We all talk about human IQ and the common misconception is that someone with a high IQ will automatically have an higher understanding of life or reality or our perception of it. Yet in many cases you can meet or run into a lot of people in society that are very smart in intelligence but very fucking dumb in perception. A strong example of this is how silicon valley supports liberals. So i believe there are multiple levels of understandings. Im not sure how many levels there may be but for example i know there are at least two levels of perception. Level 1 is the NPC or the person that always believes what they are told by society figures. Level 2 Are the people that question the society figures and feel that something is wrong. Level 3 Could be the people that realize people can be shaped by thoughts and images and are trying to mold society by propaganda.
We need to recognize levels of human perception
The irony is is that no current system exists to encapsulate this notion, because it is readily apparent when talking from person to person that 'intelligence' and 'perception' are not synonymous with eachother. Maybe one day there will be something, but how would you measure it? Also, I think it's in the government's interest to make people feel smart (IQ) but ensure they operate as slaves to the system, lacking in self awareness and perception. Perhaps this is why there's no system to measure it?
bump for interest but I guess it will die anyway because of 4chan lemmings and schizos who aren't really perceiving anything
The followers and leaders model have been around for thousands of years, fren.
The fact is that the majority of people on Earth are NPC's with dynamic interests and emotions, but are almost entirely on autopilot and absorb 100% of what they see at immediate face value with no deeper connection. And like you said, a lot of this information comes from incredible social figures and big media and just burns holes in their brain permanently.
You also have NPC's that absorb anything that's counter culture. There are tons of right wing NPC's too. That absorb everything the rad right says to anti shill the left.
NPC's can be incredibly smart or incredibly stupid, but almost never intuitive and generally overly connected to certain things like emotions or something unrelated to their welfare.
Most of the non-NPC's I've ever met generally never agree or disagree with any opinions but rather state a likeness for aspects and then go on to explain their thoughts in depth or for whatever time is appropriate. Despite self declaration of humbleness they're usually egotistical.
I would say anybody who can fully acknowledge, and not just repeat the phrase, most people can be shaped entirely through propaganda and that society as a whole is almost entirely controlled using this method, are probably not NPC's.
But you have to truly realize that a good 8-9/10 people you meet, however interesting they may be, are effectively just byproducts of their environment and not a byproducts of extensive knowledge. They are shaped by what is given to them, not by what they seek out for themselves.
Level 4. People who realize all the above and attempt to analyze it.
Level 5. People who realize 1 through 3 and disassociate with people. And dream of genocide.
IQ is potential and just like with any other potential it merely makes it more likely that people will reach specific achievements with it, rather than being a certainty. IQ is often mentioned on Zig Forums not because anons think every high IQ human is automatically supreme, but simply recognize that if a race has a higher average IQ then it has more potential.
Stop lying to yourself, about what you believe and what you want. You can't classify others if you can't even be honest with and understand yourself.
Not trying to be a fag here. I'm serious. The most practical perception comes from introspection. Know yourself and you can move people who are like yourself.
what you said is so liberal my iq level regresed by 20 points
less jewdan peterson and more facts next time
Our education systems were corrupted to filter out real intelligentsia, while keeping the masses from overstepping a certain threshold (deliberately disarming their potential). The majority of modern intelligentsia is held hostage by non-disclosure agreements, a funding leash and the military stranglehold of alleged state security.
What you are reading on the web (outside of toxic propaganda) are the opinions of a semi-intelligent hive-mid of individuals who came to their knowledge out of necessity. This necessity was created by the human ability to adept to harmful outside influences, in this case "wising up" to a world that turned topsy-turvy. BUT this is not real intelligentsia based on studies, backed by history and ascended by like-minded free-thinkers…it's just a survival instinct to overcome short term dangers, nothing to built a future out of. Be aware of this and always question every narrative.
The Actual Three Levels:
Level 1: Whatever you believe in, it's for the wrong reasons. Maybe you're a retarded, bible thumping conservative with no filter for info, so you may get "woke" on fluride, chemtrails.etc, UFO stuff. In this case, you may have a healthy sense of tribalism, but clearly affected by progressive propaganda and have cognitive dissonance. Alternatively (if low-T or female), you will support left-wing positions in the same dogmatic manner while not really understanding the underlying rationale behind them. If Trump backs out of Syria, clearly war is a good thing and Obama was smart for having gotten us involved.
Level 2: You're likely on the right side of the IQ curve, but the left side of politics. You have the vision to see this brave new world through a glass darkly. The potential for a reason-based society. The problems that could be solved if we took that money from the mattresses of "The 1%" and used it to fund education programs and fix the environment. The social inequalities that keep us all down and fighting amongst each other.
It goes something like this:
"Religion is bullshit and has no place in politics. Of course vaccines don't fucking cause autism! Obviously AGW is real because the majority of scientists support it. And the sheer irrationality of racism - man, if only that ended and everyone could be allowed to reach their full potential… All these things making our world worse, and these "conservatives" and their retarded "principles" are enabling it all. All the corruption, all the wars, all this blatant pandering to the uneducated masses that's preventing humanity from ascending to the next level, or at least just doing these few common sense things that are unequivocally good.
And this right wing-propaganda and fear mongering too… The migrant 'crisis' is being blown out of proportion by right wing sensationalism, and people are coming to the wrong conclusions because of it. Sure, debating ideas is fine, but when your 'free speech' is blatantly manipulating people into committing hateful acts against minorities and fostering those attitudes, that has real consequences, and I have no problem suppressing that kind of propaganda.
If only the educated class could make the decisions, we could restructure the world to be better and more fair. We need to take power for that to happen, by any means necessary."
Level 3: You're now in the 120+ IQ range. You may have been Level 2 at some point, but you escaped that quagmire through some combination of smarts and curiosity. That sense of certainty evaporated as you gained perspective.
It probably started with economics. Suddenly, the minimum wage is just another price floor. Subsidies to college degrees just create a bubble, and graduates only make more because they were smart to begin with. Additional taxes are just a weird inefficiency, being consumed or lost to corruption/parasitism instead of being re-invested in the ruthlessly efficient private sector.
Of course religion is still dumb, but it has a positive impact for many normies. Normies will always be controlled by some religion/cult and Christianity is a benign filler for that inexorable tendency.
Though you don't really hate fags, gay marriage and retarded acronyms aren't objectively good things. Furthermore, there's nothing rational about promoting a sexual deviant 1-3% minority and giving them this incommensurate degree of cultural prominence. From a purely functionalist sociological standpoint, this is a complete aberration.
Race, IQ and crime are things. They are important. The people studying global warming are operating under perverse incentive structures and should be audited. Is abortion eugenic or dysgenic or society? Jews are occupying positions and doing stuff, but it's unclear.
Finally, you zoom out and look at the world again. You see the tribes. You see the demographic trends. You take your own side.
The progression is formalized understanding of human mechanics. Mapping all inputs/ouputs. Then humans become programmable circuits and robots which can be arranged into systems or businesses, powered by whatever currency is in demand.
The next progression of this game is a meta-cognition of that. Constructing a human machine which handles all other human machines. Meta-business.
I presume the illuminati or whatever is this meta-business. I think it's not merely nepotism we observe in the elite, but this meta-business that they are born into. They also probably recruit anyone that rises high enough in their understanding to be a threat.
This is a really good summary of… everything.
Underrated post. Well done.
Today's "liberal" has a malleable mind. His mind has belonged to the state sponsored propagandists since birth. If his parents are traditional/pragmatic, there's a point where they can no longer reach him from an influential standpoint. His level of maturity stagnates at an early age.
Cap this at a decent aspect ratio.
Being liberal is a smart idea if you're wealthy, this is a dumb thread
Level 6: preparation
Level 7:shitskin removal time enacted
Level 8:prosper
Forma mentis is what matters. Intelligence is like a budget or overall "size". The shape your mind takes is going to determine who you are. Many of us probably used to be somewhat leftist/liberal, and more so than by effect of dialectic arguments, our shift to the right is more like an internal change in way of thinking that was always potentially possible but not actualized.
The establishment and the times tend to shape minds in one specific direction and most will eventually reach their final form there, especially after a certain age, with only few changing course early on largely due to personal experience rather than by dialectic arguments(the latter at best will act as an instrument to break the mental status quo).
I'm a computer genius, once made >$100,000 per year before 2016, since then have been unable to work due to purging anyone with the slightest respect for white culture.
The USA tech industry is a top down enforcement of liberal perspectives, not natural.
Only dumb people have small low resolution monitors
This is true. You can't overemphasize IQ like Molykike does, humans and living creatures for that matter are not simple and two-dimensional.
Just because someone has high potential for sciences doesn't mean they'll be perfect. I've met more simple folks with genuine nationalistic convictions than high IQ STEMlords.
In fact what Molykike and his brethren spout is laughable - I've heard shit like "IQ denotes everything, even social success". That's bullshit through and through, IQ has nothing to do with social skills. Trashy low class folks tend to have rich social lives and they breed a lot, just because a genuine retard like Martin Bryant had a poor social life doesn't mean all these shitfaced parties going around don't exist..
The 3 levels of intelligence as I have seen them:
1. Basic understanding
Like understanding objectively what objects are, identifying objects and yourself as distinct
2. Deceptive understanding
This is where most people get stuck, they realize their perception of objects is subjective and can be manipulated via emotions and other illusions, they begin to think reality is only a game of illusions and there is no truth.
3. Fractalization \ Undeception
Though this chaos seems to consume, it is realized that all goes by law and not by luck and that the world rest on the foundations of truth, and being is not only perceiving truth, but perceiving lies, and the undeceiving of lies is a much high truth than basic identity, then a man may tell the difference between men and women and fools and satans and know what he is doing, seeing the infinite order of the infinite variety.
That's been true throughout all of history, the only thing that has changes is who's in charge and the degree of control thanks to mass media. The brainwashed Germans today who wave refugees welcome signs are cut from the same cloth as honorable Germans yesterday who enthusiastically supported Hitler on the streets.
Wrong upload, allow me to undeceive or correct.
I just noticed the patterns in things and came to realize how human interaction really worked.
As an aspie, you come to learn everything said and done has a hidden meaning.
here you fuckin weirdo
You need to go fuck yourself jew.
Fags are a large problem in society a sign of disease and death on a social level. They need to be vigorously weeded out just like a white blood cell does its job eliminating deadly elements within a body.
Oh right, wrong pic
how am I a weirdo
Capped and saved
Normalfaggots just want to fit in. They're chameleons who are dead inside and you never know who you are really dealing with under the mask. But who can blame them for their cowardice? "The nail that sticks out gets the hammer." after all.
High civilization requires a critical mass of 130+IQ. These people make up the professional class of lawyers, doctors, engineers, scientists. There is a certain min threshold (both abs. # and %) of "gifted" people required to sustain infrastructure that makes it all possible. That's why South America, Rhodesia, and South America went to complete shit once the whites dwindled due to attrition through death, admixture, or being out-breed. Within the USA, California and Florida are next then probably Texas.
Of course that's a noble goal but you eventually run into diminishing returns where no matter how much you improve you've hit 90%+ of your physical and mental limits but are still stuck with the external limitation of society. I thought we already learned this when it became evident that libertarianism was a dead-end due to external factors of the "other". Individualism only takes you so far.
When one recognizes what in today's society is considered illusion and what is considered fact, then he can grow as a person by forming a new judgement on the matter. Most don't do that anymore and are content to keep things unresolved, hence NPC's.
Most harmful, in my opinion, is an illusion of peace.
Muh Eye Cueoo is less important than facing facts that make you uncomfortable, seeking out banned information, and directly countering your childhood brainwashing.
Maybe there's a temperament component. Or maybe your life has to have sucked enough to care to peek behind the screen in the first place.
Largely accurate except that religion is true, I advise you to make some actual effort to dig into Christianity and don't assume you've 'covered' it just from hearsay.
You can't dismiss Christianity until you've heard what they actually believe from first principles, explained by a true Christian from when it was still mainstream and moral. Otherwise you're in danger of missing a hugely important part of life (religion) from dismissing a strawman.
Level 0 - animal
Level 1 - buddhist enlightenment
You are at level zero. so am I
There are three levels that a normal human can climb, perhaps four if they have always been in a fully level three society.
But there are thirty-three levels in total, and I am on level 15. These levels progress exactly as you'd expect, so being on level 15, I am absolutely horrified by the monstrosities around me. Monsters and things wearing human skin. They look like me, but I cannot truly comprehend their mind. If I am around them in any sort of personal setting, it is agony.
Here is the simple truth: There is likely no upper-limit, provided your brain is large and complex enough. Perhaps a machine intelligence, or perhaps an engineered brain that is grown in a vat, and connected to a wirelessly controlled body. A brain several meters long, just a large, terrible looking thing. But the intelligence it would contain would be worth it.
Either way, a normal human can probably ascend the thirty-three levels in a single life time if they are born into the shamanic or leader class. I am merely shamanic, and lack the strength of body to call myself a leader. I am strong, yes, but not the sort of physical power that would give me True Power.
Instead, I have only a powerful mind, and a frail body, in the sense of your typical wizard. It is hard to fully describe, as words alone do not do this concept justice. But there is a concept I've heard here, that I will expand upon, to show you the capabilities I possess.
They say, "Do not listen to the words a usurper says. Listen to their sounds."
The next step is comprehending that humans truly are evolved animals, and that our sounds are animal cries. Animal growls. Why is the word "nigger" so offensive? Because it is the closest sound to a true growl. Everything about the world is pure offensive, from the angry "Nnnnn" sound, to the "grrrrrr" at the end. It is truly cruel.
And listen closely to the Name of a Jew: Berg. Stein. Baum.
These words cut off abruptly. Their name is incomplete. If a "name" gives a thing power, then their name is somehow distorted and odd sounding. Listen to the word, "Islam." It is a mind-dulling word. It truly does refer to peace, but not in the sense of "war and peace," nor even, "inner-peace."
It is meant to silence your mind and make you obedient. If a feral animal was to make a growl, if you were to hear a cat meow something like "islam," would that be a cry of pain or dying, or otherwise, a strange sort of sound to hear? If not "islam," then perhaps other words can be utilized to have a definition in the dictionary that means one thing, but a sound that instinctively refers to another meaning entirely.
So do take note of words, but also take note that this is not the true purpose of my essay here. It is simply to demonstrate that the sounds humans make are incredibly interesting, and that there are most certainly ways to speak words that mean something that sounds nice and fine, but make sounds that mean other things.
A transcript, in other words, would not have the same effect on you as hearing them spoken in a classroom or church. It requires being beyond the 6th level to understand this natively, and beyond the 11th level to speak it yourself. But these numbers are very malleable, so do not take them too seriously. If you were on my level, you would already know that, of course. But I assume that you are not. Such is life in this world.
Do not be so sure.
Humans are animals, and I have known animals to be truly enlightened. Not all, but some can reach new levels. Their brain is smaller, so less capable, but the actual sense of Self-Actualization and Comprehension of Reality can be noted if they are taught by a wise human who can speak to them natively.
But do not be a fool and assume that wise words implies anything more than wisdom. Are you going to tell me about being saved from a bad afterlife? Or are you referring to Christ Consciousness? That is only level 7 on my up-to-33 scale.
Now, level 7 is not bad, but once you go beyond it, you can see that Jesus NEVER went higher than 7. That is why he began to create falsehoods and go towards a wrong path. He began calling himself a god, even to the point of creating your petty cult. A clever cult, yes, and one of the most persuasive, but it is not pure or good, just because it is popular or wise in some ways.
As the title of the book will lead me, mere Christianity is not enough. You must not only understand Jesus, and the concept of Christ Consciousness, but also understand that these are only levels that you can surpass. I have surpassed, and so I cannot join your religion.
You look up, and see Jesus and his wisdom, higher than your own. But I cannot look up and see Jesus. I have to look down the scale. Not to say this is bad, but it is the nature of hierarchies.
Having our scientific and philosophical knowledge of this age helps greatly. You mustn't forget what we've learned via science about the universe, and you must also allow it to shape your views if you wish to see further than Jesus himself did.
But …. there is a dark fear in my heart. You are not Christ. You do not have his level of consciousness, and you will take my words as an attack on your cult, your ego, or whatever other word describes the situation where my description offends you.
If you can see past that, and understand the nature of that which I speak, then you will understand my benevolence with simplicity. But I do not know many people who can accept a word attacking the cult that they believe in, and not turn into Agent Smith, as I would refer to it. The Agent Smith condition is simply the idea of defending your perception of reality, despite the true form of reality. As if we were enemies.
That is not how it should be.
You have not convinced me. Do you know what, and why?
This is d0d16b
This thread is a fine example of Dunning-Kruger effect.
Nice you got it all figured out
Wrong board, fix your shift key.
Unless your goal was to convince people to self-sterilize
So you are a mason.
What Man or men in history have achieved the highest levels of spiritual attainment?
It would seem to me that Jesus reached a higher level than Buddha, simply based on his ability to perform miracles and manipulate reality.
Although it seems those who achieve such grand levels tend to use their powers to remain hidden from the masses, which Jesus and Buddha both clearly chose not to do. You could say this was a failing or a great benevolence on their part depending on your view.
I think it's generally true that libs have higher int scores on average and cons have higher perc on average. We typically have above average levels of both (oldfags, anyway).
This, ultimately.
Extroverted people do it less than introverted people. Neurotypicals do it less than aspies and schizoids. But your life sucking has nothing to do with it…unless you fit the above qualifications, maybe. I've known a lot of people with bad lives who still never question.
I am not a mason. I figured out the number 33 independently, long ago. I was actually a bit surprised by seeing that, although I do not know if they used the same method that I did.
I think that I cannot convince you because of the simple Agent Smith effect. I will not be convinced that Christianity is as true as people believe, and yet the primary believers are the NPC class.
Here is an example of why I am doubtful that your reasoning is on the same level as mine:
This is not what happened. Jesus cannot manipulate reality. If you want to get into ultimate truths here, then I will say it was his father that could manipulate reality: Joseph was a carpenter, and built things with his hands.
Words are slippery things, and it is easier to write that a thing happened, than to have a thing happen. For example, I can write: "Jesus multiplied fish, bread, and gold, and was able to look at the Romans and their cross, reach out his hand, and create a whirlwind of fire that destroyed the cross, and left them speechless, and completely in belief."
Instead, that does not happen. All of the miracles are things that an actor could perform. Raising the dead: Give a man some gold and tell him to lie down, or take a sedative, in the sense of Romeo and Juliet's ending.
Cure the blind: Simply put mud on a man's face, and suddenly he can see again. Best if done on a man who can already see.
Cure the lepers: Give them a stimulant-drug plant, as herbs back then would most certainly exist if you looked for them. Then the lepers have energy, and will feel cured for a day or two.
To walk on water: Sandbar. I've done it as a child, and had great amusement making one of my friends suddenly think I was literally Jesus. Then he tried it, and I said, "Faith? Or just sand?"
And of course, the most benevolent: Multiplying bread and fish. Well, what if he had a rich Jewish connection, and simply bought the poor bread and fish, seeing as fish can be caught from the ocean simply enough, and bread is cheap? Tah dah.
Jesus was a man. Only a man. You cannot manipulate reality with your mind. It is absolutely impossible. I am sure of it. You need real work, no matter if it's with your arms, your hands, a screwdriver, an electrical device, a circuit, a processor, magnetic, nuclear, gravitational, no matter what, you require a real thing to manipulate the universe.
It is a lie to say otherwise, and it is a lie to trick people. That is why Jesus is a fraud in my eyes. Because I was once like him, just in middle school, where I pretended to have psychic powers. People believed in my powers. I almost did as well, simply out of the fun of hoping that I actually had them. Then I remembered that I was tricking them.
It is easier to trick a person into a miracle than actually perform a miracle. So do not get fooled by cultists and their tricks. That is the simple truth, and it is why I cannot guess a person's mind when they say, "Do you know what, and why?"
I cannot know why. I cannot speak words or gesture, or otherwise draw symbols or illustrations. To fully detail this concept, I would need to go into your head and communicate the direct truth of experience to you, and that is not possible, I'm afraid. Mere words will never get the truest aspect of this point across, so do not fault me for the tool of language and its limits.
If you do not understand after this simple explanation as to why a man cannot bend reality in such comically magical ways, then the fault lies with you. Yes, the fault lies with you. You are not yet on my level, and that is the simple truth.
There are no levels, but goes as this: Most people follow a common archetype. We can call them 1:10
Next is 1:100
Followed by 1:1,000 and on up to 1:1,000,000,000 or even higher.
I would reckon most users on this board fall between 1:1,000 and 1:1,000,000. Perhaps 12 basic archetypes would be more appropriate, but I'm trying to get my idea across as simply as I may. The greater an individual's power of perception and discernment the higher they are per ratio. My question is, "When do you begin to feel lonely?"
Hush torfriend, and remove your mask. You are 1:100, cease your deceptions. Mortal men see through you.
Are you representing yourself with that picture? I certainly hope not.
If you want to see deceptions, look to every major religion, and the easy way they guide each mortal into death: "Obey, and receive heaven when you die, to see all your friends and family."
That is what is has boiled down to, has it not? And to get there, people lie. They lie. Miracles, magic, and absurdities that make you look like a fool.
Realize reality is what you must do, but you can only see so far.
I would suggest reading "Dream Telepathy" a study done by psychologists in the 1970's at Maimonides.
I once believed much as you did, but now, from experience, realize it is indeed possible. There are layers of reality beyond those at the surface that are described by modern physics. These layers of reality are profound and awesome.
Does this mean charlatan's don't deceive people or that religions have not been co-opted by frauds for their own benefit? Of course not. It would only make sense that charlatan's outnumber the real miracle workers. The Bodhisattvas if you will. To achieve such a state is truly difficult, but I'm certain it exists.
And yes, telepathy truly exists too, that I really know.
But I doubt you will listen to these words.
Never listen to anyone who tells you they are the end-all authority on what is and is not possible. In fact, just filter them and don't engage with their kike blackpills.
Was quoting this TORpedo.
Bad information will lead to conclusions that are both logical and wrong. Jew propaganda is based entirely on lies, so people that believe the lies will come to logical conclusions that are false.
Information is like a product, if it's given freely to everyone, it's probably being handed out with some kind of ulterior motive.
Level 3 seems pretty basic. Got anything else for me?
It doesnt matter how smart someone is to have an opinion on something and a belief in how correct their belief is towards that topic. Someone that read one article on a subject will then go on to speak with others and converse with near 100% confidence that everything he remembers about the topic makes him an expert on it. This is why most people have supreme confidence in their core knowledge - theyve never been challenged on it combined with the fact that the MORE someone learns about a topic, the LESS confidence they have in being 100% correct on everything.
Only the people that have absolutely mastered a subject/field/topic have similar confidence levels in their knowledge as the people with wikipedia or reddit article TIL level knowledge of a topic.
What's worse is that they wont believe the people that know more - they clearly have all the information they need to form an opinion. Combined with cognitive dissonance of media and education telling them what to think, even the small amount of knowledge they gain on a new topic is enough to warp their perception of truth and reality.
Disappointing larp. 3/10 because it was mildly amusing and nobody cares to do it anymore. Otherwise, it's just a substandard daydream of no practical value. You need to actually put in work to model the subject accurately. An accurate model to play with is tantalizing. Everyone's found your logic wanting, but you will not give it up for whatever reason.
Seriously, what kind of nigger keeps going when his argument rests on 'just believe me I've seen the true nature of reality'? You can't even begin to build a believable character on that. The monsters, however, are more interesting. You could have gone with illustrating your larp pyramid of consciousness, but that would have taken actual work to make it consistent or even plausible, and you're a nigger.
If you're actually trapped within your own nigger daydream, tell Satan he's a nigger for me, would you? You can just say it into space, he's all around you, blocking you from material understanding.
This is a good point. To know that you've passed through the trough and come out the other side, you have to have hit a supreme low in confidence of your own knowledge. I suspect there is more than one trough, too.
Level 4: Simulation hypothesis.
The observer effect in quantum physics is video game logic. Conclusively proven by this experiment in 1999: en.wikipedia.org
The real question is, for what purpose does the sim exist? It's fair to assume that most iterations of the sim would start around some critical juncture in human history that's a point of interest.
I'll elaborate. There is a base timeline which is not interfered with - one runthrough of the universe simulation that's been archived. You're a small part of that runthrough and the "base timeline you" just experiences it as time. Obviously for the admins everything that has happened or will happen is just a string of data on a flash drive.
So far so good? Now, the admins can take any part of that timeline, load the file and intervene. Let's say cataclysm breaks out in 2019 - they load 1000 iterations of our universe at 2018, make minor changes to prevent or exacerbate what happens and study the results.
In this scenario, the probability of you being the original "base timeline you" would be next to nothing. You would most likely one of the thousand copies that has its world fucked with for science, and will also abruptly cease to exist if the time period of interest subsides somewhere within your lifetime.
Your stream of consciousness is an illusion. Every single guinea pig copy of you thinks its the main timeline version, because that's where it and its memories splintered off from.
Level 5: I'm fucking bored now. Why did I spend half an hour writing this quantum shitpost? I won't even get karma points or upvotes as a reward, the guy who reposts it on /r/Zig Forums will, so this whole endeavor is really fruitless. God damn, reddit is a censored shithole and voat never took off, where the fuck am I supposed to get my validation? Philosophically it's the only way anyone can know they truly exist.
Train your psychic awareness so you can feel other Player Character's being influenced by your words.
Dude woah, I think you just wrote level 6…
Fools within this thread are playing a game of madness.
Psychic powers.
Reality bending.
Satan belief.
Religious belief.
Mere mortal humans do not and cannot have these capabilities.
Otherwise, prove it. Prove it now. You cannot because you either lie, or you are insane.
Wrong. Honorable Germans died in the battlefield, fled or got shoah'ed in Nuremberg and alike. The people from today are probably just the natsoc extract NPC that were brainwashed into something new, like welcome refugees. Or do you think that everyone did it voluntarily instead of being told to do so? All the Nazi intelligence believed propaghanda to be the strongest weapon, to be used in its own population and since they discovered Goldstein secret, there were efforts to demoralize them as some vile enemy of humanity, instead of equally gifted adversary. But this is what winners do, they won the right to rewrite history.
Jesus, you're not larping. You really believe all your baseless shit that's not even an acceptable larp. Let me tell you, the best you'll ever get is empirical inference. You know, hypothesizing, testing, but never proving.
I'm serious about the demon interfering with your mind. You will never see it directly, but you can observe its effects on your thinking and how it steers you away from some particular goal. Simply test your free will in a righteous enough manner and the battle will become clear as it stays your hand from altering the fate of this world in any meaningful way.
When you say "demon, do you mean some dark side of your personality, or an external psychic force?
Can you please explain this further?
Reality monitoring is the problem.
1 in 4 people lack a brain structure that allows them to distinguish between real and imagined memories.
you will never be as white as your text, user.
In the darkness of nether-space, it is possible to remove parts of your mind or soul in order to build a demon. I call them neganimals, in the sense of negative-anima.
But they truly are animals. Or maybe machines. You know how a fetus goes through all previous evolutionary forms during development? Well, that genetic knowledge is how you reform your mind or soul parts to create a demon. An entity.
It's cheaper to build a demon there than it is here. The nether, or that nether, at least, is one level down, in the sense of reality simulation layers. So everything there is more simple. 1000 atoms here have as much data as 10000 atoms there, or so.
Thus you can build creatures more easily, with only small sacrifices of your soul. Typical wizardry, you know? So once built, you can use it on your enemies. Sacrifice just a few hundred enemy children, and you've got millions of demons ready to unleash. So they do. I play with honorable Aryan magic, so I don't sacrifice anything except plants and fungi.
But those that sacrifice human children in large amounts? Millions of demonic entities.
Thus most people are constantly plagued by demons that track them through the subspace nether, and essentially drain them, subvert them, control them, or just turn them into NPC non-people. If a magician takes your mind from you, remember that you can find a magic fungus to regrow it. The fungus allows your spirit to regrow your mind, or your mind to regrow your spirit.
A tricky, harrowing ordeal, but it works, and even allows you to see the demons. Or reshape them. You always have more power than the demons, as you exist on a higher plane of reality. Thus you can modify the demon and cheaply reconfigure its mind to attack its former master. Cheap in the sense that it's just one element of the beast that you must modify, rather than building it from scratch.
And as for negaplants? Sowing seeds of chaos is seriously dark business. Purging negaplants from your mind or spirit is….dreadful. Just agony. So be careful of that. Luckily a magician will have to directly apply it to you, so you should be fine.
Any questions?
I mean it as a heuristic derived from observing my mind. I do suspect it is external, or all encompassing, given the grand nature of its effects across everyone seemingly to some particular biblical end. Satan and Soul, independent of and interacting with the mind. I guess the mind is sort of like training wheels for the soul. I wrote a shitpost about it in the question thread >>>/fringe/127113 . I made a bunch of errors, particularly about properties of mind and how they are captured one way or the other, but I got bored because nobody relates, and anyone that did would call me out and that would be even better. I was just shitposting a fun and useful theory derived from genuine observations as a prelude to my question which I don't expect to ever be answered by anyone but myself.
You can also skim Gnosis, book one, by mouravieff, for similar ideas. I think he made a huge mistake abandoning the hard, result based, mechanics described in that book. Understanding the mechanics of soul and mind, or the mechanics of what exactly we experience, seems like everything. Everything follows from that mastery and produce material results. Why wouldn't he link God and Satan within his model of mind? It's fucking bizarre.
You can also read The Resolution of Mind if you want to learn some mechanics of freeing up mind. It's fucking stupid though. They think that getting over trauma makes them supreme immortal beings, like there's nothing else at play. It's completely ignorant of Mouravieff's shit and ignorant of evil, or the anti-enlightened. Most of all it's ignorant of elite performance, like we're all doing this shit for good feelings. Fucking niggers. And only niggers think they are all powerful and untouchable after going through this life. But I suppose it is based on dianetics with its weaponized philosophy to render people defenseless and suicidal in the face of evil. It's all just a game, maaaan. Fucking niggers, dude! I hate em!
Is this just elaborate /leftyfaggot/ shitposting?
That is the 2nd time I've seen someone (likely you) mention `magic fungus' in the last couple of days. Are you talking about mushrooms and if so, which variety?
If mushrooms, have you had any experience with amnita muscaria?
If you have communed with `?' while under the influence of anything, are `?' humoured or offended in any way by your appearance in front of them or by your temerity in thinking they'd want to talk to you?
Early in 2018 I tried several times to hallucinate with amnitas but kept holding back on amount consumed because I'm doing it without a watcher…even put a sign on my wall `doing mushies, don't shit self'…the last thing I want to do is get trashed and wake up having destroyed half my town.
I feel like the book stages of faith by fowler is very relevant to this thought. Ignore the jews and the bluepilled bullcrap. The 6 stages seems like a fairly solid understand and the 6th stage which includes and understandung of collective individualism seems to be playing in our direction.
Stage 3 humans everywhere. Either religious ones or humans raised in stage 4 atheism that never stretched their wings beyond the intellectual/spiritual bubble they were raised in.
Also the observation that stage 5/6 might be impossible without having been a parent highlights that parenthood is a vital step in adult mental/spiritual development. Pretty based shit tbh, the normies read it, miss the implications and keep thotting about but at least the book isn't banned.
Morons can't tell that they are morons.
Magic fungus is what it sounds like. Hippie scrolls.
You know what I mean. No glowing keywords here though.
But be careful: Although fungi are not negabeings, they still want to eat you and grow in your corpse. They're True Life though, so it's more pure. Like how a bear is dangerous, but not truly evil in any sense.
Ever been to /fringe/? I don't go there much, but use the catalog to find something about summoning a computer. There are some interesting essays in that thread that take this stuff to more interesting levels.
Why, if there can be nether-biology, why not nether-mechanics, physics, chemistry, and nether-technology?
Telepathy and such are possible but the feat requires mountainous spiritual power. Almost all you obtain it to not stay in this tiny cage of flesh and trifling affairs of men. Thus it is rarely observed. But I have achieved it, and have witnessed it. Stop speaking of things you do not know. You're like a tribal shaman who teaches his pupil than no man may fly.
Men fly. We built planes. But in the psychic world. Well quite simply the world is far weirder than any of us were taught in school.
Amanita aren't like psylocybin mushrooms. More of a mild sedative, like strong camomile tea x 20, but I've heard it can give people vivid dreams or lucid dreams. Not really my thing tbh, but I get some persicina come up once a year and I've dried them out and tried them before. Not really into plucking the other kind out of cow shit. To each their own, I guess.
Don't get too hung up on faith, friend.
Remember that belief does not create reality. Reality creates belief.
The hierarchy is simple:
Space-time-mass > reality > genetic code > instinct > living body > brain > mind/spirit > emotions/thoughts > beliefs
So to be quite direct, faith is nigh-worthless at my level. I can break this down further, to the full 32 Natural Levels, meaning that at level 15, I am just leaning the basics of genetic modification, repair, and improvement. But it will be my progeny that benefits from the improvements. But truly, I have only reached the level of Living Body comprehension, at best. I think my level of comprehension comes and goes, as needed. You know how it is.
So my learning is not yet done.
Correction, telepathy is relatively trivial but other more impressive feats are much harder to achieve. Telepathy is still well beyond the normie grasp though even though simple.
The trouble with most spiritual (so called) abilities is that they require a laser focused mind. This is something most are rarely capable of without some major crippling disability.
There's also Invisible Influences by Zvorad in the fringe library if you want more techniques. It's an interesting survey of a bunch of different stuff. I actually enjoyed it and didn't think Zvorad was much of a nigger and his perspective is useful.
Do not assume telepathy when empathy or mind-simulation is an easier route.
It is much easier to utilize True-Empathy, and build a full, but time-limited simulation of another person's mind, such that you can predict it, or even run tests. I have not seen proof of telepathy in the spiritual sense.
I know of ways to look at a face and see emotion, to scan a face with a machine and see thought-sounds, and even probe a brain and convert electrical activity into raw text.
But you make this a magical, spiritual affair: An affront to this craft. I like the shamanic ideal, but I am a man of science and technology. I accept that mysteries exist, but do not make this into a matter of mere belief. Do not assume that I do not fully comprehend you and your words, but disagree for valid reasons.
Wives are women.
If we take your model of say 3 levels
Most of Zig Forums are 3
Someone stuck at 2 will leave Zig Forums shortly as the redpills are too hard to swallow.
will have a look at /fringe/ for the computer story. Hippie scrolls should mean only one thing but the reluctance to call it by name has cast doubt in my mind and makes me wonder if perhaps this substance is more along the lines of the merry pranksters. Nevermind, if it is the substance for which hippies are most aligned and states are breaking their necks to legalise, I've been onboard medically and experimentally for about 5 years.
Agreed, but those and the psylocibe wewaroa are the only two mushies I can find in my area. Other psylocibes do grow here but for the life of me I cannot find them. I'd read the amanita muscaria was potentially deadly but figured I'd also read enough about the preparation to take the risk. A couple of times I got an initial `something's happening' and wondered if I was going to need to hang onto something but the moment passed. I definitely did notice a calmness in my spirit for a day or so after taking the mushrooms, a calmness that lent itself to thoughts of fighting like a madman, actually, so the berserker connotations may hold water.
a brief mention of something I want to offer up to Zig Forums without drawing too much attention for obvious reasons (when I thought about mentioning this I thought `this sounds like a jewish trick':
I've been drinking only distilled water for around a month now, anything that involves water (coffee, poached egg) is made using the distilled water. My water intake has gone up significantly because the water is actually refreshing to drink, it was a struggle drinking standard tapwater, my coffee tastes better and I'm only drinking a cheapish instant, so if it was only for hydration the distilled experiment is a success. But…and here is where I should've bought shares in companies that make distillers…I swear my orgasms are more powerful than I can ever remember. Pineal related? I hope so, because that means the scales are coming of the gland.
Tempted to even tell the missus because then I won't have to upend a muslim for my pocket full of sand, I'll be able to get it straight from the gusset of her panties.
Ibotenic acid is the culprit there, or poor ID. They'll give you a stomach ache or the squirts if you're dehydrated or swigging on a fizzy drink. Just drink plenty of water with them, don't over indulge and you'll be fine. There are some toxic varieties that look vaguely similar, but it's good practice to double check everything, even if you have an experienced eye.
I've been doing fasts drinking 'snake juice' to replenish salts. If you're having trouble holding water, it could be you need a bit of extra 'salt.' If you're getting up in the middle of the night to urinate, it's probably due to your body not having enough salts to retain the water.
A gatorade occasionally will replace lost electrolytes, or you can mix up a concoction like this guy.
thanks for the link, user, that clip and others thereafter removed some of my concern.
But there are no other players. Your own mind is the only thing that exists because it is the only thing that is knowable and provable (by you) through your own consciousness.
Look, the people at the “top” of society kill themselves and each other in a world that never gives them enough power, wealth, or pleasure, and they project this endless living death they suffer on the “dead” people under them whose honesty “killed” them. Intelligence is actually a loop - the only way to have a really exceptional intellect and have it mean something good for your life and the world is to voluntarily play the “dead” game of loving kindness that “never gets anywhere” in life. The truth is it’s only the people honest enough to love others, aid them, and sincerely train the hatred out of their own souls who truly live, and while doing all that is a tall order for anyone it’s not really a matter of raw intellect and perception. Be good to people even beyond all verification, no matter how much power you have, and you will bring every kind of wealth forward in this world. For we are all a part of one world, and the world reflects our natures both specific and cumulative.
discernment is what matters
you either have it or you don't. but if you do you have to educate to keep it sharp. yes i can explain this
there are high IQ twats that have no sense of right or wrong. like atheists and jews who attack the world and humanity with their foolish inventions, specifically of the tech variety. contrastingly, you have low iq people that can spot a liar and not aid evil.
it's a gift from God. most people here don't have it. thread over.
IQ is like a human's hardware capability. Sort of like how much you can overclock a given chip. Its related to the design (race) and then the yield curve (individual).
Discernment or perception is more like how advanced and intelligent the software is which is running on the hardware.
Most people just run ego.exe on their hardware, and hence instead of perceiving the world around them in the correct way, they simply are able to come up with ever more elaborate schemes of self deception depending on how high their IQ is. Generally it takes some kind of personal crisis or spiritual discipline to interrupt ego.exe long enough run something more complex and interesting on some of your spare cycles.
Thats really all it is. People who can discern reality are basically the ones who have figured out how to get a handle on their ego and the self deception it causes.
Fuck off with this moralfag shit, low IQ people are stubborn dumb fucks who, even if they believe the right thing, will do it for the dumbest reasons possible.
They are sheep, NPCs, call them what you like. They absorb the majority opinion through osmosis and internalize the tribe's values more deeply than we ever could, because that is an atavistic survival mechanism that can only be eclipsed by some combination of high intelligence and aspergers.
That's us, the high IQ, high info, high curiosity demo that decides the fate of the world in the long run. We articulate the ideas that spread across the world, we design the propaganda, we network, we win.
Think of our analogs in the establishment. Think of the Marxist intellectuals, who likely saw the same appeal of technocracy that we once did, but had different information exposure. Through determination, willpower, high intelligence and a thorough understanding of optics, they won.
Your simple and legalistic moral codes are designed for normies, not us. Future leaders must be willing to end the welfare state, deport the untermenschen and use brutal and overwhelming state force. They must be machiavellian and consequentialist, willing to do whatever it takes to gain power and implement the policies that will save the west.
Of course, your basic bitch morality would likely have you throw Trump or Viktor Orban under the bus if they rigged an election or something.
In reference to you can fuck off to "level 1", because this discussion and this entire board is level 3.