California organizers cancel Women's March due to 'overwhelmingly white' participants

"Participants did not represent the diversity of the area"

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I so hungy I think I’ll eat my friends!

So they are outright admitting they don't care about womyn rights or whatever the march actually meant, and just wanted to virtue signal?
We knew this already, but now so will the normalfags

It's funny, they made race the new class system, and white synonymous with bourgeoisie, and now all the little leftie whites are being shunned. Who could have seen this coming? Being self-loathing sub-human filth though, they'll find a way to be more inclusive and denigrate themselves.


This is exactly the kind of shit that made me decide I didn't give a shit what the left had to say about anything. Their hatred for Whites is so obvious and so glaring they can't even function with people who are supposedly their allies.

This is great. It will drive those shitlib white women straight towards tribalism.

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One can hope. Sadly, the majority of the women who attend these kind of things are what the Communists call "useful idiots". Not even damning evidence contrary to their own beliefs will drive them toward the light.



The problem most of you have is you haven't received the proper education. If you simply get yourselves $80k in debt Professor Ezra Goldstien will walk you through the necessary documentation that outlines the pyramid of victim class. I am just laughing at you (and literally shaking in fear) at how this doesn't make sense to you. White women are victims of the 17th rung on the 4th ladder in the pink light spectrum. That makes them 134 sheckles lower than transexual muslim p.o.c.s that have been violently verbally raped and raised by homosexual parents. Get educations before you talk about a subject!

Like pottery.

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Nice copypasta.

So they just admitted that the white genocide and prosecution are real all along.

No it won't. They'll just cuck harder.
Stop thinking women will ever be your saviors.

This just in: Women fucking suck at organizing things. Descend into being catty bitches instead of accomplishing things. Male allies requested to step in and fix their shit.

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A lot more often than the media lets on.

Not often enough.

Most people are useful idiots. But I know from personal experience that this kind of anti-White behavior is very enlightening to perceptive women.

film it

what if they are cancelling because too few people are buying the feminist lie? and they hide this fact by spreading bullshit?

I doubt it. Women are really fucking dumb. But if that were the case, it would only accelerate their decline, not prevent it, so it wouldn't make any sense. There's plenty of dumb bimbos to go around. More than likely it really is what's presented at face-value. They've done this so many times in the past. They've been attacking "white feminism" for years now. White women are dumb enough to keep toeing the line tough.

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tbh this is a worrying fact. the fact that a lot whites women attending femikike march means a lot of white women are simply brainwashed.

Resident of Humboldt here:
Eureka is directly next to Arcata, a college town housing Humboldt State University. It has one of the highest female:male ratios in all of the California State University system, something like 65:35
Tons of white women who immerse themselves in hippy culture and get tattoos, nobldy is surprised they cancelled it.

Ironically enough, there SHOULD be a homeless student march, as HSU also has one of the highest percentages of student homeless ess, at 1/7 or 14%. Almost 1,000 students are living in their vehicles, in the nearby Arcata Community Forest, inside of empty classrooms, or on friends’ couches.

It's always the hot, victim lesbian that an heros too. Never the landwhale butches.

no fucking shit. women are the goodest goys. REPEAL THE 19th AMENDMENT!

Have you been hearing the fucking HILLARIOUS "the cannabis industry needs to be less white and more diverse" crap that they have in Canada? (Aside from a few Italians the Canadian pot industry has *both* Sephardic and Khazarians!)

Not really, mostly just griping about legalization. Prices have PLUMMETED since legalization, the county is far poorer than it used to be, homelessness is now a massive issue in the region as trimmers and growers have seen their prices fall to 1/3 to 1/4 of what they used to be.

Marches like these are social events.

You're probably too young, but there was a movie called 9 to 5 with Dolly Parton, Lily Tomin and Jane Fonda from 1980 or so. Billed as a feminist movie, they literally kidnap Dabney Coleman and take over his office to implement shit like (((job sharing))) and (((daycare))). SO BRAVE. Anyway, that mentality is what these marches remind me of.

So basically they had about 100-150 people RSVP and they decided it'd sound better if they cancelled the event out of some kind of racially charged nonsense opposed to just admitting turn out was going to be too low.

A lot of friendly pot growing hippies are now moving the harder shit too because there is no profit on pot.

The jews are begging for a real holocaust. So much for their intelligence…

Eureka, CA
>Population in 2014: 26,925 (100% urban)
>Males: 13,638 (50.7%)
>Females: 13,287 (49.3%)
>White: 19,741 (72.3%)
>Hispanic: 2,960 (10.8%)
>Asian: 1,566 (5.7%)
>African: 311 (1.1%)
>American Indian 563 (2.1%)
Seems like more than 7/10 people were non-hispanic European. Chances are, these low-iq marxists don't know that Hispanic people are European and mostly do not look Mayano or Azteca. They are just dumb bigots and said too many Europeans. It's like they have never driven around Humboldt County, where they fucking live.

this is a fact, the republic doomed itself when it allowed women to have political power

Feck off. Women are your equal but opposite. Respect them or perish like all the marxists.

That's racist.

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I bet the "white" women were trannies and jewesses.

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Calm down nigger >implying a TORpedo can be rational, we're capable of believing two complimentary things at once. Women are our opposites in that they are the more emotional ones. This comes with positives and negatives for society at large, but (((they))) knew full well what those negatives could do and pushed for "equality" anyways because of how that emotion could be manipulated for political ends, giving (((them))) power over those whose minds are ruled by logic. Respecting women doesn't mean wanting them to have to work, or wanting them to vote.

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Men are strong, women are weak.
Men are intelligent, women am dumb.
Perhaps they shouldn't be.

White knights aren't allowed here. All jews deserve the oven and so do trashy, unrepentant women. Any woman who wants to be treated with respect like a lady must first stop acting like a hole.

wh*toid women once again confirmed for traitorous feminist garbage that hate men, never ever breed with a wh*te

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This will drive white women to the right? Wouldnt hold my fucking breath. Women are so fucking stupid in general what makes you think this will make them see the light?

oh boy this fag again. nobody wants your gook girls, you can have them all

Asian American females do the exact same thing as their white counterparts. Our pozzed society facilitates this.

Any lurker would have predicted this. Slowly but surely they will turn on their white useful idiots because theres no room for cucked whites in their clown world distopia.
They want to rule over 80IQ zombies, not entitled and fussy 100IQ white cat ladies.

Many things happen in the span of 24 hours.
Why does ABC news decide that this is the most important thing to feature?
Why is something infuriating to white people deliberately given focus?

80% of you fall for it, hook line and sinker.

Race is simply hardware.
Yes there are different types of hardware.
But the important part is the software that sits upon the hardware.
Unfortunately the size and shape of hardware restricts which software can be run.

wrong, 60% gooks in america voted for dems. kill yourself kike

This is shit, Asians in the US may as well be left-leaning whites; Asian men are effeminate and faggy and American Asian women are just as bitchy (if not moreso) than their white counterparts.

sure bro … no theyll start getting dreds and convert to judaism

and good for them , I dont want their retarded ass

That won't happen, but they will openly degrade themselves with rhetoric shitting on white people, our history etc. Anyone expecting a logical response from a white woman is a moron. They will do anything to fit in. Their rebellion is specific to white men, for some reason, while the group they'll to anything to fit in with is the shit-skin diversity horde.

Oy vey!

well bro tell me when all the fucking smug anime kids become fucking chads.

lets be realisitc:
1) we lost these women when their dads divorced their mothers and even before then when their dad decided to live among blacks

2) these women will never learn to be white because that culture is completely toxic to them. They wont be mothers, this is something you learn at a very young age. Sure theyll learn to cook, but they will never be a white matriarch of a strong white family. Damaged goods bro. Good luck with all that.

Im not going to marry a girl from a broken home, how many white women does that leave? More power to you.

Checking those trips of truth

This is so perfect, why not wreak havoc by making already indecisive women more indecisive by constantly telling them their march isn't diverse enough, so they shut it down themselves?

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Women have been the tool, or sword, that has helped the growth of marxism and socialism for the better part of the last 100 years. Alimony, child support, welfare, affirmative action, civil rights etc. Women were the ground force and social agitation behind all of it. Yes, we need white women to make white babies, but shut the fuck up and place the blame where it belongs.

I think at a certain age the hot one finally realize they spent their entire youth on virtue signalling and faking lesbian relationship for attention rather than having a biologically correct family. Too bad for them female age like shit and no one wants old pussies not even thirdworlder.

Meanwhile landwhales are okay with it because they're not getting it either way, they literally have nothing to lose.In fact, I think dykes are pushing for lesbianism on the hot one on purpose knowing it will ruin their lives because they're jealous of their looks.


That never was marxism, you use that name to be able to call them commies.

Humbolt County Race and Hispanic Origin
White alone, percent 83.5%
Black or African American alone, percent(a) 1.4%
American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent(a) 6.3%
Asian alone, percent(a) 2.9%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, percent(a) 0.3%
Two or More Races, percent 5.6%
Hispanic or Latino, percent(b) 11.7%
White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent 74.3%
Guess they'll have to bus some niggers in for the thing
Enrichment in 3-2-1

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Scratch a buddhist, find a kike.

Do they even know what happens when minorities get together in a city to rio- I mean protest? Well they are going to feel like real morons soon enough.

Here comes white knights for the rescue.

The participants were all jewesses, and this was a sly way for whites to cancel feminism.

100-150 RSVPs and most of those were white, so they flagged it

It's a leftist protests, that's a given.

Whites don't throw public tantrums when they want to change something.

Women's marches : White Men :: Nazi Rallies : Jews

Remember, Hilter was a SJW fighting the Jews the same way Women are SJWs fighting the white male.

Chose your sides carefully.
Both nazi rallies and women's marches are wrong.
Unity not division.

Fight the elite who use division to control us.


you can't make this shit up

Kikes are not white and shabbos are honorary kikes.

You're getting the purifying flame, yid.

We're already divided retard. Divided by race. It's the most popular thing to fight wars over in the world, why on earth do you peanut brained MAGA B.O.O.M.E.R.s think shit is going to be any different here? It's going to be massacre vs massacre until a new sociopolitical order is forged. Star Trek multiracial utopia was never going to fucking happen.

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But "muh days in the sun".

Remember that codemonkey is personally responsible for these posts.

Women should take more hiking trips to Muslim and african lands to find more diverse individuals to join them. It'll be fine, completely safe.

The blame isn't on white women, it's on white men. It's a major societal level necessity that men control women or all kinds of fuckery and cuckery comes down that breaks civilization. It's the fault of men that women were even allowed to do this shit to begin with.

Hispanics are not White.

Yeah, but now you have cut women lose and they will have to form their own society and civilization. Sink or swim time for everyone involved.

he doesn't mean Saskatchewan, he means California. Humboldt, California is right next to where this was supposed to take place.

Women are herding animals, user. They will always turncoat to what is more socially acceptable because it's in their DNA to follow that way in order to attract and potentially find a mate. It's just that society and culture has moved onto feminism which is an ideology that goes against traditional women's values and success for ensuring a future for mankind to continue to prosper. You can see where the paradox comes in here.

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Now look here, I'm not gay you faggot, but that's one fine aryan ass.

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Its just an excuse to cover for the fact that the entire march has become irrelevant.

Wait, what?

Yeah, I know, I was talking about pot growing, not hockey team vs. peat moss.

This is a good chance to redpill women on the jewish anti white agenda but I don't think the average woman is capable of thinking beyond temporary emotions.

How things turned out in communism:

Early day antifa rioters and gays got gulag'd.

These people never learn though until it's too late…

Do you even know where you are?


At least two more Women’s Marches have been canceled, including in New Orleans, where its chapter cited “several issues.”

“Many of the sister marches have asked the leaders of Women’s March, Inc. to resign but as of today, they have yet to do so,” the New Orleans chapter said in its announcement Saturday.

Top leaders of the main organization have been accused of engaging in or condoning anti-Semitism, of not cutting ties with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, and of failing to heed the concerns of its thousands of Jewish backers.

“The controversy is dampening efforts of sister marches to fundraise, enlist involvement, find sponsors and attendee numbers have drastically declined this year. New Orleans is no exception,” the chapter said.

New Orleans has held a Women’s March for the past two years. Marches are scheduled for across the country on Jan. 19.

On Friday, the march in Eureka, in Northern California’s Humboldt County, was canceled over concerns that participants would be “overwhelmingly white, lacking representation from several perspectives in our community,” the group said in a statement. Humboldt County is about 74 percent non-Hispanic white, The Washington Post reported, citing Census Bureau data.

Good. Women having rights is now racist.
Now we need the trannys to take what's left and hopefully a lot of women will start waking up to all this crap and push back.

Aww your poor hugbox :(

Are they fucking retarded? Are they trying to make even the far-left women find some sense of racial identity? We should thank these dumbfucks.

This topic had me curious so I looked deeper into the issue and what I found will undoubtedly be of interest to other anons. So as you know this "march" has been cancelled in a large amount of cities and areas ranging from claims of racism, to claims of it being too white to whatever. Bottom line a shit load of these stupid things were cancelled, all but one. Now the one in question comes from a smaller city in CA and it originally just looked like your typical CA bullshit fest but upon closer inspection I found some interesting things going on with it.

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This is the hurtbox.

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Napa Valley is richfag wine aunts, that's the simple reason.

It could also be a "we are in deep shit, Mr. Soros pulled out funding after finding out about FEMEN Israel" kind of thing.

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i think you overestimate the imagination of the brainwashed masses user.


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