Thank you for the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps Western Civilization can still be civil.
I'll give your girly anecdotal evidence the same benefit of the doubt.
It is still an insufficient definition, unfortunately. You evidently have some parameters on what you consider a Jew. Good for you. Now show me how the average poster has the same parameters. It's a hazy collective definition at best. No project worth a damn will ever be accomplished on such shaky ground. It's already the general sentiment that nothing ever gets done, I'm saying this is the cause.
You recognize the issue yourself when you put good in quotes.
What are going to do about 1115b4? How are you going to help bring us together as a more effective team? Or should we all just continue name calling and calling thread shit? Because we can keep doing that. Look what it achieves. Nothing valuable.
Lets get some damn results.
Mods: Why you gotta delete the thread? At least bumplock for reference?
Hah! You couldn't handle it, could you? You deleted it yourself out of frustration, but couldn't handle it, and had to come back, eh?
First off, lets get that last post I wanted to get out before you beleted your own thread.
kys /int/nigger. No, that's 30.7% of my contribution making this thread worth anything at all. Don't make /int/nigger threads and I won't have to, /int/nigger. Nope. Good. The present world is shit. See? You can't conceal shit can you? Again with this 'muh meritocracy' shit. And? Your genetics did, thus your parents did, as theirs did before them. And? The software is dictated by the hardware, by requisite. You can't run Windows XP on a typewriter, and you'll never be able to. Thus, no, you're objectively wrong, because you can't run the software on all forms of hardware, can you? Lurk. The evidence is there, if you haven't seen it, that means you haven't lurked long enough, you nu/pol/ /int/nigger. Yes, you are. You're muddying the waters with no gains to be had, in order to push this deradicalization shit with your "Not all Jews, goyim!" shit. They aren't non-specific, you're pretending they are to create a strawman to muddy the waters further. We've been over this already. I'm tired of dealing with you in thread after thread after thread just because CM thought it'd be funny to deradicalize the board in search of shekels. Yeah, more than you. He responded by goreposting in your awful /int/nigger thread while laughing at you. Better content than anything you've offered thus far.
Dominic Adams
Now for this bit: It wasn't genuine. Western Civilization no longer exists.
HAH! Oh man you are a fucking faggot and a half my dude.
For YOU, /int/nigger. For YOU. But you were never genuine to begin with.
No, no, its not ME who considers it that. Its REALITY that dictates it so. There's some lack of clarity on that 1/16th vs 1/8th thing, but, that's because its consideration of an outlier boundary, and that's often not as clear-cut as one might hope. Beyond that small distinction, the definition of a Jew as I laid it out is accepted here and abroad - if you're genetically Jewish to a significant degree (the degree which is significant being the only real question here) or espouse the Jewish faith, you are a Jew. If you don't fit that quality but espouse ideology derivative from the aforementioned in large part, then you're more likely a philosemite (such as yourself).
Liam Gomez
Sorry this is all just way to radical for me. Your opinions and cool comebacks are just too much for me. You are single handedly keeping the flame of Western Civilization burning with your wit and productivity.
You are right, I am trying to deradicalize the board. You absolute fucking cancer black pill shill.
I don't even fucking know what /int/ is. I truly fucking weep for mankind. You. The people that can do something about it do nothing but shit on it. You are a worse evil than niggers. Because a nigger doesn't choose to be a nigger.
But you have all the opportunity in the world and you use it to be a nigger.
Tyler Gray
Hopefully you have a vagina, otherwise you are a massive faggot.
Easton Evans
I noticed. What're you doing, exactly? I know.
Aaron Flores
Wtf two girls even arguing about?
Jayden Brown
Deradicalize what? Your radical responses? What's so fucking radical about Zig Forums anymore? You are absolute superior to everyone and everything, you will even say so yourself, and you use this superiority to be a nigger.
You are worse than a nigger.
Jason Wright
You personally are the only thing holding back white man's potential right now. You changing your shitty nigger attitude is all it will take. All the effort you put into destruction with logic can be used to bring us together and lead the direction. You are a shitty leader. Leading us stright down the drain. If you are the best, it's on your shoulders to give us a good vision of the future.
Austin Lopez
He's upset that he keeps trying to deradicalize Zig Forums and people don't like it. I'm trying to get him to see why… But its becoming more and more obvious that he's just a shill, and not at all genuine.
People. Those are expressions OF radicalized people. I dunno which is MOST radical… Somewhere between the skateboarding NatSoc turtles and naming the Jew. By no means sir! I am merely a mortal man. I'm superior to some things, but by no means all, and my superiority is highly variable dependent upon the area you investigate. My race, my people, my Volk, the European people, are much the same. We are superior in certains ways, which make us more successful in areas of particular import, relative to other groups. I am the same. For example: I am superior to a lame /int/nigger shill who repeatedly makes awful threads pushing rhetoric designed to muddy the waters sufficiently as to create an absence of radicalized (relative to the context of the society in which exists) posters and/or posts. No, I use this superiority to mock /int/niggers trying to LARP as Jewtube e-celebs calling everyone who mocks them "white niggers" and such, on h8/pol/ of all places (nu/pol/'d out though it may be). And that's only part of the story, mind you - a small window in an otherwise expansive existence, mortal though it may be, containing a myriad of different areas of interest and pursuit. Wh
Seems more likely to be Jews my man. You can't even tell me what 'results' you want, you silly /int/nigger twat, without having a rag moment. And I do - against you. I'm not here to rally the forces, I'm here to make and influence the creation of rhetoric and propaganda, because that's what this place is for, newfag-LARPing /int/nigger. You started a thread claiming "Not all Jews are bad!" and demanding an objective and ubiquitous definition of the term "Jew", then deleted your own thread when you got what you wanted and weren't able to deal with the resultant commentary. You're a coward. You're afraid of what is to come. And you probably should be. And you think that's gonna happen on Zig Forums? What is YOUR vision of the future, eh? One where "not all jews are bad", perhaps?
Stop bumping your shit thread, nobody wants to see it, and I'm only humoring you because I can multitask it.
Ryder Evans
Just laughing at some nonsensical cuckold being btfo.
Jace Reed
John Clark
You are one dense son of a bitch.
Did you know a Jew created Cybernetics?
Jonathan Carter
All jews must be killed.
Jackson Watson
Whatever cyberpunk fantasy you live in, with multiple threads open on your linux machine, streaming Japanese animation, the cybernetic structure was created by a Jew.
Your life's glory is built upon information theory designed by Jews.
There are clearly good Jews.
Some "Jews" are just zero power gypsy drifters. It's a mixed bag mutt label.
This is why it is necessary to be more specific than just "Jew"
Andrew Lee
Sage negated
Go kill yourself on twitch
Christopher Morgan
The non genetic ones who just worship an imaginary father figure in the sky like other religious retards To erase, how about all of them?
Says an /int/nigger LARPing as a newfag. And? ??? What glory in my life are you referring to? My laughter at you? There's no glory in massacring the weak, even where it might be requisite. No, there aren't. We've been over this, but I'll repeat it for you again:
Adam Barnes
BASF. Jews invented Zyklon B. Jews invented the Holocaust. Jews invented Jesus. Come on man, they do invent.
Christopher Torres
Your posts are based on an assumption that anybody is as anal as you to read the entire post.
Lucas Cruz
They don't invent anything, you just described innovation of fields that were already extant. You mean a jew fiddled around in a lab until he found a composition that suited the needs of x,y, z, undoubtedly funded by Europeans, at an institution created by Europeans, in a European nation. Woooow, wonderful, where would we be without Jews? Oh, nevermind, we'd be the same place we are, and much much better off no doubt, even if it theoretically might have taken us a wee bit longer to figure out how to gay lice at maximum efficiency. I can't wait for them to come up with a digital version, because this board needs fumigated BADLY. Good, its not actually for you anyway.
Luis Harris
Shorter. Better. The ratio to characters you've typed to mine is worth ridicule. It's a good measure of frustration tbh.
Luke Cox
No, you having completely given up and resorted to 4chan /int/ bantz? THAT is demonstration of frustration. You gonna delete this thread too now my guy?
Jack Cruz
Unpopular opinion: There are good Jews.
Thomas White
Yes, you already made the thread, got BTFO, deleted it, then made it again in frustration. We know.
William Foster
Time between responses. You horney for this dick m8?
You are worse than a nigger. You CHOOSE to be a nigger, with all your available resources. WHY?
Charles Thomas
Cooper Johnson
Easton Kelly
Sebastian Phillips
Come on now son, I know you've got a mancrush on me - and I hope that's all it is - but this is getting sad. At least answer some questions, make this fun. Fucking a dead fish is no fun.
If you can't answer some simple questions I mean… Pretty /int/ nigger bro. Do you need someone to explain to you what /int/ is too? ;^)
This faggot isn't going away, he's been here for weeks now, and heavy red-text spamming isn't the way to get rid of them either.
Carter Clark
Fascist = Faggot. Bundle of sticks = Fascist There is no denying that this is letting off some sexual tension for both of us. If only imageboard retorts got you laid amirite?
Agreed. Doesn't change the fact that some software sucks and some software rocks. The software that rocks is all that matters. I don't care how good your graphics card is.
What are you even talking about? Like seriously? I didn't read what you were talking about here. To swing it around to my point, that Jew alone is not a specific enough term, being objective is a start. But objectivity is limited by resolution and specificity. That's basically the whole point. Say an arm is infected. We currently call the entire arm a Jew, when the infection is the only part that must be healed. Surgery requires being specific.
My vision of the future is a productive, prosperous utopia.
Adrian Jenkins
Your software, that you personally run, is destructive, destroying other productive software.And you think it's good software because you've got good hardware. Your volk. Your people. You're worse than an Apple fan boy.
Michael Moore
You are a gross faggot my guy.
Good. Yes, most non-Whites are pretty much TI-83's. And that, on rare occasions, a TI-83 might get made with left-over Microsoft parts and SOMEHOW end up able to run Windows 98? Not sufficient for me to want to argue for their inclusion within my network - especially if their software is nothing but malware, as in the case of Jews.
"Like seriously". God damn it I'm actually arguing with a fucking twat, aren't I? Good Gods this board has gone downhill…
We say "the tissue which is more than 1/16th gangrenous must be removed, as well as any tissue openly demonstrating signs of infection". And then you complain "that's a scab on a freckle, not a pustule!" while gesturing at some brown/green lump in the middle of the rot.
I asked you to be specific… Gods damn it woman…
Alexander Collins
It's only a matter of time before all matter is properly positioned into its ideal locations for maximum productivity and prosperity. Either this is a piece of abstract software your hardware can process or you are an obstacle. Your personal behavior makes you an obstacle. Most niggers are obstacles. Most Jews are obstacles. But you, the super multitasking cpu that you are, CHOOSE to behave like a nigger obstacle. You aren't bothered that 80% the user base falls into the frames of vocabulary created by Jews, using them for their thoughts exclusively.
All matter will be properly allocated. A superior vision is all that's necessary ultimately. How do you communicate this with uncommon language? Vocabulary must be standardized, specific, and properly defined. Explain better alternatives if you've got them, but right now this is the best option.
Kayden Gomez
Or, you know, just keep being a nigger.
My children's children will be able to view all anonymous posts in a holographic simulator during this period in history, and they will look at your posts specifically and say WOW, this single person was throttling so much potential by behaving like a fucking nigger! Dissecting each post word by work, and not even in the name of productivity! And how!
You are a bump on the nuts of the future prosperity of mankind all because you must stubbornly try to make a political appeal to a crowd. If you truly consider yourself superior, you know nobody else is fit for the responsibility of resource allocation. Resource allocation towards what goal? Your muddy vision of an apocalypse? Or a utopia?
Unpopular opinion: there are good Jews.
A major vulnerability on Zig Forums is an insufficiently defined, generalized boogie man of "Jews". So hung up on this on this that the entire board gets diverted. Energy diverted away from productivity towards the future. Energy diverted away from project, planning and work. You are an obstacle. 09b281 you are an obstacle, and you're bright enough to realize it but unwilling to do anything productive about it but make appeals to the audience.
John White
You are a lost cause 09b281. But I'm not giving up on you. You'll see me in other threads.
I'll be right there, trying to penetrate your dense hardware and share this meme of the inevitable positive position of all matter, moved by men willing see through today's bullshit, disciplining themselves to take the responsibility to do what is right.
Jackson Morris
I still don't care. You still can't tell us what goal.
David Cooper
This board has truly become dogshit when THIS is our moderation (and it is).
Brody Parker
Name a down side of killing ALL of them?,"we" know a number of the popular ones,probably enough to recognize them on the street,and "we" saw enough of their tactics to be able to spot jews and jewish plots offline,so name a down side of killing them ALL.Why take the risk and let them live?