Here is a excerpt from "The Protocols" for all of you born again (((Collectivists))). Hoping to start a discussion.
GENTILES ARE STUPID 6. The GOYIM enter the lodges (infinitechan) out of curiosity or in the hope by their means to get a nibble at the public pie, and some of them in order to obtain a hearing before the public for their impracticable and groundless fantasies: they thirst for the emotion of success and applause, of which we are remarkably generous. And the reason why we give them this success is to make use of the nigh conceit of themselves to which it gives birth, for that insensibly disposes them to assimilate our suggestions without being on their guard against them in the fullness of their confidence that it is their own infallibility which is giving utterance to their own thoughts and that it is impossible for them to borrow those of others …. You cannot imagine to what extent the wisest of the GOYIM can be brought to a state of unconscious naivete in the presence of this condition of high conceit of themselves, and at the same time how easy it is to take the heart out of them by the slightest ill-success, though it be nothing more than the stoppage of the applause they had, and to reduce them to a slavish submission for the sake of winning a renewal of success …. BY SO MUCH AS OURS DISREGARD SUCCESS IF ONLY THEY CAN CARRY THROUGH THEIR PLANS, BY SO MUCH THE "GOYIM" ARE WILLING TO SACRIFICE ANY PLANS ONLY TO HAVE SUCCESS. This psychology of theirs materially facilitates for us the task of setting them in the required direction. These tigers in appearance have the souls of sheep and the wind blows freely through their heads. We have set them on the hobby-horse of an idea about the absorption of individuality by the symbolic unit of COLLECTIVISM …. They have never yet and they never will have the sense to reflect that this hobby-horse is a manifest violation of the most important law of nature, which has established from the very creation"
Numbers of jews gassed by national socialists since the alleged holocaust: 0. Zero.
Numbers of penises mutilated by jews since national socialist Germany: millions Numbers of animals slaughtered with inhumane kosher slaughter practices since NatSoc Germany: probably billions. Boycotts against domestic gentile trade with the kosher label and prerequisite for jewish patronage: countless. Instances of masquerading as whites of European descent by ashkenazim for the purpose of race baiting and other sabotage: countless. Resources drained from gentile nations and people, including the alleged saviors of the jews, the Americans: many, many billions worth. Numbers of chickens waved around in the ritual of kapparot that transfers sins from the jew onto the chicken: probably billions. Numbers of oaths and promises voided which whites take seriously and at face value via the ritual of kol nidre: countless since it happens every year at yom kippur. Amount of antiwhite propaganda produced and aimed at even their alleged saviors: countless. Amount of atrocities committed against gentiles: countless. Amount of usurious FIAT currency created, peddled and cultivated by jews: a figure that doesn't fit inside this comment due to the sheer number of zeroes. Amount of meddling in foreign affairs despite usually being only 1-5% of the population: nigh infinite Amount of marxism, bolshevism, globalism etc: infinite Amount of kvetching in general: infinite.
And many, many, many other things that happened after the alleged holocaust, including the lie itself and all the atrocities against whites derived from that.
Now to the important tally: Number of worries about jews voiced by gentiles based on actual things happening like genital mutilation et cetera legitimized by jews and golems: 0 Number of worries about nazis actively hunting, killing, persecuting, gassing jews despite none of that happenin legitimized by jews and golems: as many as there are claims made.
tl; dr: jewish fear of persecution, which they deserve due to their heinous acts and despicable nature but is, sadly, not happening is routinely legitimized. Gentile fear of the degrading, parasitical, atrocious effect of the jewish race in the light of their many, many actions which they commit daily is stamped away as irrational.
Chutzpah is a mental illness, though, and whitey has long grown tired of this stupid game. Next time the table gets flipped, you'll wish for the lies about the holocaust because they will be considered heavenly in comparison to the fate this abomination of a race will face due to its own, never knowing when to leave well enough alone, actions.
Benjamin Turner
Agreed on every point. I am not a jew. If I was I would have to be pretty stupid to post excerpts from The Protocols. This was meant as a wake up call for Zig Forumslacks who fall a little too far to the collectivist side. That is the plan they have for you, as stated above.
Luis Cook
Just to be even more clear, not sure how you read this post and extracted "JEW!". I think your Jewdar needs to be recalibrated.
Matthew Parker
Owen King
Everything is black and white with you dumb faggots. No man is an island. The basic principle of society is a collective. You don't have to be a fucking ant, but casting such a basic premise away because of your infantile mind is ridiculous. I'm awestruck sometimes, really. I have a question for you: if you forgo the building blocks of society, what is the function and purpose and design of your utopia? Because even the dumbest of the anarchists will admit they need to form some communities.
Landon Hernandez
Hitler quoted the Protocols often as a warning. Unless you are suggesting that your Führer (I am assuming he must be because you have bought the collectivist neo nazi lie hook line and sinker) was an Anti-Collectivist weeb, then that really isn't a good argument. I'm just quoting the document and hoping for actual responses not Ad hominem retardation. Plus this was mostly directed at the kind of people described in the quote. Not strong individuals who just want to serve their community over their own best interest. No, it is directed at sheep who cling to the flock.
Asher Thompson
Your extract is clearly referring to the fucked-up form of collectivism envisioned by the jew karl marx, in which the individual is completely destroyed. Collectivism as we (National Socialists/Social Nationalists/etc.) know it is embodied by these three sentences: >“The common good before the individual good.” >“Think not of yourself, but of the whole, of the people and the state.” >“Not the same for everyone, but to each his own.”
James Edwards
This is not directed at people like you or at National Socialism. Wouldn't try to change the mind of a man of conviction. This is for the weak collectivist neo-nazis who are here because they are broke or women rejected them. Maybe seeing it from the mouth of the jew will wake them up
Brody Howard
I knew that this could potentially be misinterpreted in that way. Posted it anyways because there is a large % on here who are not honorable in any way and just enjoy feeling power for once (in the form of a collective). They are just here for fantasies of genocide and future applause. People like you aren't gonna read this and change their mind anyways so i don't think it does any harm. But for those other people maybe it does. Who knows.
Michael Parker
Individuality or collectivism doesn't exist in the system that's oppressing you. You're just a number to them.
Bentley Diaz
You of course know that Hitler spoke out against the negative form of collectivism (Marxism) to lobby for the alternative. I am lurker, but when it comes to the volk here, Its fine line that i think Zig Forumslacks miss because alot of them are honorable men who assume everyone else is naturally motivated to be here for the same reasons. I am admittedly less virtuous, so i think i understand the mindset of those even less virtuous then me better then those such as your self (there is a larger gap betweem you and them). Of course you can spot the obvious white spots as they pop us. Some lurk though and think they get it. This post is for them. I don't consider myself virtuous enough to truly be considered a part of your movement but i figured it might be of service to just drop it here for those folks. That is a cancer you would rather address early
Jacob Perez
You should look into National Socialist economics/social structure in WW2 Germany. I don't know enough about these 3rd way fascists to support them wholeheartedly, but its certainly worth looking into. Better then Marxist theory and neoliberalism
Wow, sure isn't /int/ shilling AGAIN in these awfully made, poorly-thought out, very poorly-shilled threads.
Look, faggot, look at this image and weep:
We have seen the results of your shilling. And your ideals are dying exactly because you, in your hyperindividualist mindset, dismissed the herd and ran off on your own. But so did the rest of the herd. Now you look around you, and there is no herd, there is only wolves circling about, eyeing you hungrily. A million atomized sheep surrounded by 10 million collectives of wolves and coyotes and jackals. And you're still too blind to see how it happened… Or rather, you're still an IP hopping faggot shill from 4chan trying to spew the same fucking nonsense over and over and over again.
The more you repeat them day in and day out, the more inventive you try to be with them, the more bland and tired they become, the less interesting you are to engage.
All the same /int/ nigger, crying loudly because nobody wants to be deradicalized by his tired toothless rhetoric.
Levi Morris
Charles Gutierrez
Good point, Evola-fag. Still, the people on here who would even give the OP the time of day are in danger of overcorrection in the other direction. Never been on 4chan, I'm not one of the fags from The_Donald telling you to clean your room and denounce white identity bucko. Im here for comments like yours. That is a nice graph, thanks for sharing.
Sebastian Williams
Never read Evola, /int/nigger. No, they aren't. Yes you have, we've been over this. You're not some novel faggot, you're the same loser whose been shilling the board since the midterms, and I'm pretty sure its because you're a moderator. You've been exposed before as being a spamming /int/nigger shill from 4chan and the idea that you think you're going to fool anybody by hopping IPs as you do is just laughable at this stage. Its not a graph you fucking idiot, its a graphic, and you've seen it before, because I've posted it at you before, while calling you a faggot.
Just go back and shut the fuck up already - nobody needs YOU to explain that collectivism in the context of the state as the collective is dangerous and not-beneficial. This is NatSoc country, not Fascist country, the state is a means to an end and nothing more, no matter how fancy you make the uniforms, and not Marxist country, equality is a false god, so kindly fuck off back to the Marxist shithole you crawled out of and fucking stay there.
If this was 4ch/reddit then everything you said would reach an audience that could use it. But because you are here, it won't. It will just be the same thing they have heard 10K times. Was looking for a dialogue not a diatribe about me being a Jew shill. Still though i enjoyed your comments.
David Roberts
It basically is, thanks to you. Because you never bring anything novel, you nigger. You've done basically this same thread, with a different coat of paint, how many times since November? 10? 100? 1,000? Were any of them good? Did any of them generate any REAL valuable discussion? No, petty arguments against toothless shilling. Around and around we go. If we had this thread on 4chan, in point of fact, it would probably be much more lively, because there's enough retards there that haven't seen THIS EXACT THREAD play out 20 times to think it novel or view in thusly. Thus, in reality, if you want to reach out to people, the last place you should come with this heavy-handed shilling and lack-luster expression thereof WOULD BE 4chan, because there you'd be dealing with simpletons who might actually fall for the ruse, whereas here, you're just the embodiment of that Hitler quote about arguing with Jews (granted, you aren't likely to be a Jew - just a philosemite). Nobody cares what you're looking for you stupid /int/ nigger. And I didn't call you a 'Jew shill' I called you an /int/nigger shill because I've caught you up in using graphICs that you didn't bother to rename and thus exposed yourself as the sort of nigger who spams sheboons on 4chan (and here, as of late). You are not novel, you are not clever, you are not good at revising your talking points to disguise them sufficiently to shroud your aims… In fact, that's why I don't think you're a Jew: You're not good enough at deception to be a Jew.
Now I'm going to post another image that I know you've seen before.
* the FIRST place you should come with this heavy-handed shilling and lack-luster expression thereof WOULD BE 4chan
Hunter Jackson
Kikes have been removed hundreds of times already, next time will be the last.
Angel Butler
this time we should remove them from life
Xavier Kelly
Do you have some sauce to go with that image? I fully agree that traitorousness will be the downfall of jews and that whatever ethnocentric genes are present in whites will be the only ones to inherit the earth, but humans aren't a simple Game of Life / cellular automata.