Tinder slut blinded by 6'8" chad at his mom's house. Police taze him to death

Veterinary tech, 24, stabbed by her YouTube star Tinder date who 'lost control' at his mom's house only to DIED when police arrived and Tased the 6ft 8in bodybuilder


Attached: chad.png (274x273 2.61 MB, 125.31K)

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Damn I knew I should have voted anprim

heh, i guess

He probably had a heart attack because of the taser, it can randomly happen after multiple shocks to certain individuals.

this is why steroids are bad mmmkay

who needs guns tbh

She deserved it.
He didn't deserve it.
People must invest more on artificial wombs and sexbots, and kill more women.

kys incel

delete your thread OP you faggot, you killed something useful to post this trash

this, roid rage, it'll kill ya

yep, mix in some alcohol and a lil electricity, has to be bad for the heart

Only a cuck would call someone else an incel

how is this /pol relevant faggot?

Not even once

Enjoy your next next tinder hook up, Roastie.
Remember to pack a taser.

You glow in the dark.

Hmm, something tells me we have heard this brilliant idea before.

Why are TORpedos ALWAYS the most embarrassing and stupid posts in any given thread?

Because you can't ban them, so they have nothing to lose.

You are supposed to stop criticizing the psychotic levels of nigger crime in turd world Afrimerica because white people kill too. Not nearly as often but according to kosher logic that is an insignificant point.

They're not. You're just a shill who wants people to think that.

This is some nigger IQ right here. It's already been proven our IQ has been dropping with each generation. It's already been shown that the least intelligent people have the most children. Civilization needs eugenics, nigger.

The fuck is this?

The newspiece makes it look like it was his fault, but there is something fishy about it. Know the saying, "when seconds count, the police are just minutes away"? The supposedly mad chad had a lot of height and strength advantage and a knife for however long it took for the police to arrive. He could stabbity-stabbed her to death in seconds.

What kind of ineffective knife was he using?
Were the police already on their way, alerted by shouting or w/e?
Did the come in just as he was starting to stab her?

Nah, it's the opposite.


And yet cucks/deceivers still insist that women have magic personality detecting radars.

He could have been alive if he had stayed away from holes and focus on making shekels, investing in himself then travel to foreign countries and drown himself in pussy in a brothel where whores are tested then return back to his normal life. He could do this a few times a year.


Reminder to report every thread that this piece of shit makes.

Guys….. so I was wondering why the fuck there were so few listings for a 24 year old. Now I know… so I say again… uhh guys….

Attached: sigh.png (622x380, 68.35K)

Hmm wonder what could have started back then

Attached: 6f0178f46e6acdd9f9a6ec102d2f2a2c7f080fff510e03ea15f4cee1b62fe53c.jpeg (600x600, 47.59K)

"She" was clearly a reptilian who transformed in front of the guy.

The Father is pretty hellbent on his opinion that his son was given some drug which caused him to hallucinate and has never acted in this way. Parents of course always defend their kids but it is odd that he randomly just begins stabbing someone in the face. The Fathers post comment section is going crazy:


If he was drugged, it will come out in the autopsy.

I'm assuming it's a taser test on a live pig, to see the effects on the heart.

Are you implying it's a tranny? Cause middle names are not a good indicator of that, they're often the names of your grandparents. My second middle name is Mary, and I sure as fuck am not a girl.

Found the newfag

Shut the fuck up, retard. The moment I see the repeating zeros in an ID, I disregard whatever it posts. TORpedos could post that the sky is blue, and I would go outside and double check, that's how little I value your posts.

Fucking digusting.

You go for Chad, you deserve the shank
If he won't do it, someone else will.

((( )))
Only kikes "protect" women… men used to be the sole protectors of THEIR woman, but not anymore.

Makes sense.

The name Gavin is apparently her Mothers maiden name so discard that. I have never seen a listing like that before but it appears to be the Mothers original last name.

It also appears that the PD were contacted by a neighbor. Dude wigged out hardcore it seems.

Attached: Boston.png (1331x587, 247.26K)

that guy was differently natural

yep this is sketchy af makes no sense look at that thot and that healthy chad i got a feeling he is the real victim

whites will go extinct without artificial wombs, genetic sequencing, etc.

there's never going to be any "race war" or "national socialist revolution" or whatever the fuck you fantasize about, it's a wishful LARP that there is no indication whatsoever is ever going to happen. whites will be extirpated from the planet by 2100 unless we can continue to exist as a genetically unique race with the aid of technology

you have NO PLAN. we are going to be outbred by muds, there is nothing anybody can do to stop this. either whites will continue to exist in some capacity thanks to technology, or we will go completely extinct. "muh technology is JOOZ because I say so" is not an argument

(intelligence test score increase over time)
Correlates with acclimation to constant testing + school systems lasting longer; Also demonstrates more disconnection between scores predicting general intelligence and adaptive success. That is to say, the test-taking environment was extended, leading to more people staying within that artifice longer, scoring higher, and failing harder once they leave the welfare farm.

(intelligence test score decrease over time)
Selective decrease of those who have been in the longest. Flynn effect generally applies to new groups, showing the longest and most consistent IQ score increases over time. Flynn effect diminished but still present for top groups. But a reverse flynn effect has now finally showed up statistically, in the most feminist and cucked societies first (with still the most homogeneous subgroups by which to make data from). School for nordic boys is being entirely taught by failed females, leading to their exit from the constant pseudo academic environment, leading to decreasing scores over time, which again are disconnected from any real world effects. Also, environments which cannot create the constant test taking focus (niggerdom 'schools', jewry labs, etc) lead to the same: decreasing IQ scores over time, independent of any other external observations.

These two 'effects' (observations? trends? the name needs refinement, but I digress) are generally consistent with the setting of each age-sex cohort passing through the locale welfare system.


Likely 100%
Wouldn't wish it on him, but unknown.

Little is confirmed or verified on the events. Photos of the agents involved are missing (Boston PD? Welfare nogs or failed females holding the trigger down? Pre-emptive calling by the whore as a sting operation gone wrong (or right?)?). Regardless, taken at face value, there is one fault that is his: It is crucial that boys not participate in opiate seeking behavior. They cannot be girls, they must become men. If the failed female arrived on an opiate promise to him and couldn't deliver (very likely the abstract of what happened), then what else would the possible outcome be? Unless he was asleep with visions of PUA lies in his head, it would be extremely painful to be thrown so fast into the truth: females, who have left Mankind, their fathers, and their brothers, are traitors. He can be faulted, with trying to stay medicated for too long, and for seeking more opiate. That some part of him recognized/sensed what that whore really was, and began acting on it (without self control, admittedly), was his built-in saving grace (which failed, admittedly, she lived and he ded).

I have other things to do. Feel free to do whatever to the failed females so far gone that they become sex tourists in Morocco and etc. Otherwise, such is a distraction.

smells like the tinder slut slipped him some drugs, and he got pissed that she wrecked his routine for the foreseeable future or his employment prospects at the next drug test for his job

>the first image is (((Mysteriously Deleted)))

Look at that, it's (((ashes and echoes))) again.

Pathetic to blame the victim. Every woman on earth should be afraid of men. What the fuck is wrong with you? Just look at what you’re saying. It’s so depressing and unsettling. He was 25 and lived at home with his rich parents, his mom was afraid of him and the father did nothing! Probably a blow to his masculinity to admit his son was severely mentally ill. He’d rather his son die while stabbing and trying to eat the face of a young woman than admit his own son needed major intervention. I’m praying that the far left and far right are nothing but a perverse fad. A moment in history that people will look back on with confusion and horror. You’re all so spoiled and soft, you don’t know anything. Creepy.


Oh boy it's almost like it's dangerous for young women to go alone to meet random men for sex.

Also tall people have more heart problems due to additional stress pumping blood.


Haha, underrated.

I agree they should but not for the reason you think. They should be afraid of the men who stupidly or criminally have decided to stay in the dating pool after the radical utterly smashed the greatness of institutional marriage and roles of men and women which worked for centuries.

Now the dating pool is simply filled with the men who either want to hurt them, muds looking to rape them, very few men who give a fuck about marriage/kids and all the guys that would typically care about looking for a relationship have said "fuck that, not worth it" either out loud or to themselves.

She met a fucking stranger that she didn't know on a dating site and a few hours after meeting him went to his house alone. What does that say about her? Think on it because none of us give a fuck.

It looks like she took up paganism and traded one eye for wisdom if that's the case.

oh…. MUH GAWD!!!

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Vetmeduni Vienna: 250 Years of Responsibility for Animals and People
Historical Video about the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna beginning from 1765 to 2015.

Live from New York it's Saturday Night

Attached: index.jpg (290x174, 4.8K)

Why should we care? Some roid monkey flipping out and killing a tinder slut is 1) not very surprising 2) poetical just.

He doesn’t look like he’s on steroids (I work in a related field so you can call it an expert opinion I guess if you’re so inclined) but it’s always hard to say. Likely he was just too big for his heart to take it and large muscles make tasers more lethal than fat or small muscles. Like another user pointed out, there is something weird going on with this story.

Attached: The Ballad of OP.webm (480x360, 471.8K)