The image of Jesus Christ burnt into our minds has been thrown into doubt by a new discovery.
The face of Jesus Christ we know is fantasy. It’s an image adapted and refined through centuries of art — and politics.
Now, a new discovery has ignited new debate about what the character at the center of the bible’s New Testament may have truly looked like.
It was found ona ruined wall at the site of the ancient city of Shivta, in the Holy Land’s Nagev Desert,
It’s heavily eroded. But several shapes can still be discerned from what remains the 1500 year old church.
It’s a scene familiar to Sunday school scholars the world over: Christ being baptized in the River Jordan.
Painted some 500 years after the event it depicts, one outline shows a curly-haired, long-featured, large-eyed man with a large semitic nose.
Historians say the city of Shivta was established during the first century AD as a caravan stopover for Christian pilgrims travelling to St Catherine’s Monastery in Sinai. But, by the 9th Century, it had declined and been abandoned.
Only a portion of this Shivta church survive. One part is the baptistery, a nook reserved for the sacred Christian ritual.
Photos of the heavily eroded remnants of the painting decorating that space were taken by an Israeli team excavating the site. They were published in the journal Antiquity.
Based on analysis of skeletons from the region dated to the First Century AD, Professor Taylor concludes that Jesus was “probably around 166cm (5 feet 5f inches) tall, somewhat slim and muscular, with olive-brown skin, dark brown to black hair, and brown eyes.”
Inb4 this thread gets autosaged/locked/deleted while the pro-cuckstain shill threads are allowed to stay up.
John King
KYS larpagan
Bentley Adams
Jesus was a Levantine Greek who died for opposing the kikery of the kikes.
I am going to look forward to converting your body into useful products and information, OP. It's going to take a lot longer than you would like.
Luke Rodriguez
Why do you kike worshippers insist on spreading this disinformation?
Ian Flores
Two jewish parents makes you a jew. Also, note the fine print; He opposed the kikery of the kikes. Not the jews themselves. A key distinction between civic nationalists and real nationalism.
Only be opposing the jews AS JEWS can we be rid of them.
Ryder Morgan
he was a middle eastern semite everyone not retarded is aware he wouldn't be white
Alexander Peterson
this is some never level insanity
Levi Howard
This is the shit Zig Forums astroturf agents are using to co-opt the board.
Propaganda. Jesus was a Nazarene, one of the tribes of Israel that cropped up after centuries of infighting as a result of the collapse of the Akkadian Empire. The region was originally called Canaan and was conquered by Sargon of Akkad, a ruler who spread the influence of his people by invading other cultures, taking over their legal system, wiping out their religious beliefs, and then systematically making his people breed with the natives until their races were diluted and washed away, literally raping them out of existence. Jews are Judeans, who are the direct descendants of Akkadians. The rightful people of Israel are Canaanites, and Nazarenes are descended from Canaanites.
Jesus opposed the Jews because they were barbaric rapists, child mutilators, thieves, murderers, and violent sociopaths. He scorned them and encouraged people to hate them because they, the Judeans, were not Israelites, but instead disgusting foreign mutts. Jesus was not a Jew.
Nicholas Turner
This is what Christ looked like. The Shroud of Turin is the authentic face of Christ, and it overlays perfectly with the oldest icon of Christ. The sculptures are a forensic 3d rendition of the Shroud of Turin.
That image of Jesus is based of Cesare Borgia actually. The pope Alexander Vi (Rodrigo de Borgia) was so corrupt they had no problem making Jesus look like his son.
I'm an atheist and even I know that the teachings of Jesus are literally antithetical to Judaism. He preached about how Jews should have had their temples destroyed and been thrown out of society, and how they had influence over the corrupt Roman government (through Pontius Pilate and Caesar). Today we call what he would have wanted to happen 'genocide'. Nobody in this thread has even tried to claim Jesus was white. He was a member of the Semite group - all Arabians are Semitic, and Israelites are Arabian. Jews are a subset of Israelites with western Asian admixture, making them Semites. All Semites are not Jews, only a tiny minority are.
Elijah Turner
Julian Phillips
You'd think people would know these are bullshit by now. Guess not.
Oh wow I didnt know Cesare Borgia lived 2000 years ago, which is how old the blood chips in the Turin is. Wow man, thats crazy. I didnt know Cesare Borgia was 2000 years old. Wow.
Levi Moore
The number of Jews in this thread is really astonishing, isn't it? They'll sling any fucking thing at the wall in an attempt to get it to stick while ignoring known history. And notice their cheap strawmen, like the "kike on a stick" catch phrase. Most of them aren't even responding to the words in the posts they quote. It's all so transparent.
Owen Walker
It's quite obvious Zig Forums is infested with jews.
Carson Rodriguez
Are you completely incapable of reading and comprehending what you've read?
You base all your praise on what is written in jewish books.
Jaxson Butler
Not an argument, faggot. Disprove anything I said. Your nose is glowing like a brick of solid radium in the vacuum of space.
Sebastian Perry
Oh no wait, were you actually talking about the Pantocrator icon? OH NONONONONO
A depiction on a wall made 500 years after somebody has died is no accurate source to indicate how they actually looked. I'm no fan of Christianity or its evil god (((YHWH))) but Jesus was no dirty Jew,
>Christianity or its evil god (((YHWH))) Christians do not worship the same god as jews. Jews worship themselves, their god is not called any yhwh bullshit but simply The God Of Israel. They are not monotheists either: they believed in a pantheon of gods, but seeked to destroy all others. It is an incredibly primitive and insular religion that cannot coexist with others.
Connor Cruz
Yes, it is. They even manage to use worst arguments than leftist fag fedoras and larp as pagans.
Owen Martinez
Anyone the jews despise is obviously good. OP go fuck yourself and quit worshipping goats
Julian Morales
Anyone with a different opinion isn't automatically a kike or a shill. You fuckin morons
Ayden Harris
jesus is a symbol of european white culture and man to them, there is nothing estoric going on.
Jaxon Anderson
2/10 bait.
Evan Garcia
You believe what you like, I will keep my many Old Gods no matter what anyone says.
But I do know even the most pig-headed fedora Zig Forumsack and the most stubborn Christian on here will both agree that the Eternal Jews must be purged in fire and totally annihilated from the face of the Earth. The Jews is enemy number one, not atheists pagans or christians. That's a fact.
If you think your opinions are equal to my facts, congratulations, you're ether a jew, a nigger, or a woman. So get in a kitchen, a cotton field, or an oven.
Hunter Butler
Nice white genocide Freudian slip tbqhwyf
Hudson Sanchez
Your brain on relativism.
Anthony Rivera
This newfags, is what the shills don't want you to know. Good post user.
Landon Miller
Nah, cry harder.
Tyler Bailey
Nolan Bailey
If the mods were smart, they would automatically delete religious threads and ban the OPs. Only when we actually have an ethnostate (either northwest or south in the US, take your pick) should we be arguing about Christianity vs Paganism. Until then, this is a movement for all, Christian or Pagan white people who are willing to die to preserve their genetic haritage and homelands.
Oliver Wright
jesus probably would frequent Zig Forums if he were alive today. seems like a pretty cool dude.
Joseph Phillips
This unironically.
Connor Campbell
I know he'd bitchslap most pastors and preachers alive today.
Jesus would slap them for existing. He didn't believe in the church having a monopoly on the access to the faith, or 'salvation' or 'holy men'. He considered the existence of churches and congregations at all hypocritical because it was more about social control and conformity than any pretenses of actually maintaining a relationship with one's own beliefs. Then again, he was also against usury, tithing, religious uniform, dressing up for worship…
Xavier Mitchell
I mean, if you're retarded, I guess. But who the hell would stupidly think he was white given where he was born?
I think user is referring to the theory that Mary was impregnated by a foreign soldier at the time. He might not intentionally be trying to spread disinfo.
Lincoln Gonzalez
Of course Jesus was a Jew. But you’re retarded for actually believing there is an omnipotent God that created this universe.
Thomas Peterson
kill yourself christcuck.
>this jew isn't a jew btw I'm totally not (((christian)))
Nice dubs, but I am no Abrahamist. Face it, the Jews are the source of the world's strife, and the Christians are not the enemy. Jews must die first, then we point the gun at others.
Josiah Brooks
It’s literally at the beginning of Matthew that Jesus descended from King David, King of the Jews. You’re too retarded and emotionally invested (like a woman) to realise that you are believing in a Jewish fairy tale.
Yeah in not a Christian. Nice try though. Show me in the bible where it says "jew" even once
Nathan Stewart
You go boy.
Gavin Hughes
Jesus Christ was a literal JEW. Whether or not modern Jews are related to the original Israelites is another question, but Jesus is the prototype of a communist Jew.
Yeah i knew you couldn't do it. You've no idea what you're taking about. Christians can be allies dumbass. But not if you're acting like a nigger and lumping them in with jews. Ive personally woke up 4 Christians to the kikes. They're still Christian and very anti kike
I'm not enough of a theologian to be able to make direct quotes (in fact, I don't own a physical copy of the Bible; as I said earlier in the thread, I'm an atheist), but refer to the mid-to-later sections about the life of Jesus. Particularly in the Gospels, after he moves into Jerusalem, he makes a sweeping number of criticisms of Judaism and the idea of holy cloth and people needing to present themselves to the preachers is one of them.
The verse talks about secular jews, those who don't beleive in their god. Does not falling for the commie Jesus meme made by marxists and jews make me a christian?
Julian Rivera
Nathaniel Powell
Merry Christmas! Joseph, Mary, and Mary's son edition
This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit. Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.
But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”
All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).
When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. But he did not consummate their marriage until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.
Jesus left there and went to his hometown, accompanied by his disciples. When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed.
“Where did this man get these things?” they asked. “What’s this wisdom that has been given him? What are these remarkable miracles he is performing? Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son and the brother of James, Joseph, a Judas and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him.
Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.” He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them.
once again not Christian. The word jew came in the 1700s. Just because you see it in tnt kjv doesn't mean it meant the same thing as it does today. "Jew" means literally anyone from JUdea. Hence "jew". The kikes we refer to today are the PHARISSES. the ones who killed jesus
Chase Peterson
… And? Are you now saying you believe "Jew" is a matter of "religion" alone? Not even the Jews believe that user, why the fuck would I?
Lincoln Rodriguez
KJV was written in 1611 retard. Jesus was jewish.
Jose Collins
Why do you keep referring to Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef as "Jesus?"
Justin James
Thomas Hernandez
Henry Cook
Worrying about what race he was seems racist and suspect.