Everytime Israel attack Syria or Iranian troops Putin does nothing, and something tells me when the United States attacks Iran he won't do shit either.
When are we going to acknowledge that Vladimir Putin is just profiteering
Kike-free first post. That's because Putin is a puppet of the Jews, and Russia is also a ZOG.
Greater Israel refers to taking over the entire Arabian region. Why would (((you))) post an image that greatly underrepresents the landmass in question, while also making an unsubstantiated and sweeping claim in an attempt to change public opinion?
And here we have the first kike-full post.
Okay, and? Putin is a jew puppet like everyone else.
Everything you said is wrong.
If I remember correctly wasn't bibi Netanyahu inside the soviets military intelligence before, I think most of the commies just moved from the Soviet Union to Israel.
It should seem obvious by now that he only exists to provide controlled opposition on a global scale. Russia has been a historic ally of brittain for a very long time and while they fought hard together to fend off the nazi menace, fighting immediately ceased once that was dealt with and the remaining 2 powers said mean things to each other for a while to wrap up the second world war. I have never seen any real hostilities directly between russia and the states. It has been deeply programmed by now that war between these powers would result in global extinction due to nuclear weaponry amd is therefore impossible.
I'm not sure, but I wouldn't entirely doubt it. Israel when it was first founded was more left-wing and socialist orientated, and was more friendly to the USSR, the split from this happened later on. The Jews were planning decades earlier to abandon their Soviet project, and as that was happening, Israel became more right-wing and conservative in orientation. Of course, there's no reason to think that the modern day Russian Federation is any less Jewish controlled than the former RFSFR, despite Russia doing some "based" things like allowing White South African farmers to emigrate there. One thing to remember is kikes are not loyal to ideology, and they will do complete 180s if the changes in the wind end up serving them better.
As usual with Zig Forumsack schizos. Putin banned Soros and the Rothschild family from Russia and is vehemently opposed by western powers for an obvious reason. He puts a dent in the neoliberal agenda of global hegemony for US, UK and France. This is the same board that defends Neo-Nazi groups like Azov who are funded by the CIA and Israhell in order to undermine Russia’s sovereignty. Not every Jew is bad as there are a few good ones. If you people want to not come off as schizo and get things done, oppose Israel for its genocide on Palestinians and constant war aggression in the Middle East. There already are Jews who’ve always done this like Norman Finkelstein and Max Blumenthal. People who get things done in real world don’t maniacally scream about Jews controlling everything and blaming them for their own personal shortcomings.
what if i told you Putin knows that Israel has over 200 nuclear weapons aimed at Europe? what if i told you that Putin knows every detail about Israel's "Samson Option", such as Israel launching first strike nuclear attacks against Europe in the case when Israel is ever attacked by anyone at all, in order to force WW3? what if i told you that Putin can fight Israel using war by other means, and that the more Israel attacks the sovereignty of Russia, the worse the Final Solution is going to be for the kikes?
For some reason I love trump now
There are no "good" Jews. And Jews play both sides. Currently, it's Russia and the West being pitted against one another, just like back in the days of the (((Cold War))). You aren't fooling anybody here with this deception.
Who is Emil Maurice? Who is Bobby Fischer? Who are anti-Zionist Jews such as Sigmund Freud who support the Khazar Ashkenazi hypothesis? Who are Jewish SS members?
Theyre jews, whats your point?
Who is worth more to the NSDAP, a German who supports Zionism and Marxism, or a Jew who supports National Socialism? Hitler's personal belief was that Jews were irredeemable, and yet one of his best friends for over twenty years was a Jew. That's my point. If someone agrees with you fully and is useful to your ideals, their race is only an inconvenience, and sometimes individual worth matters more than association with a group when it comes down to practicality. I think Judaism is a horrifically barbaric cult that should be illegal to practice, I think the Jews are a foul-blooded people who've ruined themselves with centuries of inbreeding and miscegenation, and I know that almost every Jew alive, even ones who don't consciously believe it, has an instinctual hatred of me and my people, and for that they should not be allowed in my society. But even so, once in a million times there is a man who hates his own kind and wants to step outside the mold to join a more ethical culture and become something other than a Jew, and I think that's honourable.
A nigger doctors child will not be a racial doctor, it will be a racial nigger.
Doesn't seem worth the risk.
Both dead Jews. Where are the Emil Maurices and Bobby Fischers to be found today? Nowhere, because they no longer exist.
This doesn't seem like a coherent statement. I don't disagree with you and you don't seem to be disagreeing with me.
That's a very valid stance and I respect it. Like I said, one in a million. I would never advocate to go out in search of LE BASTE KIKE or anything like that, just to be willing to acknowledge that if one person does something truly exceptional even in spite of what their instincts tell them, then that speaks to that person being a man among men. I wouldn't call Maurice 'a good Jew', to put it simply, I'd just call him 'good'. Him being born wrong is secondary in this rare circumstance and if he refuses to let it hold him back, then it shouldn't hold him back.
Also a good point, it's extremely hard to think of examples that don't rely on the past. You can never be too cautious with these people.
Sage for double post.
I am saying the issue is not with the individual, it is with the entire collective. It is counterproductive to acknowledge exceptions like this if it allows for the continued existance of the demographic at the cost of the future.
Mandate that they must adopt if they want to raise a family, or have a breeding policy that ensures their mismatched genes will be diluted away within a generation or two (the NSDAP did have some rules relating to this)? Turn them into eunuch space marine supersoldiers? Martyr them? They don't have to be permanent.
Yes, but "every jew is bad" is a good heuristic.
You mean like Zionism and Jewish separatism
No one here supports this kike you retard. He was a Zionist who promoted a subversive “science”
Putin allows Israel to bomb Syria and you are full of shit.
Thank you for confirming my suspicion that Azov are actually /our/guys by trashing them followed with
scratch a russian and you will find a tartar
There are no good kikes. Also oligarchs are made up of them and are connected to putin. Kikes play both side to be the only ones left on stage debating. Finkelstein still wants israel just muh violence. Fuck off.
Why is it that the worst garbage on Zig Forums gets posted on Friday night ?
I'm not even disagreeing or agreeing with you, but your post is total trash with no information in it at all. It's just low effort shit.
If Putin does know something but helps keep it secret, I would ask myself why that is.
shut up u gay
kind of hope somebody launches a terry davis game.
only available on templeOS
also, pay attention to RT.They call out the kikes on a daily basis.
kikes being in control of egypt sickens me more than the shitskins currently occuping it now.
Putin is a pedo.
every Jew who supports NS and who hates Zionism is a stereotypical neurotic self-hating schizophrenic. therefore every "good Jew", as you call them, is a Bad Jew. and not just bad, but the worst Jew, because what sane rational Aryan would want any schizophrenic as an ally? therefore your argument is invalid.
Q. E. D.
Putin is a jew for avoiding nuclear war with NATO? He’s going about this very carefully in Syria and so far him and Assad are winning.
Shabbat shalom rabbi
Fuck off yid.
Bolshevik installed Put-in. Ex-KGB thug made to play the adversary. It's alla set up.
Here are some commie docs on Israel and so it Union connections.
You faggots will NEVER fit in here.
Russia flew defence up and down the border during the Golan retaking, gave Syria S300s and Pantsir S1s, Mig 29s, fucking reversed the war by the ISISraeli mercs and wiped 95%+ of them out with Syria
Fuck you kike shills are retarded faggots. Have a you on me, last one you will get.
you are a fucking twit.
neck yourself leftypol
He is not fuckng stupid
If he was assasniated Russia would be fucked beyond any reparation
There's a reason why questioning the Holocaust is illegal in Russia.
How about links to the actual documents and without the stupid website branding?
Except Putin is a jewish puppet, dumbass.
kys in all fields
he came to power by destroying 5 russian jews. I'm sure.
Your rabbi's wishful thinking tells you that… In reality the US has nothing to gain by attacking Iran, and so you jew-boys and girls of the IDF are on your own against those big bad scary Iranians.
Now fuck off - and fight your own wars, whining shitbag.
So the support of muslims, maintenance of the oligarchy, continued participation in the international banking system and not tying the Ruble to gold/silver, never mind the lack of support for the genetic Russian people… that's all cover, right? Next you'll say that Trump is actually working for America.
I thought of that before. Its a good solution.
We could nuke israel to shit, but the international pharisee would still be out there. They are in Switzerland, England, Germany and many other countries. The only solution is to kill them all and everything.
It wouldn't take that much money or power. We could block the sunlight of which we need so much without nuclear weapons, and then let everything die. Then we let earth start from scratch after thousands of years after the dust settle.
first read a book on what russia is.
moscow is pouring millions into the muslim regions to keep them calm and its working.
look at the ratio of terrorist attacks in russia in contrast to europe.
or is that just because russia's muslims are different than the ones in europe?
the last time someone tried to stop oligarchies the russian parliament got shelled by tanks.
but comparing the state of russia today to that of the 90s oligarchs golden age things have improved drastically
are you seriously suggesting a country like russia should exit all global financial and trade organisations?
because at this point the price of gold and silver can still be manipulated by the IMF and WB
im not saying putin couldnt take a more radical and active approach toward thes issues but he would end up stirring up more shit than he could handle.
and stirring up shit for the hell of it isnt how ou keep a political career, you jackass
Putin is certainly profiteering off this shit as are western oligarchs. Most likely reason is that they have backroom deals worked out to mutually profit as much as possible before fully pulling the rug out and going to war. Putin isn't a full blown jew puppet but he also wouldn't be in power if they truly didn't want him
Putin snagged anti-aerial contracts from both Iran and Syria. Jewish operations are paralyzed as a result. Russia and Israel have many dual citizens so there will be cordial with both Shia and Jew. Sunnis are variable.
Dr. Hamer's letter
Слава Україн
Not my fault if you can't read German anglokike
I am just telling you one thing, those sides are not so clear as you want them to be.
Israel-Russia relations are complicated, Putin does not have clear views and looks for his own profit through it
However Putin is definitely not "/ourguy/" and neither anyone else holding actual political power today
Jews have their own fights and own interests and they are fighting against each other, except they all unite to fight against "anti-semitism", not all Jews support Israel however.
Israel supports them and arms them
He did do something. He strengthens Syrias defenses (S300/S400) after each attack/false flag to push the kikes further back into their hole. That last parting shot on christmas while the russians went home will be their last.
He single-handedly took away their air dominance which is the only reason why this war has dragged on for ages. Now its a ground game that Syria/Hez/Iran will annihilate these fucks.
What people fail to understand is the kikes are doing everything humanly possible to drag russia into an all out war by baiting them into attacking a nato ally whether its ukraine, syria, and soon south america (Venezuela). This will FORCE america into a war and the orange kike wont be able to stop it even if he wanted too.
Putin knows that time is on his side and america is a dying empire. An all out war would be the perfect way to destroy whats left of america and to distract from the bankrupt pensions, medicaid, education, etc (within the next 8-10 years max). "But goy we spent all that money on the war, theres no money left!" No sense in giving the kikes what they want.
Hes looking out for russian interests and ensuring these kikes don't spark WW3. The kike proxy (america) need to die before the rest of us see those kikes crumble.
His Russia is also positioned as the strong horse ie next possible greatest ally/host. They are overlaps in usefulness even in the love octogan that is the middle east.
I think that Putin just wants to be in control of what is happening
Putin and the Russian nationalist faction are playing for time, building their strength, and also have to deal with internal power struggles. He's not an omnipotent dictator like the Western media says.
The secret to understanding Putin is knowing that his mother's maiden name is Shelomova, literally "daughter of Shelomo", we spell it shlomo in english. His family tree which I capped from wikipedia but has since been removed with no mention on the talk page, but you can verify it by simply jewgling vladimir putin ancestry also includes the name golub. I'm not familiar enough with Russian to recognize the other names in his family tree, but golub and shelomov are jewish names.
He does not hate other jews, he just wants to be the top jew.
i can read german, but i can also look up the guy who wrote it.
thats absolutely halfchan tier
it means piegon,
and its an ukranian jewish surname
Accordion Russian bros need funds for firewood
Well, he does have full control of the mass media there.
They do exist. Gerard Menuhin wrote the attached in 2015, which is pretty much "Hitler did nothing wrong, the book." Ron Unz recently wrote a series of articles about the Jewish role in 20th century history, which covered all the bases from the Bolshevik slaughter and the holohoax, to probable Israeli involvement in the JFK assassination and 9/11.
The numbers are so tiny as to be insignificant, however. The vast majority of Jews are well-programmed NPCs that believe their own lies about the supposedly unjust persecution their people have suffered, and broadly follow either of the two mainstream Jewish left/right positions, the conflict between which amounts to little more than a dispute about how best to exploit the Goyim.
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