YouTube search "Holocaust" brings up (((objectively correct))) encyclopedia page


Attached: HolocaustTube.png (833x594, 186.15K)

Other urls found in this thread:

notably it doesnt say 5 million 'others' which is what I was taught.

Simon Wiesenthal Lied—and Admitted It, Says Top Israeli Holocaust Historian

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It does it on videos too. Even videos that do not include the word "holocaust".

That feel when they give you shovels to dig out your own grave for your upcoming execution by rifle and then don't even point guns at you and you just dig anyway because you might get shot otherwise.

Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-A0706-0018-029,_Sowjetunion,_Storow,_Juden_vor_Exekution.jpg (800x481, 62.82K)

Oh would you look at that, if you search "Holodomor", you get no such (((explanation))) or (((information)))

I'm sure it's just a cohencidence!

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When I was reading about the other side of the holocaust narrative, every youtube video I was linked to was in restricted mode, for the sole reason that they were contradicting (more like demolishing) the official version of history.

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They do it for 9-11 search. Moon landing as well.

If anything you can figure out everything they're lying to you about by finding which searches push the canned answers.

Here's a pretty important Holocaust revisionism documentary I saw posted on Zig Forums a while ago. Yeah, I know its made by a jew yes, there are no good jews but its something you can show your family as I have mine to great effect.

According to a friend, it does not show up in certain countries like Russia, but it is showing up in UK and other fake news ZOG control pylon states.

I've been seeing EP show on certain videos too

This. It's so fucking obvious that they've lost control of the cattle.

I can't get Styx in most European countries either.

add "global warming" to the list

This is good.

Anyone with

Attached: index.jpg (296x170, 9.07K)

I first noticed this a few months ago with "shoah".

>Anyone with

Also "

When wikipedia was actually remotely factual, it wasnt allowed to be used as a source. Now that its controlled, its recommended and considered definitive source.

Same for 9/11 and Freemasons but you're all too mundane to know that. Gotta be all da j000s all da time.

9/11 and freemasons are Jewish asf

Also chem trails and even the murder of Seth rich LOL!>>12630116

There are connections, yeah but the motivation behind those things is a lot different than petty jewish racism.

See (observed)

I'm sure it's a motley motive.

Checked. Please, nigger.

Any video related to "climate change" has a link to the wikipedia page for the purpose of "topical context."

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What an unintentionally accurate title that is.

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