Xhale City Vape Shop employee has epic meltdown over Trump Shirt

December 28, 2018

Top fucking kek

Vape shop clerk in Atlanta has epic meltdown and assaults based Chad Trump supporter who trolls him mercilessly - calls him the "N word" in front of a Black American.

Attached: Xhale City Vape Shop employee has epic meltdown over Trump .webm (202x360, 13.18M)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/maps/search/xhalecity atlanta/@33.8476908,-84.3334721,11z/data=!3m1!4b1

haha this is great. Got a youtube link so I can share with my normie frens?

I love it.
Also I love how the guy doesnt vape himself, straight says it's for his wife. Maybe that triggered the soyboy even more


Looks like Xhale is only in Georgia. Anyone got any bright ideas for hunting down the cuck?


That's what we call a soyboy. What an autist idiot.

wtf I love #pedes now

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Negative goybook reviews incoming

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It did.

Found the chad's page
Seems like a cool dude

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Just imagine what's going on in this man's head. He's been programmed to react in certain ways to certain stimuli. Fascinating to see the fruits of Yuri's work out in the wild.

official goybook post is here if you want to dig:



A true white man would say this: "I hope that he comes to his senses, and begins to hate the kike."


the soy shrieks are always the best

So, which one is it?
google.com/maps/search/xhalecity atlanta/@33.8476908,-84.3334721,11z/data=!3m1!4b1

here you go user i think this is it

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Do your worst, niggers

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Is this retard going to become the new Aids Skrillex? I fucking hope so

employee = mentally unstable = insane = we need to open the loony bins back up

Can't get a White women faggot?

He starts autistically waving his arms at Chad lol. I love how these faggots think being socially "correct" and offended gives them the right to do whatever they want. And chad just keeps making him screech over and over. It would have been more BASTE if he never denied being rayciss and just implied that maybe he actually does hate niggers and beaners just to piss the faggot off even more, but still pretty good.

Triggered over a wearing a shirt for the current president, amazing! And Trump's racist for having racemixed grandchildren while increasing the number of immigrants into this country. People are so dumb, lemmings!


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This really proves that the best way to handle these autistic dipshits is open mockery.


getting him to calm down to make the sale, then baiting him back into meltdown was glorious

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"Do my bidding"
The absolute legend

A high ranking, card carrying member of the revolution, surely.

magapedes are just as socially retarded as the people they "trigger"

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Reminded me of pic related.

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Just bought a plane ticket, can't wait to racemix with the niggers of asia!


Xhale City is Now Hiring!

Further proof that the Irish are not White. They're niggers and will always be niggers. Why do you think our ancestors treated them like niggers too? We've been jewed for centuries.

God, what a womanly scream.
Do libtards cut their own balls off, so they won't turn into oppressive males?

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Despite being a vaping faggot, feel bad for the manager. His employee just ruined his business for the foreseeable future.

Xhale City Vape Shop lefty triggered by Trump supporting transgender from GameStop

Not from what I'm seeing here.

Lol you guys are such larping faggots. It always leads to something like this. I know at least one of these are you guys

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ANY business reserves the right to refuse service to anybody.

Get out, jew retard.

this tbh, but the store owner handled it like a manchild and assaulting him wasn't a good choice. He's fucked forever.

They should work at an Italian restaurant with all that spaghetti they're serving.

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To be honest the eternal anglos treated everyone not english as non-white, maybe except the germans.
Danes, the french, the dagos, the spics (the original ones), the slavs, the irish, the scots, come on.

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no, im sure that guy is a true alpha male that would make both of these lesser "men" tremble. He'd probably march in there during all this autistic screeching, kill the nigger right off the bat (obviously), then rip the clerks head off and then make this magapede faggot walk outside and dig his own grave in front of the whole town before delousing him with pesticides and bulldozing him into said grave.
Anything less is some cuck shit and dont let anyone tell you otherwise.

he was a clerk, not the owner.

He blew it.

He screams like a little girl.
The very essence of libtard.

That's your problem. You're seeing what you want to see.

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Comedy gold. Even if Drumpf really was a cuck hes still bringing in the salt.

so are we gonna dox this faglet or spare him

If you're not of English descent, then you need to know your place. Simple as that. If you are not aware of your place, then you are basically a nigger.


What if the manager is just a normal vaping fag that cares zero about politics, and now because of his screeching employee he has to suffer the shit reviews and lose business. kek

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he has been fired. i haven't been able to find shit on info about him so far.

kek, those last two screams his brain fucking short circuited
reminds me of the raptor kid

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nice, i hope they don't cuck out and apologize to the left after they hear the news

why is everyone called furgeson such an alpha, he even negotiated with the raging adult baby to sell him vape, god i wish that was me.

this thread reeks of reddit and halfchan

they're getting bombarded all over social media right now so they will cuck out in my opinion.
Their yelp got raped tonight. Sucks for them. Should not have hired such a faggot.

why dont you leave then faggot. no one is stopping you.

It's a nigger troll meant to stop any threads that have humor.

Including the germans, after all they were the ones going on about how they were "Huns".
Ironically the Irish call Brits "Huns".

100% pure unadulterated autism

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Did the shop make a statement yet? I dont have goybook

Read the thread numbnutz


Yeah I'm sure any other candidate would have closed the borders and declared the country a white ethnostate. Its just Drumpf, rite?

Guess he should be careful who he hires in the future. They may be a faggot commie.

Lads, this is a poster who has a hook nose and lives in Tel Aviv:

He answers by the name "pig shit" if you ever need to address him.

I don't care who you are. That's hilarious.

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I'm laughing about it.

You scared, yid?




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that guy needs to stop vaping Chromosomes

Telling people you are filtering them doesn't count as a downvote. Nobody cares what you think here lol

he can't see your post.

he filtered you.

Him and that trans shit dude thing from gamestop should have some PC babies. kekekekekek

Same goes for you magapede

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Fucking hilarious!

Ya just can't trust the Irish.

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< posting a photo of a literal kike

Yep, it's ADL-Mossad in action.

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Well. You're not communicating with me like a white person. How do you think I know you're a yid?

It's amazing to me how absolute trash kikes are, from the core. And to think they suppose they can go about operating without their snake skin shining, and their teeth baring.

Zig Forums mod tbqh.

Here's the first lesson of professional, baseline, shilling: They attempt to engender a feeling, but have no time to interact on an intellectual basis. At the highest level all you'll encounter is a scripted appeal to authority.

Shortly, no government is any good at memeing.

or Zig Forums

did la soy 56 just call chad a nigger?

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