YouTube Thoughtcrime Propaganda Links

ITT we document the links jewtube places directly under some videos to "correct the record"

A while ago, jewtube started putting links to (((Wikipedia))) or other sources such as Encyclopedia Brittanica directly underneath videos or at the top of search results about "controversial subjects". It seems they've now increased their aggressiveness in inserting these links in a desperate effort to retain control over the narrative. ITT we will document the keywords and subjects that cause these links to appear, what they link to, and examples of videos targeted by this type of hardcoded propaganda.

So far I've detected that these topics cause links to be injected below a video:

Another thing that they do is insert notices below videos informing users if a media outlet receives funding from a government agency. Here are some examples:
Notice how the bias is revealed in the difference between the way they word the notice about the CBC and notice about RT: For the CBC, it does not say that the CBC is "funded in whole or in part by the Canadian government" (which it is), it just calls it a public broadcast service.

These thoughcrime correct the record links can be reverse engineered to understand what information represents the greatest threat to our enemies.

Attached: youtube_thoughtcrime_link_holohoax.png (640x480 98.67 KB, 258.47K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It says a lot that the ADL is desperate to correct the record about (((freemasonry))).

Attached: youtube_thoughtcrime_link_freemasonry_kabbalah.png (2054x1547, 1.34M)

Another topic that triggers (((fact checking))): Oklahoma city bombing

Attached: youtube_thoughtcrime_link_oklahomah_city_bombing.png (1973x895, 1.18M)

This is a lot more interesting and relevant than most everything in the catalog atm. Have a bump op.

Attached: 1524794437023.jpg (640x640, 223.01K)

Hell I wrote a song called, "New World Order" and they put the wiki link there. I don't even have subscribers lol

Its apparent they don't want anyone contemplating any kind of conspiracy.

Found another one: Global warming

I've noticed it for months, but today when I saw a (((fact check))) link for freemasonry, I realized they've been expanding their thought crime dragnet, and also that these links are like neon signs showing us what topics they most want censored.

Haha, what the fuck. They are actually fact checking "new world order" all on its own?

So far we have:

Nothing to see here goyim

Attached: youtube_thoughtcrime_link_global_warming.png (2063x1493, 2.15M)

Gotta keep the official narratives going, goy.

Do any appear for the USS Liberty?

The Protocols and JFK do it too.

Try looking up anything related to chemtrails

Could be worse.

Attached: USS Liberty.png (924x130, 20.9K)

Yep. I'm going to purposely start uploading more songs with trigger words in them for this very purpose. Gotta get them written, but I thought it'd be a neat thing to do.

What's that old saying? "Look who you're not allowed to criticize and you'll know the enemy.".

I'll bet there's many more trigger words and I plan finding them out.

Look at that, they even put it at the top of search results. Nice song btw, user. Good work.

Attached: youtube_thoughtcrime_link_search_new_world_order.png (1727x1135, 383.41K)

Chem trails too… Hmm, I'm gonna be taking screen shots for these words and try to compile a list

Thank, pal.

I noticed that with other search queries. Like sandy hook for example

Thanks. I guess that one is pretty impossible to spin towards their narrative, so they're probably just hoping it flies under the radar.

I don't know, I'd expect them to add "accidental" to that blurb at some point.

Also is it just me? Or do these actions make it 100 times clearer that they're covering their asses? There's pretty much no real reason a multi-billion dollar company would go to such lengths to simply "Correct" what a couple "loonies" think online.

Trilateral comission, bilderberg, and bohemian grove

Also fun fact, Jimmy Buffet went to Bohemian Grove in 2016. You can get the guest list from Wikileaks.

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Chemtrails confirmed.

So far:

Attached: youtube_thoughtcrime_link_uss_liberty.png (2045x1603 281.6 KB, 1.96M)

This is a good list. It shows what the (((system))) doesn't want people to investigate.

Nation wide cell and internet service hours yesterday.
Wake up today and Google Facebook Insta Snapchat apps all updated without permission.
Really jiggles the jello.

Kinda like the Elon Musk thing. He mentioned a centrally controlled media and check marked Jews started kvetching.


It's all undeniable now which is why they resort to these pathetic well poisoning attempts with wiki. Which unfortunately for them their pets in academia have been shitting on wiki for about a decade now. I think the game is just getting too complicated to play for them and now they're slipping up left right and center, pun intended.

Someone should code a browser plugin which replaces the Wikipedia links with Metapedia/Rightpedia/etc. links… Perhaps the author of coincidence detector?


Attached: youtube_thoughtcrime_link_trilateral_commission.png (2052x1314 693.26 KB, 1.19M)

Yep. It's a huge narrative they gotta hold together and there are way more avenues to get info nowadays.

The emperor is fucking naked and everyone knows it

This is actually a really good idea for multiple reasons. One it would be nice to have for us who use YouTube as a research tool and secondly, because nothing would piss them off more.


Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-28-21-24-25.png (540x960, 369.57K)

Illuminati is a CIA nigger term anyway.


Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-28-21-25-19.png (540x960, 372.17K)


uh, wasn't it helicopters and not jets?

Yes, this is true.

Btw, if you google, "13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati" you can either find copies of the book for hundreds of dollars or a direct pdf from CIA dot gov

New World Order is also a CIA nigger term. It's one they love because it implies that their victory is imminent, and that they're part of a "new" progressive thing. But they're more accurately described as "The Old World Order" there's literally nothing new about them.

I'm aware of that too. It's all about shifting perceptions. Been going on forever.

I think there was a helicopter involved, but the actual attack was carried out by jet and boat.

That's such an awful book, both in content and writing. Years ago it was one of the Truth Movement "bibles", so I held it in high regard, until I actually took the time read it.

Springmeier is a fraud who apparently plagiarized Jordan Maxwell (bullshiter/possible Freemason), Bill Schnoebelen (jew), and Doc Marquis (zionist with a speech impediment).

Terry said CIA niggers glow in the dark but that doesn't mean everyone can see them. I mean the term, "conspiracy theory" was created for the purpose of labeling people with legitimate grievances as crack pots and paranoid schizophrenics.

As an aside, a fun read is the KUBARK counter intelligence interrogation manual. You can find a pdf. It was published by the CIA and it goes into the kinds of tactics used to make people talk.

Yeah never read the book. The writer himself was probably a transplant.

I think the unabomber was actually an MK Ultra victim btw. I'm surprised Google didn't give me a wiki article on mk ultra


Illuminati and rothschild confirmed:

Attached: youtube_thoughtcrime_link_rothschild.png (2037x1520 2.55 MB, 2.55M)

Woops, uploaded same image twice.

Attached: youtube_thoughtcrime_link_illuminati.png (2072x1373, 1.64M)

New world order just means jew world order.

The Moon Landing is another one, they also have fixed results so kosher "it was real, goy" videos come up first.


Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-28-21-37-19.png (540x960, 330.66K)

Holy shit this is pure desperation only a kike is capable of. I think this is hilartious. Real holocaust coming soon and the filthy kikes know it…

Area 51

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-28-21-39-46.png (540x960, 275.63K)


Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-28-21-40-49.png (540x960, 334.37K)

Doesn't new world order refer to using a new world puppet empire (the USA) rather than the old world puppet empire (Britain)?

It's jews

In theory it's really the same difference. Some say the Rothschilds owned Britain through the banks. When the Balfour Declaration was written, it was written to a Rothschild agreeing to hand over what is now Israel to the Yidnoggers.

Well, long story short, you see how the United States is tied to Israel.

The problem with conspiracies is you got cooks like David Icke muddying the waters and the CIA niggers throwing us false crumbs.

Haha, wut. Maybe it was thrown in there to discredit the rest.

Attached: youtube_thoughtcrime_link_area_51.png (2048x1477 1.83 MB, 2.81M)

You paraphrased me lol

If they throw in some obviously crazy shit then it lumps it all together. The plausible becomes absurd.

Seems quite odd that they'd include "reptilians" in there… Oh, wait, no, never mind. They do it to poison the well. It's the guilt by association fallacy. If people learning about the holocaust see the same banners under reptilian and UFO videos, they'll believe that the statements are of the same weight.

That's what I'm thinking the strategy is there. Muddy the waters.

Anons here have been calling this a, "Glowing neon sign," for what (((they))) want censored, but you have to remember that Jewtube (and the rest of Jewgle) is in full cooperation with with all the standard intelligence services. i.e.
"Correcting" Disinfo & Controlled Opp. will also be a part of their propaganda links
Obvious retard-tier theories like Nazis controlling the world or flat earth are going to be used as proof for the 'reliability' of their services. Not everything they CTR on is going to be actual censored truth.

You know it, fellas. Poison that well good and confuse truth seekers.

Yeah, we just discovered that "reptilians" brings up fact checking.


Try faces or pyramids on mars?

Icke really isn't as bad as most people think. I'd definitely take him over Jonestein, Dice, or any of the Qcumbers.

They want to make it seem like they're just setting the record straight about conspiracy theories, and not covering for the jews. Although, I guess you could make the argument that the jews have a problem with the reptilian theories because they're clearly rooted in dual-seedline Christian Identity, which teaches that the jews are the literal children of Satan, spawned from a union between Eve and the serpent in the Garden of Eden.

Yeah, dude. But I think we are all pretty aware of that.

When it comes to, "conspiracies", we have to focus on what is provable beyond a reasonable doubt and then go from there.

Or try grand canyon caves
Or little Colorado river diversion project

Sandia man
Windover bog
Lovelock cave

I feel you. Icke is great when he isn't talking about Saturn, the moon, and reptilians. It may be code for Jew, but normies aren't going to listen to that. Icke imho says some good things, but I worry it's counterproductive.

And yeah, the reptilian theory views the Yid God as the demiurge so I get that.

Also Icke is blue pilled on the great Shoah.

Sandy Hook confirmed.

Attached: youtube_thoughtcrime_link_sandy_hook.png (2054x1540, 2.25M)

Human hunting parties

First video of the nog Steph Curry denying the moon landing is (((Max Kellerman))) from ESPN concern trolling acting like he just declared the Third Reich.

They freaked out when another one of their pet nogs Kyrie Irving talked about DA FLAT EARF too, Bill Maher had some rant about it. They always get so overly serious "THIS ISN'T FUNNY", "THIS IS CONCERNING".

Attached: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.PNG (1674x192 814.1 KB, 37.29K)

aka OY VEY x20

Op look up hollow earth

Not quite.

The kikes have been kvetching hard since the negress who wrote The Color Purple recommended Icke's latest book. He also posted Hellstorm on his website immediately after its release.

Damn. I didn't realize. All I got from him was, "The Zionists are using the plight of the Holocaust as a crutch to get what they want."

I haven't seen that but I don't doubt it. They're always on damage control; even for crazy theories.

It is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine, with that San Francisco crowd.

Yes but even that is over 100 years old.

Trying to contact the author…
I hope he responds to the request

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-29 Plugin to replace Youtube Wiki Links with Metapedia Links - jameshudsonawesome gmail com - Gmail.png (869x533, 34.8K)

You did well asking. I myself would spread word of this plugin throughout the world of chans. I think all of us on this thread would.

If he created it, I think it'd be a valuable tool.

At the very least it'd be funny to undo all the work those slimy kikes put into their wikipedia plugin.

It's just terrible! I mean, I won't shake hands with anybody from San Francisco.

I always considered the "New World Order" to refer to the post-WW2 globalist system. The UN, the EU, etc. And of course Jews having their sticky fingers in it all behind the scenes.

Attached: nwo.jpg (1085x851, 575.72K)

Well if you wanna split hairs, I guess you could put old world order and new world order on a spectrum of a single, cohesive plan. The creation of Israel, the EU, AND etc are just a part of the greater plan.

Maybe we should just called it, "the order" and not make any distinctions. But that's just me.

It's as obvious as when every one of the kike media outlets in the whole country denied pizzagate the next fucking day. It's stone cold proof that they're guilty. Do any of you faggots have any idea what kind of pull, money, and power, you have to have to do that sort of thing? The orders came from the top.

Also, this thing with flagged terms is nothing new. If anyone had said the name of any top secret project or op (which would have been really stupid) into a telephone at any point, you would be instantly flagged by computers and have it sent to agents for review. It's very clear that this process, being the same process used by kike spy agencies, is coming from the same kikes that control the media. They use identical procedures. It should be obvious to anyone who is ex-military and has a brain.

Their only real play in the USSR was just killing huge numbers of people. I have been warning everyone for a long time of the great danger. These kikes are crazy. They will probably nuke everyone they can eventually, which would be a good thing because the causus belli to exterminate the fuckers will be undeniable.

It would be nice to just get rid of the shit, too, but whatever works.

CI shit is retarded, which is the whole point–fuck over the goyim some more. They'll give you anything but the truth.

Soybois being desperate to appear right over dumb shit like "flat earth" is totally pathetic. I guess that suits them well.

Why are there no shills itt

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Don't speak it into being lol

Paganism is the white man's religion. You christcucks are all 56% amerifats who worship ZOGnald Drumpf and magapede based racemixers. The only true way to be white is nordic, not the eternal anglo. You should just stay home and never vote, since everything is hopeless and the Boers are all nigger lovers anyway.
Anime is degenerate!

Attached: Anime_Chad.jpg (1836x1377, 420.1K)

Maybe they just don't care yet? They'll probably swarm like flies on shit if someone actually makes a metapedia plugin

No they are not. Whites in South Africa are probably the most redpilled of all Whites worldwide. Being that South Africa is ground zero for global White genocide.

They're letting us test it out for them. Probably using other queries from us to figure out what kinds of topics they should also add this shit to.

Unless you guys are changing IPs after every search, they know what you're looking up back to back and using it to correct the record on what you're searching.


Found a Jew shill. He hate both Jesus and Anime. Yay good job being a fucking faggot.

Nigger, everything with a relevant keyword has a link "injected."

**shhhhhh they're watching us*j

add "seth rich murdered" to the keywords that trigger Jewtube's propaganda links to "authoritative" Wikipedia. but obviously ridiculous and false conspiracies like "Ancient Aliens" are just fine for you goy to consume, no Kikipedia link insert necessary.

this is a very troubling new feature from Jewgle. oh to be a room audio radar retroreflecting fly on the wall at Jewtube HQ in the Executive conference room when they held the meeting where they decided to green light this propaganda roll out. Jewgle is now shameless and naked (((propaganda))). Jewgle is no different than People's China Daily or Pravda. worse, the propaganda is not applied evenly nor fairly to all conspiracy topics, but only to recent politically sensitive topics surrounding Crooked Hillary getting schlonged in the election. Jewgle should be forced to lose its FCC status for this, andno longer be classified as an Information Service and instead be re-categorized as a Communication Provider, and thereby be forbidden under Federal Law from capriciously censoring content on its platforms.

Attached: jewtube_ancient_aliens.png (1337x722 1009.66 KB, 346.68K)

This stuff doesn't pop up in my browser, switched between different proxies to see if this is a regional thing, but still nothing.

Anglos are of the nordic race, not to be confused with the nordic countries

"new world order one world government" is another keyword that gets the Jewgle propaganda insert.

Attached: jewtube_propaganda_nwo_owg.png (1315x717, 295.75K)

rather ironically, "Roko's Basillisk" does not get the propaganda treatment. Jewgle AI is still too stupid to know it should censor videos about a tyrannical and vengeful AI in the future who travels through time into the past to punish all humans who refused to worship the AI or who sabotaged or harmed to rise of the AI.

Attached: rokos_basilisk.png (1374x814, 504.87K)

I use

So I don't know.

I'm glad you explained that. I was about to start believing in reptilians.