PayPal bans video game where Jesus, Hitler, Trump and Putin team up to kill feminists, LGBT, SJWs
but not jews? Shit game
Majority of all 3 of those demographics are jews. Directness has value but it doesn't change that fact. Draw a decrepit aids ridden tranny and jews will recognize it as antisemitic all the same.
Had passed the time to do something about this censorship
This is what will kill the sane parts of the internet. Payment processors will make it impossible to do anything productive over longer periods of time if it doesn't line up with the globohomo agenda. While funding straight up tranny propaganda to European children.
we've yet to see the real censorship of sanity startall the payment processors are already targeting political enemiesand it's only just begunnext your plastic electronics payment card will be disabled for wrongspeak on the trannynet
Shitty Jew game made to scalp Zig Forumsacks for money.
When are you going to start consider using crypto. It's sad how retarded a lot of /pol is on blockchain
The vast majority of kikes are at least one of those things though.
Fucking this. There's zero excuse for using kike payment systems anymore.
The lawsuit should be an easy win for them
I bring it up in threads we used to have about certain banks refusing to do business with gun stores. We literally have the means at our disposal. Crypto is starting to mature. Sure many are scams but btc is sound money . The fact that it came into prominence initially through black market commerce.
We could even get tge dude weeds on board since many banks refuse to service dispensaries in legal states dud to federal prohibition. It's still in its infancy and that alone is another reason for Zig Forums to act on this opportunity
If a leftist foot soldier can get off for breaking someone's skull with a bike lock, do you think we'll see finance kikes brought to justice? The gloves are off, and ideological courts have removed their masks.
When are you going to realize an NSDAO is the true way forward? A fully autonomous decentralized organization built on code that doesn't require any human intervention or leadership and makes decisions strictly based on AI.
That's meme territory. Crypto payment services are here, ready now.
Request network is specifically aimed at this. There's nothing wrong with a motivated user to craft his own crypto, but right now there's a lot of projects in the space that offer pretty interesting use cases but the problem for them at this point in time. Which is EXACTLY why we ought to starr utilizing this. We'd get a foothold in such a manner that'd demonstrate that tgere really is a viable alternative to fiat.
Also I wanted to say, currently you still have to convert to fiat after receiving a token but that's actually irrelevant for the function we're looking for. A currency outside the bounds of tyrants
post the torrent faggots
They needs to stop using PayPal.
I've been buying 90% of everything with crypto for a couple year, even my groceries. I've no idea why people are so intimidated by this shit; anybody could learn how to do it.
And I mean directly; no conversion to fiat.
Interesting, i doubt this is the US unless I'm wrong? But you're a good example of what can be achieved. I'll again mention silk road because despite facilitating degeneracy, it fucking worked and I wonder if we'd even be talking about it without that particular history
Nope, USA. The trick is to buy gift cards.
Although this topic is relevant to crypto, i don't necessarily want to derail either and started a thread dedicated for crypto and how we can exploit it. For anyone interested
Buying gift cards with digital coins? Brilliant.
Oh come on user, that's the same as converting to fiat. Nothing necessarily wrong about that since it'd give the ability to purchase most goods, like with the giftcards, but I thought you meant some actual retailers accepting crypto, which is why I didn't think you lived in the US before you answered
one of the playable classes is a jew, what did you expect?
No it's not. Gift cards are a currency unto themselves. People get them as gifts and want to trade for crypto, and there are websites that match you up with those people. Trading into fiat will cost you a premium, whereas you are the one charging a premium when you trade for gift cards. You can demand a 10-40% premium trading BTC for Amazon gift cards, and there are auction/matching sites which specialize in this.
You realize that gift cards are just tokenized store credit, right?
Sauce me user, I'm interested in this
Fair enough, but it's still not exactly a direct means like you claimed. I'd be more impressed if your grocer or hardware store accepted it direct. Again, there's nothing necessarily wrong with this, since you're bypassing the central banks system while exploiting it simultaneously.
Well I just meant that I don't convert to fiat. I'm not interest in your autistic pedantry.
Why no one cracked the skull of the professor faggot yet?
Actions should have consequences, otherwise no one will respect you.
Because Zig Forums is a board of peace, Mr. FBI.
The devs tried shilling their game on /v/ earlier, but everyone called it out. I hope no one is dumb enough to fall for the scam after they've created fake mock up in the OP.
There are a few decent judges out there. It's not a criminal case, so there's a chance justice will be done.
D&C, fight goyim, the evil is going to get you!. We'll be in the back making money out of it.
more cianigger propaganda.
Found the Zig Forums nigger.
The bigger picture is that payment processors like PayPal and MasterCard together with social media like twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and sites like patreon and gofundme are regulating speech on the internet. They essentially acting as a cartel to deplatform and financially suffocate people exercising wrongthink. If the left brands you a persona non grata for what ever reason you will be deplatformed.
Please format your OP properly and include an archive link. It's been four years for fuck's sake.
Jesus Strikes Back Website Returns But PayPal Permanently Bans The Developers
< “Our previous website was shut down by our prior host after snowflake fascists who cannot differentiate between a satirical video game parody and real life decided to make multiple complaints to the hosting provider, Wix, demanding we be censored. We were also banned from using PayPal due to similar complaints from similar people. Since JSB: JD is a perfectly legal, satirical parody it will still be developed and launched, regardless of how many times snowflakes try to censor it simply because they do not like it.”
< “The PayPal situation is an inconvenience, but it’s not the end of the world. We know about their “alt-right” crackdown or whatever but we never expected their purge to extend to satirical parody video games – especially without even contacting us first but ultimately it’s their decision so it is what it is.”
< Uh oh. We’re wading into dangerous thread territory now.
< — Nick Monroe (@nickmon1112) December 23, 2018
You mean Trump?
I said to do something, not to share specific details about how someone would do something.
But i recommend to do a fucking spectacle, beat the shit out him, lock him in a lampost naked and stream it to Twitter forcing him to say something like "actions have consequences"
He is a fucking henious criminal getting away from the punishment, if you are in 'Murrika, freedom land of guns an guts, you should go to the away to make things fight the evil and not search for excuse of being afraid of the big meanie gubmment
Goons like if you're an German or a British bitch.
I said to do something, not to share specific details about how someone would do something.
But i recommend to do a fucking spectacle, beat the shit out him, lock him in a lampost naked and stream it to Twitter forcing him to say something like "actions have consequences"
He is a fucking henious criminal getting away from the punishment, if you are in 'Murrika, freedom land of guns an guts, you should go to the away to make things fight the evil and not search for excuse of being afraid of the big meanie gubmment
Goons like if you're an German or a British bitch.
Smart anons need to start a crowd funding crypto wallet with no centralization.
This shit should be illegal, it's like mastercard or whomever starts threatening twitter alternatives or other platforms because they have too much "fringe" groups on their website, someone should look into the law and see if they are breaking the fucking law by dictating free market standards.
just keep making proxy accounts and relinking paypal to your page just to piss them off.
keep doing it nonstop just to be a torment to these fucking faggots, don't let your guard down, just keep doing it until they throw a tantrum.
put their logos all over the place next to an image of a nigger getting chainsawed.
What would be a good currency that isn't subject to wild speculation and is widely accepted?
I have zero interest in using crypto as an investment. I'd rather treat it as a non-pozzed paypal alternative… provided it's not subject to wild fluctuations and doesn't have too many hoops to jump through (or fees).
Isn't (((paypal)))'s head a kike?
Isn't (((paypal)))'s head a kike?
Because unless your a tech wizard your funds can be traced and cut off pretty easily. With cash you still have the ability to dip in and out of society with a major tech investment.
Crowdfund a gaming engine for idiots. Just publish Moonmanish DLC anonymously. Sit back and enjoy the fun.
Try buying anything without coversion faggot.
It would be great if people stopped paying back unsecured debt. These (((lenders))) have essentially declared war on us.
They won’t have a choice soon. Indian payment method is trying to move into the western market, and they don’t care about Social Justice.