Jew started a JewTube channel on manipulating people

Jew started a JewTube channel on manipulating people

Coach Redpill is a rising jew on jewtube spreading his predatory and dystopian views of the world with a high level of aggression that is very common in jews.

When he's shaved it's harder to tell that he's a jew but with his beard it's pretty easy to tell.

He sports the usual unassuming middle aged bean counter look, but from the aggressive way he's talking you can tell that he has most likely done very depraved things with Ukrainian prostitutes. (he seems to be traveling there regularly from his base in the UK)

If you want to redpill people on jews just show them his channel:

Good story teller (jews are like that in general to get you into bad deals or sell you useless shit).

Ruthless highly analytical moral relativist. (if you see the goyim as cattle you want to figure out how to manipulate them and get your way)

Into shady business practices.

Other urls found in this thread:

He generally has few viewers, most of his videos are at what, 10k? , but I saw a video of him a while ago, on thots. It was pretty neat. But the way he talks, he is definitely a psychopath. I already felt like was probably a jew, and he is? kek. Well, propaganda, and seeing hostile parties do their thing is a threat upon the weak and uninformed, but we are not that or are we? If you know how to avoid his nature, he may have some materials here and there that could be of use to us?

also watching through your vid, its all meritocracy quite neat. Thanks for reminding me this guy existed.

I just watched two of his videos
he has semitic worldview, his father was a banker and he has jewish voice

He's not a jew you dumb nigger.

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his father was a banker and he has jewish voice and jewish morals, besides he has strong MENA influence
not all jews have the same nose

nice try Shlomo

here is a screen with him unshaved

lived in jew york, moved to London, travels to the Ukraine to bang whores

if it looks like a (((multicultural cosmopolitan))) and talks like one, it probably is one…

next to this pic is one of Spielberg who looks quite similar

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kill yourself.

He does not have typical jew features, but he does have the trait called "psychopathy" which most jews have obviously, but its also a trait that a white can learn. His voice and demeanor does not sound really that jewish. But I dont know man. Not a typical archetype of the chart that labels the "hawks, goblins, trolls, and demons" either

pilpul off the charts

how do you do fellow Zig Forumsacks?

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it seems you have little experience spotting members of the tribe

I'm totally not kosher, nothing to see here goys…

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Der Ewige Jude shows it quite well on how to spot jews.

Uncle Adolf had it all figured out…

well he feels like a "natural psychopath" meaning that his tactics, or things that he discusses he does so with no regards to usual feelings, I often wonder if this is experience, or just genetics. A little bit cowardice as well is wedged in him. Some sort of delight is within him when he discusses some of these things. But his lingo, is not exactly leftist, more like business oriented. Havent had the pleasure to spot the bald spot in his back side of the head either.

From 18:30 you can see the shaved unshaved comparison.

Go away, Kraut.

No they don't. One looks like a European jew (a jew whose whore ancestors stole European genes), the other looks like some kind of Indian mutt.

tho his content is somewhat unique, atheist, evolutionary stuff is wedged in between too. ha.


Hes less than a quarter Jew at most and this is obviously a shill thread promoting his channel.

Oh man, who could this be?

molly also made great videos on a great deal of scientific concepts, but its just, people back then also distrusted him, and I believed them, and lo and behold, he went full pro zionist cuck in the end.

Now that people have abandoned him, he is reeling back in, doing optics (while still being subversive). I finally understood these perspectives, and got some idea of basic subversion, and how it works…getting some subscriber numbers up, and then letting them go into somekind of kosher thing. That is always the plan, isnt it?

Well knowing all of this, il watch some of his videos if they have good enough content. Since I cannot be subverted anymore!

Jews are the ones with pig noses.
Jack Black, Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, etc.

It's very important that we don't fall for the "jews can only have raptor noses" psyop. There are a LOT of jews with piggish or monkeyish flat noses.

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I also noticed this, some have very african broad and flat noses.

He certainly knows how to work an image board and promote his "incel" livestream.


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reading comprehension level: nigger

More like you're too stupid to convey a point properly because your control of the English language is terrible and your vocabulary consists of 100 unique words total.

You have the IQ of a fruit fly and the gall to call anyone else dumb. Leave this board.

100% bavarian phenotype

He's pilpulling and then is just putting words in others' mouths, probably trying to do damage control for noticing jewish phenotypes that don't fit the most obstentious ones the kikes trot out (i.e. it's okay to "notice" that "all" jews have big noses, curly hair, red hair (a psyop in itself), etc. but don't you dare notice the small and flat noses, sunken eyes, squinty/beady eyes, overly large eyes, troll faces (think cernovich), green-greyish skin hues, you filthy goy!).

Jews actually have a very wide variety of phenotypes.

Guy in question is a sociopath.

Jewish behavior makes you suspect as a Jew. Setting people up for failure because your feelings were damaged somehow is probably the most Jewish thing I have ever seen in my life. Not even an accomplished Jewish behavior. More like a social outcast and misfit of Jewish people.

Even the orthodox Jews don't do that shit. They won't do anything against you unless you're an actual threat to their Jewry.

I ultimately can't stand people like this because they're so contrived, you never know the real person you're dealing with. Fucking chameleon shit, every time I leave the interaction thinking I'm going to end up with a knife in my back if I keep a relationship going with them.



You mean jews have a long history of whoredom and trying to steal the genetics of other ethnic groups to blend into their populations. Many physical traits displayed by jews are from other ethnic groups. The entire makeup can, and often does have a "jewyness" to it though because they'll never look 100% like us. For example, a pale-skinned blue-eyed blonde who has the huge joker smile and a face that looks 20% too big for her skull. Obviously a jew, but mostly European features.

Thread kinda reminds me of when I read up on about how to manipulate people in order to avoid being manipulated in return.




All genuine people who had something interesting to share where banned more than a year ago, all that is left are shills.

After watching a few more vids he has some good points for sure, albeit regurgitated things you've already heard elsewhere and through the lens of jewish storytelling time. Also saw a couple good points from the jewtube comments:

Yeah once you read about this stuff it's becomes to easy to spot the try-hards. The problem is that when you autistically try to game society and see everyone else as an object other a part of your very soul dies because you yourself become an "other".


And the truth comes out. Never trust someone who in their "refreshing honestly" admits being an asshole. They're being honest with you because an asshole can't help but have a smugness about being a piece of shit asshole. They are very proud of it and in love with themselves, that very same ego forces them to boast around someone they want to impress.

Attached: assholejew.mp4 (1280x720, 3.12M)


What are you on about I didn't even say that. Is this you shilling your channel?

I can't believe this kike is still around. I called him a fat jew on his first ever upload.
140k followers? Filth

You're literally calling him a jew because he says he's an asshole. You literally just did this.

I wouldn't peg this guys as a jew. IF he lived in NY you're probably just picking up on that in his accent.

I wouldn't say he's a psychopath either. He's just spelling out basic social conventions in a detailed way for autists. It sounds a little weird because most people do it by instinct and don't need it spelled out. But he's just explaining normal things for people who need that level of detail.

But c'mon, everyone here knows this thread is just promoting the channel. I'm not even going to sage because I think the videos are good.

Lol here he is talking about jew things

Sometimes, it's just telling the truth, kike.

Attached: CRP-Autism is a Choice.mp4 (842x480, 3.73M)

Where's my anchor, mods?


Nick "the knife" Fuentes wrecked Coach "the Jew" Red Pill on The Kumite

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Nick's sister fucks niggers. He's a homosexual virgin too!

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I downloaded a shitload of mind manipulation shit once, CBT and stuff like that, then I realized they were all made by kikes so I deleted all of it. It's what jews do. They are pieces of shit and they must die.

Its a good video man he's teacing ou how to be a man not how to get to heaven.

What does that have to do with Nick?

It's a running meme on his show

He's a Catholic and he is voluntarily celibate until marriage.

Obvious shill is obvious

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Obvious Spic Fuentes is obvious.

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kek what a manlet

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He's only 19 so he'll grow a few in……
Yeah, probably not.

What does "training from child " mean ??

I think being an active kid (sports, outdoor play, not sitting on ass all day) and start working out around 15

I actually have grown to like being a "King of Manlets"

I've been in fights with bigger men where they were so sure they would smash me easily, they never saw it coming when I entered their arms length only to strike their incoming blows with speed and dexterity their clumsy brute articulation couldn't match, then strike them or monkey neck them down when they throw three or four punches which miss and tire themselves. If they attempt to wrestle me, my smaller legs fold swifte and better to my chest for kicking loose and I can lift my legs higher than most "tall guys" due to being more flexible.

So, all in all, Hail Napoleon.

Youtube is the best fucking media place for media. I learn all types of shit on there. So many great machining videos, tutorials on all types of shit. Good automotive videos for working on you own stuff. You got to be a fucking idiot bro.

This shit belongs on /cow/ in the IBS thread. Also he isn't a jew, he's a spic from Chile.

"If you leave out the hearts of others, you will lose your own"

Wasn't Napoleon 5''7?

Try tens of thousands. It's easier to find a needle in a haystack than a popular jewtube channel that isn't run by a judeo-masonic handrubber.

You guys ever notice how many mongrels are faggots?
Must be nature's way of cleansing the genepool or something.

Nothing new. Copyright 1988. Jews been jewing for years.

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I tried it today, and by god its not a bad way to view this…but social dynamics is more than sufficient already. Also a bit superior.

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Side-effect of absent and abusive fathers. Also makes them prime targets for predatory faggots to mentor/pupil them into the "club"