Trump Freezes Non-Military Federal Worker Pay Raises

Keep them frozen for the rest of his Presidency. The government is full of overpaid clowns, and that may be an insult to overpaid clowns. When the Dems fold, they'll finally have something to blame on the Orange Man. Their own failure. Federal workers make far more than their private sector counterparts for doing next to nothing for the most part. The amount of people I saw get paid to warm a seat while I was in the military was staggering. When Obama mandated that All employees working 35+ hours were to be offered insurance through their employers they immediately cut almost every restaurant worker down to 34 hours. NOBODY In the govt. GAVE A DAMN

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bumped because fuck the like shills

He should just fire them all instead. If he really wants to get the wall funded (he doesn't), then use federal bureaucrats as hostages. Randomly fire 100 bureaucrats per day until democrats give in to full wall funding. Once they see he is serious, the remaining bureaucrats will be at the throats of the democrats to pass the funding and save their own jobs.


The wall was an esoteric metaphor, fuck off

Hey…if Trump keeps the gov shutdown…isn’t it technically a potential coup on his part without any of the responsibility?
I mean, couldn’t he effectively just use FEMA or something to form an emergency Congress and tell Congress to fuck itself?

Or just do this yeah

He'd have to be serious for them to see it.

imagine if he had the ball to do it earlier instead trusting them like a cuck.
what, President can't use DoD funds for the wall?

good, anybody that works for the government is scum

Good deal. Too bad OP's a faggot and doesn't know how to make proper bread.

bureaucrat layoff lottery confirmed

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He's freezing their pay raises. The thing is they are so used to it no one cares. He's not the first president to do it.

Fuck that. He should randomly hang them.

Shutting the border down to (((globalist))) corporations will be even more delicious. These truly are momentous times. Let the salt flow from the faggot kikes and niggers without ceasing

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wait wat, is he for fucking real? These effects are going to be Armageddon like. The screeching will drown out all the other screeching for months to come on the internet. Is this confirmed?

He'd never have the balls to do this.

Still no real source on this.

lol, just fire enough federal employees to fund the wall.


Most departments aren't affected by this. DHS is probably the largest. The IRS will be put on Essential status the first of January and will go back to work. Lots of feds still have to work during a shutdown anyways and all of them, working or no, have been retroactively paid after a shutdown so far.
The entire civilian workforce is fucked six ways to Sunday and it's been like that for a generation now. The bureaucracy of it all forces organizations to hire out contractors for everything. This does more to make contracting companies richer than it does their workforce, by a huge margin. Take KBR aka Halliburton during the Iraq War, they were getting paid 200k-400k a head easily, and ended up hiring some SEA 20k/year. They didn't even hire Americans for fuck's sake! These where the people working on bases in a warzone, doing everything from washing clothes and cooking food to managing the infrastructure of the place. The whole damn thing is just a big racket, a scam to make money off of the endless supply of fed funding.

The reason their are so many federal civilians in the DoD is because 99/100 of the mouth breathing Zogbots can't do technical work. The rare 1/100 guy who does know their shit, never reenlists. Even then, most positions nowadays are filled by contractors who have zero job security, next to zero benefits, and are usually hired on the basis of how little salary they'll accept, not on their qualifications. That said, there are plenty of lazy faggots in the civilian workforce and tenure helps keep them in place until the day they retire.

Trump could have ordered the army to build the wall at any moment. But he doesn't have the balls to.


For the most part the US military is full of mouth breathers.
That's why you have to break down technical trades into multiple different roles. In the USAF its something like five people to do the work of one RAF technician.

Honestly, it all comes down to training. New recruits are taught as much nu-bullshit as honest-to-god technical training it seems nowadays. Some kid right out of high school gets a handful of weeks of cram school, and is then expected to just learn the rest of his trade as on the job training. With anyone worth a damn not re-enlisting, there's no corps of experience to draw upon to teach them properly. So, the force slowly gets worse and worse as time goes on.
Officers aren't much better as they get even more diversity bullshit than the grunts. Due to the draw down from Iraq the only junior officers that were kept were the ones cutthroat enough to throw their peers under the bus. An officer can be trained in one field, then get sent to manage something completely different. Imagine a pilot getting sent to manage comm, or supply, or civil engineering. These guys have fuckall clue to what's going on around them and end up getting fed a long line of bullshit by their underlings.

To be fair to the US military they have to do it this way. Their manpower is too varied and inconsistent.
So they have to train to the lowest common level.

Fuck off, ZOGbot.

Your mom is an esoteric metaphor for global cuckoldry, /b/tard faggot.

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