For those of us with not fortunate enough to be local to any yellow vest protests but still want to combat those who mean to enslave us, why don't we all get together and give a simple thanks to our good friends over in Israel for all they have kindly gifted the world?

Just find a picture you deem is the result of you know who and just write across it 'Thanks Israel' with an Israeli flag visible too. Save and share here and across any social media you have at your disposal, remember to begin with the more subtle the better but eventually we should be using this to highlight our greatest allies' greatest crimes.

Here are some examples I've just whipped up for inspiration and if any of you have some degree of photo editing skill feel free to make them look better.

Attached: 13.jpg (660x423 491.83 KB, 56.22K)

Attached: 4.jpg (982x651 274.28 KB, 210.97K)

Attached: 5.jpg (638x480, 74.85K)

Phonefags can do this easily too with the israeli flag emoji

Attached: 12.jpg (562x383, 58.47K)

Inb4 slid
Anyone have the compilationy one, I think it has 12 such events, something like

No but that sounds good

bit quiet tonight eh

Attached: 14.jpg (609x391, 78.25K)

Attached: 3WwbnOq.png (741x496, 622.15K)

Attached: g7wiguT.png (743x492, 638.62K)

Very nice

Attached: 7.jpg (675x1024, 173.3K)

Fucking gold! Keep this up

I like this idea, but the transparent version is too messy. It needs to be some sort of stamp of approval on an image.

I agree but lack the photoshop software/materials to get it looking good

any other user fancy giving this a go? this shit writes itself all these pictures I found on cuckchan and here within 10 minutes

software/skills* sorry lol

Attached: RzhYjPn.jpg (1275x728 216.55 KB, 218.77K)

very very nice thanks brother

Attached: c280dd255164b09d259c49f882b16a4a0e57ea04930f045a98d51a0051f0d5c3.png (660x706, 281.67K)

gimme some more ideas/pics

Attached: bhYkIt7.jpg (1274x674, 166.88K)

Attached: (3).gif (285x291, 1.1M)

Bump, shits gold.


Attached: LuckIncarnate.jpg (634x464, 89.73K)

What will be truly funny is when Jews try to own this like they did with ((())) and start posting pictures of guys kissing, rapefugees, and trannies with "Thanks Israel!" Watermarks on them.

We're not memetic illiterates. Take your 'ironic' shitposting elsewhere.

Like that, but on news like OP. And it has to say thanks israel obviously.

Can you replace 'Made In' with 'Thanks'?

We're not going to thank the enemies of mankind for what they've done. On Zig Forums we meme responsibly.

Attached: scum.png (978x1222, 375.46K)

Are you fucking stupid or just a deviating kike? I'm guessing both but I'll bite anyway

Memes like this are what get widespread attention of normies WITHOUT repercussion to us or our cause all the while usually baiting the kike into showing his true colors. A simple thanks is hard to sell as antisemitic but they will try anyway making people realize just how terrible they are

This is a shill. He's pretending the message isn't obviously ironical and damning of jewish partecipation in subversion.

Kikes hate being lampshaded.

I could you ask you the same thing. Are you a memetic illiterate or a subversive oven-dodger?

Spreading memes is one thing. Spreading memes that help the cause is another. I can come up with a million memes that the morons at faceborg would repost, but that's not the point, is it?

Attached: 1542253709770.png (588x609, 23.49K)

I bet you're the kind of guy who makes posts in favor of accelerationism.

You fool no one. Filtered.

The memes you have posted do nothing productive but maybe provoke a light smirk from other Zig Forumsacks, on the other hand though any normie will just be further repelled by any hint of Jewish criticism and less susceptible to red-pilling.
The 'thanks israel' is light enough to not automatically repel anyone unaware of the JQ and leaves enough to the imagination to actually provoke normies to look into why jews might be behind these images as opposed to senselessly throwing around stormfag memes. Fuck off and die in a fire.

Good idea OP.
I think an even more "thank JEWS" is also an angle worth taking, because we all know that the kike problem won't stop with the end of israel (even though it's a necessary step).

This one?

Attached: Understanding-US-Israeli-Relationship.jpg (960x773, 134.53K)

"Oy vey, he doesn't want to thank the jews, why he must be an anti-semite …"

I am not here to give you a lesson in memetics 101. My memes, as simple and straight and to the point as they are paint a very clear picture that captures the core essence of what the jew is. The jew is not someone who makes circles on a piece of paper or rubs his hands when he sees a penny. He is a parasite who undermines our foundation under the cover of darkness, he brings death and disease and that's not something he should be thanked for.

Attached: 7bcb2bc5476c2aa8916b96ac829be124b6f60eb4eaf7c410e82f056757741ed6.jpg (395x290, 23.78K)

If someone can replace this made in with thanks and post the template we can get the ball moving pretty fast, as I said earlier the stuff writes itself just find any hypocritical news bulletin, tolls being paid, trannies in schools, pedos adopting children, dead Palestinian children look you get the picture all we'd need to do is scroll through the catalog of both Zig Forumss and you have infinite material we just need a good solid logo!


We're not going to thank the jews, not even ironically. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Note the difference between "Made in Israel", which is neutral vs "Thanks Israel", which is positive. 'Thanks' and 'Thank You' are among the most positive expressions in the English language and we're not going to denigrate them by 'ironically' thanking the jews for bringing death and decay to our shores.

Attached: c874ce3a612e04d165e88123dbaf3327d2abfd3fe69103a6e642a75c69ee3737.jpg (496x599, 34.12K)

Yeah good one schlomo, I'll be filtering you now, hope the weathers good in Tel Aviv.

Don't get mad. I am just the messenger. Your meme sucks and is harmful.

Consider the following:
After Obongo was elected the democratic committee created the ironic 'Thanks Obama' meme, which was promptly adopted and spread by memetic illiterates on Zig Forums, who helped turn into a very popular meme that was embraced by the left and even normies who voted for Obama. It's difficult to turn 'Thank You' into something negative, especially on the internet where irony is often lost on the casual observer. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Attached: ThanksObama.png (500x485, 110.79K)

bumpin' dis'

Attached: 1463032019022.jpg (447x306, 36.64K)

Ignore these shills OP, no Zig Forumslack would stop you from damaging the reputation of kikes. Which is just what the meme does: it smears the bastards.

Any call for inaction is subversive. You can see easily that's not normal a small team of naysayers suddenly turns against a OC maker.

It's not the THANKS that matters, shill.
It's mentioning the JEWS that fires up the message.

I am not asking OP to be inactive, i am asking him to step up his game. It's very easy to see how this 'ironic' meme could backfire spectacularly, especially in the hands of normies and kikes.

If mentioning the jews is the only thing that matters why don't you repost this one? It's a top meme, hardly ever used.

Attached: TopMeme.jpeg (325x319, 26.43K)

did he died?

You seem overly worried that this anti-jewish meme is being created, fellow natsoc.

The template consists of nothing more than an Israeli flag and comic sans text that says "Thanks Israel!" Its essence is pro-Israel.

Stop focusing on Israel. Israel = Jews. Call them the Jew. The zionist Jew, the globalist Jew. Its Jews.
Zionist Jews arent even the ones majorly responsible for racemixing, although they are partially. Thats more on communist Jews, which is likely what OP is himself. A communist.
Tell me about how liberalism is why we have problems, Bolshie.

Again fuck off with this divisive shit, this is a means to draw more attention to Jews without going overboard and driving people away. We have been backed into a corner where any outright criticism of Jews is racist/antisemitic so the next best thing is to draw attention using Israel and its flag, people can then figure it out themselves and come to the conclusion Israel = Jews (which is exactly what you said to begin with anyway, you dumb fucking kike)


I'm pretty sure it's illegal to be anti-jew but not to be anti-Israel.
Fuck you

You're goddamn right that's the one.

Attached: 1541628185014.jpg (640x640, 65.71K)

This provides no factual information, you're just pasting a jewish star on things you don't like
these things can be factual linked to jews, so do that

Attached: jews behind gun controll.jpg (720x960 39.3 KB, 104.85K)