How exactly should we be preparing in the midst of America's radical demographic and ideological change?
Should we all be preparing for the impending brown socialist government? Or should we continue living and not worry about it?
How exactly should we be preparing in the midst of America's radical demographic and ideological change?
Should we all be preparing for the impending brown socialist government? Or should we continue living and not worry about it?
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race war
I highly doubt we're going to have a hot race war.
I predict that a brown socialist government will take over sometime between 2024-2032, and then the insanity will begin. I doubt right-wingers will ever really "rise up" in some constitutional revolution or some shit. It's just a fantasy.
Training like a motherfucker.
strong education in computer/electronics security, OPSEC, technology and practices to avoid surveillance, maintaining alternate identities, in addition to standard survival/shooting/engeneering/war-strategy skills you can find on murder/k/ube so as to be ready to go innawoods and hammer up your own satellite modem and computer with iron you melt from river sludge
Why did you make a thread then?
Reduce your contribution to jews and shitskins.
Harden yourself, try to live as much as self providing as you can, try to build the best household as you can for your girl to grow kids. Adore nature, read the right books, love your people. Find a girl that wants to be your femine woman instead of the "fashoniable modern feminist".
Harden your kids, tell them that a man of 1000 year ago is much more masculine and therefore way more attractive and usefull to our race than the "emancipated modern faggot" that our government is converting our beautiful people to these days.
Heil Odin!
Sport, Survival and gun-clubs. Organize, teach group behavior to children and families in your neighborhoods and make the whole movement apolitical and the least bit interesting for any non whites to join. Create bartering communities for home grown food and self made products. Build up businesses that only produce locally and which predominately produce products for whites, keep that workflow steady without falling for capitalism, while helping other white firms create a local safety net.
Where do I go to learn more about this? Zig Forums?
Start with /prepare/
Stop masturbating over mutt tiddies. Prepare for total war.
In an attempt to blackpill I guess. Looking at the retarded mutt he posted I'll go ahead and sage.
have lots of white kids and get a good job and buy lots of guns, the west will need sons
Fire up the chainsaw
Hack all their heads off
If there is nothing wrong with being a minority, then whites have nothing to fear.
If there is nothing wrong with being ruled by a white government, then what will change when the government becomes brown?
there is nothing wrong with being a minority in a country where minority rights are taken in consideration and respected
hence, there is nothing wrong with being ruled by a white government
but brown governments have a close to 100% track record of not respecting any minority rights if the country has more than a microscopic level of corruption
and in fact they don't respect any rights at all when it's not for the exclusive profit of the ruling elite
and the dreadful level of (((corruption))) in burgeristan guarantees that if whites become a minority, it will become hell on earth
for everyone except the usual suspects
post moar tittney.
The insanity has already begun, user, but why worry about something you or I cannot control? The only way you'd be able to have any real impact is if you go out killing the insanity because the plan has been in motion for a long time by powers we can't see, but that's a dumb idea unless you're on your last thread and on your way out of this life anyway. You should focus on improving yourself and learning valuable skills that will be needed for the remainder of your life such as electricity, mechanics, engineering, robotics, automation, programming, etc. like this user said (checked).
I have a feeling that if shit were to hit the fan, one of the first things a society would strive to re-establish would be a clean water supply and an electrical system, and in that order. Without clean water humans simply cannot survive and prosper, and without electricity many healthcare options will not be available so people will die off en masse. Both are extremely important to a healthy society. Being an expert at one or both of those fields can be invaluable now and in a SHTF scenario. It can't hurt to learn about those, among many other subjects, but you can't be an expert at everything so learn what you like as long as it's not a useless field. There are books all over the internet about these subjects and nothing is stopping you from learning.
Lastly, don't be a fat fuck, stay in good shape, keep a clear mind and stay off drugs, alcohol and medications unless you absolutely need it. If SHTF and you've been used to taking the same big pharma concoction for years, you're going to have a very bad time. Don't let the kike keep you down with their substances.
Keep moderately fit.
Know how to use a gun.
Hoard coffee and tobacco. (No really, the moment the economy collapses those two become luxury products perfect for trading)
Whats the point of hoarding luxuries when some people won't even be able to source clean drinking water, or enough food to feed themselves and their families?
The fuck?
would bang the shit outta muttley here, not gonna lie
First tear down the Jew.
Then take your country back.
But the Jew must be dislodged from banking, government, media, and the law, first.
Support anyone willing to kill the central banks, no matter what country you may hail from, and support anyone willing to make dual citizenship a disqualifier for political office or appointment. Break up the media conglomerates with antitrust laws.
A ban on infant circumcision will be the icing on the cake, and the Jew will leave.
With the Jew gone and the brainwashing ended, stringent immigration policies, such as the use of deadly force on the borders, will be possible.
Also, policies such as paying minorities to be sterilized will also be possible.
We are whites, one of our primary advantages is that we can plan ahead, in technical detail, and take the actions necessary to achieve future goals.
We can insure demographic shifts in our favor, if we merely make the moves necessary to steer our countries in the right direction.
rescind E.O. 13166 make English official Language of the USA
"…Clinton thrust upon America before leaving office must be E.O. 13166, which forces taxpayers to foot the bill for government documents, voting ballots and other official papers to be made out in 20 or more languages…"
rense dot com/general72/press.htm
pic needs inquisition turned into invasion
Friends, wake up, the racewar already happened and we lost . It is time to flee or! find a scheme to live within clown world. The muds and have overrun our (((walls)))
Blackpill fag.
Nothing is over until the whites decide it is.
Fat drunk and stupid isn't going to save your kids from the browning
I se the kikes are improving their bot technology. They're halfway coherent now.
Take the lucid pill and recognize that just over 200 years ago there still were atlantean buildings in north america. Many had free energy devices but places like salt lake city basically sprung out of nowhere and within the supposed span of 20 years had giant intricate cathedrals and the like during a time they should have had log cabins.
Many of these modern cities were just found that way. Already in city form. Its so hard to comprehend just how cucked our history has been but basically its all make believe hahaha.
The powers that be have been fucking about for a much much shorter time than we realize. They've had many attempts at this and this time they've tried to painstakingly create our timeline in a way that will lead us to a utopia.
Too many people are awoke politically to let the ball get pulled too far to the left when correcting from trump. We all are paying attention.
We will be freed
Not fat, not drunk, and the only stupid thing I see here is you.
You think we're going to listen to your nonsense?
Where do you think you are?
Pillow humpers like you are the main reason I come visit pol occasionally is to see that there is no hope. I'm going to hope for the apocalypse and just try and keep the brown outa my genes until someone comes up with solution that doesn't involve us being slaughtered in some misfire tard war
Fuck off quadroon-lover
Hi, can you fuck off?
Only a Jew would wish for Hitler. Permanently destroyed Arayan nation, United Jewish front. Fully mutticized Ameriduh.
I saw this narrative on some jew’s channel by the name of Levi.
We wuz kangs don't you mean?
be three friends since childhood in mid 1990's
parents take them all to same "small" neighborhood 95% Caucasian church as children, fall out as teens, playing vidya games
zero game w ladies in high school
two to army, one to college
still zero game w ladies after four years, return home
parents take to now "large" multi-cultural 50% Hispanic church (yes, after just 10 years)
Two marry Hispanic Teens (18-19) who were visiting from mexico, one marries Hispanic widow 22yrs w kid who married in USA at 19 met her husband while visiting from mexico via soccer
And they become soldiers against us. Great. Remind me again how we are winning?
We're not. Because faggots like you don't have the will to do what it takes to win.
There are "things" crawling in the walls. Should I be goncerned?
There they go again.
I don't charge machine gun nests. Please do so and bleed out.
Start by shitting on christniggers and deprogramming yourself from shit crypto reactionary political ideologies
Black pill shill
Yeah it's fantasy, a group of christnigger reactionarys larping as fascists will accomplish fuck all. These people have lower IQs than even mainstream conservatards and the mod worship on here is insane.
Oh, imagine that.It's (((ashes and echoes))) posting defeatist shit alongside an ugly mutt.
Black pill is not an insult faggot
user, outside of major cities, clean natural spring or glacial water is pretty abundant.
With redpilled animes.
Yes it is, you fag.
Black pill = You can't win. Why even try? Just give up, goy.
lots and lots of HRT for when Big Dick Arabs and Blacks invade, you're gonna need to be real pretty and feminine for my harem whiteboi
you will be executed
whitebois are so cute honestly, no wonder you make good femboys
fuck off torfag
you will be executed
It's all over. No one ever wins. Agony is all that exists. Lube me up, Scotty.
kill yourself
Fucking kill yourself.
Is he here?
It may please you to know that there was a (FBI?) study on the effects of a long term blackout (12-18 months IIRC), and they estimated that >90% of the urban population would be cleansed in such an event.
seems about right, no one here is white, it's just self hating mutts like you
I don't hate myself, I hate faggots like you. Learn the difference.
you are a disgusting faggot. Kill yourself.
You're a fucking joke, faggot. Kill yourself.
Cigarettes and alcohol are high value trading items. Because most people are dumb fucking morons, they will actually trade valuable food for a little booze.
Not everywhere. Many regions need water pumped up from aquifers that are polluted due to industrialization. My own water is disgustingly iron rich. This is a real problem.
Saging because OP is a faggot
another level of cope
You're a fucking joke, retarded Jew. It is not because I am not part of your black stereotype that you gain some rhetorical grounding.
I repeat: kill yourself, faggot.
whiteboi cope
your mask fell, dirty Jew. Kill yourself.
I'll detail how I wised up at a young age and became a millionaire at 23 before I give some advice.
My advice is learn to be an introvert but improve yourself. Educate yourself. Do self studying and research. Workout. Eat healthy and eat raw when you can where it is safe. Exercise. Drink mostly water but look into also drinking green tea, drinking kefir, kombucha and milk. Lose weight, gain muscle. Learn to tailor your clothes and patch them up. While these are the basics of what I've done to improve my health and lifestyle, I do have to expand further.
The younger you are, the better and easier it is. First and foremost, don't waste your cash. Don't spend your cash. This is where being young helps, especially if you're living with family. Put everything into a savings account at a local credit union. Let it build up while you study, get /fit/ and generally improve yourself. Avoid buying clothes that are nothing more than advertisements. Get plain color clothes. Jeans, cargo pants and a good pair of dress slacks are all you really need outside of shorts. Go to Goodwill or some other secondhand shop and you can buy a couple pounds of clothes for under 10 bucks. Patch what you need to, hem and tailor everything else. Good upkeep on your clothes helps them last longer. Clothes should be washed on gentle and air dried where applicable. Avoid using scent beads/boosters. Vinegar, Borox and baking soda are all you need with your detergents.
Fuck media. Fuck the MSM. You don't need cable, netflix, hulu or anything else. You have the internet. Look into a pirate box you can make out of a Rasberry Pi or simply just pirate shit. If you need vidya, look into Steam and GOG. Only buy on sale and only purchase with gift cards. Sell cards and other useless digital trinkets you get from them for money you can use for vidya. Get a library card, rip DVDs and music from them. Fuck rentals. Shop around craigslist and rummage sales for VHS tapes and VCRs. Either watch VIA the VCR or rip the VHS to a DVD. Learn to identify, buy and fix up computers and other tech to sell for a profit.
Learn to cook at home. You can control quality, ingredients and how much you make. Less hassle and less cash wasted. Fucking cut out fast food and ready to eat shit.
Save. Save. Save. Cut down on utilities. Cut down on spending. Find change or money somewhere or on the ground, pick it up and bank it. Put all change into a container. When it gets full, take it in. Learn to identify precious metals, gems and stones. Buy at rummage sales and second hand shops only if you know you can make more off them. Sell to gold and silver dealers or jewelers to make profit. Save some for yourself.
Don't abandon your parents. Live at home but help out through kicking them some cash and helping out. You'll save on rent, taxes and other shit. Cut down on utilities for them. Aerators. LED bulbs. Insulation. Identifying and fixing leaks. You can do so much to help them save money.
Don't go out. Avoid theaters and other venues. Fuck concerts and events that are similar. You have the internet. You have vidya. You have the library. If you need to go out, do it by yourself so you don't waste money. Go to an art gallery or the museum or something similar that's free or cheap. Change of pace can be the zoo or a rescue. Volunteer at least but never waste your cash.
oh yeah it's a triggered whiteboi
keep LARPing as a black man, it was cute
Once you get a sizable amount saved up. Take a quarter of it and divide it into money market, bonds and CDs. Diversify always and stagger. Once you do that, save up until you double up what you were left with after the quarter removal. Rinse and repeat every double up.
Fuck college unless you get a scholarship or someone was able to get you in and fund you but don't go to go. Get an idea of what degrees you want and how far you want to advance them. If you're unsure, go to a trades school or become an apprentice. Learn a trade or two, get a job and bank your cash. Learn about taxes and how you can get deductibles and pay as least as possible.
Spend less, save more. Budget. It may sound simple but human impulses are fucked due to this jewed society.
Learn to fix your shit and modify. Game systems can be rigged to play pirated content. Learn to fix appliances and cars to get your money's worth. Learn to repair and do simple maintenance on computers. You can make a lot of money doing this simple crap.
Flipping houses come down to a few things
You can do the three yourself but you have to learn to identify issues and how to sink the least money into a house to make a profit. Painting, countertops, floods and wall repairs generate some decent value. So does the roof, curb appeal and aesthetics. Planting a garden can increase the value a bit too. So yes, landscaping.
Flipping a business is harder, but learn to identify its value. Once you get that, and the believed income generated in the future you can figure out a good sell price. Sell to some idiot minority or liberal. Watch the business tank or get foreclosed. Snap it up again, like a house, and fix some minor shit. Either rerun it or flip it for money.
Renting property generates a constant flow but it takes a few years for a profit.
Finally, you have to look at yourself and what you're doing. Once you get the money, or find a way to generate a flow you can work on power. Once you got power (a business or house or land or some combo of that) you can get women. Work hard on learning about women before a relationship. They're fucking nuts.
If we don't fix our borders and get more white people working as farmers, construction crews, electricians, plumbers and similar jobs the future is a muddy shit color.
These jap toon fags are insufferable. Just go fuxk a pillow and go away
you aint done shit you fucking liar
>not denying being a filthy Jew paid to shill
Disgusting rat. One day our patience will run dry.
Colored people do not have the same instinctual altruistic mindset that whites have. Being kind to people of a different race is a trait exclusive to whites. Colored people are savages for lack of a better term.
The 'white government' is such due to the genetic makeup of itself. If and when it becomes brown, a 'brown government' will take its place. You think a bunch of Mexicans or Somalis will just magically continue on the same traditions of a traditionally white government. Or would Mexicans create a 'Mexican government.' Or would Somalis create a Somali government…if there is such a thing.
A government is only as good as the people that take part in it.
aka. Our Race Is Our Nation
You're either an oddly shaped kike, a spic-nigger, or just really fucking stupid. I'm leaning towards a combination of all three.
When you don't fall for the Jew society meme of having to go out to have fun, you can remove most waste and frivolous spending. The biggest drain on a person's budget is their need to have "fun". Clubs, theaters, parties, concerts. Remove those from your life and replace them with the library and similar venues. Suddenly you have more money. Remove sable/satellite, hulu, netflix and rentals. You now have more. Stop using smartphones, replace it with a burner cell and a pay as you go plan. You now saved more. Stop going out to eat or buying junk and fast food. Cook at home and shop on a budget, you save more. Learn to build a computer to your needs and that's even more saved. Society is built as a trap that enforces consumerism. You don't consume as much as others and society tries to ostracize you. You learn to deal with it and keep moving on, you end up saving more. Jews hate this. This is why they created shaming tactics like introvert, virgin and neckbeard to persuade people to stay in line. White men tend to find it easier to cope and save up their money while finding ways to save more and improve themselves.
If you have money, a home, a small lot of land and worked on yourself before marrying you'll be farther ahead than most.
Kill yourself whore.
Who's a whore, kike-chan? Seem angry about this thread for some reason. Lot of people bumping unrelated threads VIA tor. What did someone post that could cause your shekel flow a problem?
Can I work for you? college educated white male, I'm in the Midwest
want to piggyback on this and say to cut your own hair, been doing this for years and I've saved so much money on haircuts, it is ridiculous.
some guy i overheard said prepare by killing judges
Bayouanon here. Continue living and don’t worry. Be smart about what you do and form local groups that you won’t advertise to the (((alt-right))) or anyone else. Realize that America never has nor will ever be 100% white and make concessions if you’re trying to save it. If you’re trying to form a new nation long-term speaking, always go for 100% white but realize that you’ll have some tokens on your side and thus, more concessions.
I used to attempt the latter with different organizations until I realized that they’re just hubs and not serious about forming a new apparatus and country. America itself can probably be salvaged to an extent and I don’t mind it if we can return to around 85-90% white. I’ve always been into black women, anyway.
Who the fuck pays you jews to shill transracial shitty propaganda on 8/pol/? Could you be any more blatant?
The same way they always have, OP. Oh… you have two, narrow minded scenarios. Well, depending where you live, shitskins being a majority or at least in vast abundance is already a reality. jew media has prepared everyone else for such filth.
That's never a way to live. That's like ignoring a hole in your roof. You know rain is coming.
Again, same way as White men always have because this is just another challenge where the results are the same. Higher fucking taxes, inflation… who cares what the cause is? You have to deal with it the same way.
If things get really stupid, like new for America, third world type stupid then it's a different ball game obviously. I don't see anything forced until they try and change the Constitution. So be attentive and watch for red flags like challenges to the first and second amendments.
You've never met an, angry Nazi or you wouldn't have another day. At least without shitting in a bag at the very least, but you larp on.
excuse me sir this is a sfw board, you may not post bestiality porn on here, you must now kys and add a spoiler to that shit, lurk for two days and enjoy your ban
mods = gods
bravo mods, toast to you, thank you for cleansing Zig Forums of filth and race mixing propaganda
knowing what i know now, i would advise you to become a cop (get to kick ass, eventually be a detective and really put the scum away. basically it's the only way to legally be violent and not die in a foreign country) get an AS degree in HVAC, or maybe a degree in programming if you can handle that without snapping.
breed young and often. find a good looking bitch (completely disregard her politics, they never have good politics and you shouldnt listen to them anyways.) get as many children out of her as possible. you cant count on her to not abort them, but you'll just have to keep trying until you can get some children of your own. if you can get like 5 kids out of her she is less likely to divorce you as she will be busy with the kids and totally dependent on you. this will give you purpose and a strength.
also, chances are you are not going to do, say or write the thing that people will remember in 100 years, but your bloodline might still be here, and that is most important.
do not seek truth, everything about our truth sucks. try to stay as normie as possible.
be a prepper, that is more likely to provide for you than the government. its also a normal low time preference behavior that is natural for Whites. it s hedge against inflation at the least. also, the government doesnt actually do anything for you, you most likely take care of yourself if you are White, and you pay government taxes which also doesnt help you. you dont need them.
get a local group for networking. churches, gun clubs, interest groups. you need a network.
beyond that only regional groups are worth it, i dont think any nationalist groups are going to make america white again, so a state sized or multi state regional group is best.
get /fit/ carry a handgun, learn to shoot and go once a month or more.
understand no one is going to look out for you like yourself
Rule 4.
Prepare by posting pics of mulatto camgirls.
White males could…
1. Get off the GRID as much as humanly possible like Uncle Varg, live in the woods, live a simpler life and if you can find a decent woman to be your white wife have the exact amount of children you can sustain financially in your particular situation.
2. Join the Northwest Front by migrating to that part of the country and eventually making contact with Andy Donner (Harold Covington's successor) and the rest of the "Class A" whites and learning what you can do for your race to make the party stronger.
3. Vote for Jewish controlled Republican candidates, bow down to a false Jewish god by practicing Christ insanity and surf probable CIA ZOG agent Apedre Angloon's the Daily Jew and shitpost on Zig Forums pretending you are "winning, winning, winning!" and have "tiger blood" and that even with the massive amount of Jewish ass your Jew controlled Republican president/presidential candidate kisses its all just "4D chess" and he's really going to fulfill promises A, B and C to you and all whites at some unforeseen time in the always "not so distant future" that of course never comes.
Uh yeah…
So I'm thinking either option #1 or #2 is what any sensible white should do if they actually want to even attempt to combat the Jew and their control of our world.