Dietary Social Engineering

Dietary Social Engineering

ITT we discuss dietary social engineering that was done to shorten lifespans and to create new markets niches with high profit margins (low fat, gluten free etc.).

These aims were achieved by spreading the results of dubious studies and as we all know - if a lie is repeated often enough it becomes the truth.

What also needs to be discussed is abysmal food quality (cute rate pesticide laden flavorless vegetables) in Europe via migrant slave labor farms in Spain that are probably owned by (((them))) which virtually dominate the vegetable supply.

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A good place to start is that refined carbs (processed foods, refined sugary foods) are brutal to your health.

Meat & Dairy are toxic and increase the risk of cancer and CVD.

Whole Food Plnat Based Diet (when done properly) is the right way to go for long, healthy life.

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Is dove meat good?

Meat and dark greens. Else is cancer.

I disagree. For most of history we ate:
- vegetables
- meats
- grains
- salt
- animal fats: lard, butter, eggs, cheese, etc
I think people should go back to basics. I added more fat to my diet by eating more butter and cheese and I feel much, much better.

Too much food. You wont chase jews on a scooter.

Kill yourself reddit. Again.

School sports are a waste of time. They need to spend that time lifting weights,running,and target shooting from the time they enter middle school.


The premise of the book Nourishing Traditions. It's better to look to the past to find an optimal diet. We can look to the past to see what diet built strong healthy people and what diet failed to do so. These extreme diets like veganism or carnivorism are absurd but do provide tremendous comedic value.>>12618675

This fag gets all his protein from loads of jizz his boyfriend shoots in his faggot mouth.

To be fair a high meat diet is better for you than a high plant one.
Primarily because plants are loaded with a number of chemicals designed to discourage things from eating them.
While humans are big enough with sufficiently developed digestive systems that we can simply tank these poisons like champs, it can't hurt to limit intake.

Never met a paleo/keto fanatic who wasn't a fatass

Eat what your ancestors ate, stupid.

Meat & Whole Foods. What a concept and no ideological consensus need ever be reached. Have your labs drawn and adjust as necessary. WOW MAN



We have devolved. Our brains have shrunk by 10%, bones depleted by 1/3, and muscles atrophied. All thanks to switching from an animal-based to plant-based diet.

we're seeing the divergence of the human species in general. many people are living lifestyles of dependency upon high carb and even high fat processed products, which is changing their gut bacteria, and there is a cascading effect on the system that follows. not only that, but there are epigenetic consequences to these behaviors. what i guess will happen is that these people will adapt to the new diets over successive generations, resulting in genetic selection for configurations of their lineage's biology that efficiently process these foods. my gut instinct is that such selection will result in high-anxiety low-physical-capacity race. the anxiety will be a result of selection for active brains (ie much noise from overprocessing of carbs) and the low physical capacity will be a result of sedentary lifestyle that, over generations, results in selection for genetic configurations that maximize sedentary fitness at the cost of physical ability. this means that people will become physically slower and more lethargic, but will have minds that move so fast they cannot focus on any given problem. they will equipped to consume foods, though at lower levels than now (as their bodies over generations will have become more efficient at processing those foods), and will need constant sources of entertainment so that their racing minds won't become self-destructive in idleness, and they will be unequipped to physically support themselves or even defend themselves from possible predation.

they will be the perfect docile domesticated cows who convert useless garbage food that the reptilians can't sustain themselves on into the glorious concentration of consciousness that the reptilians relish eating.


ask vee

The food pyramid as it was until recently.
And the more recent food pyramid that still puts saturated fats as "bad".
Grains should never be your major calorie intake. Having bread at meals is fine, eating bread pasta and flour made foods all day every day is not.
There is ample evidence showing that peasants that were stuck on feudal land that had little meat but ate lots of grain lived, but had reduced muscle mass and bone density. This is highly correlated with brain mass and health.

Lots of nuts, berries, legumes, and of course lots of fresh fruits and vegetables is good for you.

Lots of meat, dairy, fish is great for you.
Soy is not good.
In fact counting incomplete proteins from non animal sources as part of your protein intake is flawed. Due to the varying amino acid combinations, you will not be getting enough protein just because you ate beans and rice.

Our fucking ancestors died at 50 or earlier, and didn't live long enough to get the diseases of modernity.
If you want to live a long healthy life, look at the "blue zones". That's literally all you need to know. Limited meat and dairy intake, exercise regularly, go outside, have a social life, little to no alcohol, but if you must, drink high polyphenol wine, believe in God, eat beans. And before you point out in the picture
just means women who aren't treated as a separate caste like in the middle east.

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That has got to be the most retarded chart I've ever seen posted here.

you posted this picture in another thread where everyone with half a brain took a fat steaming shit on it, and people are going to do it again. Stop coming in here with your soy and low meat + dairy intake horse shit, it will never fucking work.

why throw in the belief in god?

wrong our ancestors lived an average of 70 once you remove infant and child fatality.

What is wrong with soy? There is quite a bit of misinformation surrounding say, but you should really look into it.

Why is it retarded?

More than one person posts here, I've never posted this chart here before.

Okay fine, don't believe in God. These are just characteristics shared by societies that regularly live beyond the age of 100. If you did even half of these, you would be better off.

Look man, this is the same argument you'll have with people when you're talking about IQ and race, and where people fall on the bell curve. There exist statistical anomalies. But there's also no telling how long that Navy SEAL will live. I'm simply talking about longevity.

Who are your ancestors?

>(((science))) says our ancestors only lived to be double digits
Try 900-1000 years. As CLEARLY stated in the Bible.

our ancestors in ancient Rome Greek and Middle ages

Oh okay.

I've never seen this particular video, but this is interesting. Reminds me towards the end of the isolated people with *perfect* sparkling white teeth and sharp jawlines. Not sure what to make of it, but one thing I will say is that if anyone argues from the perspective about "what our ancestors ate", then you cannot sit back and eat just t-bone steaks, chicken breast, and fish filet. Our ancestors ate organ meats and different cuts of the animal. I agree mostly with the sentiment that refined grains have led to certain degeneration. Whether you're carnivore, herbivore, or vegan, there is a right way, and a wrong way to do it. I'm also pro raw milk.

Where the fuck did everyone go? At least debate me if you're gonna call me out!

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There is absolutely no evidence of that. Quite the contrary, they had higher bone density than us, and we have no way of knowing their muscle mass.
It is the same as any other legume, none of them are good.
That is the exact opposite of reality. The protein listed on nutrition info is corrected for amino acid score. So if you eat 10g of protein from rice and 10g of protein from beans, you get 22g of protein, not 20g. This does not actually matter at all since you'll get more than enough protein without worrying about this.

Absolutely none of your bullshit is true. Vegans have lower T, and don't live as long. Soy has more phytoestrogen than beer, and it is very much active in mammals. We have plenty of direct experience with rat testing showing reduced testosterone, testicle size, and sperm count. Soy also has a bunch of other toxic anti-nutrients like phytates and omega 6 polyunsaturated oil.

They also were chewing on something virtually all day every day. The lack of jaw exercise due to modern diet has resulted in horrifying facial deformities becoming normal.


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Oops, you should try reading the bullshit before you post it.
Seriously nigger? "Gee if we compare non-smoking, non-drinking, drug free vegetarians to the general population they live longer, it must be the vegetarian thing!111". Even the stupidest of vegan advocates stopped mentioning that shitshow years ago.
Jesus dude come on. There are no citations below that video, and that guy is a known fraud and shyster who pushes veganism by lying.
I didn't say it was. I said phytoestrogens are active in mammals. You are 0 for 4 dipshit.

Keto is the only sensible diet, tbh

Theres literally nothing wrong with eating meat. The ONLY gay reasons that anyone can ever give are:
Its "linked," maybe because people that eat junk food and McDonalds get sick. Wow. There is NO reason not to eat red meat. There is nothing in it that's bad for you. It's all a lie. No one saying it's bad for you can give you a real, verifiable reason that its bad.

Hey man, are you okay? I don't know why people get all touchy about this subject.

This still debunks the myth that vegans have lower testosterone when compared to meat eating populations, and still maintain other benefits

There are many more studies which corroborate this claim, which was the point of posting the blue zone image in my first post, which includes the Sardinian population, as well as the original Okinawan population who ate mostly plant based diets. Also mentioned in the previous study, are lower average IGF-1 levels in vegans, which is associated with lower cancer rates. There's also this study of over 130,000 patients at Massachusetts General Hospital:
Besides this fact, studies control for other factors such as smoking/drinking/lifestyle so I'm not sure what your point is.

Here's the list of citations. All you had to do was click the tab labeled 'citations', retard. Also you're discounting information that was merely *gathered* by an individual.

L R Chadwick, G F Pauli, N R Farnsworth. The pharmacognosy of Humulus lupulus L. (hops) with an emphasis on estrogenic properties. Phytomedicine. 2006 Jan;13(1-2):119-31.
S R Milligan, J C Kalita, A Heyerick, H Rong, L De Cooman, D De Keukeleire. Identification of a potent phytoestrogen in hops (Humulus lupulus L.) and beer. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1999 Jun;84(6):2249-52.
W Chen, T Becker, F Qian, J Ring. Beer and beer compounds: physiological effects on skin health. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2014 Feb;28(2):142-50.
S Possemiers, A Heyerick, V Robbens, D De Keukeleire, W Verstraete. Activation of proestrogens from hops (Humulus lupulus L.) by intestinal microbiota; conversion of isoxanthohumol into 8-prenylnaringenin. J Agric Food Chem. 2005 Aug 10;53(16):6281-8.
R B Bradbury, D E White. The chemistry of subterranean clover. Part I. Isolation of formononetin and genistein. J. Chem. Soc., 1951, 3447-3449.
E R Rosenblum, I M Campbell, D H Van Thiel, J S Gavaler. Isolation and identification of phytoestrogens from beer. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1992 Oct;16(5):843-5.
O Schaefer, R Bohlmann, W D Schleuning, K Schulze-Forster, M Hümpel. Development of a radioimmunoassay for the quantitative determination of 8-prenylnaringenin in biological matrices. J Agric Food Chem. 2005 Apr 20;53(8):2881-9.
N G Coldham, R Horton, M F Byford, M J Sauer. A binary screening assay for pro-oestrogens in food: metabolic activation using hepatic microsomes and detection with oestrogen sensitive recombinant yeast cells. Food Addit Contam. 2002 Dec;19(12):1138-47.
J S Gavaler, E R Rosenblum, S R Deal, B T Bowie. The phytoestrogen congeners of alcoholic beverages: current status. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1995 Jan;208(1):98-102.
S Possemiers, S Bolca, W Verstraete, A Heyerick. The intestinal microbiome: a separate organ inside the body with the metabolic potential to influence the bioactivity of botanicals. Fitoterapia. 2011 Jan;82(1):53-66.
D H Van Thiel. Feminization of chronic alcoholic men: a formulation. Yale J Biol Med. 1979 Mar-Apr;52(2):219-25.
A Galvão-Teles, L Gonçalves, H Carvalho, E Monteiro. Alterations of testicular morphology in alcoholic disease. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1983 Spring;7(2):144-9.
N G Coldham, M J Sauer. Identification, quantitation and biological activity of phytoestrogens in a dietary supplement for breast enhancement. Food Chem Toxicol. 2001 Dec;39(12):1211-24.
K D Setchell, N M Brown, E Lydeking-Olsen. The clinical importance of the metabolite equol-a clue to the effectiveness of soy and its isoflavones. J Nutr. 2002 Dec;132(12):3577-84.
…there's more

Which phytoestrogens? You're not even being specific, you're just saying 'phytoestrogens', but 8-prenylnaringenin (8-PN) which is found in beer has feminizing effects, and acts on different receptors than the ones found in whole soy products. Soy is a 'good' estrogen to consume. It has never been shown to have significant feminizing effects in humans, and it is chemoprotective.

You're a neurotic idiot who can't handle being wrong about anything. Besides, I haven't seen you post a single scientific study to the contrary of any of my claims, it's just pure vitriol; if you weren't filled with such vitriol, you might be able to come to some new truth.

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Vegans are gay. You must be gay.

Saturated fat and cholesterol. This is a whole rabbit whole issue, and if you really want to see how fucked up it is, watch the episode of the Joe Rogan podcast with Kreisser v. Khan where they debate this. It's not exactly clear, but there is no reason to believe eating saturated fats in excess is a smart thing to do.

Also just checked out that mediabiasfactcheck website, and it looks like any user who visits the page can vote on how biased they feel like a source is? Doesn't seem anymore trustworthy than a site like Snopes t b h fam. Also it says on the webpage

No thanks.
No it does not. It is one "study", that is contradicted by lots of others.
There are no benefits.
No there are not, that's why dishonest vegans rely on it.
No difference:
No difference:
Vegetarians are worse:
The adventist study did not, that is why it is so infamous.
A list of publications that do not support the claims being made is not a list of citations. It is a list of red herrings. Something he is famous for doing.
It is not merely gathered by him, it is presented by him, dishonestly. He is a liar, he lies constantly, he is famous for it. That video is complete bullshit, like everything he says.
It wasn't isolated, the rats were fed soy.
There is no such thing as a good estrogen. All estrogenic compounds are toxic. Women produce progesterone to protect themselves from the toxic effects of chronic estrogen exposure. Men do not, so it is especially bad for us.
Nonsense doesn't become "some new truth" or any other leftist kikery just because you cry when someone points out facts you don't like.

Exactly. Even people who have bought into the lie you are peddling think he's a crank. That should tell you something.

There is no such thing as in excess. There is absolutely no evidence saturated fat causes any harm. There is overwhelming evidence that polyunsaturated fats are highly toxic and cause numerous inflammatory diseases including type 2 diabetes. Rats that have been bred for type 2 diabetes do not develop the disease when fed a PUFA free diet. Even on a HFCS based diet with no fat at all.

God I wish I were this retarded. I could just say "no there are no benefits" and never think about it ever again. Must be blissful.

God I wish I were this retarded. I could just say "there are other benefits" and never think about it ever again. Must be blissful.

Hey, let me fill you guys in on the original thing that happened on /fit/. These veganism guys are shills, all of them, propagating an agenda.

A while ago, a documentary came out called "what the health" at that time I was just your casual /fit/ browser on halfchan, I started noticing a stream of these threads around it. Which eventually culminated around veganism. They did the usual attacks, tried to promote their usual figure heads, as you would expect on a Zig Forums discussion thread.

So I went through their data, I went through their research and found most of it to be fabricated, and lies.

God, you guys are still using this crapshoot. This is a good example of these fabricated data things. They used the sevent day church adventists in this chart I believe. A controlled group (by the kikes)

Here is a great, and old pastebin I used at the time (I wonder how many links are still unbroken)

and here is a great cornerstone piece in the jewtube that details the wrongness of most of their arguments

These veganists will "argue" that processed meats are evil (they are and they do cause cancer thanks also to the additives) but will give you somekind of "cow meat is also really dangerus for uuuu"

kind of bullshit.

and here is a great chart that I made thanks to the conflict that occurred at that time

so to iterate

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what a fun time it was on /fit/ in those days, I learned a shitton because of your UN/jew push on /fit/, thanks shills!

My suggestion is to ban these people, and to keep this thread up for a while to perhaps showcase some history of ours.

I also somewhere still have a link that explains the dangers of vegetable oils (which are synthetically derived, white goo, no coloring, and because of their chemical instability they occasionally explode in your pan)(or was it was part of the jewtube link above?!)

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