< We're very upset at those antisemitic bankers too goyim
This is the level of retarded jewing our $4B/year buys? archive.ph
< We're very upset at those antisemitic bankers too goyim
This is the level of retarded jewing our $4B/year buys? archive.ph
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Trumpstein and Satanyahu are probably scratching their heads trying to figure out why their co-opting isn't working.
Nice try to co-opt the movement.
"rising prices"
They are trying to poison the well.
Hey there Zig Forums! I'm a Jew just checking out this forum, and I really have to wonder why you hate us. Why do you hate me?
Are you just mad at school? Are you mad at the government? Do you think it's seriously unfair to have to sell cakes to gay people? Listen, if you're angry at Jews, just tell me the issue. Is this about something I did personally? Or is it about a Jewish stereotype? Do you think Jews control the media?
Well, I don't sell cakes, I don't do banking, I don't control the government, and I hated school too. And I'm not in the media.
So why do you hate me? I've done nothing wrong. I am a real person, a human being just like you. I'm innocent, so why do you hate me? Do you want me to die? My mother and father are innocent too! My father does boring science about Earth and rocks, and my mother does part time barista work.
No one in my family is evil or has any social influence? Why do you hate me??
Bless your heart. dearie.
What a waste of trips. Allow me to edify you with a reply for the sake of any lurking newfags. Jews overwhelmingly are overrepresented in the upper echelons of media, law and finance, each of these a potent tool, and with said tools they push for policies aimed at the extinction of european populations and their way of life. As such there is no alternative but antisemitism, because jews in power don't seem capable of stopping to think "gee, maybe we shouldn't pursue genocidal or democidal actions at the expense of our generous host nation populations". As such clearly the population of jews must be brought to see the grievous error of their leaders choices at all costs to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. Fucking kikes.
Heh. The likes think the YellowVests are about "rising prices."
I wonder when they'll realize what it's actually about. Maybe right as the rope snaps tight, but I doubt it.
fishing for replies i see, Hershel. What's the article called?
So why do I have to be your enemy then? Just for supporting israel? I don't even support Bibi. I just want Jews to have a home.
I ddn't want whites genocided. I don't even call myself white or trick anyone. I want eurpean people to be happy and free. I don't know anything about immigration or anything like that! You make me feel scared. this whole board does. cant you just have normal war on a jewish government if you hate it so much? why genocide?? why me?
You're write Chaim. #NotallJews
That good sir was shooing the pervy camera man away from his wife.
Your father's likely a geologist and is part of the "discovery" teams that found oil and gas in the Golan Heights. Your Father is probably at fault for the millions displaced and the hundreds of thousands killed because. To repent I'd take your toaster into the bathtub with you next time
< jews target the entire white race for genocide
< jews demand to be judged as individuals when their victims have had enough
Yes, you're a very special boy.
stop accusing my father of things he didn't do!! he's just a nerd who likes rocks. boring rocks like sand formation and volcanic rocks. he sometimes talks about new ways to filter ocean water. we dont even live near the ocean! he just wants to help people! why are you so mean? I did nothing and my dad is just a boring writer. he doesnt do oil or have anything to do with globalism or oil. hes just a normal person. I even asked him directly about a jewish plot and he shrugged and said that politicians were either stupid or liars, never neither, and sometimes both. just like anyone would say. we arent rich, and thats why my mom has to work! stop accusing me of false things!
this isnt fair. you keep talking about killing jewish people, and then you lie! you're the liar, accusing my family of things they didnt do. that's not right!
I didnt target anyone for genocide! neither did my father, and probably not his father either. and my mother is a good mother and just does boring mom things.
you're the one talking about genocide! Ive never wanted genocide of anyone in my life, but YOU do! you're the one who wants to genocide. im a normal person who doesnt want to hurt anyone ever. i just want to work for tesla or another cool tech engineering company. Im just a normal person who wants to help people. youre the one who isnt normal. youre the one who wants to genocide people! stop with your evil thoughts. I feel so afraid. but i did nothing wrong! stop it please.
ill go to my rabbi and ask him the truth. ill tell him to stop supporting white genocide if thats what you want. but I think he's innocent too! if you think im doing something wrong just tell me so i can stop.i dont want anyone genocided. not you and not me
please just give me mercy. i dont want to live in fear. i just want things to be normal and i dont want to be afraid of you. you're my step brother when it comes to genetics. we're family, even if not the closest. please dont do bad things to me.
We have already had this thread so unless there is something new about protesters wearing yellow vests in Israel, piss off.
You seem like a troll. But whatever. This isn't OUR problem. It's YOUR problem, and you better get your shit together with your "kind" before the jack boots start stomping about in tel aviv. I NEVER wanted this. I NEVER wanted to look at someone and say to myself "fuck that kike." but then i realized, You are so different from me that it doesn't bother me to think that. I'm not happy to admit that, but YOU JEWS have broke our trust SOOO many times. You take ADVANTAGE of our kindness. We let you into OUR countries and you manipulated, deceived, lied and kiked OUR peaceful, homogeneous, happy little lives up. All I ever wanted to raise a family with a good wife, but YOUR fucking feminism bullshit fucked that up. YOUR open border pushing policies in MY COUNTRY has absoloutly fucked my little town up. It might as well be Mexico now because of YOU. fuck you Jews. I suggest you start talking to your rabbi real quick like because a mob like the one thats building in France is going to be the start to people taking actions into their own hands. And in case you didn't forget last time, YOU don't like the way we solve YOUR problems.
I hate you because of your giant hooked kike nose sucking up all the air, you filthy kike oxygen thief.
You're getting the gas moishe.
This is obv. fake. Everyone knows that yellow jackets are WASPs
Very nice.
But I didn't do anything! My entire life my father just told me to be a good person, keep my nose down, and make the world better by being kind and honorable. you're being tricked by propaganda! you're being manipulated then.
we don't need to be friends, but please give me mercy? i don't want my family to die.
I don't like feminism either. I'm a nerd! women don't even like me. I'm just a tesla and battery nerd, and my father likes rocks. it's a stein thing. stone. it's what the second part of my lastname means.
but it's just stone! stone isn't bad and i'm not bad. please give me a chance. Ive read the posts on pol. i ddnt want to dd anything that makes it worse. i feel your pain. you say jews cant feel empathy, but you're wrong. it might not be as natural, but i feel the collective pain on this forum, and I just want you all to feel like there is hope. i want you free and happy.
but how do I stop feminism? women just do it! I cant stop what they do. please dont blame me for what others do. if you want to blame someone, blame their name, not their race. because im innocent!
You're full of shit. Go live in israel with your nerd family and maybe we can be friends in 3 or 4 generations. Gtfo.
because you're ugly
The problem isn't women, it's the betacucks that have them rights. Look at US, the eternal Anglo were a bunch of faggots that gave their women rights the moment some of them turned to vandalism. Look at Cuckistan (India), the biggest feminist shothole on Earth, it would make Sweden blush… they have laws were all fake rape accusers get money and were all forms of rape exist while men can be forced at gunpoint to marry an ugly they never met. Look at Japan, who the eternal Anglo forced women's vote on them, they birthrate hit the shitter the year after that.
Feminism has 3 millenia of recorded history, and it all starts when men think women are anything above a child.
Feels good to be right about this clown world
do white people get a home? would you leave a white country to give them one?
Fucking truth.
Get the fuck out of this forum then. You have a fuckton of work to do and if you don't start doing it NOW then someone will come and do it for you.
Why do you hate all gentiles?
howzat make ya feelzzzz?
if jews have a home, they should all fuck off and leave there while burning their old passports
Obvious psy op is obvious.
"Oy vey Chaim, they goyim in France know! Quick, lets hire some actors for fake protests in Tel Aviv and publish it via Shlomos media companies! That will show the goyim we be jus like them… *rubs hands*"
Jews are jewing jews pretty hard btw.
If you aren't an Ashkenazi jewing foreigners you'll work for $1000 or less while rents are astronomical.
This reminds jews why they never wanted a country to begin with. Parasiting off their own doesn't work that well…
You're not scared yet.
>immediately begins his "muh good jews" kvetching
Amphoras of ceramic.
Don't waste time on the bait, you dumb fucks. Go drop redpills on these newspieces.
Hey there JIDF! I'm a white goy just checking out this forum, and I really have to wonder why jews hate us. Why do you hate me?
Wait until the yellow vests is a trademark with TV shows explaining precisely that the movement is about expanding feminism and multiculturalism.
There used to be a punishment for children caught smoking. The parent would make them smoke the entire pack of cigarettes or box of cigars.
Israel is just the racial version of that. But will they learn?
It doesn't matter what YOU did, kike. It matters what YOU DIDN'T DO. YOU didn't stop your big boy jews at the top from fucking with the goyim. YOU didn't police your own. YOU didn't enforce decent social norms in your community. So know YOU are on the list for the oven with the rest of your kind. The time for sorting the good jews from the bad jews is over. You're all getting the rope, bullet, or axe. White Europeans shouldn't have to sift through a sack of rabbit shit to pick out a few chocolate chips. This time, we're throwing the sack in the fire and calling it a day. Now fuck off.
This person's trying to derail the thread. It more or less worked. Filter him and move on.
fuck off shill, you are shilling in this thread and that is reason enough to hate you
I hate you because you wasted perfectly good trips
Get in line for the oven Shlomo
>(((OP))) thinks anyone will fall for it
Remember anons;
Report D&C threads.
Sage D&C threads.
Filter D&C threads.
Remember anons;
Report slide threads.
Sage slide threads.
Filter slide threads.
user get with the times.
Remove head from ass next time.
OP is a retard. You can't lump yellow vests into a single category. There are communists putting on the vest, there are nationalists putting on the vest, there are national socialists putting on the vest, there are people angry about prices putting on the vest, there are people angry about immigration putting on the vest.
Jews doing it just means they want to poison the well and reinforce that its just about prices, and not about immigration.
Why does JIDF always use TOR?
JIDF uses TOR to make TORposters reputation lower
The french Yellow Vests might have already been co-opted. look into Thierry-Paul Valette. Someone like him could easily be the downfall by doing something like manufacturing a charter. The risks almost go without saying.
This thread also serves as a potential announcement/warning.
oyyyyyy veeyyyy
the same reason you hate yourself. Because you are cursed stain upon this good earth.
Please be true, and please provide recording of voice.
Leftists regrouped after the initial uncertainty. Now, Macron and the media are pushing that the Yellow Vests need to split from their right wingers.
And it's working, the Yellow Vests on social media are witch hunting the fascists among them. Eventually there will be only socialists left, who will gladly steer the protest into Macron's lap. Remember anything, gamergoys?
Did you retards think for a second that unarmed populus was going to be able to do anything against armed elite?
holy fuck this place is dead
Kike first post:
Why does the Talmud hate me?
Why are people replying to a torpedo engaging in blatant pilpul?
"But I'm a non-malignant tumor, why do I have to be excised? I mean, I'm still contributing to your direct physical degradation, but it's not like I'm malignant and trying to kill you myself…" this is your argument, Jew. It won't work here.
Why are people replying without using the reply feature of the chans?
Sorry, sheesh.
This, I want it to happen too.
Put simply; your kind has a greatly disproportionate amount of control over our homelands. When you are removed, it will be no different from removing other kinds of peoples. We're whites who want our nations to preserve white interests without foreign influence. While you appear to be fairly benign compared to others of your kind, that doesn't really matter in the bigger picture. People either protect their interests or become slaves of others interests and I find it really hard to believe you wouldn't want to defend your own. You'd be becoming the slave of another system, you know that right? Given this belief that people always prefer to work in their own interests it wouldn't make sense to have a nation comprised of a mix of people with individual interests. To preserves our own kind it is necessary to remove all outsiders such as yourself from our nation as many others have done before. I really don't care if you have your own land in Israel. Bomb the crap out of sand niggers for all I care, just get the fuck off of our land, stay off of it, and stick to your own people instead of subverting others for once.
It's evidently bait, but good practice for the newfags to try out their fangs. Everyone eventually has to face the jew and they will act just like that, friendly and innocent.
France seeks a radical e-governance model mirroring Estonia's by around 2020. Macron may try and quell the protests with UBI or other socialist policies, under the condition that they all adopt an electronic government ID. He might also capitalize an engineered demand for order on the part of normies.
Cool astroturfing, Efraim.
One moment I was like:
Then the other moment I'm like:
Put it in a single image for phonefaggers to share.
if you kikes actually all left for Israel and stayed there I would gladly support the existence of Israel (not with financial aid).
but we all know you kikes would never leave your hosts while there are still shekels to steal. even if you hold no hatred or animus against Europeans the cultural and political goals you will naturally support will benefit you and yours over me and mine. it is only natural. since we have competing views of political organization and distribution of funding we are natural enemies.
if you are a smart jew you will leave for Israel with your family and stay there.
whites have learned a lot about how your people operate when you get what you want in our countries. we won't allow it much longer. get out while you still can.
Seconding the other user, please do this, record his reply and post it here. You'd be asking him to apostatize from Judaism.
Enslavement of the Goyim is fundamental to Judaism. The Talmud instructs Jews to manipulate, lie, cheat, steal, kill, anything that possibly advantages Jews over Goyim is not only permitted, it's an obligation. Why do you think Jews have been expelled so many times through history? Do you really think your people were unjustly persecuted for no reason? If someone got kicked out of hundreds of bars would you think the problem was the bar managers or him?
Jews unfailingly behave as an ethnocentric group, that is how they are able to succeed so well in individualist Western societies, then they attack any other group that tries to look after their own interests, most of all their hated enemy, white Christians. Jews murdered tens of millions of white Christians in the 20th century, covered it up, then fabricated the holocaust to defame their victims. Don't take my word for it, read these articles by a rare, honest Jew: