Elizabeth Warren President, Now
Another form of new speak: "middle class" to the Democrats is the lower and middle classes of brown people. Whites aren't included in this at all.
Warren, Biden or maybe killery… again? These retards are in for a shock in 2019.
It's fucking hilarious how barren their line up is. I'm starting to think they really didn't plan on America lasting past Shilldawg. Either way time to rev up the Pocahontas memes.
Crazy Cunt for prezident.
She could win if enough brownskins have been shuffled around right. What do you think MAGApedes would do if she won?
Those EYES.
Imagine waking up in bed and that is your wife staring at you with those eyes.
why not get that Latino woman who's claiming to be jewish to be her vice as well?
Niggers on here really understimating how many morons would vote for this cunt.
Better hope some voting regulations are passed an enacted before the next election. It’s not going to be a cakewalk.
If Trump fails to deliver on his promises, especially the wall, his base will simply refuse to go voting. Which is why someone on the right in the US should have organized a popular protest to funnel some courage to the old man.
They’ll use a chink or a nigger
Just you wait until republicans get pushed further left once they need to completely severe any connections from the idea of MAGA. And they too start pushing mass immigration.
This should be fun.
If he refuses to build the wall he should be primaried.
Hillery is the gift that keeps on giving.
The "Clinton machine" took out anyone who might have been a threat to her 2016 run. The where super paranoid about another Obama coming out of no where like 2008.
Now there is a giant void in the middle of the democrat pipeline. All that they have is ancient yesterday's stars and a bunch of freshmen. It's going to take years to rebuild their bench.
She definitely has the sanpaku eyes. They all fucking do.
Truth. I'm actually hoping they run Warren, she already topedo'd her chances with that blood test and it'll be fucking hilarious watching them dance around that.
Its not just that but Obama did a lot of damage on that front too.
During his time the only way to advance in the party was by proximity to him or Clinton.
Meaning you had a lot of suckups who would never seek the oval office because they simply lacked the support to do it. They were toadies of Obama or Clinton.
When Obama left office a lot of those he lifted up left with him.
million taco stare right there.
Maybe not now, but Ocasio-Kikez will run as president eventually and it will be a celebration of the USA turning spic.
Dems have two more years to import all the votes they need so she stands a pretty good chance.
oh fuck here we go again
Ya thats a good point. The bad blood between the Clintions and Obama's started with 2008 and never healed. The "obama coalition" just packed up and left with him since they where all locked out during the 2016 run or they strait up refused to help her.
They also got a problem with the BernieBro wing if Sanders starts thinking about running again or if he globs on to a wacky candidate like Warren.
The only thing holding that whole party together is their limitless hate of Trump. If Trump declares "Mission Accomplished" and cashes out in 2020 then they are fucked.
She should run as not just the first female president, but the first native American president.
The Democrats will, once again, field an unelectable candidate, so Trump Outrage™ can further push people to vote Democrats into congress. This is basic American Political Science 101: When the voters realize the president can't live up to his campaign promises, because those are things the president doesn't do, they vote the other party into congress. Change without change. Pic related.
Unlike the fake feud between Trump and Clinton, which was over after the polls closed and Trump told reporters that he "really, really liked and respected Hillary" and signaled to his dumbfuck supporters that she would never see the inside of a federal prison.
She is to much of a retard. She will end up imploding or burning bridges with the (((money men))). They will find another to run. Version 2.0 spic will be more polished and controlled.
Thats what the meme's will be. And I am sure they will get more traction then the official campaign propaganda. It's going to be amazing to watch.
Implying these republicucks don’t want mass immigration so they can have and endless supply of cheap labor and consumer debt slavery
This is going to be too easy to fuck with. Time for the Pocahontas memes again.
To be fair here the Obama posse left because they were after lucurative posts in organisations he got involved with. Since they were guaranteed such spots.
Either way the Obongo/Killary feud and dominance of the party for roughly a decade is why the Democrats have nobody. There was no talent development.
Still pushing that lie?
Trilateral commission had Obama prepped for presidency before he announced his run.
If the dems ran Nader rather than Sanders or these freshman roopscoops, I bet they could take the presidency without massive fraud. Too bad they don’t respect their base enough to acknowledge that a lot of them can tell the difference between labor left and NWO.
I think Pocahontas might be a shabby substitute for this realization, but it won’t get the job done.
It literally doesn't matter. South Park may have been half made by a jew, but it was entirely right when it said that the presidential "race" is nothing more than political theater between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.
Your next line is “but trump is totally real and Q-LARP exists.”
This is true, but they still prefer to craft an illusion of choice. It makes for easier coordination of the ensuing reportage. Popular vote does not decide, but it’s better if it sides with the EC decision.
That's about as logical as calling republicans as anti israel.
Unless something changes, and changes soon; Trump would handily lose a reelection bid.
>She is to much of a retard. She will end up imploding or burning bridges with the (((money men))). They will find another to run. Version 2.0 spic will be more polished and controlled.
Nah. Once she gets old enough and does a couple terms in office they're putting her up; the whole "lol ima socialist" line is just bullshit to increase her appeal to berniecrats and demoshits that are too jaded to turn out and vote. I have no doubt that she's left-leaning but she knows exactly where her bread is buttered and whatever "democratic socialism" she brings to the office will be the same liberal, anti-white, degenerate, ZOG-approved garbage in a new and more electable wrapper. She grew up in a upper middle class suburb and went to a private school; the whole "I know your hardships" angle she consistently presents is nothing more than a smokescreen.
user. Republicucks have already pushed for that. Have you forgetten !YEB! and his love for goblinas and shitters?
This. There are a total of 0/50 states in which they give a shit about voting laws if when it helps libshits.
She'll be the plebbit socialist candidate. She'll cuck Sanders into her VP spot for his already formed national base of support.
meant to reply to;
sage for double post
How’s this bitch any worse than Drumpf. No wall, no deportations.
Good. I'll vote for her
Republicans have already been pushing mass immigration for decades. The highest rates of immigration in history have all been under Republican governments.
Mass user here, don't look too deep into this. Shes a bigger liar than Hillary.
The biggest amnesty was done by St Reagan.
seriously nigger? Dems have ZERO chance
It was always our responsibility to keep our lands, our freedoms and our people. It would sure be nice to have people in charge who look the other way while we do it, though, even if they can't help directly (which I understand). The global narative is that America loves all people and protects liberty, justice. The narative serves our national interests well, even if it's a lie. It makes it hard for leaders around the world to stir their people up against us. What we need is a libertarian to free us, and let us use our freedom to save the country, state by state.
I unironically want that disgusting piece of shit to win just so I can find out. I am so tired of these summer-warriors thumping their chests and loudly proclaiming that they will be the vanguard of the next Revolution and then allowing the democrats to walk all over them.
Revolt. Now.
And the highest rate of immigration was under Bush, with Trump being a close second (and set to pass Bush by summer).
Why a libertarian? Seems like the Clinton machine is to liberalism what the Chicago School is to ye old WASP libertarianism/minarchy. Who has a chance here other than Rand? He didn’t exactly come out swinging last time.
leave kike
Here are some libertarian things that would help us:
1. Repeal Civil Rights Act of 1964. Allowing employers to discriminate based on race, gender, etc. Allowing segregation of schools. Allowing "Whites only" stores, neighborhoods, etc.
2. Outlaw abortion because it's murder. Making sex risky again. Fixing sluts.
3. Defund public schools. Removing niggers, because they can't/won't pay. Removing women from the work place, because staying home to teach the kids is cheaper than private school, again, fixing sluts and divorce rates. Removing the jewish propaganda machine.
4. Stop giving Israel our military technology (which they sell to China), making us relatively strong again, saving us money, creating fewer enemies.
5. End corporate personhood. Removing jewish strongholds.
6. End welfare. Starving niggers and mexicans.
7. Mandate our currency be backed by gold, defunding kikes.
8. End subsidies to meat companies. Making healthy diets cheaper than cheese burgers, making America skinny again, lowering health care costs.
I can go on all day. But I think my point is made that kikes and the kike agenda is protected by big govt.
you can actually answer that by observing whose side the media is leaning on.
That's of course, what any honest person would know.
So you're either an idiot, or a disingenuous idiot.
LOL You just added that because you are vegan.
That is an answer to "why libertarianism," which is fine. But I'm trying to get at a more idiosyncratic question: Why a politician whose ideological views profess a libertarian bent but aren't pure by any means since in addition to minarchy and Chicago school we have left and right strains of libertarian, libertarian-branded candidates who have to enter through the Republican Party if they are to compete, and who must either be sexually or legally compromised to be there in the first place. The waters get muddy, and my initial thought is that what we really want is a spiteful prick and a traitor to the principles of the nation now in ascendancy, not necessarily an avowed libertarian or anything like an ideologue.
She was the first POC Harvard something or other and rode the whole diversity is our greatest strength gravy train to big bux, claiming she was a feather nigger.
Will Harvard ever disavow her fradulent claim and
Plebbit faggot.
If someone claims to be libertarian and doesn't support the things I listed, they are fake, subversive kikes. There are an almost unlimited supply of kikes doing everything they can to steer libertarians towards communism. They take leadership positions within the groups and use advanced brainwashing techniques at "bootcamps". I have wittnessed it first hand. Please don't vote for them.
That being said, don't discount the ones like me who stay true to our real values, who want to protect our people and destroy our enemies. You will know when you see the right one.
except aborting niggers is crime fighting.
Ending welfare will not stop mexishits to go in the US.
Since there is no welfare in mexico either, but that the conditions of living are still better in the US, they'll still come.
Anything short of systematic executions will NOT do the trick.
gold bugs pls go
gold is purely speculative material with little to no use in real world
if you want to REALLY defund the kikes, put a bullet in every last one of them.
Permanently defunded, with full refund for you, and no refund for them.
Vegans are the fucking furries of eating habits, litterally unable to do anything without inserting this shit everywhere.
If murkans are fat it's not because they are eating meat, but because the animals are fed fattening hormones (in fact not really fattening the animal, but making it retent water in its tissues).
So in other word, the private sector acting like pigs, and the public sector not fullfilling its god-damn regulating function.
Between you and the gluttonous fat fucks, the US is truly completely and utterly fucked.
Finally none of your shit is strictly pro white.
If anything it's coincidental.
The d's can't run a white, especially not a male or even a granny thot. Their fandom will refuse their competence no matter how strongly they signal.
Who are you trying to kid? If someone claims libertarianism and not NS they are a kike. Someone who claims Catholicism is a kike. Anyone who supports any movement, philosophy, religion, ideology that a group of jews have ever supported or been involved with is a kike. What is your point?
And as far as voting goes, I don't see how you can admit to knowledge of advanced brainwashing , knowing that we may well live in a representative republic where candidates are selected not elected, and still believe voting is a worthwhile activity.
I don't discount that there are those of us who want to fight back anyway. But my point is that if I wear a swastika t-shirt to my volunteer job with the Republican Party during election season I'm not going to have much success infiltrating and subverting, or influencing, much at all.
If the point is to lose one's illusions about the system we live under and make the best use possible of said system nevertheless, what is the pragmatic value of wearing our intentions on our sleeves? You do some good entryism on both sides, lie your ass off, and implement those policies whenever or if ever you find yourself with a little power. Ideology is like a cheap suit.
Why should the dollar be backed by gold? Nobody here owns any gold, so if we decided to price things in gold, the people who actually own the gold, would also own our entire economy. A gold standard makes a lot of sense when the people own the gold, but not when the gold is owned by a few families.
Every time I take a peek at normie news sites, Ocasio-Cortez is being shilled left and right. She's being given daily news coverage in the MSM, way more than any other low-tier member of Congress I've ever seen. She has communist-tier ideologies and is a self-admitted Jew; the powers that be have great plans for this one, make no mistake.
Definitely keep an eye on her, she'll be fast tracked through the congressional pecking order and probably run for President as soon as she's old enough (she might be barely eligible to run in 2024, otherwise 2028).
She is possibly as Jewish as Warren is a native. That is an available access point, even as a got who blames the Jewish nation.
Kill yourself jew.
GIMP is free, user.
Except that every fucking cell phone and computer in the world has some gold in it.
Gold does not tarnish and is 3rd in its ability to carry electricity with very low resistance.
Silver copper gold.
Perhaps you can suggest some common element that will easily replace this aspect of gold?
I only just noticed your stupid remark that gold is "speculative material". Besides that being the most idiotic term I have ever seen used to describe a material substance with intrinsic value as a material, therefore usable, substance, you implicitly suggest that a bullet in a kike's head will solve the problem of monopolization when that couldn't be any further from plausible. Are you retarded or acting that way in your job as a shill? Holy fuck, get off this board.
What does one have to do with the other? The monetary properties of gold are completely different from its industrial properties. Gold derives its value as money from being scarce, easy to transport etc. Electrical resistance and all its other industrial application play no role whatsoever.
Look out guys, she's already got 1/1024th of the vote.
Gold is plentiful. It's value is based on the mining cost, not its being difficult to find.
There’s now maybe not right now, she’s too young to even run
"John Stuart Mill addressed this topic in Principles of Political Economy (1848):
To the qualities which originally recommended them [gold and silver], another came to be added, the importance of which only unfolded itself by degrees. Of all commodities they are among the least influenced by any of the causes which produce fluctuations of value. … [N]o commodities are so little exposed to causes of variation. They fluctuate less than almost any other things in their cost of production. And from their durability, the total quantity in existence is at all times so great in proportion to the annual supply, that the effect on value even of a change in the cost of production is not sudden: a very long time being required to diminish materially the quantity in existence, and even to increase it very greatly not being a rapid process. Gold and silver, therefore, are more fit than any other commodity to be the subject of engagements for receiving or paying a given quantity at some distant period."
Texas will hand over Beto (not a mexican) O Rourke for the DNC to run in 2020. He loses REAL GOOD. Beto doesn't mind spending "other peoples money" either.
He spent $50Million to lose to Cruz.
Please take him off our hands. Potty Trained
Please don't call him Beto unless you use his name afterwards: Francis.
Do not help his handlers perpetuate the spic charisma myth for free.
Beto is as Irish as a mexican gets. I know some mexicans, none with a name Beto.
Oh man Trump is gonna have a tough time in 2020.
user, it's not coincidental. And you are correct that the individual things aren't explicitly pro-White. However, they work together as a system to be extremely pro-White. And I mean extremely good for White people. Before I explain that in detail, allow the following analogy:
Given only the equation, x+3=y+1, it cannot be known what the values of x and y are.
Given only the function, y=2x, it cannot be known what the values of x and y are.
But given both equations, x+3=y+1 and y=2x, we can figure out that x is 2 and y is 4.
It's so burdensome sometimes to explain that the libertarian system is pro-White, even if it isn't always said, openly. If you take the stats, and the truth, you can figure our with a little thinking, that is is pro-White.
Trump wasn't a shock, he was just another Bush.
fresh OC (I suck) for getting the point across more quickly.
New word to add to your vocabulary today;
UXORIOUS, the next "cuckhold"
having or showing an excessive or submissive fondness for one's wife.
I wish we had someone here with musical talent and video editing talent combined who could produced a version of "The Girl With Betty Davis Eyes" and change it to "The Girl With Sanpaku Eyes", sing it exactly like Kim Carnes and have a really funny video of all these crazy cunt hole bitches.
Uh Trump is the anti Bush. He's reversing everything they ever did.
We should support her candidacy. I would love nothing more for Trump to bring up her Pow Wow Chow cuisine (which is remarkably French in nature)
this is a great idea. Video editing is beyond me, though I know the talent is out there and relatively cheap.
I've been toying with the idea of creating a meme market where bounties could be placed and ideas voted up, then submissions get voted on to claim the bounties. I worry about how pozzed something like that would get though.
There's some MEGA retards in this thread… You bitches are still watching the electric jew I see.
Trump has always been a staunch supporter of the Patriot Act, he's fine with a surveillance state. You can't reverse what happened in Iraq, and to make that claim is fucking stupid, much less that Trump is anything but another pseudo-conservative Zionist Republican. Legal immigration hasn't changed, if I'm not mistaken it's even worse now. He's still okay with a DACA deal which makes him as repulsive as Reagan (who he had a cardboard cutout of in his campaign office). You have your head up his ass, stick it out.
When those things actually happen, when they manifest in the real world, outside the twitterverse, then that will be good. Otherwise, Russian bots will need to work overtime.
Iron, Copper, Coal, Gas, Oil, Food, Water, Phosphorus, Uranium, Potash, etc.
In other word, any material/ressource or better yet group of material/ressource that have REAL use (ie: are consumable), and henceforth, real value.
Gold value is at this point purely speculative, since it's industrial use is so minute, and as such barely affects the value attributed to it.
In the same vein, other rare elements with minute use like titane or indium, used in the very same products as the one you mentionned are not given credence aswell, precisely for the same reason: because their use is too discreet.
how? it has no real value aside from the one attributed to it by goldbugs seeing it as valuable for no other reason than "it's valuable".
Value depending on scarcity does not equal to value on usefullness.
If it's rare, and not really usefull, but still expensive, then it's value is speculative in nature.
colour me surprised.
it's not.
1/40,000,000,000 of earth, with only an even more minuscule part of it accessible due to its high density giving it a propensity to sink to the planet core.
no, it's expensive because you MAKE it expensive.
Real value depends on use, anything above that is speculative crap.
Can you simply try to justify why would anyone in his right mind would use a non-consumable material (ie: with no real use)?
How is it a good idea?
Why can't any of you ever explain this?
Even if it's to explain 'because country X/Y/Z would instead have access to trove of wealth' I'll take it as a more reasonnable explanation than the kind of unsubstantiated rebuke i've seen.
yeah the guy who fires people over FISA abuse against him totally supports the patriot act
I'm glad you finally read my post by the second reply. Still, I have no reason to take your pasta for a refutation of my own and there is no link to substantiate your factual claims, therefore I find it unpersuasive. I am guilty of same, save the Mill quote, but I believe the burden is on you.
I have a fear. Now that the niggers, spics, kikes, chinks and all other minorities understand that if they vote against the white man in every election, things will be easier for them.
What chance do we have now that everyone including niggers in jail know this? By discussing right now have we unknowingly removed ourselves from power? What will happen to the white man in North America at that point?
Please leave. Your BS shilling is a wastw of time.
White men don't make it harder for them given that they're the ones funding their welfare checks, and paying spics (legal or illegal) with jobs that their own children should have.
To anyons reading, this is a lefty. Its the angle theyre taking to subvert any on-the-fence righty.
What you must know is that it takes awhile to inact change in government. Trump is strategic and goihg after the bigger fish right now. The media is the #1 enemy of the US.