With just a couple of names given to us by Roger Stone, we have unrolled a MASSIVE Mossad ring operating in the highest levels of the United States Federal Government, including a Lt. Col Doctor in the IDF who is trying to clone the literal antichrist using Jesus DNA from the Shroud of Turin, and a Mossad-connected Prosecutor named Aaron Zelinsky who once worked for the Israeli Supreme Court who is currently prosecuting both Roger Stone and the President in the phony "Russian Collusion" fabrication which was purely designed to hide Israel's nefarious deeds and attempted interference during the election.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is of utmost importance to the restoration of the Republic: You must disseminate this information far and wide. Godspeed, God bless you, God bless the President, and God bless our Republic.
Checked. tbh, he had a choice, and whatever happens is what happens. But who knows? Maybe he'll change his mind and side with Americans - but that's too rare, I think. We hoped overly much.
Aiden Wood
The reckoning will come in the form of Mark it.
Cameron Gray
With kikes you lose. We know this, of course. It's guaranteed.
Dylan Flores
we might but normies don't so he played it very well that's why they call him the Don that's why he wrote the Art of the Deal
If someone has dual citizenship, are they considered foreign actors?
Thomas Johnson
The distinction between global capital, jews, bolshevists, zionists, and european masonniggers operating out of brussels is not made by blakeman much less trump. Nor does “this is your neighborhood imply yidstael since america is/was world police.
I consider it premature ejaculation to rally around Trump over this vague tweet. This is 2012’s version of “It’s Happening!!”
Jack Gray
Except Israel threatened to use nuclear weapons if the US didn't send them aid, you fucking dumbass. Nixon HATED jews.
Asher Foster
Yup. And at the time, everyone still thought the Samson Option was legit. Turns out Israel has no nukes, though. Be horrible if Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran and Russia found out…
Your link doesn't demonstrate any Mossad connection whatsoever. That, in and of itself, is no proof of anything. Of course it is necessary to be wary of this jew, given that he is an avowed Zionist and he worked at a high level of the Supreme court of israel. But to describe the guy as "Mossad-connected" is spurious at best. A Mossad connection is possible but it has not been demonstrated.
Aaron Cruz
I've heard that estimate before, but I'm not sure how much is behind it. Number wise, it's probably hard to guess, but I'm sure it's enough to win a war.
Lucas Fisher
If Israel has nuclear weapons, why not submit to IAEA inspections?
No nation would deny Israel the right to nukes.
Unless… of course… Israel has none and simply wants to maintain the APPEARANCE that they have nukes…
Such digits in a slide thread? Polite sage as slide threads do not need the privilege of visibility.
Adrian Richardson
Tyler Brown
Kill yourself OP. I have never said that to anyone b4, and won't in the future, but you are a special case…At least have the decency to sterilize yourself.
This is probably the closest he has ever got. But the funny thing is, it probably isnt as intentional as people think. Tump isnt completely red pilled and still cares more about himself then any country or family memeber. So his reactions are based on HIM feeling crossed/lied to.
Still hopefully he does something with this sort of new information. One thing I do know, is that the globalists are really pissed off right now. I expect something big to happen with in the next 3 months to try and force Trumps hand. We will see how it goes.
we know 100% that israel and south africa collaborated to test nuclear weapons. SA eventually gave them up, but israel never acknowledged having them. Only a foold would assume israel has no nukes. And this isn't counting all the USA and USSR nukes which israel could exert some influence over.
Juan Fisher
Don't you think a special prosecutor investigating foreign influence in US elections should avoid any appearance of foreign influence, let alone an actual foreign actor? I wonder what witches brew they're coming up with.. "The israelis provided us with intelligence that puts trump and putin in prague around the time of blah blah blah…"
Adrian Anderson
yeah this shit became real old hat after the syria drawdown
Ian Jenkins
and? Starting a war against an offending nation who drops nuclear bombs to you is any problem to the so called "strongest country in the Earth"? Nixon should have gassed them, by sacrificing a few cosmopolitan cities.
Xavier Moore
Look, it's the How's the weather in Ankara bot
Apparently they are actually British nukes under British control.. One user mentioned they have a paper warship in a base in kike land which enables them to store shit there.
Anthony Ramirez
Yep, these are the sick fucking pricks who ruined my government career for merely becoming aware of a nest of them forming in our government… The Jews and the Turks are one n the same.
Show no mercy, Zig Forums. They are the very definition of social rot and decay. They are true enemies of the United States. They are corruption itself. They think they are so self-justified that they don't give a flying fuck about other people's lives that they ruin. Get them Zig Forums. They are evil incarnate. Goddamn them, goddamn them forever, They stole my life from me. If I die k—ing Jews, then my life will have meaning again. Goddamn them !!! GOD DAMN the goddamn Jews !!!
Trump is a pedophile jew and only retards support this clown. Kill them all!
Charles Powell
It would be cool to clone Jesus but you'd be mad to try since clones tend to have complications and personalities won't be identical. Not to mention infuriating virtually everyone due to religious reasons or breaking the scientist pact of no human clones due to likely complications.
Do you know what George Carlin said about "military intelligence" actually being an oxymoron.? Mossad sure does. Look at all of the noisy cats that got out of the bag about 9/11 at the World Trade Centers.
kintera.org/atf/cf/%7BE54067E8-4771-4329-AF0C-3A2ED23CA780%7D/Microsoft%20Word%20-%20Release_TzedakahBall2006.pdf well guess what? best buddies is founded by Anthony shriver, the son of Eunice kennedy shriver and JFK's nephew, his brother tim is the president of Special Olympics which best buddies is partnered with en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Shriver en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Shriver so we have a connection between the kennedys and this spook
Ethan Cruz
1. kill yourself 2. kill yourself for being unable to read the rules 3. kill yourself for supporting jewish shills
Sebastian Nguyen
>(((the hill))) Nice try, kike. Stone received some faulty intel from a source, then retracted his statements made based on that intel to settle a lawsuit when it came to be that the intel he was given by that source was faulty. Stop lying.
Kill yourself.
Chase Brooks
Nobody said "Stone is based" what OP said is that a mossad ring was uncovered thanks to information provided by Stone, which is the reason (((you))) are in immediate derail mode over whether or not Stone is based, which was never the point of the thread
Sebastian Campbell
You'd have to be retarded to believe that, and the article that's quoted isn't about NXIVM.
KLAYMAN MUST HAVE KNOWN MUELLER IS /ourguy/ AND WANTED HIM GONE en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Hongju_Koh huffingtonpost.com/author/aaron-zelinsky Zelinsky went to Yale, Skull and Bones member? SPECIAL COUNSEL IS AN ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE OPERATION TO BLACKMAIL TRUMP INTO SUPPORTING ISRAEL ive gone all the way back to court documents in 1996 and cant connect the two at all. Closest i could get is a DEAN Zelinsky petitioning the City of chicago over long distance phone calls on oct 7/96 or some shit. (pic related) then in the same document Larry Klayman petitioning against Baldwin hardware corp oct 21/96. (next pic related) docshare.tips/us-supreme-court-jnl96_5756e7d9b6d87fc0808b4dc7.html They are connected It might be through a third person intermediary.
Benjamin Powell
Q was real, Trump-sama is rounding up bad guys, the media is losing their shit at has never had fewer goyim who believe their lies as all polls show.
Deep state BTFO.
Chase Thompson
Fuck of you reactionary scum.
Gavin Bennett
You will never pass as a woman you know.
Jacob Walker
>Deep State = JEW STATE
Ethan Carter
I don't even understand you jewish drivel. Take you toilet talk elsewhere, Ariel.
Nah, I'll stay and make you all mad. I've been doing it for years. It's one of the reasons I decided to shill for Trump on all outlets, I saw how mad he made you kikes.
If it's bad for you it's good for me you dumb cunt.
Noah Turner
Why are you making up all this fanfiction? Kill yourself.
What? Cohn was Stone's (and Trump's) mentor, and, according to an article by Wayne Madsen, published by Stone's current employer Infowars, Stone's Israel-linked sexual blackmail operation was a continuation of Cohn's, which included chidren.
Luke Williams
Was Trump a victim of this treatment? That could explain his singular drive to enhance his power level above all else.
Austin Miller
It just dawned on me reading this thread; Ann Coulter reads us and posts here.
I've been following her for years now and especially lately she's been saying stuff like
Ann gets drunk and posts here. She's a drunky; she boozes it up and shitposts here I can feel it in my bone(r). I love you Ann. Saint Anne save us from the kikenvermin. You are the torch of eternal light. You have been gifted with great power. Lead us to victory.