I've been banned from half chan for exposing this. So I'm spreading it here to see if any of you are interesting in who is behind the SATANIC LGBTQ uprising.
The message I received was that I violated some rule because I posted their ID's. However, it's not illegal to post govt issued information on the web I wont be doing it here. The fact that they shut it down so fast means I've stumbled onto something here. There are multiple threads expressing outrage about it being deleted off 4chan even in the short time it was up.
Gay Cabal Exposed in Los Angeles
Other urls found in this thread:
Can I get a basic gestalt
Delivering Gestalt
Nice work user
>This organization and (((thier))) investors directly influence policy making in Highland Park, Eagle Rock, Hollywood Hills, Pasadena, etc.
>They run the operation out of an old church that (((they))) have turned into an abomination (painting over crosses, rituals, sex parties, etc.)
Not everything is satanic, user.
I understand, this however…..is.
they have to protect their gay maganigger or else it will hurt their /ptg/kike. nice work user.
This is in the basement where the office used to be. Looks like they've painted it all black and use it now for a space for rituals. Who paints a church black in the basement??
look through the pictures for yourself
You definitely should post it here.
Ask and you shall receive user. However, screen cap this just in case it gets taken down again.
*it is not illegal to post someone govt issued ID*
The 80s called they want their memes back
They are larpagans but still do degenerate shit.
another individual under their employment was forced to clean up a murder scene.
Masons are all gay, satanists are all gay, so this is really a no-brainer.
I've looked through every link posted and found nothing to corroborate your accusations. If you don't want your thread pruned, provide better information.
take the sunglasses off boomer
Luke, are you off your meds again?
legitimate thread open for research and discussion. take it with a grain of salt, their not that high up with the real elites. their new money trying to get in tight with old money.
what more to you wan to raise a suspicion bud?
the 1100s called they want their meme back
They’re thelemites.
I actually attended a wedding at the York Manor.
I don’t doubt that there may be satanic cabals, but that space is meant to make money for events…
However I’m curious to know how thelema relates to historical paganism. I’m also still curious to know from the resident pagans here which gods or forces they believe to represent embodied evil. In Christianity you have demons, are the jotuns and devas from the indo aryan and zoarastrian religion an equivalent?
Gonna hope you're not a native english speaker. If you are, stay in school.
What you're suggesting is sensationalism. The jew needs no supernatural motivation for their deviancy. They pervert because it is in their nature to do so. The Synagogue of Satan conducts their worship in the bank and the trading floor, not in garish buildings under self-indulgent artwork. Remember the Devil's greatest deception is convincing the world that he does not exist. Do you think he requires anachronistic rituals calling back to twelfth century symbolism?
The OTO isn't 'new' money, they're not money at all. Their global membership barely cracks five figures, and they have less concessions than the fucking Hubbardites. There is nothing to suggest they are a part of anything further than credulous simpletons with delusions of grandeur echoing Crowley's drug-addled degeneracy.
Your threads are deleted because you're posting dox, your evidence is tangential at best, and you have posted nothing of substance, with no greater argument than something simply 'looks creepy.'
This thread is bad and you should feel bad.
I started in halfchan 10 years ago, but I stop looking chans 8 years ago. Can someone explain me what is happening with the censoring and the difference between the currently chans, to me an ingorant user.
did you know what that church was being used for before Matt Manner bought it? It was a music venue…..the story I heard was it got shut down cause the guy who was running it got caught sleeping with underage girls and using the venue to attract them. Its been a pedo den for years my friend
obviously bad grammer, hiding my typing habits shill
OTO actually seems to have quite a bit of sway in Aussie, so I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss them. Remember they are one of the other spook/CIAnigger type cults so they weasel their way into things. They also do the bum/gay/dick sucking shit like the kike puppet masons at the higher levels, then blood/child/etc shit later on. Often big in with the judges, lawmakers, police etc side of things more than anything else.
cuckchan is fucked and has been for many years, there was an exodus here some years back for that reason.
This place is owned by a CIAnigger connected guy and has been run by kampfy which was tight but less freedom to speak outside of the Zig Forums topics, then now some global faggot who has tried to kill it with shitty newfag mods or absolutely no moderation etc.
haha is that an astroturf lawn?
You need to give a more complete and detailed summary user. While 4chan are often the pranksters Zig Forums stands more on the investigatory side of things but to get our attention you legitimately need a better summary from A to Z on the history, relevant data, why we should care and so on.
Do that and if it appears legitimate and can be verified then I am sure it will attract further research. We tend to not waste time on anything less than that here considering we (very) often receive posts trying to throw us off a specific investigation or trying to convince us to do work for them. So you have to first provide us a detailed summary and it goes from there.
First it must go through the courts, so much to say however I don't want to give away info that would intrude on the justice system. the purpose of this post is to peak interest. I want to make you curious user, so that you follow in my foot steps and stand up to these people
Don't then, learn how to present an issue without actually presenting it by using hypothetical, false names, and so on to draw attention to what you want to be looked at.
Nice thumbnail, faggot. Anyway, thanks for spreading this info.
stand up to them in a general sense. There are individuals like this in all communities, people have their suspicions and do nothing. Through my own intuition and planning I've been able to stick a thorn in their side, roadblocks, speedbumps. I went undercover and gathered evidence for the courts. If you are a fighting man you should be doing the same in your communities.
Exactly what I'm doing fren, sparking an interest. My battles are my own. Once the hammer falls I will go public and get into detail on how I wounded the beast. Not an easy task for a lone kek
You seriously need to lurk moar you dumb cuckchan faggot. You're killing your own thread.
You were banned because it's the same larping slides every god damned week, moshe.
If this is true you need to get some evidence dude, what are we supposed to do about it now?
Only you can get the evidence, we can only help spread it. Delete thread, get evidence then make new thread.
Very simple.
sorry for not saging
How's this for some further proof anons? looks like they want to bring kids into the situation
Thank you.
Seems hard to afford the war in here. People asking for detectives when we are just human or genius autistic.
Where is the lovely drama: "- I was here when all started, one user ask about (…) and it turned on a violence spiral."
Raw autists > detectives any day
Imageboards have done some amazing things with the tools at hand that make even the greatest intelligence agencies jealous.
/sg/ has even managed to get ISISraeli mercs bombed in Syria by ruskies due to analysing location data in videos and pictures.. kek
go back to reddit.
embed it newfag
It's just this.
Thelemites are known pedophiles and child abusers I've infiltrated their groups also. Keep gathering evidence OP, especially of higher connections.
True OTO is low level pedophiles, child abusers, drug addicts, and trannies. At the most some of them are Devs and their leaders are all Freemasons. Their membership is dwindling each year, barely 1000 active members and they lose money. Keep digging OP, this company sounds like a mid tier fag real estate racket.
I'm not a boomer or Alex Jones listener, why should I care
Can’t. I’ve been banned. Lord knows I can’t post evidence from the phone. Good luck anons, hope this sparked your interest. I gotta live with this shit. Looks like I stumbled upon an important rabbit hole, banned from both chans just for getting info out
Oh look, another bullshit conspiracy thread from (((Russia))) to get us to chase our tails for a few months of nothingburgers.
Dig some more user and report back if any major finds, political connections.
Huh. Weird. I think this type of thing exists in more cities than even we might suspect. What is Obamas favorite pizzeria, for example? God bless.
Pi Pizzeria. Look up Dojo Pizza also.
ignore the Jew pedos deflecting
Retards like you are the jews best friends, helping them discredit real conspiracies, including pedo rings like Franklin.
t. (((1)))
he capitlized jew but not ignore, and forgot the period. he's a jew who purposely posted the wrong version
There could be some value to what OP is showing us. I lived in that area for several years and there is a solid masonic/occult connection there. There are many old masonic lodges (like 1900's era) and there are a few "churches" for cults/occult orders. A friend of mine from there was actually a familial mason, meaning his family was entrenched in this order. Needless to say this person was put through various rituals as a child and enjoyed his place in the hierarchy of things – people looked up to this guy as a teacher/focal point. There is A LOT of old money in that part of town. With that being said, I have no doubt these groups have money and private places in which to conduct rituals. Ever hear of Devils Gate? It is a supposed hot spot of activity in the Pasadena area, goes way back in the founding of the city, has relations to JPL, etc.
Kill yourself kike.
I swear to christ you and everyone else trying to shut down this thread with that exact line of thinking are on the payroll. Niggerfaggot.
Nigger, this board hasn't investigated diddly SHIT since all the Vegas and Pizzagate threads disappeared and the userbase decided that watching livestreams and making sure the kike government got more tax money were more worthy of their time. Stop acting all high and mighty when this board post-globalization is one niggerdick thread away from being the exact same as cuckchan.
They are quite subtle until it is obvious. I've received several "quiet" invites like this but I'd prefer just to be my own person. You owe these people if you accept their offer.
A job in Antarctica?
That's literally an invitation to being exiled to Siberia. Hahahah. Wow. Well, not Siberia, but you know what I mean. They're on to you.
I'm not christian.
These seem to be satanic larpers, larpagans. That's not an insult towards you, unless you run around the woods naked.
At this "level" (stuff in the pics) they are probably doing the stuff they are doing because they think it's "cool and hip" which sadly this breed of satanism is becoming.
Higher up in the cabal I'd assume they do it because of tradition.
It should def be looked into.
Skepticfag has a point. We need more evidence than weird artwork that these people are any of
1. Gay
2. Cabal
3. Satanic
4. Behind anything other than each others asses
is a good starting point. That's weird. It might mean something, but we can't conclude.
Yes user they are, lucky for me I’ve become proficient in interdimensional warfare. That’s what this post is, to attack them on a level their not comfortable. The entities that do their biding only work off of your fear. No fear=no effect. I lost my fear on the top of a ridge over looking Skinwalker Ranch……or Bigelow Aerospace as its know to some. Their witchcraft does not effect me, they did however manage to kill my dog when I wasn’t home. This is WAR
This story, these people are real frens.
I got banned just for posting this. Having now being forced to post from more crude devices.
They fear me since I went to that ranch and came back stronger than I ever imagined myself being spiritually. Now I want blood.
Fear is not the ultimate meal for the demons.
Fear is most certainly nutritious, yes, but there is far more than mere fear to feast upon that grows within a human mind.
To gorge yourself upon another being's pure, innocent happiness is also a possibility. Same with their curiosity, their kindness, their knowledge, even empathy can be devoured.
Sanity itself, for example, is delicious.
Perhaps that explains your recent descent. Don't you feel like the things you're saying are things that any normal person would consider…. a little bit …crazy?
Yes, if you've had your sanity gobbled up by monsters, then of course you'll be a tad goofy and post and write goofy things. You'll end up one of them, if they have their way.
So beware.
If they can munch your fear, and eat your sanity, then who's not to say they cannot harvest your hatred?
They have built a machine that utilizes high-frequency radiation receivers to build a 3D map of your mind, even where you are now. They map your mind, and can see your thoughts. They know what you are thinking, and they can track your location at all times. Nothing you think is free from their spying. They can spy inside your mind, and know what you think and feel.
If they can conjure demons to devour your mind, then they can build a computer in the Interdimensional Void, a computer made of demons that can read your thoughts, and even inject thoughts into you.
Of course, you can fight this with insanity. Just create such illogical madness that you glitch their little machine. But then they stop using the machine and begin to sap your mind directly. They can create demons that grow like grass. Demons that are negaplants, rather than neganimals. Instead of a demon shaped like a moving being, that will crawl through space-time to find your mind and drain your spirit, they will grow a demon into a plant, and plant its seeds into your mind.
It'll grow there, and begin to rot you from the inside, until you're nothing but a husk. An NPC.
Only magic fungus can save you. Only a real fungus, from this world, is the cure. It is the opposite of the void. It is real, just like me and you. Thus it causes extreme fear and pain in NPC people, by waking them back up, and returning their mind to them. At least it tries to. If it fails, you have an insane zombie running around, free from its former masters, but still completely without a mind. A dangerous thing, that is.
>I'm not christian I just spew their (((talking points))) conflating original european religions with satanic shit
psilocybin is poison
Yes, says the government authorities who make it illegal.
No, this is a poison that causes a proper immune reaction, to protect you from greater poisons. The true poisoning of your mind is done by those who whisper invasive words to you, words that drill into the depths of your mind and begin to melt you. You never know how many of these dark words are inside you at any time, but slowly they turn you hallow.
Dude you sound crazy.
The only crazy thing would be to let these things and the people they inhabit dictate YOUR life. I’m fighting back with cold calculation. If it all goes to bullocks then well……in Valhalla will I roam when it’s all said and done.
I give you names
I give you their symbols they claim their territory with
Multiple articles of main stream media reporting on degeneracy at that same address over the course of 10 years or so.
8ch bans me, half chan bans me
I’m just here telling the story frens, I’ve already won.
You want it darker, we kill the flame.
I'm not a christian that's why I'm laughing about someone freaking about Satan and pagans in current year+3
Why do you think hes posting like that. He could probably carry a conversation before frying his mind
It wasn't the fungus that got me.
It was the negabeing.
I met a dark magician from the 666th plane, and he spoke his hideous words to me. Words that sounded worse than just backwards, but plain wrong. Wrong, immoral words. Testicular Buttkraken was one of them.
I never asked to be subjected to these things. We met in a dark alley, after a brief conversation on Craigslist. This was back before Current Year, this was in the 1990's, after the Satanic Panic had been forcefully forgotten, and wiped from the minds of those in society. So I had no idea what was waiting for me in the dark alleys of New York City.
It was a magician of the blackest abyss. He smiled at me, and his eyes glimmered. He promised me power. I wanted power. I wanted so much power. But I was never prepared to do evil for it. I just wanted to not be abused by the Others. I wanted the power for good. But I was naive.
Although there likely is a form of this Black Power that can be called White Power, and be absorbed from the nether, and be used for good, this magician did not know of it. So he taught me how to summon the Power of Black. Dark magic.
I drew the complex, devious sigil upon the Earth, and made it unholy with my blood. The demon appeared. It laughed at me, and I realized I was a fool for doing what I've done. Then it ate my mind. I wandered for days through the forest, screaming insane curses, sobbing tears of blood, and making obscene, unholy hand gestures. But then I found the mushroom.
It was the only thing in the entire forest that glowed with True Light. I ate it. The pain got worse, and there was fire inside me. But then the Light devoured the Dark, and my mind grew back. It hurt as it grew back, but the spirit of the mushroom filled me, and although it would be poison to an ordinary healthy mortal, to me it was the cure.
The magician was surprised to see me back in town, perfectly sane.
Very, very surprised.
Let’s leave the hogpog for this faggots over there in /x/. I made this thread as a political discussion. This is about blatant satanism behind the LGBTQ community and solid evidence on what they plan of doing with our country if they take it.
I challenge all anons with a set of testicles.
I’ve already won, through results in my methods.
We can still take back our country! Their not as intelligent as they seem
The only way to win is to give up.
Give up and join them. Become gay. They have power, so why would you assume that they are wrong, and you are right?
They are stronger, so you should join them.
Start sucking cock. Drinking another man's semen gives you his power, only in exchange for your submission.
No, traitors to their people are worth nothing on a cosmic scale
You're either intentionally lying or deluded
what did we do to deserve this timeline of hell?
I can’t say I’m at all surprised to hear about this. There’s other weird shit going on in the Pasadena/LA area my uncle has seen (police officer), and disturbing scandals that occured at my old high school. It a weird place.
In other news, Pasadena is a hotbed for Jews. As it happens, Ive got a lot of kike in me, but it wasn’t passed down through female ancestry. Nonetheless, Jews whether Sephardic or Ashkenazi somehow fucking know it about me every time. Huh go figure.
holy fuck they turned you into a vampire
Genetics don't tie into the mythos. Jewishness is genetic, no matter if it is passed from mother or father.
You're Jewish in blood.
But you don't need to have the religion, and you don't have to be a bad person.
But you can never be pure Aryan. Instead, seeing as you are Jewish, is there any truths that you know of regarding the Jew's grip on governments? Do they have weaknesses? Can they be trusted in terms of peace contracts?
The greatest weakness of the jew is that they are utterly ruled by immersive, invasive internal visions, attempting to bring these hellish imaginings to life in the real world, no matter what. That makes them sabotage their own plans in a massive xanatos pileup.
Hell, may of them wish to be abducted by adults and made into sex slaves as children and they all seem to have a fascination with mutilation and body modification of their slaves.