Instead of the famous Nordicism Movement which fails due to the term Nordic being so diluted with German & American Scientists thinking that All of Northern Europe is one, the Term of Gothicism now raises again
If you look upon Scandinavian history, you will quickly find out that they have been very warlike, ancient Kingdoms being formed out, Rome being conquered by Ostrogoths & Ruled for 300 years, But one thing comes clear
Of all these Nordic Scandinavian Conquests the Gothic Race Did by far the most, of which reasons remain to be discussed, Infact I have compiled these Gothic Kingdoms and in exclusion of Kiev Rus' & Stavropol Kraj, the Gothic Kingdoms cover an area roughly of 2/3 of Europa,
When people speak of the Iron age, they seem to believe that it was of a primitive hunter gatherer society, filled with Raping and low Hierachy Infact, these Tribal Kingdoms had a strict Hierachy, rape was non existant, these kingdoms much worked like a Medieval one, with foreign people being ruled over, which often Hapened in Germany To see if someone is truly Gothic he has to (also) have the Haplogroup of I1
When we go back to Reading Gothic history we come upon this Juvel
"Like to hard flint or the Marpesian Cliff."
==Which Details that after the Gothic men left to fight the Egyptians the Woman left behind formed an army and Conquered vast amounts of Land in the middle east== Then giving rise to the Marpesian Cliff of where Alexander the Great later made his walls upon, to keep out the beasts there under which would tie into the Hollow earth Theory of which has had heavy shilling against it in the form of the Flat Earth Theorom
You will cry as I take over every organization and simply push you back into the weeds where you belong.
Hudson Foster
Also, this goes toward my court date this next year
Benjamin Cook
Stop your schizophrenia you Kid
Isaac Russell
Haplogroup I2 is Haplogroup I1 (Paleo-european) but mixed with maternal Southern Slavic (Indo-european) dna. The strong-nosed, tall, and powerful Dinaric people of the Alpine, Apennine, and Dinarid mountain ranges.
Juan Thompson
Also, the genetic history of Italy, before the Arab and Turkic invasions, and mostly still to this day, is largely Germanic and Southern Slavic, with the exception of the founding Celtic tribes such as the Italics.
Joseph Fisher
Jayden Hill
Daniel Bennett
Evan Collins
Every hundred years or so the term gothic gets a new meaning, from the Germanic tribal groups, to the aesthetics of the late 14th to early 16th centuries in Europe, to the romantic movement of the late 18th to early 19th centuries, and of course all the different goth cliques that exist today. Why not
Michael Gutierrez
You don't belong here. Zig Forums is a race-worshipping racist board, just ask your fellow Zig Forumss
Brayden Green
Here is a link faggot:
James Parker
If YOU are going to post here, even with tor change your writing voice. Algorithms can very easily id you with it; you are too valuable to go to a bongistan prison for wrong think arguing on a shit hole hugbox like this.
James Campbell
no one thinks this. agriculture had been around for thousands of years by the start of the iron age
Dylan Ross
Very good post
Finally people realize the superior nature of the Proto European Race>>12615825
Samefag making his weekly D&C thread to give himself an excuse to dump images he made about "snowniggers" in response and to stir up infighting. Just replaced nordic with goth, just like when he replaced cro-magnon with nordic over a year ago when he was spamming his retarded neanderthal shit. Two years and counting, and (((mods))) will never do a thing about it.