In the name of 'equality' we must ensure that Women too must register for the Draft. There is absolutely no reason for this injustice to be occurring. If you have the power to vote, you must also be willing to put your life behind the decisions that alter your nation.
Lets figure out how to make this happen faggots.
Women's Privilege
kys incel
I'm far to Chad for you to even comprehend, maggot boy. Only a true Chad questions ridiculous notions like this.
Hmm. Unfortunately we lack the political power and network to get this going conventionally. We can meme this on (((Twitter, Discord, Facebook, etc))) the whole jewish social media network. However, this has been tried before, OP and failed to gain traction.
It's one of those issues that people don't feel strongly motivated to change.
Still, it is yet one more great retort to slap bitches with who screech about "male privilege"
If men are privileged, why is male suicide higher than female suicide? Why do men die from workplace accidents more than women? Why are women given preferential treatment by the court system? Why are men discriminated against by colleges and workplace laws? And why are women exempt from the draft?
Indeed social media is the only thing that they will listen to, the question is how to we engineer a large enough hashtag movement. How to get "trending"
Before the kikes found me and banned me, my task on Twatter was talking to normie conservatives to try to help them recognize the fact that the blacks will never vote for conservative issues and the irrationality of supporting IsraHell.
Though I sometimes would talk about feminism. And most conservatives do understand how ridiculous it is. Hell, almost all working class men understand and are repulsed by feminist screeching. But it's one of those issues that you'll have a hard time motivating them to protest over. And even if they did, these corrupt politicians would never pass a bill requiring equal treatment of women because that would piss off all the feminists. Democrats would never do that and Republicucks are such cowards that they wouldn't either.
This is why I maintain that the Republican party must either be destroyed or at least coopted so that the illusion of choice is removed and we can get a real White party.
Maye OP should join the military instead of crying about how foids use their vaginas to get ahead in life. The military was the funnest and bestest time of my life, I got 8 confirmed kills and each time I had the adrenaline rush of a 5 year old. Military is one of the last male bastions left on this earth and you wanna go ahead and stink it up with female draftee's. I know your incel ass wants to see a foid battalion get mowed down by machine gun fire but the reality is that our western minds just aren't used to seeing that kind of brutality and is completely demoralizing. Also most of the females would just end up getting pregnant to avoid the draft or to avoid deployment either way.
You boys did a great job securing that oil, ever find those WMDs? Not insulting your valor, it was just misplaced.
Women are useless in the military draft. They should be used where they can produce real effect. Childbearing Draft.
Damn, took me a while to figure out what oil and WMD's you were talking about. I just joined to know what its like to kill and the benefits which include using PTSD as a legitimate excuse to be violent towards people that get on my nerves.
Reminder that codemonkey is personally responsible for these threads.
I used to be like you. But then I thought the draft shouldn’t exist, and women in general have no place in war. People will be reminded of that once a major war is fought with a lot of women.
They get raped before they get murdered. Also the same typical hoe shit women do irl and there laziness doesn’t magically stop when they join the military.
Really, the women's draft should allow an alternative: marry and crank out 3 babies within the next six years, or suffer the same penalty as a draft dodger. Justify it as anticipating the need for warm bodies in the middle east for the next several decades.
Go fuck yourself shill.
K, i, k, e spells kike!
I was going to tell you you're a fag but your dubs have convinced me. How do we get Daddies little cum dumpster on top of an IED?
Tthis. Women whine about how they should be exempt from military slavery because muh' babies but women aren't forced to get pregnant.
They'd just pop out half a million more Nicolas Cruz and Elliot Rogers. We need better than that. I'd rather see G.I Jane forced to back up their ludicrous imperial worldview.
I'm for it only to weaken the US military
Irrelevant. They’re never going to bring back a draft because there would be a popular uprising against all these pointless wars.
Do you have Chad daughters?
Kill yourself cunt.
Not recognizing Nasim Najafi Aghdam
I know OP just puf himself to the top of rhe draft list. Good luck OP.
no we should always protect our women, that is why I pay alimony and child support for a child I never see even though I am living out of a car.
what have you done for the white race today? my check is in the mail.
Only reply if you have ways to make a movement out of this please.
Ladies could be drafted–into the Ladies' Corps–to be mothers.
now we're cooking with gas
Paid shill confirmed.
Still 0 valid reasons for automatic draft dodge exists for females.
Let's unpack the logic, shall we?
That taken care of, we continue.
>'involuntarily celbate' people caring about some (((shill)))
>main reason for this is that women will whore themselves out at just about any low price thanks to (((societal programming))) making prostitution affordable to all but the most indigent
>most "involuntary celebate" people (((shill))) is trying to shame get generous disability benefits and can easily afford sex, making them volcel
As they say in revolutions, take control of the media first. "Hey user, did you know that Bourdain killed himself because he was fucking six year old NXIVM girls? That Anderson Cooper is a big felching faggot, that (((Wolf Blizer))) is a sayanim?"
I know chyou… ask any Q'uestions.
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