers, not the cake.


Jews make up the power structure and intellighentsia of communist countries. They are essentially kingdoms ruled by an ethnic aristocracy.

Same is the case in capitalist countries as well. It's almost like this is the reason why Natsoc Germany was against both (((systems))).

Nope, there is NOTHING kingdom about them.

There's no connection of blood between the classes. Just purely materialistic.

A society that collapses in a generation due to immigration and ethnic replacement is not a 'great society'. You've been fed patriotism while the country was mutated into something that the original patriots would have hated.