Drug deals, gay clubs and prostitution on every corner.
Totally jewed up real estate prices (think 300-400k USD for 400 sqft) achieved via two means:
Artificial housing scarcity via jewish politics that prevent new buildings from being built for close to a decade.
Hyped up hipster city via (((media))) propaganda so every young person wants to move there as no family oriented mindset means hedonism and moving to the big cities by default.
(((Russian mafia))) involvement to clear lots of tenanted buildings. Most Germans are renters with indefinete contracts that never bothered to buy cause apartments cost about 20 years in rent and there was little increase in pricing beyond inflation.
Once cleared via construction noise terror, cutting off water, electricity etc. on the regular and fire bombing peoples apartments if they still won't budge they're renovated and sold for these crazy amounts as it's very hard to get out tenants legally.
All major real estate agents are jewish run. They're either involved directly or indirectly in renovations and development. (i.e. blacklabel-properties.com/meet-our-team/ is jew run and 30% of the team are jews)
Private equity kikes are buying up public housing, riling up leftists who are ultimately powerless against them.
>Pears Global has its headquarters in London. They own 6200 apartments in Berlin through letterbox companies. People from Syndikat travelled across Europe piecing together clues, finding out about empty shell companies in Luxembourg and luxurious new developments in Copenhagen - all owned by the secretive British billionaire property Moguls (((Pears Family))) , who are buying up huge swathes of Berlin and other European cities.
Of and lets not forget the EZB near zero interest rate (european central bank) policies that even make it possible for people to borrow such gigantic amounts (a good non management income with many years of experience in Berlin is about 40k I'd say).
As usual kikes are working on common goals even if they don't directly benefit.
Isaiah Garcia
i.e. means in essence. e.g means eggsample.
t. Grammar national socialist
Robert Powell
But otherwise good post.
My parents went to Berlin a couple of weeks ago. They got a segway history tour from a Russian Jew.
Samuel Morris
So it's just like everywhere else America touches.
Brandon Bailey
Wow; Hitler is spinning in his grave.
Asher Barnes
Associating the degeneracy of americanisation with America, instead of the jews who infested the US and are the main reason for that degeneracy, is like associating the degeneracy of Berlin with Germany, instead of the jews who infest the city of Berlin. Don't point your finger at the ailing host, but on the parasite that is corrupting him from the inside.
Aaron Flores
That's semantics at this point and will remain so until serious anti-jew activity exists in the United States. Filtered.
Nolan Phillips
Entire world is turning into a Weimar empire of degenerates.Only options is moving to inuit community and start clubbing seals.
Ryan Gutierrez
You're not on reddit, fag. Although I somewhat agree that the masses are yet unaware of the jq, blaming them for being beguiled by the organised efforts of the whole tribe that also pulls the strings behind the curtains under a disguise of being "white" (when it benefits them ofc) is a kike rethoric if I've ever seen one.
Oy vey don't blame America for being the mercenary of the kikes! It's not our fault if we kill our brothers for profit!!
Luke Moore
Michael Turner
The only problem is that its all becoming Weimar. Hitler and the NSDAP got into power because Germany was still very conservative, very nationalist and the decay hit hard and fast. It was a wake up call, a shock to the Germans and they wanted something strong to fix that mess. Now, we've had generations of decay, the slow burn and we're more divided than ever.
Grayson Ortiz
Samuel Powell
I can blame both, seeing as how it wasn't Israel storming the beaches at Normandy. It was her jew-owned puppet.
Said nothing of the sort, but keep jumping the gun and sperging out. You can stay quiet.
Ethan Martin
Why is that a bad thing?
William Richardson
Just filter tor
Dylan Harris
the German lower class and welfare class has been turned into slaves even below rapefugees as they're slowly been kicked out making space for them
they're destined for homelessness at this point
they often have no skills or work experience for two generations and due to high taxation, automation and globalization there are ever fewer low income jobs available which mostly get assigned to women
leftists will never see their oppressors for who they are though…
Maybe Astana is the most possible seat of future, international communism?
It's already built and cozy in the middle of remote soviet land, and good 'ol kike-hating Borat already played his part and made Kazakhstan look like the asshole of the world, nothing to see there.
It's not Weimar era wickedness until people are selling their kids to jewish pedos for food because they're starving.
Caleb Ross
They got rid of Walmart
Ian Wood
Children are already sold to jewish media pedos in hollywood so parents can get rich
Look at biĺly eilish, her parents groomed her to get fucked by jews and dindus in exchange for shekels
Jacob Miller
we'll be getting there soon
there is virtually no low income housing available
if you aren't a top 20-10% income earner you'll have to beg weirdos & commies for a room in a shared place
I predict a surge in underage prostitution once the legal age limit is dropped (it's already removed for marriage)
the most hardened mudshit gangsters from albania also offer anything to anyone that can pay
they force girls into prostitution from eastern euro countries via trickery
Aiden White
Berlin has always been a hive of scum and degeneracy. The name is derived from "Swamp, Morass" after all.
Christopher Lewis
The Nazi party during Weimar. It was a response to it. National Socialists were built in the trenches. The old guard were WW1 vets, they were made in fire and blood. Unfortunately, as you said, this doesn't exist today.
Isaac Gray
The Nazi party wasn't built in Weimar I meant to say. Fucking tired and mind blasted.
Not my fault you can't deal with facts. I'm sure you're more interested in your macho LARP anyway.
Nathaniel Baker
Neither Berlin, nor Brussels, no London, or the entire country of the U.S. is remotely comparable to Weimar. The only thing Weimar was superior at at this point is the economic situation. Degeneracy wise there's really no comparison. Back then at least the problem was largely limited to the shithole of Berlin as is typical with most modern soulless rootless cosmopolitan cities tend to degrade to. Now you're talking small towns of 5,000 to big cities of 5,000,000 suffering the same Weimar degeneracy problems.
This is why it's impossible to go back or forward without a complete destruction of what ruins are left of the West so they can be swept away and replaced with something that has to be far more ruthless to anything that doesn't tow the line to its ideals than we've seen in all of history. Germany could recover back then because it had the rural that it could pull new life into the cities and mold it into a specific spiritual outlook on a wider scale. Pull someone from the rural areas now into the city and it'll just swallow that person whole like a buffet because the corruption has already set in over the course of years and decades.
Jack Sullivan
Wasn't Germany, but when girls get raped and turned into kebabs in the UK, it's getting there.
Asher Roberts
They still try this shit when his doctor records were found and the OSS source for shit was two kikes. Gas yourself.
Julian Howard
The satellite jew is a big issue.
Rural areas didn't have cable for many years, and often little TV. Now you can order hardcore gay porn from your remote control.
Noah Hill
The kikes do not need to buy babies, they are importing tons of nigger babies for free. There are tons of underage nogs selling ass in Berlin now.
Andrew Price
Hopefully it turns into Berlin 1945 soon. Putin please let your boys rape more Nazi whores to death.
is there an international conspiracy to put red tape. up to make it impossible to build skyscrapers? I live in Vancouver and development is so slow and they make developers demolish the building - build a fucking garden - garden for a couple of years - and only then can you apply to put up a new building. Plus we have all sorts of bs heritage buildings that can't be taken down.
Pol, redpill me on the property jew.
Ryan Hughes
Everyday I wonder how we'll ever revive white christian Europe again, we need to start taking action in real life, I'm sick of these fucking kikes and their degeneracy
Aaron Martinez
Oh fuck I didn't even know who this is and I just looked her up. The fucking kikery isn't even subtle at this point. She looks sick, she looks abused. This is horrible how can other people not see that something is very wrong with this girl and her situation? Even a bluepilled cuck should be able to see that physically for a 17 year old she does not look healthy. This is not how a 17 year old girl should look or behave. Her parents need to be whipped publicly and the kike producers shot. She'll kill herself within five years, believe me.
Julian James
This is absolutely fucked. The more I just researched on this girl the more repulsed I am getting. Truly this is Weimar. She had a video released where she displayed some "tics" that she claimed were from "tourettes" that she has lived with her whole life. Bullshit she has tourettes. She has the look in her eyes of every tired out junkie. Probably force her down, drug her and then send her off to dance with some nigger animal to make music. These girls burn out quickly so they need her going 24/7 in the studio, blowing kikes, etc to maximize shekels. Sickening.
This is what they want for your daughters. Wake up.
Billy Eilish is classy af, kikes are always kiking. It's not an aesthetic I'm displeased with. I'd rather them be dressing like candy the way the Japs do then this yoga pants painted on bullshit.
Carson James
Any country with a Zionist Occupied Government is Weimar.
She's literally wearing a dog collar in one of those photos I posted and in multiple videos is seen being pulled around on a chain around her neck by a nigger. Real classy, great role model. Can you at least try if you are going to shill? Fuck, it's not even entertaining. Her videos are about as subversive as it gets and about as subtle as your pathetic shill defense.
Carson Ortiz
she's obviously jewish
just look at the lips and eyes
Jace Perry
Bitch status: abandoned Reason: good
Blake Murphy
Why Berlin? What ever was their goal with this single piece of land being the pinnacle of all things evil, inhumane? Berlin had a major effect on why he and so many millions rejected the jWO back then. Berlin and the Weimar Republic era were instrumental in the evolution of the NatSoc ethos/mythos which swept into both Germany and Weimerica in the late 20's to 30's Knowing what they knew then about the Balfour Declaration(the Israel lie) and the Scofield reference buy bull(the emergence of Evangelism) was highly influential as well
Watch that edge, leftypol. You're frightening the children.
Another quality post on a global board.
Nathan Baker
What Bluepilling brings. Belief that you have no consequences of believing blindly that your ideology will provide if you only trust the government enough. Whites have a strong sheep bent, it works to build society but it also makes you stand placidly while you are "diversified".
Liam Thompson
Fucking Yurokikes started this fucking shit
James Evans
Way to blame a target of the war, moron.
Ayden Rogers
I can't get into it and no one would believe me even if I could give details, but I know a number of (((hollywood))) ppl in my family (no, none are Jews, must be one of thee.0001% who are not). One has an Oscar in a major category (though not acting), one is an executive producer of pretty shitty movies, one is an actor in films that usually make very good money (though not a leading man).
The days of (((excitement))) in Berlin when people like Oliver stone, Sean Penn, and George Clooney had places in Berlin are over. Oddly, they appear not to love the Islamic Diversity they shill for so much when the chance of they and their family being run down by a truck are fairly decent.
The new (((hot city))) for Hollywood types is Beirut. Which doesn't seem to make sense when you consider many of them are kikes, but Hezbollah is in the South and they really don't bother anyone. Everyone is either vacationing or buying 3rd homes in Beirut.
That’s because the kikes control weather they go to war with Lebanon or not. So essentially they are investing in an area who’s safety is fully under their control. Not to mention the foreign investment helps Hezzbollah indirectly.
Thomas Brooks
We're not truly at weimar levels yet. Call me when we have politicians openly fucking child prostitutes and entertainment tonight does drama gossip about which toddlers celebs are boning and what they wore to Oscar night with semen running down their thighs.
You would be very surprised how the gentiles among them at least are able to compartmentalize so easily.. when you are involved in a big movie that is going for 18 hours a day for over a year, then the editing and post-production, you really don't have time for anything else. I was amazed how little a family member knew about the politics in nation where he has been living and shooting for last year. Only answer was "all I know is ___[movie he is shooting], don't have time for anything else." You can bring up the hypocrisy of the Jews and Israel, and the answer is always: "well, that may all be true but that isn't going to pay my rent."
As for the Jews among them, supposedly they just don't discuss it. Also, the new advice from publicists re: twitter is to DELETE if you have one(and consensus is you are dumb if you ever set one up), but new people to industry are simply told not to set one up.
I would agree with earlier user who said the West is WAY past the level of Weimar. Weimar was at least racially homogenous and contained to a few degenerate areas. Even during worst of Weimar, you didn't have the leader of Germany parading around with a queer flag and police cars painted in the colors of faggotry (see:Canada and UK).
Let's assume…2% of the population is queer. What the hell purpose does painting police cars in queer colors serve? What purpose does "trans-rights" (maybe 1.4 of 1% of pop?) serve but to confuse and demoralize the nation?
Landon Long
Neo-Weimar Berlin is already here. As in Folsom Europe Street Fair.
this thread looks to be mostly people who have never been to berlin first thing to know it is a third rate provincial shithole of a city rather than a true capital if compared to other western cities (excluding of course the pozz present in all modern cities)
after being bombed out in wwII, 5 decades of gommunism and a crappy reunification it is a shell of a city, resembles a sleepy back water in stark contrast to the mega cities of the rhineland the city is very empty and contains many derelict buildings as there simply aren't that many people living there, space is not a problem at all for housing, just total lack of investment as the people aren't there to justify it outside of the citycentre spruced up with gibs from west germany the city really is like a timecapsule of communism this cheap area coupled with plenty of unguarded buildings to squat in has drawn in a hipster artist element that is amplified in the media, but in reality is so small to be non existent truly berlin is just a backwater if you want to discuss the current (((state ))) of gemany the poz is mostly seen in frankfurt, coincidentally the financial capital
Brandon Reyes
Jewish Domination Of Weimar Germany 1919-1932 by Eckart-Verlag Language English
And don't forget, what other city has fuckign memorials to their enemies and rapists of their women, but nothing to their own soldiers? Imagine if the nips were forced to take down all the monuments to their "WW 2 heroes" and replace them with memorials to Americans? How long do you think they'd rand that? Or memorials to the victims of Unit 731 all over Tokyo?
Brayden Hughes
I remember going to Frankfurt when I was a teenager and I arrived at the main train station.
Right in the first street away from the train station where heroin junkies shooting it up, mudslime dealers lurking around and hookers checking if I'm down for it.
I would hardly call Frankfurt a megacity btw.
Everything in Europe is provincial compared to New York or Tokyo.
High rise beehives just aren't an euro thing.
Berlin is full of impoverished dregs though from mudshits to untermenschen from commie times.
Kevin Wright
this is a classification error due to europese history where other countries received high tech late on and managed to build new cities unrestricted into unbuild land europe has the legacy of centuries of histories and a wide spread blanket of towns as such compared to new york or tokyo a single european city is smaller and has a lower population but if you take the entire urbanised region you end up with effective megacities the size of forementioned examples the rhineland is practically one city, the netherlands is one city to clarify with examples
Michael Garcia
it's very far fetched to call a whole urban region a city
real cities are high density to me, which is virtually no euro city outside of a very small city center
Manhattan = city, Central Tokyo = city, Central Shanghai = city
Jaxon Martinez
i didn't make that up, its established urban planning a quick google search will show you this, but in the whole irrelevant to the topic
Sebastian Williams
Why post here, insecure jew?
Liam Taylor
Until even the Inuit get broadband Internet connection and easy access to kike poison. The entire planet is fucked.
Angel Peterson
That's because leftists are kike-led controlled opposition. They're too stupid to realize this, though.
Luis Scott
Landon Cooper
Not only Berlin this time, this time it's the whole world.