>muh heresy le deus vult meme

Why are people on a high information board like this unironically calling things "satanic" and touting insane conspiracy theories?

I thought all the religious fundamentalist Christians were just trolling, but there seems to be genuine support for this hardcore christcuck mindset. This is a pretty obscure part of the internet, and we're all ostensibly at least 120+ IQ so what the fuck is going on here? Nobody on this board shouild actually be anything more than a philosophical deist when it comes to religion, because it's a shit-tier control tool designed to keep the normies in line.

Can someone please explain this shit?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I think it's just shitposting. Zig Forums loves to come shit up decent threads with fake rage/baiting. Sort of like when I go over there and point out that social equality is a spook just to derail a thread.

maybe if you browsed Zig Forums more, you would believe that many things actually are satanic(read: synagogue of satan a.k.a. pretend-jews) and that insane conspiracy theories, such as the kikes owning just about everything, are actually true
too bad a kike got the first reply, though, even if it is a half-truth

Just because all religions are for toolboxes, doesn't mean there aren't inter-dimensional entities looking to fuck with you.

Grow up.

Any good YouTube videos I can watch on this subject?

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There aren't many of them but they are very loud.

Remember, there is nothing Jews hate more than Jesus.

How to spot a complete retard in one simple word.

They hate Hitler far more. In fact they hate basically every National Socialist far more. Just look at how far they will go to ruin your career and make an example of you if you support National Socialism, or any National Socialist in particular, vs supporting Jesus and/or Christianity. Look at the reaction when a cross is displayed, vs the reaction when a swastika is displayed.

Look at the kvetching outrage when a Dutchman who owned a shipping company wanted to name one of the ships after his father who served in the Waffen SS (Pieter Schelte), there is nothing like that over christcuckery. Kikes hate this random Dutchman far more than they hate (((jesus))).

Kikes put on a minor show of disliking christianity but for the most part any conflicts they have with it are merely byproducts of the jew's general attacks on the health of society overall. But the kikes actively hate National Socialism to a degree that totally eclipses any ill-will they have towards christcuckery.

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Christians are terrified children looking for solace. When you do not enable their fantasy, they lash out. Its simple psychology.

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They hate the cross.

What the fuck is jesus, a gay jew. It's the cross they fear.

Paul and Peter were fucking jewish.

Most people with half a brain left when Kampfy banned anyone for criticizing Trump and so those who remain are largely retards who believe in sky magic and demons. Unfortunately, a lot of whites like to believe in this sort of shit.

kek, dunno why you'd think that hardly anyone provides insightful commentary here any more. People just whine about shills and d & c. Maybe 10% of the posts contain an interesting perspective.

Yeah, see, he doesn't believe in magic spirits, and no amount of Zig Forums-browsing is going to convince him of that. When you say "satanic," you are implying that there is a hoofed one sitting on a throne of skulls, miles below the surface of the Earth in his soul Gitmo. Our levelheaded poster doesn't believe in that. He could read of every vile act performed by a jew and he still wouldn't be convinced that Jews are possessed by wicked demons or whatever wizardry that christers believe in. He would instead attribute this behaviour to the biology of the Jew. Stupid people can't grasp natural phenomena without putting a face on it, so they believe in gods and devils. Smart people can deal with abstractions. (But some smart people will still find it fun to dress up these abstractions in human clothes and speak of them as gods or spirits, knowing full well that these magical creatures are just allegories and not actually real. Hopefully, you can make this distinction, too.

Yeah, that's right. Kikes may despise Christianity (as they are right to do) but they 'fear' Hitler. This is why they rallied the world to destroy NS Germany within a decade, whereas the most that they have done to Christianity is infiltrate it.

Sad. Also, Hitler was a Christian, and drew inspiration from Christ to oppose the jew.

We are a people of different faiths, but we are one. Which faith conquers the other is not the question; rather, the question is whether Christianity stands or falls…. We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity… in fact our movement is Christian. We are filled with a desire for Catholics and Protestants to discover one another in the deep distress of our own people.
- Adolf Hitler, in a speech in Passau, 27 October 1928, Bundesarchiv Berlin-Zehlendorf, [cited from Richard Steigmann-Gall's The Holy Reich]

My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter.
In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross.

As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice. …And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly, it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.
- Adolf Hitler, speech, Munich, 1922, also published in Hitler's book 'My New Order' in 1941

It will at any rate be my supreme task to see to it that in the newly awakened NSDAP, the adherents of both Confessions can live peacefully together side by side in order that they may take their stand in the common fight against the power which is the mortal foe of any true Christianity.
- Adolf Hitler, in an article headed "A New Beginning," 26 Feb. 1925

We were convinced that the people needs and requires this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.
- Adolf Hitler, in a speech in Berlin on 24 Oct. 1933

National Socialism neither opposes the Church nor is it anti-religious, but on the contrary it stands on the ground of a real Christianity.
- Adolf Hitler, in his speech at Koblenz, to the Germans of the Saar, 26 Aug. 1934

On paper, like most people in Germany were, and are.

Also, he wasn't circumcised, you are.

They have a lot of hostility towards drinking milk too. It's fucking weird, milk is delicious.

Here comes a jew, who does not rebutt that jews hate National Socialism to a degree that utterly dwarfs their disdain for Christianity, but rather spews pilpul attempting to conflate National Socialism with Christianity to distract the gentiles from the truth the jew wants hidden (that jews hate National Socialism more than anything in the world).

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IDK, they're kind of love/hate with Hitler and anything Aryan. In my pre-redpill days I would bang this one jewish chick a lot who had a serious blond hair blue eye fetish. I didn't understand it at the time but I kind of get it now. It's like they hate it because they want to be it or something.

I don't really care for organised religion. But IMO undoubtedly God is real.
The Bible works on many levels.

The religion of America, Right, Left and Center is Quakerism.

How did fanatic nearly athiestic anabaptists capture America? Well Jews helped but it was really their memes. Here are the tenents of Quakerism:

The "Inner Light": the mystical "Inner Light" by which God personally reveals His immanence. A quietness of spirit results from Quakers waiting for the revelation. Such revelation then becomes the supreme authority for interpreting God's will in conduct and belief.

Equality before God: belief that Christ's sacrifice atones for all men's sins. In contrast to the Puritan belief in predestination, this position held that all men are capable of achieving the Inner Light and thereby finding salvation.

Church Structure: no clergy or structure for formal worship, such as sermons; all men are equally capable of religious experience without the intercession of church discipline.

Humanitarianism: the best way to love God is through practical helpfulness to man. Their humanitarian treatment of the Indians and their opposition to slavery influenced others. Quaker humanitarianism also expressed itself in pacifism, an opposition to war and violence.

Sound familiar? Well that's because it's the American religion and basically it's Luciferean and Communist. Attend your local Universalist church and see for yourself. I'm not lying. This nuttball love and light religion has roots all the back to the 1700s. If Jews are a virus then Quakerism is AIDS.

Speaking as a Deus Vult LARPer myself it's for the purpose of mixing easily permeable memes like this .
If the nRx wore aggressively styled cross pendants (made of large hammered nails for example) to signal one another for a while followed by a flyer campaign like "A Dead Jew Will Save Your Soul" could cause the left to criticize the Cross directly. The sub120IQ neo-con Christian masses would become militant, ripe for the JQ, and ready for strong leadership.

You and this user here said it. Only those under 120IQ believe in skydaddy-tier Theism, but that's who we're working with. The top 20% lead the other 80%. The Christian narrative can be very useful.

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I pretty much disregard any post with Satanists, free masons, the Illuminati, Moloch, Jesuits or any of the rest of the boomer/YouTube memes

Hey OP, if you're so smart, who kept the tiny candle of western society warm during the dark ages?

The concept of the "dark ages" I'd a Jewish myth

Learn to spell you idiot.

Dudes best friend was a woman. How is he gay again?

Because when people arrest him, he let them arrest him like a cuck.

Fuck of kike. I'm not even a christian and I know that the kikes fit the definition of the term "satanic", especially since they fucking created it, along with the Church of Satan founded by (((Anton Levi))) who's goal it is to destroy all that is natural and good in this world, just like his cousins of the followers of Isaac Luria.

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Satanism isn't just woo-woo magical thinking, although that is part of it.

Satanism can be viewed as a sort of catch-all for the profound spiritual sickness which now infects our countries and our people.

Child molestation is satanic not because there's some spooky guy in a red suit who encourages it, but because child molestation is the intentional corruption of innocence for completely selfish ends.
Usury is satanic not because of imagined fire and brimstone but because it intentionally enslaves people to a system of debt, robs them of their economic freedom and this is all done for completely selfish ends.

The satanic is simply that which destroys what is true and good, what perverts what is innocent or beautiful, or which tries to up-end the natural order for your own benefit.

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It's also an integral part of how any business venture is financed. You can't have a functional economy without it.

As for child molestation, it's not satanic, but it's immoral because it's a violation of the Non-Aggression Principle.

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This has to be larp troll.

Prove it.

Hitler himself said that National Socialism "stands on the ground of real Christianity". That is not pilpul, that is quoting Adolf Hitler's words verbatim.

I've got news for you: jews hate National Socialism for the same reasons they hate Christianity. Both are based on the natural order of the universe (which they reject and despise), and both have instigated pogroms against them.

Of course, you will read all this and assume that I am trying to take something away from National Socialism, when in reality all I did was speak the truth about Hitler's beliefs.

Here's a hint: If you hate Christians more than you hate jews, then you are in fact a jew.

your post is a violation of the Lolbertarians are a Fucking Joke and Should Lurk Moar principle.

your graph is wrong on many accounts

Usury and child sodomy are the two pillars of libertarianism.

Charge your child prostitute to your credit cards in the name of freedom and America. Don't worry, the child consents.

So what? It's not like parents own their children to begin with.

While I don't support the activity and find it morally reprehensible, the "child" technically has a right to its own body. The polycentric legal system would likely impose sanctions against those committing pedophilic acts and corporations would mutually enforce ostracism and economic sanctions against such individuals in a truly stateless society.

Furthermore, pedosexuals are generally in the high IQ range, and the child would likely be paid in bitcoin or some other cryptocurrency. When you think about it, a child paid for one encounter in bitcoin a few years ago would be a millionnaire by now, whereas under our current fascist monopoly FIAT system the child would probably spend its teenage years running from cops and being a fucking degenerate. I'm not supporting using bitcoin for such purposes since it is immoral and bitcoin should be used in legitimate ways, just pointing out the facts.

Anyway, I'm not saying that children can consent, but it's really the same principle as the war on drugs. These problems can only be addressed through peaceful parenting and a consistent application of the NAP. For those of you reading this in full, I commend you for recognising that this is a blatant shitpost and libertarians/ancaps are just autists with trust funds. I hope to hear some constructive, open-minded and preemptive replies.

Read Atlas Shrugged.

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I'll never, ever think of moe anime posters as nothing but mentally ill and stunted.

4chan literally started as an anime board you nigger

choke on shit

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I'm pretty sure literal hoofs and skullthrones are not implied when people talk about something being satanic.

You must be a bit autistic or have your fedora a bit too far up your ass in order to not be able to see symbolic meaning in (for example) biblical stories or other kinds of metaphors involving supernatural phenomena.

top kek
u had me going

Because Zig Forums is assmad because I told them that I'll lock them into their shithold board for having lied about Odin for one post too many, claiming he was a semen guzzler and the like.

Now they're trying to act tough, but they will never leave their shithole again.

your mind-gymnastics driven by desire to fuck kids is obvious

Yeah, you need to go back to 4chan.


Go back.

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I have written about it extensively in the other threads.
This one.

That one

And in some other random threads which I can't remember right now.
I'll turn it into some copypasta, too, though.
Although it's more of a "file exists" issue because I post actual speeches, not text non German speakers had to rely on translations by the enemies of Germany.
But actual speeches by the actual people in actual German, which I understand and can and did translate correctly, since I am German.

I do not have to rely on the translations enemies did for me, enemies that "denazified", enemies that "hold NatSoc art hostage" because it is "too inspiring", enemies that produce holohoax content multiple times per year, every year.
Enemies that occupy my homeland.

Enemies that ban germanic runes, enemies that do their best to keep Germany, and all the Germanic people in the world, to reawaken their antisemitic, and therefore triumphant spirit.

So it makes sense to defer to the heathen side of NatSoc Germany as a fringe movement and make it out to be as Christian aspossible, because Christianity is the least threatening ideology for jews, the reality we live in, as usual, remains the best proof of that.

You can post "antisemitic jesus verses" all day, it doesn't change the fact that Christianity has failed, as planned, to be antisemitic and has been nothing but philosemitic. From day 1.
The most notable example is Chrysotom from 400 "AD" who raged the fuck out because all the Christians there started to become interested in jews, and acted like jews.

Christianity = the jewish trojan horse.

Oh, also:

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All the chans are the same. Same demographic, same memes.

You're not better than anyone else, and you sound like a newfag that learned about imageboard culture from reddit.

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I posted in another thread that it is a philosopher's game that we play here.

A philosopher can simply state simply: All morality is made up, and nothing about ethics or morality is objective truth. It is literally made up and purely determined by the culture and its history.

And even better: All religions are false and there is no god. All religion is derived from mythology or people lying about being or talking to gods.

It is a philosopher's game, so that is how a philosopher views things. The common folk are not philosophers. They are workers, warriors, farmers, and simply simple.

They do not question their beliefs or their morality. They simply obey like cattle. Like goyim. If they see a thing that they do not like, they will call it "Satan," or otherwise believe that God himself agrees with their personal, subjective assessment.

But that is not the truth.

The truth is that there is no god, and that these fools who are pretending like there is a god ARE the common folk. Normally, I nod kindly, and smile if they say a thing about their religion to me. But here I will not relent.

This is the forum where I will actually don a goddamn fedora, and tell it simply how it is: You goddamn fools are in a literal cult devised deliberately by Jews, liars, and manipulators, to usurp true European culture and our people, and enslave us.

The format of this virus is simple:

You are told that God himself exists, and has a son, or other mouth-piece to deliver his words. His words abridged come down to this: Believe and obey, and get a reward after you die. Disbelieve or disobey, and get a punishment after you die.
Then you are told that anyone who does not believe this will also be punished. You now look at the world and see unbelievers who will be punished if they do not join your cult. Thus you attempt to convert them, and because the price of failure is eternal damnation, you will tell them literally anything to get them to join your cult. All out of the kindness of your heart. Empathy is most certainly a weakness sometimes.

You will say, "All your friends and loved ones will be in heaven with you." You will say, "Morality comes from God, and if you are not forgiven, then you are guilty of sin. You must seek redemption. Join my church." You will say trendy things, "Of course the mainstream view is corrupted. But the true version? It's right here in my favorite version of the book. Read and believe what they don't want you to know."

These techniques, or perhaps better techniques than I can come up with, have been tried and have worked. Be it with sword or just convincing arguments, Christians and Muslims have both spread massively around the world.

Yet to a philosopher, the reason why is not approval from a god, but from the fact that these are memetic viruses deliberately designed from the beginning to spread. To urge belief and obedience. To have you obey the command to convert others. Thus the newly converted go on to convert others.

Now that you have had this revealed, you can see easily enough why Christianity and Islam are both wrong. But the simple fact that they were both offspring of Judaism itself, should be enough.

If you were raised Christian, you can feel free to see wisdom where there is wisdom. But I do urge you to comprehend the truth, and to do it quickly. Do not waste your time wondering if tomorrow will be judgement day. Here, every day is judgement day. And if you still do not comprehend the formula of this mind-virus, and you are going to shed little tears of "abloobloo my religion is true and everyone else is wrong and evil!" Then you are not welcome here. You are not one of us, and you do not belong here. We alone are enlightened, because we alone can speak the truth without our faces attached. Without a need to give a fuck about what common society thinks, we can truly speak our minds here, and speak the darkest, most utter truth.

Careful, user. That sounds like Deism; SOMEONE gets anchor happy when that topic comes up~

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Its true though

I also know them and interact with them frequently.
They want the overall appearence of an european, but with their judaic mentality in it. They love/hate europeans because they cannot be them.
They also want to subvert whites, and racemixing with them to have half-jews commanding whites (by larping as whites) is their best strategy yet.

I never cease to be amazed at how retarded all the people are who still believe in fedora horseshit and say things like "sky daddy" and "imaginary friends". Tell me, where does a 10 year old boy dressed as a female stripper dancing for sodomites fit into evolution or darwinism? And if something like a crocodile will remain in effective evolutionary stasis for millions of years then why can't a human society keep a good thing going for even decades? Where does intentionally bringing in hostile competitors fit into evolution? You don't see fish swimming into sharks mouths. You're willfully blind if you think demons aren't real and don't notice humans are operating on a fundamentally different paradigm than the animal kingdom and are influence by things not seen.


Europeans evolved a tight-knit bond of social tolerance and acceptance - because Ice Age conditions required social cohesion to survive. We are seeing a fundamental weakness, which was once a strength, being exploited by (((them))).

fuck off NRx

fuck off Zig Forums

no he wasn't, fuck off back to your containment board >>>Zig Forums

stop living in delusion.
I hate traitors more than enemies

I wouldn't be surprised if the Jews are the ones LARPing as Pagans on here. They hated Christ back then and they hate Christ now.

Insults Against Blessed Mary, Sanhedrin 106a . Says Jesus' mother was a whore:
"She who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters." Also in footnote #2 to Shabbath 104b it is stated that in the "uncensored" text of the Talmud it is written that Jesus mother, "Miriam the hairdresser," had sex with many men.

Gloats over Christ Dying Young, A passage from Sanhedrin 106 gloats over the early age at which Jesus died:
"Hast thou heard how old Balaam (Jesus) was?–He replied: It is not actually stated but since it is written, Bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days it follows that he was thirty-three or thirty-four years old."

Says Jesus was a Sorcerer, Sanhedrin 43a .
Says Jesus ("Yeshu" and in footnote #6, Yeshu "the Nazarene") was executed because he practiced sorcery.

Horrible Blasphemy of Jesus, Gittin 57a .
Says Jesus ( see footnote #4) is being boiled in "hot excrement."

Shabbath 116a (p. 569).
Jews must destroy the books of the Christians, i.e. the New Testament.

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lmao yeah the jews are so scared of christianity they wrote the entire new testament, you dumb fuck

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You sound like the parody of a newfag. Don't pretend

That's only judaism. Christianity is a universal religion, it understands Gods reaches others too.

The deus vult moralfag brigadiers all came from r9k

Sounds like their plan.
Oh no it’s retarded. There are exclusively Christian OT books which they successfully removed with the KJV, the kiked jewish version.

Long-time /r9k/ user here. You're wrong, those deus vultures didn't come from our humble board, but they did (and still do) shill and astroturf on /r9k/ quite a bit. No, their place of origin is the rabidly anti-White sewer called Zig Forums

Regardless, both robot boards and wizchan have a lot of christcuck incel eunuchs shilling against natalism and European traditions.

You seem angry, friend…

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Paganism was the original European religion you dumb nigger.

If anyone's shilling here, it's all the supporters of your (((Abrahamic))) faith.

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I like religion, as long as I can control it. Yes, religion is ultimately a control tool, and no one here should actually believe in religious morality or fairly tales, but it is important to propagate these lies unto the masses and important for us to decide what sort of morality our version of the religion teaches. Since were a Christian nation, Christcuckanity is easy to accept for most people, so all we have to do is modify it to be anti-egalitarian, pro-white and pick-and-choose verses to reflect our world view. I'm basically thinking of giving Christianity all of the uncompromising brutality of Islam with some modifications, but for white people.

While I don't like lying to people, it has become abundantly clear to me that the average person is too dumb to handle independence of thought because they will inevitably make the wrong choices without a framework to guide them in the right direction. Sure, people with 120+ IQ can transcend religion and understand the practical aspects of these rules, but when the average IQ is 100 and maybe 5% of the population is at 120+, you simply cannot rely on rationality - you need fairy tales. This is something that has been understood by learned peoples for thousands of years. Even in the Old Testament, the original laws behind not eating pork or shellfish were that those animals are considered "dirty". It is a fact that pork and shellfish, if improperly prepared, has a much greater chance to make you sick than beef or chicken. Before food safety regulations and food thermometers, it was important to keep people away from these foods lest they die from some food-borne illness or get infested with gut-eating parasites for which there was no cure. The smartest people in society, those that wrote religious texts, noticed patterns where people who habitually consumed these foods would get sick and die at a much higher incidence, so they theorized that something is wrong with the food, even if they had a poor understanding of bacteria or parasites in 3000 BC. They also realized that most people were too dumb to notice these patterns so when they devised the laws, these laws were written so that regular people may understand that pork and shellfish consumption "makes God angry". A more technical explanation was not necessary for a person who lacks the capability to understand the truth.

While the average person is intelligent enough today to understand food preparation safety, they are not intelligent enough to understand the true role that religion plays in society, which is significantly more complex. For this reason, I advocate a 'religion for thee, but not for me' approach - but we must dominate the orthodoxy of said religion first. It just makes social control so much easier and keeps the masses in line with our ideology.

Who the fuck is still unironically a lolberg in the current year?

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Nothing weird about it, 80% of them are lactose intolerant


taxation is theft

Low IQ, gaslighting jerk.

Admit there is a God, but don't think there are rules, or that you can personally decide what they are? This is the remarkably dumb conspiracy theory, you hypocrite.

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>Undeniable proof that myriad of the (((elite))) who constantly work against us; believe, practice, and partake in various occultic rituals, often referencing satan himself and immersing themselves in imagery that has been associated with satan by our ancestors for over a thousand years.

This thread is a strawman created by Zig Forums astroturfers to poison the well and artificially change opinions of those who don't support their semitic desert cutl.

It is cults that are strong and create closeness and bonds. But these mere mortal men are mere mortal fools. They can be defeated. Who will tell me that I am wrong:

Those that rape and sacrifice living children and slay them, and then drink or inject their blood in order to absorb their youth are EVIL. But they can still die as mortals.

There does not need to be a God or a Satan for this to be true, and for it to be wicked. This is a form of evil that is so obvious, that it must simply be noted that the only solution is to destroy them utterly.

Nuclear fire.

Deism is a choice that a normie defaults to when all religions are obviously mythology, all history points to the winner choosing what the common-folk believe, and all science points to a godless universe. But the common man will still want to believe. So they go for deism. However, the truth is that there is no god.

All religions are false, and there is no god.

Your freshman philosophy course is trash and Dawkin's hypothesis is non-predictive trash as it ironically doesn't account for natural predispositions towards certain lines of thought which themselves are inheritable. You assume there is lying rather than earnest believe(correct or not) this itself is a base assumption, cynicism is its own form of idealism and ironically enough is adopted by edgy faggots attempting to make sense of the world in a manner that soothes their own pathetic emotions.

Even from a purely material standpoint this is bullshit, we know that everything you are is 93% inheritable the predisposition towards certain philosophies and religions which are readily adopted when available is observable in the historic records and is supported by reproducible data. Look at how the liberal faggots discarded Christianity when the realized it didn't support their faggy feelings and adopted a secualar religion immediately but others didn't change at all and rejected modern morality even with every voice in the world screaming at them 24/7.

Horseshit all shitskins, liberals, kikes, faggots and pussies deserve only death and assuming they have souls eternal torture for their weakness. This is a sentiment which is far from unique to me, read up on King Phillip the Good of France who was renounced for his charity to the little people and magnanimity to his enemies, right until he fought saracens and decided that their entire race didn't deserve Christ and should be exterminated down to the last child. Pretty much everybody who still holds to their traditional religions(besides evangelicucks who are liberals that think church is still the place to get their dopomine fix from social signaling) are now heartless and cruel. Which from a material perspective can only be a good thing.

That's not even how the hypothetical idea spreads dumbass, just like an prion it wouldn't be intended to spread from its ability to do so, that which survives survives nothing more or less. Also Islam isn't spread by conversion as much as dirty saracens physically replacing the local population after killing them.

Yeah that's why the outpouring of popular sentiment during the Peoples Crusade which presaged the actual Crusades deliberately exterminated 200,000 kikes over the course of 7 years. Perhaps kikes weren't seen as a threat

By regurgitating the same opinion openly espoused and lauded by academics and leftist faggots the world over? You're such a rebel. It's always the barely above average faggot with the 120 IQ who thinks he is uniquely enlightened.

If you wish to examine the situation in purely material terms think of it this way. The only population which is breeding at above replacement rates in any industrial society is the rural whites in America who are almost universally religious and socially conservative regardless of their intelligence and vocations. Meanwhile the liberal whites have a birthrate of 0.9. The kikes sit at 0.8. Even spics, niggers, and muslimes don't breed at replacement rates once introduced to the bread and circuses of modernity which distract them. All hedonists and materialists are dying, all those susceptible to ennui and pleasure seeking no longer have children only the callous and unwavering bastards are having kids.

If you look at religion as part of a larger survival stratagem independent of any supernatural phenomena which may or may not exist you see why it is useful. If your offspring have a predisposition to adaptive behaviors, you socially indoctrinate them to those behaviors, religion reinforces those behaviors via multiple forms of appeal both of "what God wants" and fear of extra-temporal punishment for failure, and you have laws that use temporal legal authority to enforce adaptive behavior then it is almost impossible for your offspring to engage in maladaptive behaviors. Use anything you have to encourage survival: reasoned appeals to biologic interests, germ line engineering, chemical brainwashing, social indoctrination, all of it. Double the fuck up and make sure that not only do they understand what behaviors are adaptive and why they should behave that way but also instill in them utter contempt for weaklings and faggots who refuse to survive. Breed organisms which cannot fail, ensure new mutations detrimental to their survival do not arise, and create a culture which makes weakness anathema to them.

Now if you don't believe a religion because you don't feel belief in its tenants that is a valid reason not to follow it and also it might not work for your descendants if you aren't already predisposed to follow it without any deviation. But at the same time you can't say "opiate of the masses" with a straight face while you yourself act like a maladaptive faggot. Kings without heirs rule nothing but ashes. The pursuit of happiness and fulfillment is the true opiate of the masses, it makes them waste away in bed. And I say good riddance to all those who pursue happiness before survival and propagation. This is natural selection in action and humanity and our races will rise stronger once this soft purge is ended. Whites and Japs always had this weakness within us which the constraints of an impoverished natural environment and tradition kept from being expressed. Leftist faggots survived off the cultural largess of our religions and traditional culture. The irony is when they "freed" themselves of those constraints they began to drop like flies. Let all those who don't have a predisposition to survive die off, ZA VINAL ZOLUTION IV YOU VILL!

He was a fucking hippie degenerate, the anathema of whites. You are an embarrassment and a traitor to your people. Christianity is for the weak.

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Was King Phillip who personally slaughtered dozens of men and strangled and assassin in his own sickbed weak?

Am I the man trained in the natural sciences skilled with firearms, and who regularly distributes a detailed synthesis for nerve agents weak? pastebin.com/TGzmYw7E

Why are these supposedly weak people the only ones breeding? gss.norc.org/get-the-data

You see the weaklings of the white race whom we now define as liberals acting weak in any social system, Christian or otherwise and act as though it were the systems that makes them weak and advocate for their faggotry. When in reality like all other things it is 93% down to their inherent traits which they were borne with. No system of law enforcement or philosophy can polish a turd at most it can buoy up that which is already exemplary.

Where is your demonstrable record of success in both the past and modern environments, where is your recipe for a poison that could kill 30,000 urbanite trash if aerosolized withe explosives? Who weak here?

Cry harder, Moishe.

There is no religion more spiritually liberal and wasteful than Christianity, no religion more devoid and willfully twisted from the truth. It has fundamentally undermined white people. You are human garbage.

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I openly advocate the total extermination of non-whites except for the japs who can be left alone. I also advocate the constantly growth and splintering of white empires which would create and indefinite condition of war, strife, and hate wherein the strong prosper.

Their empires reached their greatest extent during an epoch in which culture was dominated by Christianity and internecine conflict was endemic between Europeans during the period that Christianity dominated. That doesn't mean Christianity was necessarily the prime causative factor of those conditions but it certainly had no effect sufficient to prevent them nor is their any evidence of it in any way interfering with the previously defined social orders.

Rather than bitching about nebulous "interference" perhaps you should define what form of social organization you prefer. I oppose National Socialism because it would actually save the libshit whites from their own maladaptive behaviors by forcing them to behave again. I think this is short sighted and derived from empathy. I totally lack empathy and if any emotion motivates me it is hatred, thus National Social which is derived from a love of ones people does not appeal to me as much as a system derived from the hatred of ones enemies. Some kind of Americanist/Feudalist/Fascist thing perhaps? You also have to be aware of the natural predispositions of the population you are trying to appeal to. American whites who are not liberals(70% of the whites) are mostly derived from german mercenaries and the british cavaliers, they are by their nature those who were insular and traditionalist as well as being habitual warriors. They interbred to from a distinct population of taciturn and clannish assholes who see National Socialism as downright saccarine whereas the Germans who remained in the Old World obviously saw great appeal in it and the Prussianism and Pan Germanism of Bismark from which it was derived.

Are yu sure you belong here?

Then you are a horrible Christian.

So apparently all the Christians in rural America are terrible Christians, maybe that word doesn't mean what you think it does. Also shitskins can't be Christian or anything else they fundamentally lack the mental capacity to hold any religious or theological position, they can only unga bunga around a totem aping the ways of their betters which I find disgusting and sufficient reason to wipe them out even if they weren't nigh uncontrollable monkeys who shit all over everything. As for kikes well there are numerous religious, material, and personal reasons to not only exterminate them but torture them to death, though obviously torture isn't an expedient means of execution so I'm willing to just put a bullet in every kike's skull until there are none left.

Ultimately it comes down to this niggers, faggots, kikes, saracens, spics, ect are either actively detrimental to civilization or at best have no utility. They aren't useful, decorative, or even particularly edible they don't do anything and thus should be cleared off like brush to make way for useful things, like whites.

Pretty much. You have to act like a degenerate hippie to be a Christian. Haven't you read the New Testament before?

Yes and pretty much everything from the old Testament is valid, especially the moral teachings.

nicely done

Only if you're jewish.

Taxation is law. It pays for the forces that will fuck you up if you don't pay it . If you can get an organized armed force strong and incentivized enough to stop it, you're welcome to do it, but you'll probably need to implement some taxes if you want to maintain your hold on power once that happens . Then, if you direct a part of those taxes to make it nice or scary enough that people decide they'd rather keep paying than fight you, it's all good.

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except its account of historical events. Exodus? That shit didn't happen.Noah's Flood? Stolen from Utnapishtim's Flood from the Epic of Gilgamesh.


Matthew 5:18
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

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So, my furfaggot subject, does that mean you believe the Earth is flat and only 6,000-10,000 years old?

Good posts.

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Nothing wrong will calling the Jews satanic because satan is just bad cop to Yahwey's 'good' cop for the Jews. Doesn't mean I belive in Yahwey or his Satan persona nya~

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There is evidence of mercenaries of the race we know as the "Hebrew" being given the right to settle in Egyptian territory likely in exchange from military services rendered previously. This relationship seems to have soured though what the cause of that souring is unkown then they left. So saying its "shit that never happened for 500 Alex" isn't particularly accurate.

As for the flood myths, they are common both in the Levant and Indus valley, even in disparate cultures indicating they originate from some lost pre-Sumner mythos. They aren't stolen from each other anymore than the idea of a Thunder God defeating a Serpent of Chaos is, the motif appears in Semitic, Iranian, Indus, and Germanic myth cycles, once again likley because it was an important part of a mythos now lost to us due to the inevitable destruction of records from such an antique time.

The only people who believe anybody ever believed that are faggot libshits who buy into an urban legend propagated by Mark Twain, fucking Florentine monks calculated the circumference of the earth to within 100 yards of what it actually is back in 1180AD.

Derived from Newtons work on biblical genealogy which was never intended to be a measure of geologic time but rather of the age of the narrative of the bible or at least its claimed providence. This way then picked up by Scofield bible faggots being manipulated by kikes.

But keep regurgitating liberal talking points as if they were insightful.>>12619076

Hmmm…. When will you worthless cunts learn that the true religion is worshipping beautiful /monster/ waifus?

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Recognizing our enemies are satanic doesn't make you a christcuck, or even imply you are religious, you literal NPC. There are a lot of powerful kikes and their good goy pets who are indeed, worshipers of satan. I don't believe in that shit, but I believe THEY believe it.