How to conduct yourself Among Jews in Regular Life

I've been posting anti-Jewish things for a long time. Weird things start to happen.

My mechanic recommends me to a used car dealer. Soon as I get there, it's the most Jewish place ever, decorations. The guy tells me it's a Jewish neighborhood, with Jewish owners.

Am I stupid for not caring, and surrendering to this Jewish control and watching of my life. Might as well buy a car from them. Or am I stupid for underestimating the evil that surrounds anything Jewish?

This is just one of the ways I've noticed them experiments on me after I've went on some tirade against Jews in a blog post or something.

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QTDDTOT. Stop shitting up the catalog you cuckchanner.
Do no business with kikes. Ever.

You should have refused service either passive aggressively or aggressively. Ask for a quote and tell them to have a nice day you'll call them back if you're a pusspuss.

Doing business with a person you KNOW is a kike is about the most retarded thing you can do. Especially since I guarantee he quotes you higher than average costs. Even if he didn't, he's still a kike and to no fault of his own must be exterminated.

Having second thoughts or a conscience during war is what gets you killed. You thin just because he didn't outwardly smooth out his point to you that he wants money and Christianity to die and the world to be plugged into darkness doesn't mean deep down it's not there or that his other people don't want it.

Well? Did you shoot him? If you didn't, chances are you died.

I get around pretty well with Jews actually, knowing as much about them as I do. If you aren't a literal sperg it's not hard to keep your spaghet in your pockets.

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TFW you work in the tech sector. Job takes me to Israel 2-3x yearly. Nearly all colleagues are jews over there or in our office here. I didnt buy into the JQ before this role. After daily interaction for years, its crystal clear. They have no equals. They look up to their own only. They take liberties with well established procedures and standards with abject disregard for any rules other than their own.

Full disclosure though, they care deeply about their families, traditions, and heritage. However their degeneracy is infecting their own. Last May Tel Aviv held the largest gay pride parade in the world. Spheardic and Ashkenazi are intermarrying, something unheard of a few decades ago. A larger percentage of them are "non-practicing" Jews. Many Israeli "liberals" support a 2 state solution, detest Bibi, and dont support mandatory conscription.

Outside TelAviv and Haifa.. cities like Jerusalem, Nahariya, and surrounding areas have a larger percentage of Orthodox Jews who do indeed know all deeper details; the contempt in their eyes is clear.

The supremacy of Zion pervades most areas. At Ben Gurion airport is a mural roughly ~400' along the main walkway showing the past, present, and FUTURE of Zionism. If you rent a car, the contract expressly forbids driving near Gaza or Golan Heights. During my last trip to the old city, there was a large excavation happening near the wailing wall. A local said that the work was a secret, as most excavations are in Israel. Jews disclose what they want to disclose, and it isn't up for questioning.

Not going to lie, some of my colleagues are friends. They brought me and my family into their homes and treated us well. I have no doubt about their allegiances and where we rank, but I don't see in their hearts a desire subjugate. Even among the best, we are not their equal. Truth be told, there is an internal hierarchy within Israelis too.

Not going to turn this into my personal blog.. at the end of the day Jews are subverting the world and that reality must be rectified. Those who are not directly contributing to the subversion train themselves to be blind to the obviousness of it.

This. They also instinctively react with hostility to any information which might challenge their conception of their people as "unjustly persecuted" through history, and stand with their tribe no matter how clear the evidence is. For this reason, it's pointless to have any sympathy for these Jewish NPCs - they might not be evil at heart, but they're part of a system. Like enemy soldiers on a battlefield, they're playing their role in the attack and have to be dealt with.

The very small number of Jews that actually face up to and acknowledge the full extent of Jewish misdeeds often repudiate Judaism and Jewish identity completely - which is really the only acceptable answer. When you really study the Jewish question, the inescapable conclusion is that the entire Jewish religion was founded on the principle of being born in God's favor, entitled to rule and be served. They believe they they have a license from God to work together doing whatever necessary to achieve that - carte blanche to lie, cheat, manipulate, steal from and murder the Goyim.

To be a Jew is to be evil, period.

I like to be very friendly with them, when possible (many are atrociously paranoid and filled with hate). This has proved to be highly educational and amusing. It's remarkable what they'll tell you about themselves what absurdities they'll reveal about their personalities. The women are best; they tend to really like me and also I suspect like most women they delight in betraying their own tribe so they spill the beans to me. Of course this can only last for limited periods of time since there's only so much to learn from them and also they're highly sensitive to picking up on the fact that after all, I'm a goyim spy.

You don't have to buy a car from a jew. There are still dealers without a corporate and who aren't kikes. You should be taking a friend who knows something about cars with you anyhow, so your mechanic's word wasn't enough.

Hello fellow white people. We should do business with jews. Whats the big deal?

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I tell them I'm an ashkenazi jew from south America but I look very brown because of the sun… they believe me :^3

Like the sunglasses resistance in They Live before Roddy and Keith joined up: keep your fucking head down and pretend you're still asleep until DotR.

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That's when you start dropping yiddish phrases into your convo. He'll be culturally obligated to give you a good deal, or at least not to fuck you over.

Other than that you better have your mechanic inspect any car before you buy.




Then share something

Hey, you're me. I wonder how many IT folks were demonstrated the JQ in the past 25 years with the rise of the internet?

Yes, don't be a schlemiel, be a mensch.

Masons do this too, BTW, since the lodge is just kaballah for shabbos goyim.

Yeah, I fell for that too at first.

I've actually cautiously done regular business with a Jewish locksmith. He doesn't charge any more than anyone else, and he is quite good.

My family is into real estate we buy-refurb-resell. I don't like to make it sound like those gay assed shows like "Flip this House". It's a lot different irl. One day we arrived at a house we had just bought and had no keys. I called him up and 20 minutes later he shows up, pops the door open in like 3 minutes, I pay him the $90 (expensive, but this is my cost no matter who I call). Talk to him a little about what we do as he is curios as to why we keep calling him to soo many different houses (and before that for all of our vehicle issues). I talk to him a bit and after a while he tells me of a woman friend of his who works at a bank who's primary function is dealing with forecloses! He gave me her name and phone number. I am currently sitting on close to a half a million dollars ready to pounce. Problem is that most people selling their homes seem to think that a little sloppy upgrading here and there makes their homes worth the kind of money that ours sell for, and it kind of muddies the market. The absolute best source is foreclosures that are still occupied. I for one have no issue throwing people out on the street. I actually prefer it because they usually leave in haste and leave lots of valuable and interesting shit behind. These houses go for way under market. Buy one for $80K, invest $30K, sell for $180K!

Whole point of this is: If I have keen instincts when dealing with the Jew, is it a good idea if we work together to Jew someone else? I mean if I am not the one ultimately getting screwed it's like we are working together. My money makes us both money. Or should I just let the opportunity pass by, and seek other avenues?

Funny how you sound just like a kike, complete with glee at throwing foreclosures out of a house. Read your own post again tomorrow morning, faggot.

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You already have terrible instincts if you have no remorse upon ejecting whites from their homes and greedily pawing through all the cool stuff they left in their forced haste.
Were they boomers who knowingly led an unststainable life of maxed out credit cards and wretched excess? Not as appaling.
Were they humble families with young children ensnared by predatory financial practices? Then you do the work of the Jews and belong in an oven yourself.

Engaging in a market that treats food, water, or housing as assets to invest and engage in speculation is immoral. You have good instincts with Jews because you are the Jew.

Well said but cuckchan still needs to lurk two years, you obvious niggers.

You mention multiple tangential factions with the aim to fragment and distract from the issue. All money is immoral in its use today, but even your labor is tainted by evil intent within you.

Is there anything more telling that you are a Jew beyond this?

I mentioned zero factions other than that acts and sounds like a kike. Money only has value if accepted. The onus is on you, your labour is not inherently evil. I don't do business for money, I do it because I love it. The money is just a side effect of being good at what I do - I did it for free for many years and I did it for sheckels. My work has bought happiness to millions and in future will feed even more. I'm not a kike but that still doesn't change the fact that you need to lurk two years you nigger, stop shitting up the culture here and learn to assimilate more.

user, two times in my life have i done business with jews, and two times have i been fucked over and ripped off. And they always deny it even when the proof is undeniable. They turn it around on you. Dont ever do business with kikes.

Fuckin rat kike detected

You're pretty much lost, already.

You mean atheists. Israel is the largest population of atheists per capita on the planet. It used to be listed as 87% atheist and then they hid that and memory holed the data so that USA Pop would not find out that they are being bilked by atheists to the tune of 38 billion per year to run a 'religious state'. It is the funniest fucking thing in the world.

Tell him to put the kippah back on when he takes it off before swindling you.
It means that he is stopping to recognize the there is his god above him, symbolized by the head covering, and he can now cheat you AND his god at the same time.

Argue with them fucking constantly, and then use the socratic method to defeat them once they're riled up. They never see it coming, if you start with their own talmudic rhetoric, and often think that you're also a kike until you suddenly hit them with some socrates.

For the love of god do not do business with Jews. You can roll the dice and maybe you aren't extorted, but if there is an opportunity to take advantage of you they will take it. The common theme is that they can effortlessly lie, it's incredible to watch. They aren't showing up with a Kippah on top of their head and rubbing their hands, they smile and tell a joke, they invoke a false sense of security while they look for the place on your back to place the knife. Maybe you can navigate the jewish waters but it will quickly become exhausting.

I can tell you story after story of the tribe trying to rip people off in real estate and business but here is a quick one. I was asked by a businessman to help with translation in a legal matter. He met with this very Jewish lawyer with the understanding that the lawyer's firm would be paid upon a successful legal outcome, otherwise the businessman would not have agreed to the appointment. This guy would act like your best friend and if you didn't know any better you'd probably believe it. The meeting didn't even make it 10 minutes before the lawyer was asking for a retainer in the realm of 6 figures. The businessman asked me if he should pay it and I said of course not.

Every single time.

I guess I sound more harsh than I am. I have never actually thrown anyone out of a home. Our board has discussed the issue and in reality we would likely float the moving costs of the previous owners. However, how is the idea of owning a house and not paying for it supposed to work? Me and my company clean up neighborhoods. We have done several houses on a single block and have had neighbors enthusiastically thank us for literally increasing the value of their homes. I actually create wealth, I do not make money doing nothing but pulling it out of thin air, i.e. the Jewish way. If someone is loosing their house because they couldn't afford it, they'd be lucky for my company to be the one to see them out. Someone has to do it. Are people supposed to just be able to buy a house (which is retarded under most circumstances the way loans work), renege on the payments and just continue to live there? Honest question.

They really fucking can effortlessly lie. It is amazing to a non-experienced goyim to experience. You can literally show them unalterable evidence of something and they will keep lying, but maybe you feel like you made a small step in the right direction. Come back the next day, and its like your previous conversation didnt even happen, hey are right back to square one denying it. It is just like Hitler said in Mein Kampf, amazingly enough. Im sure non jew scumbags do it too, but when a guy with the star of david tattooed on his arm does it, it kind of is hard to forget. I cant explain it. They arent real people tbh, they are really a seperate species.

how 2 socratic method the jews?

If you deal with sharks don't be surprised if you get eaten…

idk why this is so hard to understand for people

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this goes for any kind of shady person btw. also some races should entirely be avoided such as the jews of the orient and pajeet the street shitter, as nothing good ever comes from them

the traveling tradesmen tribes are pros at lies, misrepresentations, outright fraud and worming their ways into political protection and positions of power

This is what I say to Jew killers. Why are you dirtying yourself even hunting Jews? They should be avoided unless they're hunting you.

If you do business with Jews, like buying a computer, just ask for a new computer constantly, fuck them with the warranty.
I'm from Barcelona and I had never seen a Jew in my entire life since I lived in NY,l. I bought in B&H a lot of hardware, smartphone… Then I got redpilled and I start to ask for new devices. I bought one smartphone, they waste four. And repeat. And repeat. Until you get bored.

you are worse than they are, at least they cant help being what they are, you however choose to be like them.

According to who?

Wtf is with all these shows dropping these subtle hints?
Its like the jews are mocking us…

If they already made a joke about i, it's not so shocking when you find out the reality that you instantly go full pagan pogrom mode.
Plus it can add a layer of myth. Why do you think they invented vampires to cover for their draining blood ceremonies?

The only one I can ever think of who actually did that was Bobby Fischer.

Is there a non violent solution to the JQ?

Yes, you're stupid for not caring. Yes, you are mentally defective if you help jews in any way. Kill yourself. Fuck off.

No, you stupid fucking dumbass.

Fine, I'll fucking repost it again.

Political violence is literally the only thing the system fears.

You can vote for ZOG-approved candidates, leave for whiter pastures, call for boycotts, take part in demonstrations, practice civil disobedience, start fundraisers for activists, work in local politics, write essays or books, talk to people on the street, start a YouTube channel, create content, etc. all day long, but none of these activities actually reverse demographic trends. None of these things make the jews afraid enough to actually start giving concessions. Because none of these things are an impediment to their power.
The only positive thing peaceful activities have done is to have awakened people who are capable and willing to commit acts of violence. Dylan Roof himself was a leftist until the Trayvon Martin case, which led him to finding the truth about blacks online. Bowers was a typical cuck, until he too learned online that the white demographic replacement of his city and country were the result of jewish subversion. Both of these acts are unprecedented in America’s postwar history, and are the products of both the desperation of our current political situation as well as the fact that the truth is easier to access today online than ever before. There are two main arguments used by shills to justify why now “isn‘t” the right time for political violence. What follows are refutations for both of them.

1. “The System will become more repressive!” According to these shills, more white violence will result in the system preventing us from saying the truth online and will embolden the system to come after guns. Okay, great! The System will be preventing many normal whites from the release valve of talking to strangers online. It would make them more willing to find like-minded people in real life, where they might actually do something. Not only that but harsher “hate speech” laws would result in many normal whites becoming radicalized by facing possible jail time for simply saying the wrong things. As ever more whites are jailed for wrongthink, whites will begin to feel repressed by the system. This will awaken our collective identity and make us more willing to fight. As for guns, they’re are almost worthless in modern war. A Cohen Act-style seizure would likely result in kicking off the race war, which is why jews only ever ban guns incrementally. Here’s what William Pierce wrote about the effects of political violence:

The major purposes of political terror, always and everywhere, is to force the authorities to take reprisals and to become more repressive, thus alienating a portion of the population and generating sympathy for the terrorists. And the other purpose is to create unrest by destroying the population’s sense of security and their belief in the invincibility of the government.

2. “Just wait for the right moment, guys!” These shills claim that now “isn‘t” the time to start engaging in political violence because a collapse is “right around the comer” and will magically fix everything. If whites can‘t even organize now–when we’re still a majority and don’t have the stress of worrying about how we’ll so much as feed our families–how can we be expected to organize during a collapse? The future that whites have in store for them if they don’t fight is a South America-style slow death. Countries like Brazil and Argentina never faced a societal crisis which forced whites to reflect on their identity. As such, despite massive economic crises, whites never regained their racial consciousness. As a result, there are essentially no racially pure whites in these countries. Once more, in 2008, America had a major economic crisis which was the result of jewish banks lending currency to spics and niggers to buy houses they couldn‘t afford. Most whites lost over half of their net worth during this crisis. Some lost everything. How did they respond? They sat on their couches and waited for things to get better, or LARPed in 18th century costumes while holding banners assuring everybody they weren’t racist. Last, it‘s much better understood today how the economy functions than it was during the depression. The Federal Reserve and banks have many tools to stimulate and incentivize investment. Today, we see many consumerist nonwhites driving the economy, as opposed to whites who become cautious and save during hard times.

Roof and Bowers have helped us tremendously. Without Roof there wouldn’t be nearly as much of an effort to remove confederate statues, which has caused many whites to feel our identity is under attack. Charlottesville never would have happened either, which wouldn’t have shown us just how much public support we have–as well as teaching us the lessons of what not to do far sooner than we otherwise may have learned them. Bowers’ action will result in more jews leaving the West, making it easier for us to take power since they’re our only real threat. Both of these attacks will be used by the left to justify repression against whites when Trump is no longer in power. There needs to be organization for political violence if we’re going to any chance of coming to power. I’m not going to speculate on what this entails or tell people what to do. My advice is to read history, particularly about modern groups fighting ZOG, and think deeply about what it’s going to take to disrupt the life of the average white and to get the average nonwhite to feel that the benefits of staying in the US no longer outweigh the dangers.

Benjamin Friedman

What about Ron Unz?

Yehudi Menhuin's (violinist) son wrote a book, tell the truth and shame the devil….
pretty specific tbh

Stanley Kubrick, no?

Well you heard it here Goy , get out there and shoot some Geriatrics at their place of worship like our White Heroes Bowers and Roof did , that’s where the ZOG Hivemind and their Golem Breeding Ground is.
Don’t listen to those Magapedes and try out jewing the Jew. It will never work.
Don’t work with Jews or hire them to use their Jewjitsu LIKE I DID.
Be poor , live in your fantasy trailer in the middle of the desert with a bunch of guns and read Siege.
Or be Me , a fucking normie , have 2.5 white spawns , make middle income (trade), toilet overflows in house, call insurance company, insurance company offers $500 , call Jew Public Adjuster and watch $500 turn into $10,000
It’s not 4D Chess niggers , we hired a goy that has the most experience with JewJitsu ever as POTUS .
Don’t fall for the faggot tier honeypot Direct Action Shills and their D&C , blackpilling , New Knowledge (Look it Up) , Bull Shit.
Jews are part of the economy, like it or not , but the Plantation system of Capitalism (of which he has mastered) predates him.
You will have to business with Jews at one point or another. You will need to Out Jew the Jew. How do you do that ? With other Jews . There ain’t nothing like having a Jew work for you on a contingency basis . With Jews you lose? Not if the relationship is symbiotic.
And when stops being Symbiotic, like any others business relationship , you cut or modify the Deal
Jews Shoah $100 B deal with the Sands, you pull out of Syria , Jews don’t like that , You bring up the $4.5 B you pay them just for being Jews
That’s the Art …
and how come these faggots posting this shit don’t just do their own “Direct Action”

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Next time you're over there, buy a machine gun and take out the entire office before moving to another floor and repeating. You can get 3-4 groups of kikes before they do you or your forced to an hero. But you won't, because you're a pussy. So while you write about someting needing to be done, the only thing you'll DO, is cash the paycheck they give you.

Reminder that codemonkey is personally responsible for these posters.

That 0.5 is a kid you had with a nigger? hahaha.

Your projecting again, faggot.

So are niggers and spics.

Nice filename shill. Tomorrow you should take your skitzo meds.

Jews are just a meme, but you took it seriously and now you've become paranoid.

I hope you realize how bad you fucked up when we hang your kids before you take your turn on the gibbet.



There's nothing "honeypot" about promoting lone wolf terror attacks. Lone wolf attacks like Bowers and Roof did are the only effective means of striking back at the system because they force the system to treat all whites worse as a result of that one-off attack, and thus causes the radicalization of dozens more of them. The FBI/CIA/NSA specifically DOES NOT ADVOCATE the lone wolf attack pattern because they can't stop the attacks before they happen, they can't mitigate and control them while they happen, and they can't effectively control the narrative after they've happened. The entrapment plans are always part of a contained effort using groups of people who are 90% within the ranks of the FBI/CIA/NSA setting up the 10% of patsies who aren't. Lone wolf attacks, on the other hand, are a bolt of lightning into the enemy's heart that they are unable to defend against. Dylann Roof killed a state fucking senator, for fucks sake. The kid wasn't a "terrorist", he was an assassin. And good for him! And, oh boohoo, Robert Bowers killed a bunch of old yids. Find me an old kike who doesn't have goy puppets dancing at his fingertips. Protip: you can't. Old Jews all wield political power. ALL OF THEM. It's a natural part of semitic aging. And even if that wasn't the case, he put fear into the kikes heart. They're now talking about how America "isn't safe" for jews. GOOD! FUCK OFF! It's literally a win-win, especially if you can commit acts of violence without getting caught or convicted. Think about how demoralizing it is when the system lets antifa muggers go with a slap on the wrist. Now turn that around. How do you think the kikes would feel if some brave Aryan put 4-6 of them in the ground, and they have no forensic idea where to start looking? Especially with how neurotic they are. They'd lose their minds. Anyway, just some food for thought. Not that you care, shill.

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This. You certainly can succeed (playing them off against each other, mostly, and remember, you're the smarter one) but in the end it's like wrestling with a pig. You get dirty and the pig likes it.

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You're fucking trash, you shabbos goy. Kikes get rope, but you're getting piano wire.

I did just look that shit up. What the fuck man…I got creeped out in a weird way just reading their home page. So its some big tech company that wipes away wrongthink on the internet? who desides what "disinformation" is in this context? Fuck everything.

Actually, switching to an RV(not mobile home) trailer saves money from not being a structure on the land, instead of $5k property tax that goes to jews and shitskins, you're only handing over $100.

It will be interesting to see how (((they))) repay Trump's loyalty. It could make for a great parable.

I find it funny that "uncucked" people are always FBI informants, dead people, or prisoners. Who are you really fooling here?

You need to be tortured

Good post. Saved.

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Are they offering a good deal? If not, then don't buy it. For those of us that aren't completely indoctrinated racial idealogues, life is rather simple. We don't have to cower in fear with a fucking tinfoil hat on our heads worrying that our pure white race is going to be degenerated.

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God, that webm is so fucking based. Man. so based. Do you mind if I retweet it, my fellow pede?

Such a waste of double-dubs. Pathetic.

kaballah isn't bad if you learn the real stuff, it's a corruption of our own spirituality as is the nature of everything in their religion. it is yggdrasil

The problem is doubt. If there exists some doubt as to the reality of the current situation, people will hold onto that doubt as it still affords them the precious comfort of their modern lives. If there is only a 33% chance of total white enslavement/extermination within the century, a good portion of the white populace will do nothing. Remember, iirc only around 3 to 10% of Americans actually took up arms against the British; point being that it requires a great deal for people to uproot themselves and take on some revolutionary, IRA-style cause. Hell, politicians go to great lengths just to motivate people to drive their asses to the voting booths.


I'll take the bait . . .
Seth Macfarlane's mom is a jew.
It's why he "missed" his doomed flight on 9-11. He went on to make himself and other jews hundreds of millions from his TV shows.
Every main voice actor on Family guy is a kike.

Did you know The Orville is Star Trek with Trannies? I didn't either, but I wasn't surprised.


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>I hate (((nazis)))

Masonic film, this clip was to make fun of the Skokie incident, where a jew pretended to be a nazi and false flagged. See also Charlottesville.