When Europe was Pagan, Jews were poor slaves now after 1000+ years of christianity they are a wealthy ruling class. You might wonder how Jews became so rich? Well it all began when Jews successfully replaced Roman Paganism with Jew worshiping cult we call Christianity today. According to early Christians (who were all Jews by the way) the Jews are the Yahweh's chosen people. Because of this they were given special status during dark ages. Only (((they))) could lend money with an interest.
In Pagan Europe It was basically rich whites helping poor whites while making little profit. The interest rates were very low. If white man took 1% interest while helping his fellow whites the Jew would take 10% interest while using that profit to fund world wars and anti white propaganda.
(((They))) are using this money they stole from us through christcuckery to promote wars for Israel, race mixing, feminism, transgenderism and other degeneracy to even this day.
Just ask yourself Why do Jews follow an ethnic religion? Why are they so successful? Why are Europeans and other goyims supposed to follow a globalist religion?
You can make the argument that usury is bad even when the usurer is white, to that I would say allowing Jews to be usurers in Europe is worse. This is exactly what the christcucks allowed.
From the book KD Rebel. Christianity entered mainland Europe following the execution of 4500 leaders by Charlemagne (the Saxon leaders chose death over dishonor, they would rather die than live in a world where true European religion of their ancestors is being replaced by this new Abrahamic cult). Christianity had already collapsed the Roman Empire 400 years earlier, but clearly it wasn’t finished destroying the European race.
"Based Christian" Charlemagne, the father of Europe according to Christians, for killing Pagan saxons, gave Jews their economical power
Jew worshiping faggots (christians) rewarded the "evil jews" a lucrative financial monopoly of "sinful high financing that no European shall ever benefit from" and to move to the next country to fleece when the peasants got too riled up.
A protected class. Jews are allowed their own laws, to participate in government, are exempt from public service (military), “insulting” Jews is forbidden by law, etc.
A pariah class, Pagan temples, shrines and idols are to be totally destroyed, practicing Paganism is punishable by death, Pagans are to be exiled or executed, have their possession confiscated, etc.
Why would Christian emperors protect Jews but genocide followers of European spirituality? Really makes you wonder.
It's almost as if the Christian laws with regards to Paganism exactly match the commands and instructions in the Torah for the Jews to completely eradicate any native religions in lands that they conquest and occupy.
The truth is Christianity literally started as a sect of Jews for the goyim to follow. The early Christians were all Jews. I used to buy those arguments about Christianity being based, but after actually reading the bible and watching Thuleanperspective, it's clear that christianity is a Jewish program. What has happened is that Europeans impregnated Christianity with some Pagan morals but Christianity at it's core is absolutely Semitic, it literally started as a sect of Jews for the goyim to follow. Jews love Christianity for the goy they hate it for their own. Disavowing the rabbi nailed to a stick is the hardest and most painful redpill to swallow for many people. But nobody said the path was easy.
Holy Roman Empire, the time period where Rome was in dismay and christcucks used to call it Holy because it was ch*istian.
They were able to prosecute Pagans. Sure. But this Christian degeneracy and madness was not sustainable. Without the Pagans who built it, Rome was just a burden on rest of the Europe. Rome fell soon, then the plague (christianity) spread to rest of the Europe.
Did you know that Aaron of Lincoln, a Jewish money lender in England in 1100 was literally richer than the KING? Seriously look it up.
All this because traitorous christcucks banned white men from doing business. Christcucks tell you that medieval christian societies were perfect, they weren't. They were anti Pagan, Jew owned shit holes, very unhealthy society for sane people.
Yeah, but they're done being spooked into believing that there is only salvation through Christianity, and they think they'll go to some sort of heaven, when that place does not even exist, since demons don't send people to nice places. Ever.
Ayden Reed
Jews love christianity for the goy they hate it for their own. It's all amock fight. Our Pagan ancestors hated it too and let's be honest nobody want their tribe members to be weak.
When most of the Europe was still Pagan. Announcing to your family that you had become a christian could get you disowned. As it should be - coalburners are a disgrace, be it of the flesh or the soul. Jews love the fact that we are plagued by christianity.
Pagan Europe = All White, kept Europe strong and white. Zero bloodshed over religion.
Christian Europe = Got conquered by non whites, Arabs, Ottoman shitskins and Mongolian hordes. 800+ Years of Arab occupation in Spain. Nigger/sandnigger saints and priests, white girls now call niggers father, equality bullshit, pedophilia, brainwashed crusadecucks and deus vult LARPers aka warriors for Jewry fought and died for (((their))) desert holy land instead of defending mother Europe. Actually killed more Europeans than any other group (hint Northern crusade and Baltic crusade).
Europe was stronger and Whiter when it was Pagan. Christianity united us with wrong people (black and brown christians), it made us kill our own kind for religion, it made us worship our enemies aka the chosen people, it made us die fighting wars for (((their))) desert holy land (crusadecucks and deus vult LARPers) instead of defending mother Europe.
How can christcucks defend Europe when they are too busy fighting wars for (((their))) holy desert land (eg. Crusadecucks and deus vult LARPers)? When they are too busy killing White people for keeping Pagan traditions (Northern crusade, Baltic crusade, witch burning/human sacrifice)? When they are too busy killing other Christians for not following the same christian denomination (30years war which killed most Germans, countless other religious conflicts).
Jesus aka Rabbi Yeshua bar-Yosef was a jewy Jew and was executed by Pagans for trying to corrupt Romans into a religious cult. Sadly the fictional character 'christ' did not die with him.
Tacitus and Pliny the Younger on the Early Christians: The originator of the name, Christ, was executed as a criminal by the procurator Pontius Pilate during the reign of Tiberius; and though repressed, this destructive superstition erupted again, not only through "Judea", which was the origin of this "evil", but also through the city of Rome, to which all that is horrible and shameful floods together and is celebrated. westmont.edu/~fisk/articles/TacitusAndPlinyOnTheEarlyChristians.html
'Satan' and 'Yahweh' are the two sides of the same (((Abrahamic))) coin.
The dislike for christianity is not just because of it's Jewish origins. But also because of what it preaches. Christianity is directly in conflict with the ideology of ethno nationalism.
Love your enemies, jews are the chosen ones, don't pretend to be a jew you are the synagogue of satan if you try to infiltrate the chosen jewish tribe, meek shall inherit the earth, there is neither male nor female, you are all equal, welcome foreigners as your own etc… etc… It's not that christianity has been wrongly interpreted, christianity is simply wrong. We would be far better off following the true European faith of our ancestors than following jewish fairy tales.
Unlike christcuckery which promotes christian-globalism, assimilation & race mixing. Our true European Pagan religions have written laws condemning race mixing as well as homosexuality & other christian degeneracy. Remember a nigger cannot be a Germanic, slavic or celtic Pagan. Paganism is a blood and soil religion.
Tacitus Germania on Pagan German Morals:
In Chapter 4, “Racial characteristics of the Germanics“, he attributed to Germanic men & women that they all have common physical characteristics, fierce blue eyes (truces et caerulei oculi = "sky-coloured blue, dark blue), red-blonde hair (rutilae comae = "red, golden-red, reddish yellow, golden-blonde") and tall framers (bodies), vigorous at the first onset but not tolerant of exhausting labour, tolerant of hunger and cold but not of heat.[5]
Tacitus says (Ch. 2, “Origion and descent of the Germanics”) that physically, the Germanic peoples appear to be a distinct (indigenous), racially pure nation, not a blood admixture of their neighbors: "For my own part, I agree with those who think that the tribes of Germany are free from all taint of intermarriages with foreign nations…" They are divided into three large branches, the Ingaevones, the Herminones and the Istaevones, deriving their ancestry from three sons of Mannus, son of Tuisto, their common forefather.
The death penalty is reserved for two kinds of capital offenses: military treason or desertion was punished by hanging, and moral infamy (cowardice and homosexuality[9]) was punished by throwing the condemned into a bog. The difference in punishment is explained by the idea that "glaring iniquities" must be exposed in plain sight, while "effeminacy and pollution" should best be buried & concealed.[10] Minor legal disputes were settled on a day-to-day basis by elected chiefs assisted by elected officials.[11]
He also records (Ch. 19, “Sanctity of marriage”) that adultery is detested and very rare, and that an adulterous woman is shaved of her hair and exiled by the community regardless of her beauty. To limit childbearing or to kill children (abortion) is considered criminal. “In Germany good morals (customs) are worth more than good laws.”
Tacitus says (Ch. 18) that the Germans are content with one wife, except for a few political marriages.
Germanic Pagans: Punishment for homosexuality is death by suffocation youtu.be/0LLJQb3RAlo
>hurr durr pagans were gay and Óðinn drinks semen because (((Dr. Greenberg))) said so
Pagans Killed homosexuals and deserters. Were tribal and opposed Mixing. Supported monogamy. Limiting child bearing was seen as evil and adulterers got their head shaved.
Christian made homosexuals into priests and nuns giving them unlimited access to little children. The leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and a daughter of a priest, Angela Merkel brought in the biggest number of Christian Africans into Germany.
White guilt has Christian roots , and the Anti-Whites who think they are secular are even more zealous about Christian moralism (i.e. self-sacrifice) than those who continue to practice it as a religion.
Before Christianity, people naturally associated with their race. Christianity changed all that. It made people reject their ethnic and racial identity in favour of a purely religious identity.
According to rabbi Yeshua bar yosef aka Jesus, we have no race… “So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and the members of the household of God.” (Eph. 2:19)
How do you know that these percentages are accurate. Are you just inventing numbers or do you have an actual source that states whites would charge 1% interest whereas jews would charge 10%?
Isaac Peterson
Gist: Jew worshiping christfaggots allow jews to take over the banking industry by banning usury for everyone but jews. Christianity gave birth to global Jewish hegemony in the late middle ages by forcing Jews into money-lending positions. Christianity is directly responsible for the Jewish international banking system we have today.
Wasn't Rome pagan for 1000 years before turning christian and collapsing 100 years later? Don't Christians lead most of the movements for tolerance, diversity, and giving aid to third world countries (causing shitskin population booms)?
Weren't pagans so racist and evil that they raided subhumans and killed them en-mass?
Tfw. Christianity has been cucking the white race from day one. Friendly reminder the crusades attacked more Pagans living in europe then any muslims.
KIKE CONFIRMED Jews are taught that every empire ever collapsed because of yahwe's revenge against them. Never in the history of european countries you can find the same idea.
Parker Gray
>hurr durr pagans were gay and Óðinn drinks semen because (((Dr. Greenberg))) said so Have the supplement for that.
Btw, I'm STILL compiling a HUMUNGOUS counter to a particularily heinous bullshit I've seen on /christian about a month ago or so.
It will be one of the biggest BTFOs and seals against their eternal lies and subversion this board will have witnessed.
Yeah man. Christians are really good at mental gymnastics. We're supposed to live in eternity with Tyrone and Paco if they also love the kike Jesus…yet the bible and Jesus were redpilled on race.
No amount of gymnastics can change the fact that this Semitic death cult is foreign to Europeans.
I was reading this guy's stuff earlier today and he's pretty adamant (autistically so) about Jews fucking with semantics to corrupt the true meaning of the bible in order to paint themselves as god's chosen and legitimise their claim on Palestine.
Basically these, among a few other of big blog posts. Can any Christfags weigh in here? Is this shit legit?
Jaxon Phillips
Don't be upset, bro.
There is no hell, so just because you lost your soul to Yahweh the devourer doesn't mean you will suffer for an eternity, or anything. You will just return to the state you were in before birth, eternal darkness.
No heaven, no hell. Hebrew inventions are smoke and mirrors. Don't worry, though. We're working hard on exorcising the philosemitism so even places like America will have people that retain their souls again, even if it takes a few more hundred years.
Whites who date blacks = coalburners Whites who convert to christianity = soulburners
Logan Reed
Christians have an iq 6 points lower than nonbelievers, that's why these pieces of shit need constant censorship to top-down enforce their shit ideology.
Like this semen drinker who needs to be boiled alive in semen
Everybody used kikes for their benefit while being used by the kikes themselves. Read about the Sassanids, Arab and Ottoman empire and you'll see the same patterns, yids were everywhere and they operated the same way either in europe or in the ME.
And seriously, hating Charlemagne of all people just because he fucked the shit out of their saxon pagan cousins ? Europe only started being relevant again thanks to the Franks, visigoths were hummiliated by a bunch of berber/arabs, ostrogoths were btfo by other germans (lombards) ERE were fucked in the ass by the arabs. Charlemagne came and united all those retarded germans into a single banner becoming a force which even the mudslimes (which were superior to any german tribe roleplaying as roman at that time) recognized as someone not to be messed with.
Sage for shit thread. Jews have been money changers and money lenders pre Jesus times, hence the biblical story of Jesus throwing them out of the temple.
Fun fact: wheeling and dealing is an accepted practice in synagogues (of Satan)
Matthew Jackson
He's not wrong. The pope made it illegal for christians to lend money at interest and establish banks or lending institutions. As a result the jews had a virtual monopoly on financial institutions for almost a 1000 years. It's a classic case of the old "Every law has unintended consequences", except in this case it was blatantly clear by the 15th century.
Carter Brooks
Nobody denies that. That doesn't change the fact that the church and the monarchs handed them a monopoly over an entire industry on a plate.
Cameron Torres
There is no "d&c" when it comes to Christcucks because they are already conquered by the enemy right down to their very souls. To unite with a Christcuck is to become conquered as well. Any group that does not exclude Christcucks and work against the influence of their Semitic religion will never achieve results.
The Myth of the Twentieth Century, by Alfred Rosenberg
Originally, the Hebrews and Jews had been involved in an entirely pluralistic theology. To be sure, their tribal god looked after their interests and they after his, but none doubted that other gods of other peoples were just as real and effective as Jehovah. It was under the Persian empire that the Jews first learned of a universal, cosmic god, Ahura Mazda (the god of light) and of his enemy, dark Ahriman. They were later taken over as a universal despot—Jehovah—and his rival, Satan. The Jew gradually rid himself of all pluralisms, placing Shaddai Jehovah at the centre of all things, with himself as his authorised servant. Thus he created a focal point for himself, and this has preserved and bred his thinking, his race and his type—even if purely parasitic—up to the present day and despite any marginal racial mixing. Even when recreant Jews abjured Jehovah, they only put in his place what was essentially the same concept under other names. This they called humanism, liberty, liberalism, class. From these there reemerged the same old rigid Jehovah, breeding his offspring under a variety of designations. Since Jehovah is conceived as being materially effective, the rigid Jewish insistence upon one single god is interwoven with practical material concerns—that is, materialism—and the most sterile philosophical superstition, for which the old testament, the Talmud and Karl Marx represent closely related visions.
The same static instinct is the central core of the Roman church. It sets up a synthesis, with itself as the successor of the displaced god’s chosen people, and develops the same rigidity and formalism as Judaism, and as the later, also Semitic, Mohammedanism.
The Myth of the Twentieth Century, by Alfred Rosenberg
Between the mass hosts of Marxist chaos and the faithful of the churches, millions wander around upon false paths. These people are completely destroyed inwardly. They have been delivered up to confusing doctrines and false prophets who seek only personal gain.
Christians also happen to be the biggest non-jewish supporters of Israel in Finland too. Christians ensure the genocide of the white race with their mind disease.
potato potatoe - you are all jew worshiping faggots.
Just because you hate something doesn't mean it is not Christian.
Christianity was created by Jews to turn powerful white pagans into compassionate Cucks and mudsharks… Also retarded warriors for Jewry (crusadecucks) who fought and died for (((their))) desert holy land instead of defending mother Europe.
I daresay neocons are more christian as their blind support for the (((holy))) land is concerned, but that's neither here nor there, the important thing is, when the number are counted, christians support israel overwhelmingly compared to other spiritual and non-spirirtual voters, aside from (((them))) and generally think anyone who doesn't is a heretic
Just a pleasant reminder, that blind neocon faith is why we're conned by our own politicians into banking (((them))) by the billions year in, year out, while we fall apart from the inside and can't even manage to get a wall built, let alone some dismal fence, all because we're being represented by a bunch of ZOGGED politicians.
Christcucks are the reason we cannot have true un controlled opposition. Why should Trump stop funding Israel when his jew worshiping christcuck supporters don't want to? Christians will dox and hunt down any Pagan racists who refuse to bend knees to dead rabbi on a stick (pic related). Let's not forget that Trump gave Israel $38 billion and Israel already has a wall. But somehow he still doesn't have $5 billion to build a wall here.
>Implying (((Roman Catholicism))) was ever Christianity Are you new to D&C shilling or just a retarded jew still flogging the same dead meme that has debunked 6 gorillian times?
>which is why all the (((money changers))) in the Roman Empire were jews and they turned the temple into a house of commerce and had to have their temple destroyed hot take
Liam Jenkins
France is the master piece of Jews. They control it and use it to destroy the German spirit (physically as well) Hugely masonic momument in central Paris where one can read, alongside various Hebrew runes and notorious masons, the names of "Philip IV of France" and "Joan of Arc"… Both considered as notorious Catholic figures. Why would the Cabal (the "French" Republic) honors two Catholic figures ? It says all.
I don't time to make a webm right now but you can clearly see what the Jew thinks of "Joan of Arc" in "Edge of Tomorrow" where the strong womyn "Rita" fights the "enemy" (AYY in the movie) at the "battle of Verdun". At the end of the movie, the General of "UDF" even tell that now the "enemy" (read German) is defeated, the Russian and Chinese military will be able to "pacify" the West and rebuild.
jews love femdom because they are the weakest and most cowardly species on the planet. That's why the blue haired hambeasts, soyboys, bugmen and nignogs around the world make excellent armies for them. All of these I just named have six million more balls than the average jew man.
feminism in the west is the attempt to make human women as close to jewish females as possible, and the human men to be as close to jewish males as possible.
Lithuania BTFO crusadecucks. When they later converted, first thing the Christian ruler did was import a bunch of Jews and Tatar Muslims. Lithuanian king converted to christianity only 500yrs ago as soon as he converted he start importing non-whites and literal fucking jews. Right now there are extremely small conclaves of semites and christniggers in Lithuania because of the christian king. Its fucking hilarious and mind blowing once you start digging into history what you find out about christkikes.
He is wrong, or rather deliberately deceptive, both secular and religious institutions forbade Christians from engaging in or being subject to usury. Kikes were only allowed to commit usury against other kikes, of course they didn't follow the rules and thus were exiled hundreds of times. If you want to blame something for their being no concerted effort to exterminate them outside of the People's Crusade blame the fact that mass communication and statistical analysis wouldn't exist for centuries.
Also kikes were effectively at the mercy of those with the power of the sword until certain people whom we might today call liberal faggots decided we couldn't just kill anybody who was a problem for society anymore and then invited kikes back into places like Britain from where they had been exiled for centuries. Thus until modernity arose with its disgusting litigiousness they weren't a significant threat and were always put down and their wealth stolen. It was only afterward that they could gain real power.
Nice thread you have here faggot>>12621142
Andrew Torres
Before I begin let me start of with saying I am not a Christ Cuck. As explained by others in this thread, there is no denying the ill effects Christianity has had on our people. It caused the fall of the Roman Empire, brainwashed us to wage wars amongst our own kind, mongrelized many of us and ultimately gave Jews power.
I understand most modern Christians are progressives or Civic nationalists and Israel fans which actively aid in advancing Jewish agenda but what about Catholics? Catholicism condemns faggots and promiscuity and values the development of large healthy families. Where I live in Canada the biggest white families are catholic farmers. Many have 8+ children.
There is no doubt Jews are trying to destroy this community/ family oriented culture. Just take a look at this article of an attack that took place around where I live.
Again I am no Christ Cuck, I understand Catholicism isn’t an ideal. The only truly ethical religion or ideology I believe is one in which all of it’s doctrine is 100% tailored to our own survival and evolution as a people which Catholicism not and National Socialism is.
It’s funny how Jews are trying to destroy their own creation now but kind of sad that this anti-white Semitic religion has somehow became white culture and is what seems to be one of our last bastions of communities that are family oriented, instead of something that is more connected with truth and nature as it was when we were Pagans which is real white culture.
Deformed kikes are to blame for what deformed kikes do. Nothing else.
Caleb Cox
Kys yid. If you think christianity caused the collapse of the Roman empire you need to open a history book.
Andrew Martinez
Through deception. Got us all fooled into thinking that useless paper with numbers printed on it with a face of some figure, is more important than aspects of life
Dylan Richardson
Actually, I would disagree.
I was raised Catholic, and actually rebelled against it, independently of Martin Luther, because I viewed Catholicism as being generally corrupted. Yes, as a Catholic child in mere middleschool, I had figured out that Catholicism was intentionally doing away with many of the core concepts that Jesus spoke of.
And looking back, I can see that this is why Catholicism was not so bad. It gave a lot of strength to Europe, didn't it? Rome was once more the source of power, just as always.
But of course, I will admit that I am now the sort of skeptical-atheist-pagan sort that had their fedora stage, their "now what?" stage, and has now figured it out in full, and can live a life of meaning, purpose, and with Aryan Spirit. Or whatever I can say to describe that I'm not a degenerate nihilist with no desires above mere pleasure.
The point though, is that I do not think Catholicism is as bad as it's spoken of: It is bad because it gives power to the saints, who are meant to represent the Heathen gods. It is bad because it gives power to Rome. It is bad because it has such complex institutions that end up giving more power to the people than the original inventors of Christianity would have wanted.
Essentially, it is what you'd expect: The European people were brainwashed by a mind-virus, but ended up utilizing and modifying the virus to benefit them. At least for awhile.
At this point in time, it is an absolute certainty that anyone with any intelligence or wisdom will become atheist at some point, probably before they are even 21. They might be lose their youthful passion, and brought back into the "flock," but even so, most people, at least intelligent people, do figure out the darker truth at least once or twice in their life.
Despite any defense of Catholicism I've written here, I am strictly against all forms of Christianity, Judaism, Catholicism, Islam, and anything else that has come from that desert. Jewish spawned religions are deliberately tools of control.
I prefer Heathenism for my heart, and atheism for my mind. Heathenism includes ancestors, blood, passion, and dedication, as well as loyalty to my people. And most of all, honor.
But the atheism side of me must understand philosophy, science, technology, history as it truly is, and other topics of this modern world. I'm not going to regress to a previous state in such a way as to become the sort of silly LARPer that would appear as a fool in modern society.
The truth is that we must be very dynamic here. If there is a Christian before you, do not make him your enemy. If there is a LARPing Heathen before you, do not make him your enemy. If there is a fedora wearing atheist before you, do not make him your enemy.
Aryans are bound by blood, and often, the most silly examples of those three types are also going to be younger, and going through mere phases, as any young person will do. Just try to get them to understand the truth of Blood.
Aryan blood binds them to us, and hopefully no religion or lack of religion gets in the way of that.
Jacob Hernandez
Yes, and the Jews think ultra-long-term, so they already anticipate that, and have a solution prepared: If you think money is stupid, and just creates greed and hardship in a society where we ought to take care of each other… then why not try COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM?
David Mitchell
I reckon it would be better for us all to be more self-sufficient and create our own goods, for starters Was there not this one community out in Alaska or whatever, that trades goods with goods? No money was really involved unless used to purchase items from outside the community? such as cars, etc..
Joseph Nguyen
And then the Chinese come in with handfuls of cheap, but useful, but self-breaking goods, and our carefully crafted goods are too few in number, and take too long to create, while theirs flow endlessly.
That argument might not be perfect, but I'm sure you can understand similar concepts here that will defeat bartering systems too.
Jack Russell
Will that not be a problem, no matter what system is in place? I see what you mean, but could we not just keep going without their influence? Saying "no" does not have to be all that difficult, surely
Lincoln Wilson
Indeed, for me and you, of course.
I don't eat as much as some people do, and often go awhile starving to save up money, but when I do eat, I actually go to very excellent restaurants or make really wonderful feasts at home that have excellent variety, flavors, and wonderful aspects to them that make up for it, and end up giving me loads of excess energy and vitality that I simply do not observe in others. The fasting makes me hardy, and the nutritious, delicious food makes me healthy and happy.
And it is the same with my goods that I purchase. I do not believe in being an impoverished monk, although I do not frivolously buy things either. I purchase only what I need. My painting supplies, my musical instrument, a decent computer, excellent silverware, and other simple goods that I will make use of. Nothing is ever bought frivolously.
But this is my creed, and a creed that I imagine many will not follow. So although I will say no to the ones who bring over tons of cheap goods and worthless fiat money, many will say yes.
It is the same with usury. I will say no to debt. I always have.
But others will see easy money, and say yes, and become enslaved for the rest of their life. And according to history, it will be nearly everyone who does this, and therefor, even if I alone am free, if all my brothers and sisters are enslaved, I will still find myself alone and without family or friends.
Jordan Cooper
Oh by the way here are some events congruent with ones OP has been spamming in his four fucking threads.
306: The church Synod of Elvira banned marriages, sexual intercourse and community contacts between Christians and Jews. 315: Constantine published the Edict of Milan which extended religious tolerance to Christians. Jews lost many rights with this edict. They were no longer permitted to live in Jerusalem, or to proselytize. 325: The Council of Nicea decided to separate the celebration of Easter from the Jewish Passover. They stated: "For it is unbecoming beyond measure that on this holiest of festivals we should follow the customs of the Jews. Henceforth let us have nothing in common with this odious people…We ought not, therefore, to have anything in common with the Jews…our worship follows a…more convenient course…we desire dearest brethren, to separate ourselves from the detestable company of the Jews…How, then, could we follow these Jews, who are almost certainly blinded." 337: Christian Emperor Constantius created a law which made the marriage of a Jewish man to a Christian punishable by death. 339: Converting to Judaism became a criminal offense. 343-381: The Laodicean Synod approved Cannon XXXVIII: "It is not lawful [for Christians] to receive unleavened bread from the Jews, nor to be partakers of their impiety." 367 - 376: St. Hilary of Poitiers referred to Jews as a perverse people who God has cursed forever. St. Ephroem refers to synagogues as brothels. 379-395: Emperor Theodosius the Great permitted the destruction of synagogues if it served a religious purpose. Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire at this time. 380: The bishop of Milan was responsible for the burning of a synagogue; he referred to it as "an act pleasing to God." 415: The Bishop of Alexandria, St. Cyril, expelled the Jews from that Egyptian city. 415: St. Augustine wrote "The true image of the Hebrew is Judas Iscariot, who sells the Lord for silver. The Jew can never understand the Scriptures and forever will bear the guilt for the death of Jesus." 418: St. Jerome, who created the Vulgate translation of the Bible wrote of a synagogue: "If you call it a brothel, a den of vice, the Devil's refuge, Satan's fortress, a place to deprave the soul, an abyss of every conceivable disaster or whatever you will, you are still saying less than it deserves."
It's almost is if disparate individuals pursued disparate political stratagems depending on their opponents, who might he been bribing them, and their own convictions. Politics is dirty and anybody who thinks otherwise is either pathetically naive or pushing a narrative rather than a dispassionate recitation of a historical record.
Justin Perry
Brother, I must ask you an honest question here. Something nagging at me, that I've accepted for years, yet, I just can't stop feeling it.
But is it normal to have no friends? To have no lovers or anyone who understands you? I don't know anyone in real life. I can admit to having casual acquaintances, even girlfriends every now and then, but nothing more than that, if even that.
I sometimes feel so alone, but I keep feeling like it's not my fault. I type these long essays here often, but I do not do such things in real life. I do not speak about Jews or National Socialism, or even really do anything other than try to be polite and kind. I am very tamed, but I still do have enough of a rebellious mind that I'd want to consider myself interesting.
But I don't know how to make friends. I feel like people just don't want to talk about things or get to know another person deeply. I'm not sure why. Is there some big secret everyone has that keeps everyone afraid? I know Christianity was used as a force to ensure that natural instinctive emotions and feelings were considered sinful, and of course, modern Social Justice is the same. Of course you are meant to feel guilty about racism or sexism or whatever. Of course you're meant to pity the poor if you're anything above poverty level.
But is that it? Just religious or political dogma? Or am I just an unwanted person in particular? I'm just wondering, and I figure if you can say, "No." to a person who offers you goods that you do not want, perhaps you understand the feeling of having enough awareness of this world to also feel lonely. Sorry. But it's just been on my mind.
Ethan Jenkins
maybe you should learn about history outside of a christian sunday school.
Theodosius I (Latin: Flavius Theodosius Augustus;[1] Greek: Θεοδόσιος Αʹ; 11 January 347 – 17 January 395), also known as Theodosius the Great, was Roman Emperor from AD 379 to AD 395, as the last emperor to rule over both the eastern and the western halves of the Roman Empire.
Between 389–392 he promulgated the "Theodosian decrees"[37] (instituting a major change in his religious policies),[38]:116 which removed non-Nicene Christians from church office and abolished the last remaining expressions of Roman religion by making its holidays into workdays, …, closed Roman temples, confiscated temple endowments and disbanded the Vestal Virgins.[39]
Theodosius refused to restore the Altar of Victory in the Senate House, as asked by non-Christian senators.
In 392 he became sole emperor (the last one to claim sole and effective rule over an empire including the western provinces). From this moment till the end of his reign in 395, while non-Christians continued to request toleration,[40][41] he ordered, authorized, or at least failed to punish, the closure or destruction of many temples, holy sites, images and objects of piety throughout the empire.[42][43][44][45][46][47]
He is likely to have disbanded the ancient Olympic Games, whose last record of celebration was in 393, though archeological evidence indicates that some games were still held after this date.[50]
Honorius (Latin: Flavius Honorius Augustus; 9 September 384 – 15 August 423) was Western Roman Emperor from 393 to 423. He was the younger son of emperor Theodosius I and his first wife Aelia Flaccilla, and brother of Arcadius, who was the Eastern Emperor from 395 until his death in 408. During his reign, Rome was sacked for the first time in almost 800 years.[1]
Leo Jenkins
Where can I go to learn about Paganism? Any good videos on the subject?
Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. For I tell you that Christ has become a servant of the Jews on behalf of God’s truth, so that the promises made to the patriarchs might be confirmed and, moreover, that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy. As it is written:
“Therefore I will praise you among the Gentiles; I will sing the praises of your name.”
Again, it says,
“Rejoice, you Gentiles, with his people.”
And again,
“Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles; let all the peoples extol him.”
And again, Isaiah says,
“The Root of Jesse will spring up, one who will arise to rule over the nations; in him the Gentiles will hope.”
Are you defending this religious cult again? Is blood not enough? Is the worship and sacredness of our very BLOOD not enough for you?
What is it you want now, you hubristic fool? Immortality in heaven? Obedient Christians who follow your idea of the doctrine? Every little holiday like Easter to be taken very seriously?
Are you a fool? Have you NOT YET FIGURED IT OUT?
Christianity is DEVISED. It was INVENTED. It is not a natural force, it is a concept meant to enslave. It is slave morality, in the sense that if you have slaves, then you teach them Christianity so that they obey. They is why the Jews of America were the majority slave owners, and why the slaves *ALL* ended up Christian.
Jews taught the African slaves Christianity because it is a religion deliberately meant to keep you pacified and weak.
Are you figuring it out yet? Christianity was a loss. We were forced to abandon our natural, traditional religion in favor of Christianity because we LOST.
So then we were Christian, and the very moment that Christianity stopped being useful to them, they instantly turned every man, woman, and child into a social justice corporate slave. No one had any choice. We were forced into it, and they always had a leash on us. It's been devised so utterly, that even if we escape from Christianity, there is still another leash.
There is no fucking escape from them. Are you not seeing this picture yet? Get out that cult NOW, brother. You need to see this for what it really is. Please, I beg you. I will literally get on my hands and knees if you ask me to, to prove that I am sincere.
I am positive that Christianity is a slave religion meant for enslaved peoples. No matter how it was changed around to make things better, or to be more tolerable, the concept of it is to be a slave.
Christian Scott
I have passion for Heathenism, and I recommend folk metal. Look up Heathen, folk, viking metal. Yes, the genre of music meant for teenagers. Listen to some Falkenbach or Moonsorrow. It's more pure, because it doesn't teach you the concepts as a history subject, but instead, you can simply feel the essence of it, the way it's meant to be.
Start with the song, "Heathenpride" by Falkenbach.
You will understand if you read the lyrics, what this is truly about.
But to be quite frank, I would not actually recommend BEING a Heathen. I recommend that if you are new and clueless, that you try being a Heathen for a year at most, and then go back to your daily life. It is good to know, and it is true to your blood, but I do not think that it is true, in the concept of "is the religion objectively true?" It is symbolic for me.
Ryan Myers
Okay can you please give me some resources to study Paganism then?
Absolutely, agree with that. Outside influence can always have a hold on us. However, in understanding the fact that you and I, can agree on something like this, means that the attitude can be learned. So although yes, there will always be ones who see easy money, we surely can get a majority of people to see it as, perhaps, 'taboo'. As if treason, against the betterment of a greater purpose, being the folk of the nation
All that I can really do in that response is just confirm what you have written, to what goes on personally on my end One of the things that keeps me away from too much social interaction, is that, you can find people admitting something is wrong around us.. but five minutes later, they return to 'not knowing', you understand? It is all so tiresome, man Always saw myself as more of an observer than anything, and perhaps that is what it is, perception of the world is radically different from the majority… some people/family offer me beer, which is a friendly gesture, but all I can think about is what alcohol 'really' is, etc.. In addition, I am not one to try to 'fake' a smile, so perhaps it could be that the other person perceives that as ill-meaning against them, although in reality I just care about that person And the fact that I care, more than they do themselves, has me looking at things on another level than they do
Take that as you will, I won't go into a blog about myself, but I will say that I do understand, brother
Nicholas Adams
these passages from Mein Kampf are applicable to christians too.
From Mein Kampf:
It is typical of such persons that they rant about ancient Teutonic heroes of the dim and distant ages, stone axes, battle-spears and shields, whereas in reality they themselves are the woefullest poltroons imaginable.
For they are the very same people who brandish Teutonic tin swords that have been fashioned carefully according to ancient models and wear padded bear-skins, with the horns of oxen mounted over their bearded faces, proclaim that all contemporary conflicts must be decided by the weapons of the mind alone, and skedaddle at the very sight of a communist cudgel. Posterity will have little occasion to write a new epic on these heroic gladiators.
I have seen too much of that kind of person not to feel a profound contempt for their miserable play-acting. To the masses of the nation they are just an object of ridicule; but the Jew finds it to his own interest to treat these völkisch comedians with respect and to prefer them to real men who are fighting to establish a German State.
Yet such people are extremely proud of themselves. Notwithstanding their complete fecklessness, which is an established fact, they pretend to know everything better than other people; so much so, that they make themselves a veritable nuisance to all sincere and honest patriots, to whom not only the heroism of the past is worthy of honour, but who also feel bound to leave examples of their own work for the inspiration of the coming generation.
From Mein Kampf:
At that time, and subsequently, I had to warn followers repeatedly against these wandering völkisch scholars who never accomplished anything positive or practical, except to cultivate their own superabundant self-conceit.
The new Movement must guard against an influx of people whose only recommendation is their own statement that they have been fighting for these same ideals for the last thirty or forty years.
Now, if somebody has fought for forty years to carry into effect what he calls an ideal, and if these alleged efforts not only show no positive results, but have not even been able to hinder the success of the opposing party, then the story of those forty years of futile effort furnishes sufficient proof for the incompetence of such a protagonist.
Also from Mein Kampf:
A business man who has been in charge of a great firm for forty years and who has completely ruined it through mismanagement is not the kind of person one would recommend as the founder of a new firm
If you are Aryan, then there is nothing to study, other than the ancient mythology. The truth is in your blood. You are meant to be one of the gods. Not a mere worshiper upon your knees.
You can read the books, the Hávamál, the Poetic Edda, and read the encyclopedia articles on the Gods themselves, however, if you wish to know more. But when it comes down to it, like I said, listen to the music of those who are from Europe, before the hate-speech laws were passed. The old time of the Black Metal church burnings was a time like now, where pure hatred for our enslavement began creeping upon us. But I do not believe the metal scene in Europe is strong now. It appears to be completely dead, or at least corrupted and made into performance art, instead of true passion.
But yes, simply look into folk metal from the 1980's and 1990's and early 2000's. It all ended once hate-speech laws got passed, but the Encyclopedia Metallum has a useful search engine.
The truth of Heathenism was never with words. We did not not have such proper letters and books as the others did. We had our music, our stories, our fathers, and our more primitive ways. It was before the age of philosophy for us, as Greek and Roman philosophy did not quite reach those cold, northern forests so easily.
But the blood was pure, and the passion was real.
I recommend you listen to the music, and not read about it from the point of view of dispassionate professors. The truth of our blood moves and flows through us, and cannot be held stable by mere words.
Brandon Barnes
Absoluter Müll.
Stop believing written things the enemy of Germany translated.
Nicholas Ortiz
Some pictures about this all.
P.S.: Note the belt buckle of Thor, painting is from 1872 btw.
I don't disagree, and I'm the one recommending folk metal music to people here.
Hitler was right about this. LARPers look like fools because they are fools, and it's the same with anyone who takes these religions too seriously.
I like to feel like a cool Viking if I wanna play some fun music from my teenage years, but the truth is that this is a teenage concept here, where metal is fun, and vikings are cool, but beyond that, we need to understand that we truly do live in a world beyond that now.
If I could go back? I would. I would rather live in the forest with my clan than here in this cesspool.
But that is not how it is. So I will live here, and I will fit in and look like a sane, decent person without tattoos of Odinic symbols and without a hammer upon my neck. I can be content with the blood within me, and although I do not consider a more serious "heathen" my enemy, I do not think I could be one, nor do I recommend it.
It is just a reaction at this point. We were not raised into that life because we were subverted. Jews, Christians, and corporate social justice subverted us from that Heathenish path. So let us deal with the subversion, and not play pretend.
Cameron Clark
Another often believed mistranslation, embed related.
Hearing this excerpt happens less times than hens teeth. But you will be able to read or hear about the "final solution" pretty much anywhere.
Stolen from us by a dark cult from the desert. Christianity. A religion I wish my ancestors had never heard of. It is a curse upon our blood. Upon our minds. My brothers and sisters around me are so utterly brainwashed by the cults around us that they cannot even imagine living a different life. They cannot even imagine the concept of actually being free. From Judaism to Christianity to Islam to Corporate-Social-Justice, where will it end for us? How far will we have to go before our minds are completely smeared unto the dirt, and we are true slaves in both mind, body, and spirit?
When will we truly unite for any purpose? Be it bloodshed, corporate profit, or simply a beer-hall, when will we unite?
Or shall we be divided forever?
Kevin White
I'm sorry, I am speaking from my heart, and not from an encyclopedia. I'm dealing with concepts here, so the individual differences don't stand out to me, as I'm trying to see a unified Europe. Vikings are just as glorious as a Germanic Heathen warrior. The point is to find unification here, seeing as we have nearly the same gods, the same philosophies, and the same Aryan blood.
It is up to us to form a new religion then, one that unites European Aryans. It is now that the gods must again walk the Earth. The gods must return, and the time is now. There is no time left. I do not think humanity as we know it will last another 300 years, and even the next 30 years will be incredibly harrowing to us. The gods must return, and it is now, and we cannot wait for this to happen. If no god comes from the sky or from the earth, then it must be us. The simple question is: Who if not us? When if not now?
And the answer is simple as well:
We are to be gods now. We are to attain the wisdom and intellect and strength, and we are to lead our people, starting now.
The discussions on Zig Forums are over. We know the truth. Anyone who is part of this collective has seen the progression of thought taking place here, and we now understand enough to begin our work.
So let us begin.
Camden Torres
This thread is gay. Especially bringing up tacitus who was suspected of never actually going to Germania, called the Germanic people's weak and unable to endure labor which was, is and always will be observably false. Norse paganism, by the way is where Masons got half of their orgy sex rituals. If you faggots study a lot of the pagan holidays, even the Romans were amazed at how often we did degenerate shit. There is no right religion, but infighting and saying whites worship a jew is only going to make them say deus vult.
Try doing what Hitler did and going with jesus was an Aramaic Greek and that only the Greek Orthodox which is devoid of the jewish shit should be allowed for Christians. Taking their faith will only band them together, retards. Have you learned nothing from history?
There is a massive overlap between norse and germanic mythology, Of course the most important thing is that they worship the same gods.
John Bailey
A lot of truth in this, but what about us manlets that were force feed soy?
I don't appreciate "alphas" judging me on my appearance, because they don't have enough brain cells to rub together to know that we've been Jew-jammed or to listen to me or anyone else to them we have.
The "alphas" are really the brutes brutally brainwashed to believe they are alpha when their IQs are simply the 120 range appropriate for to be a centurion slaver.
We can't have nice things because "muh shiny shit and pussy" snow niggas think the Jew-jamming is "helping them" and only "evolution". They don't see the Jew is taking out their rightful leaders first, their intellectual elite, they think the Jew is a shiny shit nigger like them that finally figured out how to make the world too shiny for "bugmen" with their many eyes.
Anthony Ortiz
and do the same rituals
Ryder Green
Christianity is a Jew sysop. Lol
Dominic Diaz
Yeah sure that's the kikes were exiled or killed by Christians throughout the period of its dominance and slavery was illegalized throughout the areas of its influence, more specifically slaving whites was made illegal.
Which is it faggot? Don't you approve of strife, war, and territoriality? Seems more like it was picked up because it fit the natural predispositions of a people less inclined toward niggerish violence that dirupts society but very inclined toward organized violence under warlords to whom they swore loyalty.
Yeah sure, provide some material data to support this claim and perhaps I'll give it some credence for an instant.
No, kikes didn't really care some southern aristocrats did because aristocrats have a habit of holding their pets and vassals above freemen who don't listen to them. Though kikes did account for 60% of slave owners they only owned 40% of slaves and tended to use them for port labor rather than agricultural. Nehemiah Adams "South-side View of Slavery" actually provides a detailed account of different social interactions between nigger slaves and owners.
Moreover I am not your brother and I feel no affection or empathy, knock that shit off, I am the descendant of cavaliers and mercenaries who fought this libtard horseshit centuries ago and killed for coin. I am not a nice guy and nobody in my family is either, I have only one brother and I barely tolerate him. We are at best 6th cousins. Empathy is part of the problem, unrelenting hatred is the cure. I don't want a peaceable utopia but an eternity of strife and war in which empires forever rise and disintegrate. That is my ideal.
Sebastian Lee
If you're referencing that image of a book or w/e saying odin drinks his own cum, that was fake
Dylan Stewart
that's what he's saying dumbfuck
Sebastian Cruz
See this is the problem I have with you faggots, our blood was obviously weak otherwise this wouldn't have happened. The white race is and was fully of kikey faggots and weaklings who descendants we now know as libtards. They are the reason this was able to happen, they were the ones who stopped the mobs and angry patriots form exterminating kikes by wielding the power of the emergent state against them.
You keep pointing to Christianity or any other social institution rather than the inherent traits of the individuals who behavior in the maldaptive manner you claim to despise. Do you not accept the hypothesis that all expressed behaviors are 93% inheritable? Do you not support the models of genetic determinism which are inherent to the racial models we use to assess the world and create predictive models time and again?
What you are seeing is the same weakness that has always existing manifesting within disparate systems. That is why the Evangelicucks who social signal in the megachurch as from the same blood as artiest scandies who socially signal in a college. That is why the Puritan's descendants are liberal faggots today. That is why area's which display hysterical social events in the historical record infested with libtards today who are demonstrably addicted to social signalling. It is just just the same traits manifesting within the social and material constraints of the environment. The blood is weak and must be purged, luckily that his happening on its own. The only demographic in any industrial nation which is breeding at above replacement rates is white right wingers in the US. Even niggers, spics, and saracens have been effectively sterilized by modernity after a single generation exposed to its poisoned bread and circuses.
We've seen bullshit like the libtards before, the Cathars were accepting of homosexuality, vice of all sorts, and even murder. They encouraged people not to breed, and thought that because the world was filthy and fallen nobody should have children and that no authority should control them because it was temporal, except for the Cathar Elect of course. Sound familiar? How many times has a libtard bitched to you about overpopulation and how you are selfish for bringing children into a world were they suffer, you are selfish for not adopting a little nignog because muh overpopulation, you are selfish for doing anything biologically adaptive and placing your family before shitskins you've never met. And when you point out that we could just stop feeding the shitskins and billions would die off in the first ten years they have no material rebuttal they and only sputter and stammer "W-W-WACIST!"
This is the same sickness we as a race have always had. The Catholic Church organized the extermination of all adult Cathars under the request of France and the German states because these faggots were trying to destroy society. But they didn't purge enough it seems, the Cathars were never that big and the Inquisition was created to prevent another heresy of that sort. And it did, and it only cost 4,500 lives at most over an 800 year period to do it. The Inquisition essentially invented modern investigative law because they weren't a secular court looking for scapegoats to throw to the outraged mob. They were actually trying to stop heresy.
But it was a mistake and yes any NatSoc plan of forcing these fags to act like humans would also be a mistake. We should just let all those who don't have a predisposition to survive die off, ZA VINAL ZOLUTION IV YOU VILL!
I offer no mercy to the Nigger, the Kike, the Spic, the Saracen, the Libtard, the Faggot, the Cunt, the Slanteye, or any other undesirable. They will not even be exiled to live or die by their own merits they will be exterminated down to the last child and I will piss on their graves.
Samuel Campbell
It will happen all at once, now, as soon as their are enough martyrs being sung.
Luke Peterson
Fuck dude? We Gods and Kangs now? This is why the left lurks on here, screen caps this shit, and use it as ammunition against us to other whites.
You know how fucking stupid you sound? Do you realize how retarded that concept is? That's the lies and propaganda they used to say Hitler was like to rally whites against him in the late 30's and 40's. They literally had no other arguments agains him other than he was a mad man and megalomaniac. They couldn't scream racism, the holohoax wasn't fabricated til around the end, and conquest of Europe didn't matter to most Americans. It was literally he wants a new world order where he is God, which isn't true. He wanted a strong and communist free Europe and German, Dutch, French, Czech, Greek, Belgian, and other soldiers including germans of jewish ancestry that renounced their heritage of jew blood, all in the SS and wehrmacht fought valiantly in the Valiant Struggle to wrest the world from the satanic jew.
Besides sounding like a cartoon villain and megalomaniac, no one cares about such weaklings. Gods are to be strong and control at least reality if they're called Gods, that ain't us.
Going on here, most of you without knowing how to even understand German besides a direct translation, which is 23 percent of the time incorrect in translating from a native speaker, and saying this is what white nationalism is, this is what Adolf Hitler intended seems other like controlled op or like uneducated faggots who think they're big brained because they read a roman book once, and read the translation allowed on the web vs reading it's native language.
How bout put your efforts to saying no usury, that Jews cause troubles and should all be sent to Israel and under guard instead of protected? How about saying Christianity does need that fire and brimstone back and to rid it of cuckoldry, cause you know how stupid you sound when they're able to prove you're false when saying Christianity killed more? More died only because of population increases, just like how now in this modern age, it's the least violent time, but with more deaths altogether. You gotta get your shit in order before they can say, oh look, pol is a bunch of racist retards
Jack Ortiz
Angel Cooper
Nice decontextualization.
— The Root of Jesse will spring up,
one who will arise to rule over the nations;
in him the Gentiles will hope.” f
13May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Paul the Minister to the Gentiles
14I myself am convinced, my brothers and sisters, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with knowledge and competent to instruct one another. 15Yet I have written you quite boldly on some points to remind you of them again, because of the grace God gave me 16to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles. He gave me the priestly duty of proclaiming the gospel of God, so that the Gentiles might become an offering acceptable to God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
17Therefore I glory in Christ Jesus in my service to God. 18I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obey God by what I have said and done— 19by the power of signs and wonders, through the power of the Spirit of God. So from Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum, I have fully proclaimed the gospel of Christ. 20It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation. 21Rather, as it is written:
“Those who were not told about him will see,
and those who have not heard will understand.” g
22This is why I have often been hindered from coming to you.
Paul’s Plan to Visit Rome
23But now that there is no more place for me to work in these regions, and since I have been longing for many years to visit you, 24I plan to do so when I go to Spain. I hope to see you while passing through and to have you assist me on my journey there, after I have enjoyed your company for a while. 25Now, however, I am on my way to Jerusalem in the service of the Lord’s people there. 26For Macedonia and Achaia were pleased to make a contribution for the poor among the Lord’s people in Jerusalem. 27They were pleased to do it, and indeed they owe it to them. For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews’ spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings. 28So after I have completed this task and have made sure that they have received this contribution, I will go to Spain and visit you on the way. 29I know that when I come to you, I will come in the full measure of the blessing of Christ.
30I urge you, brothers and sisters, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me. 31Pray that I may be kept safe from the unbelievers in Judea and that the contribution I take to Jerusalem may be favorably received by the Lord’s people there, 32so that I may come to you with joy, by God’s will, and in your company be refreshed. 33The God of peace be with you all. Amen. —
Its just passing the fucking collection plate, big shocker right. All you did is skip a bunch of lines to make it look like he was fleecing them, unless you're going to go with "all christcuck charity is fleecing" but the point is that contextualizing is itself a method used by leftists and kikes to make their opposition look as though it is saying something that it is not. Even when praising a bunch of greeks and in the other passage denigrating the kikes in Jerusalem you could bitch about anything.
These faggots get soft in their internal rhetoric in the same fashion I see their opposite numbers here, they get teary eyed about nature, or a racial ideal, or community, ect. I don't expect everybody to be a merciless reaper of lives who devises ways to kill tens of thousands of enemies for fun pastebin.com/TGzmYw7E
Remember that many of these Greeks were later defeated by saracens whom couldn't defeat the Franks, English, and Germans they faced unless they outnumbered them 20 to 1 or the case of every seige ever had a kike physically open the gates for them. How many Turks does it take to occupy Constantinople? More than 200,000 apparently because they couldn't beat a mere 8,000 defenders most of whom were not professional warriors until kikes opened not one, not two, but three gates and the Turks had already lost 80,000 men trying.
I think many of these people were soft and frankly I think about half of Europe proper was soft. They weren't filled with hate, those of us who were exiled are the inheritors of indefatigable contempt, that is why we alone form a large demographic which is rejecting modernity. Hatred is strength.
Justin Carter
This is what Vargbots do. To them, the quality of evidence is determined by how much it aligns with their beliefs and how easy it is to copypasta and spam threads with.
Are you actually, literally retarded? Could you not find 5 seconds to look up the etymology of the word "ejaculate"? It means to "dart out" and can and HAS been used as a synonym for blurting out or saying something suddenly. It's not an explicitly sexual term.
Please fucking proofread your shit before littering this site with garbage.
David Davis
you mean destroying Europe and killing millions of Europeans on behalf of his cousins' Jew banks in London?
Levi White
Appreciate you taking the time to put up all this information
Dominic Peterson
Yes, we must be gods.
If you want to understand further, instead of playing a fool, then think of who Odin was. Do you think he was a literal god and had magical powers?
Or was he just a strong, wise man?
Well, I'm no fool, so I'll say he was a strong, wise man. And so I should be the same way.
And if Odin was a god for just being a strong, wise man, then so can I.
If you want to be demoralized and remove any feeling of Spirit from you, then so be it. But listen closely, fool: I would be mocked for being atheist just as I would be mocked for being too Christian, just as I would be mocked for being Heathen.
Clearly you have been sidetracked, and made into a laughingstock without pride. You are pathetic.
Easton Perry
So apparently the vast majority of this board sincerely believes that Christianity was a Jew psyop intended to cripple and enslave European whites and make them malleable to Jewish infiltration and subversion. But now let's take some other facts into consideration here.
I'm not trying to discredit the line of thinking itt, I dislike Abrahamic religions greatly myself. But these facts just don't quite add up to the idea that Christianity is nothing but a Jew ploy to break and domesticate the white man's spirit.
Adrian Ward
I reckon its the idea of the Jews playing both sides If I were to look at it as it is on the surface, I would say that Jews give the 'evidence' that they dislike Christianity, which would have you immediately think that Christianity is the right way Only to then find out that Christianity is infected with Jews masquerading as white Christians, which then the question arises.. what is right, anymore? seems to me like this is a play of mass confusion, to the point where not even kikes themselves know what is going on (merely the ones who control them all, the select few)
Michael Thompson
It's really the vast majority, the majority whether pro or anti-Christian holds that position merely because of their natural emotional predispositions or philosophical determinations.
The issue I have is the ahistorical bullshit which as you pointed out doesn't make sense. Even beyond the peroidic expropriation of kikes in Christian dominated territories(while they were not targeted in mudslime ones by the way). There is a certain problem with this entire line of reasoning, it equates the extant kikes with a dead race. If you’ve read MacDonalds ethnology of the jews and agree with his hypothesis then the current Talmudist kikes are a combination of the Pharisees(the kikes of the old Hebrew race), or Semites, Turkic traders(roachkikes), Roman expats(kikes of Rome), and the daughters of European nobility who were so desperate for cash they sold their daughters to the kikes before they became matrilineal. So you outbreed an already shitty portion of a population with other shitty populations, then let it stew and inbreed in urban environments for centuries and is it any surprise you get shit? Is it any surprise that the result was the now extant kike groups such as the Ashkenazim and Sephardim who are physically weak pathologic liars?
The old Hebrew where just one more nation of herders and mercenaries little different from the Hittites or Babylonians. There is little merit or fault to be found in them as a whole, they behaved like nearly every bronze/iron age population, including the Celts if you’ve read the Ulster Cycle.
We have kikey shit in our own race as well; or more accurately we have pussies who are vulnerable to kikery. Roundheads are certainly the kikes of England. So it is difficult to indict a dead race over having kikey faggots among them when we have some of our own. If inherently liberal whites didn’t exist the kikes would never have gotten their claws in us and “white guilt” wouldn’t exist.
That I why I push for a no nonsense biologic solution, eliminate all the libshits or allow them to destroy themselves through effective sterilization. Then when only the cruel remain the problem solves itself and doesn't require and active ideology to enforce adaptive behaviors.
Joshua Collins
I think it should be treated that way, to be honest.
I don't think there's any use in Christianity anymore. Christians are specifically dangerous because they are volatile and can be dangerous to fellow Europeans. I don't want to see any heretic purges upon Europeans. This era is too scientific and technological, and although I'm not really a "researcher" anymore, any teenager who wants to learn what's not taught in school or church will end up becoming an atheist from reading whatever they can on the internet.
More specifically, an angry, rebellious atheist. So our job is to find them and ensure that they are not taught to hate Christianity so much that they hate the useful aspects of it. They should not want to be gay just because it says gayness is a sin in Christianity. We should be able to be friends with Christians, but recognize the slave virus.
So we have to be able to accept atheists, without rejecting them or looking like fools trying to reconvert them. And also accept Christians, even if we cannot give them power over the movement itself.
Luke Campbell
Now as I said, Christian rulers and church officials have made edicts that resulted in deaths, displacement and suffering of thousands if not more of average Jewish people. Are we really supposed to believe that this theoretical cabal of powerful Jewry, tribal and nepotistic as they are, would willingly sacrifice masses of lower classes of their own people in a bid for power? Yes you will say, kikes are that evil, but isn't it dumb and disadvantageous for numerous other reasons to do so?
Would Antifa ever set up a recruiting stand in a Christian church? Of course not.
Joseph Wright
Yeah, the side of spooking people into believing that hebrew heaven and hell are real, while harvesting foreskins for face cream and without any magical "architectural and artistic divine spark" which many claim brushed over christianized heathen Europe like a wave of inspiration, almost begging the "larpagans" and "shills" to stop trying to, if not save themselves, but others from genital mutilation and vapid, philosemitic, horosocope tier mumbo jumbo.
And the side that tries to get rid of all of that. But the Christians are red eyed and chomping on bits because I'm THIS CLOSE to suggesting they build longboats and nail rabbit carcasses to a tree.
How is wailing and gnashing whites who are scared of hebrew humbug and shuffling around on the knees not crippling?
How is that not crippled.
Et cetera. How is that not crippled?
Some faggot paints a cathedral real nice for a comission because even then FIAT usury slavery was a thing and today people are red faced about what amounts to Zogbottery (crusaders) and a leftist degenerate , traitor government.
But have they a problem being counter communist leftist liberalist thing today? No, the jews are named left and right here, by Christians too.
Yet they praise the same thing dressed up in a cool templar uniform.