Meritocracy Hate Thread

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no thanks

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No they are a test of pattern recognition. You should research how they are designed and scored. Europeans test the highest.
There is no such thing. There is only skill, acquired through experience, thus, "expert".

Feels good every time.

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Sorry, but I prefer being human to being an insect. Go back to your cuckwagon.

There absolutely is such a thing. Even putting aside intellectual tasks like writing, music, or art, talents for physical activity are often genetic and inarguable. Kenyans literally have a modified hip bone with femur placement closer to the center of the mass for a more efficient stride that allows them to run faster. Northern europeans and general europeans as a whole have bone and muscle composition adapted for greater strength and power. People are born with natural inclinations towards certain abilities. Whether or not that talent is cultivated with hard work doesn't control whether or not it exists.

How stupid are you?


The West excelled because of Human rights, property rights, intellectual property rights etc. US Constitution is based on God given rights of the individual. It doesn't just protect the self, like Christian Europe started, but it protects the rights of others. US took it a step further.

Regect that because you're cool like da fonze or Maverick, and you'll end up jumping the couch.

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I'll be frank with you. As a libertarian (>inb4 autists) I do believe in the natural possession of inalienable rights, of every man, and I believe that every man has a natural and inalienable duty to fulfill those rights and be the best that he can be. I also believe that people are not equal and that their differences stem from a great many sources, not the least of those sources being personal responsibility and the willingness to act. Believing in the concept of rights does not mean that I think all people are the same, nor does it mean that I think anyone of any persuasion possesses the privilege of being entitled to anything. I believe in meritocracy because rights grant you nothing except the duty to work towards being a good person and achieving what you desire through your individual will and abilities - mental, physical, philosophical, emotional, what have you. It is clear to me that you don't understand the concept of natural rights at all, if you think having rights means that people who are worse at things deserve free shit and people who are better at things don't deserve to be rewarded for that, because in your own words, anyone being more naturally talented or having more developed skills is impossible.

Do you want to know how I can tell you're a fucking Jew trying to make excuses for how pathetic you are personally, by attempting to drag everyone else down to your level so you can pretend we're 'equal'? How dare you attempt to talk in such abstractions when it's clear you can't comprehend what you speak of. You hate meritocracy because you know that in any society where performance is rewarded and the best people win, you will lag behind. Either that or you're underage and have yet to have your balls drop so you can actually get a job or do anything productive or valuable with your hands. You want to take the fruits of labour away from other people because your labours, if they even exist, have produced less.

You are transparent.

I should clarify, as well, meritocracy extends not only to individuals but also to groups, cultures, and races. If European men do a better job at something than South American men, you hire more of the European men to do it. If anyone disagrees with this, they are objectively incorrect, because they think divserity and equality are more important than getting good work done, and I pity anyone this stupid.

Let me be frank, I don't care how talented Kevin Spacey is. He may not rape young boys.

Part of becoming talented, is having your rights protected while you're not yet talented. The other part of becoming talented is confidently knowing your rights, and the fruits of your labor are protected.

Just your shitty attitudes shows how influenced by the synagogue of s*tan many of you are and projecting that unto others.

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we cant have meritocracy we have the civil rights act

Civil Rights Act is just a lever for capitalism. Big biz and banks benefit. Banks can arbitrarily destroy or take over businesses, communities by leveraging it. Everyone paid off their mortgages and prime locations are no longer taking loans? Send in the projects.

'Capitalism' is not in the Constituion. Private property and Natural rights is though. Natural law is studied under the premise of God given rights.

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What flavour of (((esoteric))) bullshit are you robotically spouting at my post, without actually responding to the content of it? I thought you might have had a human level intellect in there, but maybe I was wrong.

You kike fucks are so upset for some reason.

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Whatever, I was just starting a conversation.

Here are my stances if needed:
Darwinism is a British lie
Capitalism is (((usury)))
Natural law is Christian
Privacy is Christian
Aliens are demons
Earth is flat
God is love
There is only one Church

God you are a gross stupid nigger.
The way you flip back and forth with these shitposts, 'muh meritocracy on one hand, 'booo meritocracy!' in another.

There's nothing wrong with meritocracy, it's the context in which you try to promote it.
You /int/nigger faggots.

You made the assertion that rewarding people for achievement is immoral because achievements are all fake (with a clickbait "HATE THREAD" title, no less) then accused me of celebrating Kevin Spacey raping kids (which has not been proven in any way) when I criticised your fallacious and loaded position. Now you're saying a bunch of things completely irrelevant to this "conversation" because you're offended that I disagreed with you. What is your problem? This is an anonymous imageboard, nobody will remember this in a week. There is no need to act so uppity.

Also, you don't know what capitalism is. It literally refers to private ownership and trading of goods, services, resources, and labour by individuals or companies. Usury means 'lending money with interest'. I don't care about your religious views, those are of zero consequence to the subject of this thread.

I don't even think this guy is a shill, I think he's genuinely lost or confused.

Take a gnostic red pill and download kung fu. The writers of "Matrix" were trannies and I'm the one that's confused? Downloading kung fu is an earned and merited talent?

The US is a Constitutional Republic. I respect Libertarianism. I don't understand why Ron Paul never called out Hussein on the NBC clause. I don't understand why Trump did call him out, but later retracted right around the time he scored the Post Office contract. 5D chess?

Idk, I just wanted to knock on Meritocracy. I'm sure people can find at least one example of its problems. For some reason people are more concerned with Ad homing me though. Was hoping just to start an "differant" conversation from the usual copy paste edgy slander threads.

It's Cronyism and Nepotism>>12614309

Agreed. Don't hate the player, hate the game though. I'm bashing on the game.


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those (((players))) made this game


Have you never met someone who learns something effortless? That's called talent.

For example, I am skilled at sucking cocks, but for OP it is a talent.

absolute dogshit op

Bashing on Meritocracy is not bashing on merit. Quite the opposite. Meritocracy turns into elitism, preventing a permanent underclass from gaining merit. Like liberty, if you give up your rights to gain merit, you lose both.

Who judges merit or even skill? Drop the basketball hoop regulation to 3' high and watch 90 percent of NBA players careers dissolve.

I appreciate free speech in this forum though. Sorry the merits of my post were not appreciated by the merit loving folk.

So then if you admit merit is valuable, but you don't want higher levels of merit to be treated as having more value, then how do people who show more merit advance in life? What is the incentive for someone to do better if doing better can't make their life better? What exactly is wrong with judging someone by objective qualities such as their aptitude in some subject or discipline, and organising things so that more people who are apt get to the same place? You seem to think that cheating is an innate symptom of caring about merit, rather than an abuse of the system by people who would cheat regardless. The same guy who would fake a diploma in a meritocratic society is the guy who would do zero work in an equal society because he knows he'll get equal pay at the end of the day. No system inherently benefits or prevents cheaters. It's the job of the people living in any system to find and punish those who take advantage of it.

I don't want a permant underclass overrulled by elitists.
I don't want a permant migration, and scrammbling for jobs at the university to teach migrants how to replace your neighbor's job.

Meritocracy left to its own devices has those problems. Government should intervene only for the enrichment of its own citizens, not the enrichment of the elite.

Meritocracy allows a man from the underclass to work harder and move up. I can personally attest to having grown up in poverty, and now I manage a restaurant, after spending years working overtime and saving money and pushing uphill to improve myself. Meritocracy has granted me the freedom to not be beholden to a hierarchy. Because I worked hard for my own benefit, I now earn more money than I want to spend every month, so if I wanted to I could quit my job today and go do something else with little issue. The people at the new job would hire me based on my merits, not my character. How is this harming me?

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brainlet detected
Maybe briefly, but anyone who's not a hack fraud (IE: meritorious themselves) would see through attempts to do so.
It really can't. Markets will be where the talent is; if it requires outsourcing, it's likely not very deserving of merit or ethically responsible (in which case, a meritorious government would not allow it). In almost all cases, outsourcing is merely the result of corporate greed and neoptism - the antithesis of a meritocracy.
See above.
Right, that's why people have rights. Hurr durr.
Yes, that's called education, tradition, and a unified culture, you fucking philistine.
Yes, and? The fact that they're glorified and over-represented in such a gross fashion is the result of decades of consumerist and nepotistic industry practices.

I get that you're trying to "bait", but at least try to be humorous about it. In any case, you have a terminal case of retard-cancer. I suggest a one-time dose of birdshot, applied orally via shotgun.

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Did you have a bunch of Mexicans "working hard" at that restaurant?

Why do Mexicans work harder for less money in the US? Why are college kids not washing dishes for 10/hr?

With Meritocracy, you are not asking that question and may just be praising it.

Can you own private property in Mexico or do have to lease land for a 100 years from a Bank, to own land there? How much is the cost of living in Mexico vs the US? Where do they send their money? Why are they not interested in being citizens?

How much is software here? How much is it in India? Why are a lot of people in India so "talented", "skilled" with technology? What gets piped over to india in that fiber optic line they bought for pennies on the dollar after the Dot Com boom went bust?

You think your nice house, you spent your life savings on can't get ruined by "projects" in the neighborhood?

You think your job talents can't get taught to cheaper imported labor?

I knew a guy with the same story, that took his life savings to retire in his home country.

Except they aren't, and that's cheating. That is not meritocracy in action, it's undercutting and going for the lowest common denominator. It's intentionally hiring the lowest quality people to avoid having to pay, which is literally the opposite of meritoctacy. You've just axiomatically proven that you do not have even the remotest idea of what you're talking about.

Yes, meritocracy is not princpled. It's cheating. Merit is better rewarded in a natural law, Christian principled society. Pure meritocracy leads to imperialism and hindu karma like systems, with permanant underclass.

Merit, talent, skill is developed, honed with tools, education, private property etc.

You don't think slaves in Dubai or "untouchables" in India are cabable of producing talent?

You think the elitiists there then paid for education or downloaded high end piracy software deserved their merits and talents?

If you love Meritrocy why even come on this thread. It was meant for those that have grievances.



he's probably a leftyfag trying to falseflag us into rejecting meritocracy, and generally speaking being high-valued people.
The idea he has is to associate meritocracy with other aspects of a healthy nation, like rejecting migrants.

protip: migrants should be illegal. Meritocracy can only apply within your own borders. You should hire the best there is, based on their merit, but complying with laws (so no migrant workers)

Ok, take nationalism as a starting point.
Nationalism recognizes there is value to foregow importing "talent", "merit" for the purpose of protecting its own citizenry. That's a starting point.

Assuming heterogeneous nationalist society, should a family owned company hire within the family? Why are there unpaid internships? Don't talent-less people, gain talent, skill, trade knowledge from the experience?

Should the Church be forced to hire based on merit, and not discriminate based on gender?

Who decides merit? You don't think the left does that based on leftist values?

How can one argue that "community active" Hogg shouldn't go to Harvard? Because of this SAT's, IQ? What about Rainman. Should he go to Harvard or be a Senator?

I would argue that American principles and ideals happen to foster and reward merit. Meritocracy by itself leads to virtue signalling and class warfare.

Meritocracy by itself is Godless, social darwinism.

First principles should come first and be Christian based. Talent and Merit will start to pour off individuals, you may have previously looked down upon even. Maybe because they're tiny people like children.

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The family business, hiring their own, would make it for a better and more trusting working environment. Also they could talk about work in the weekends and such.
It has that advantage.

However, if they are looking for someone who is an expert in some field, they could hire externals to their family.

If they produce, let's say, spoons, and they do good, then fine for their business. If their family is retarded and they produce too little or inefficiently, and other businesses are better, then they would fall and others (better families, or mixed employees, or other strategies) would get their market share.

This cannot be extrapolated to all goods and services. There are monopolies and parasitic jews that will subvert and destroy healthy familiar businesses in favor of their globalist counterparts. Take that into account.

Harrison Bergeron.
Go ahead, elect a Handicapper General, Zig Forums.

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Shit tier Zig Forums thread

I wish I had a picture or video which could contain my smugness right now. This will have to do.

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You don't think leftists at Harvard, think they're practicing meritocracy? You don't think they self-affirm their merits when they watch Monday night football?

Is it fair to say you're darwinists and you believe that anybody that does not accept Charles Darwin as their lord and savior, is jewish?

What if big brain darwin, didn't have the big brain you thought he did?

Americans are hard working. Talent comes from hard work, dedication, time, practice, good coaching, mentors, etc.

Is it worth doing all those things if the fruits of your labor are not protected? What forms American's rights? What was Darwin's book about? Where was he from?

Have you heard of Henry Clay or Protectionism?

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