
I work in a sort of prison for pedophiles, a civil commitment center to be precise.
There are a whole lot of neat things I've learned, and if any of you have any questions about demographics, pedo habits, pedo psychology, or anything relating to pedophile fucking pieces of shit, here's your chance to ask them and have them answered by someone who is, dare I say it, both based and redpilled.

Kikes are the most statistically overrepresented group of all, coming in at exactly 3975% over what you would expect given their population in my state. They also have the highest victim counts, which is most often by virtue of their infiltrating various trusted professions such as clergymen, boy scout leaders, etc. They also have by far the most stomach-churning case histories, with a few notable instances being, for instance, one wherein a day care owner broke the back of an infant while fucking it and was caught because of it, though the child was his, admittedly, 200th-ish victim, with many previous close calls having come to nothing due to dumb fucking women saying "oh he would never do ___ to my little Timmy it's got to be someone else", etc. They all look exactly like you'd imagine they would, which is to say, they look like fucking yarmulke-wearing typical fucking disgusting hunch-backed ever-lying pieces of shit kikes. They make up exactly 8% of all pedos here. They are also murderers, and one of them is in here for literally drinking baby blood and is being investigated for serial killing. There are a few kikes who are also satanists but they still wear yarmulkes and go to jewish services.

Spics are all family fucking pieces of shit. Their case histories are all basically "So and so fucked his niece/nephew/son/daughter/granddaughter/grandson and impregnated/gave them herpes/nearly killed them in various ways leading to his being caught". Their average IQ is around 80, I'd say. They are lumped in as "white" on statistic-gathering-methods prescribed by the state. You would never be able to tell the difference between an average spic and one that's in here. They account for about 40% of all pedos here.

Niggers are all rapacious retards. Their case histories are like, "this nigger saw some 8-25 year old woman/boy and couldn't restrain themselves so they raped, with varying degrees of violence, and/or murdered them, then got released, and immediately did it again". Their average IQ is around 70. They comprise about 30% of all pedos in here. You'd never be able to tell the difference between a nigger in here and one on the street. Indeed I wonder if there really is a difference.

Whites comprise about 30% of all pedos, though in my state we're about 30% of all people (yes I realize that the total adds up to more than 100%. I only know kikes with absolute certainty. Subtract a few % points here and there to make 100%. And yes my state is very very spicced. It's disgusting and I hate them very much). Their case histories are mostly like "this pedo fucked his babysitting clients/was abused a shit load then fucked teens as a young adult/raped a bunch of women like seriously a shit load/fucked his family friends' kids/touched babies and got caught a few times". They are very obviously fucked up people and you would know it by looking at them.

Also interesting things:
There is a direct correlation between advancing in the program and IQ, which means niggers comprise most of the lower tiered pedos.
Kike run little usury rackets and I love nothing more than setting up traps for them, then busting them and taking their little food stashes and eating them with my friends, punishing the kikes severely for what they did as well.
I make their lives as terrible as I possibly can.
None of them believes they deserve to be in this pseudo prison. They each say shit like "you can't imprison someone for what they might do", when in fact they have a recidivism rate of at least 50%
To be civilly committed, a pedo has to have fucked at least two kids, and be diagnosed with some behavioral disorder or other.

Ask me stuff. I have to go to bed sometime in the next few hours but I'll come back later to answer questions.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Overall, but particularly with the kikenvermin, what percentage got to fuck the children by targeting and bribing welfare mothers who were more or less complicit.

On DOTR will you be supplying paper targets when we show up, or should we bring our own?

OP, is pedophilia a real mental disease or an acquired taste? The only 2 times I've heard of people possessing pedo material IRL, they were normalfags who picked it up by browsing all kinds of porn online.

Any Asians? I assume they kiddy fiddle, especially Japs but i don't know. Also, why are you not allowed to execute them? They're retarded reoffenders and they always will be. A single bullet costs what? 15 cents? 30 cents?

Why aren't they in real prison? Too dangerous for them?

None as far as I'm aware. Bribery wasn't really their bag. They were more about surrounding themselves with victims, as many as possible, and doing their thing.

We're trying to cut down on our paper usage but once any purge happens we all know we're going to be out of a job anyways, so I'm down to make copies. We all talk about what we should do with these sick fucks once anything big kicks off, but surprisingly just shooting them never comes up. We get really creative, but the number one most common response is "cut their dicks off" then do other stuff to them as well. Public humiliation followed by group lynching is also very popular.
I myself sometimes think about writing a story about a guy like one of us doing what I'm doing and then poisoning all of them at one time, or something like that. There are very few other jobs which surround you with quite as much pure undiluted human garbage that needs taking out as this one, and I know the thought has crossed a lot of my coworkers' minds.

I dunno but it sure seems like with white people it's a result of abuse, and when it isn't, the people are incredibly obviously fucked up psychologically. Maybe it's natural with spics and niggers.

Nah they've served their time but with their rate of recidivism they have to be housed until they're all better which is very very strictly measured and rarely are any of these sick fucks considered to be rehabilitated.

Nah not a single asian, tbh, but my state doesn't have very many of them at all.

How many are gay? Are there any trannies in there?

This is copy pasta. This was posted 6-8months ago. Is this 8ch version of 4ch AMAs?

How many are actually pedos, and how many are just people who are attracted to teenagers, which is a completely normal and natural attraction range and should not be considered negative in any way just because some subhuman feminists get envious of men finding attractive girls attractive over wrinkly roasties.

Post proof or kill yourself.

Reddit alert.

An enormous amount of them are faggots, even if their victims were little girls. Like seriously way over half of all pedos come of the fag community

I posted it like a month ago on half chan, yes

Niggers are mostly hebes and rapists. Spics are family fuckers. Kikes are exclusively into very very young kids. Whites are mostly hebes with a good amount of pedos mixed in as well.

Do their family bring them in, or is it social services digging up the dirt?

Also, what do you think of pizzagate and similar cases: do pedos share big networks, or are those never caught?

this is a bad representation of all pedos, coz you're working with the low IQ ones that got caught. Same thing with psychopaths, of which I believe there's a significant overlap.

The people in prison for the shit are the low-functioning ones that were too stupid to get caught. It's the smart ones that are still out there (in politics, prestigious positions, etc.) that we need more info about.

Would you happen to have citable data to back up your percentages?

Post the archive then

Usually their family members tell on them. I think pizzagate is real and I've asked the kike who drank baby blood whether or not he was a part of a network. He said he'd rather not say lmao.

What the fuck is the point of this thread and what does it have to do with politics?

You "work" there, huh?

I would get them to take a survey and ask if drawings of underaged children (not pictures, drawings specifically) had any influence on them becoming attracted to underaged children and then fucking them.

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Yeah man. I think it's in this
Look for the multiple offenses section. Most pedos have a 40% chance of reoffending, but with multiple offenses it goes up to 50% and all the way up to 70% with high DSM scores

Yes I'm a sort of manager/admin.
Pedos are political.
Why do you not want to have this conversation?

Because it's akike user, and seeing this thread has set off its SHUT IT DOWNdar

How old are they?

How much it to house them in semi-prison?

Do they have diseases?

Are they in remote area?

Have a (((you))).

Oh hey I forgot to mention this: There's a huge prevalence of foot fetishes among pedos. It's a really common thing.
We need to start calling out foot fags for what they are: fucking degenerate pedo pieces of shit.
But to answer your question, I'm not sure if there's a link. I can ask a CT tonight and get back with you later if you'll recheck the thread then. I get off at like tomorrow morning though. Looong shifts.
To answer your second question, the pedos are all old as fuck, because they've already finished their sentences and are now "in treatment".

They are pretending to care but in reality they are trying to keep them off the street.

Why dont you go ahead and show us exactly which part of this Reddit-tier thread helps NatSoc? Did you or others have any different ideas on what to think about convicted pedos other than a bullet?

It's fucking expensive to house them. There are a few hundred, here, and each one has their own therapist, their own case manager, their own parole officer, their own GPS monitoring person, etc, etc, not to mention the cost to house them and all the low-skilled labor we employ to babysit them.

Checkin those dubs.
Thanks for the answer, OP. I'll check in tomorrow.

Foot fetishists? Really? That is… not surprising.
How many are scat fetishists, I wonder.

I kind of suspected this. But to further build my working theory, let me ask:
how many of them were single when it happened?

You miss the point, user.
Have you ever heard the saying,

still no proofs op

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Oh my bad I didn't answer your other two questions.

Yes they are very diseased. Lots have Hep C, tons have AIDS, and almost all of them have some sort of STI or other. It's fucking disgusting. They are degenerates first and pedos second, I think.

And I don't really want to answer the last question, sorry. Don't wanna give any identifiable info because there's a real cunt who monitors social media in general for any mention of "civil commitment". I hate you you fucking kike piece of shit and you're ugly as fuck both inside and out. We're going to purge you one day and I hope you have to constantly wring your hands thinking about the fact that there's a "na-na-na-nazi wo-working h-here!!!???"

So Minority pedos are all the same and look the same. But the white ones are different, you can't really tell and "he wasn't abusing babies".

You seem like a fair and unbiased person.

A bunch are actually married, have kids, or are divorced, dude. It's really fucking sickening. Some people's women stay with them and send them money and shit. Fucking women.

People be like reality aint be what it is but it do tho.
I can't help that things are the way that they are, user, just like you can't help that you were born a subhuman.

Is there violence in regular state prison? I did time in a Texas prison and violence was regular. Generally just the first few weeks you’d have to fight often. After that it wasn’t too bad unless you were gang involved or fucked someone over.




All you're doing here is complaining about your "job" (which you posted 0 proof of) on a political message board. Post how to prevent it then, go ahead.

Any good revenge stories on pedos? Or stories of pedos getting beaten?

Some women can only get off when someone LARPs as daddy because daddy was the first one fucking them.

Nah they're all old and don't want to go back to prison so violence is pretty rare, and virtually exclusively nigger on nigger when it happens

>Oy vey there isn't a worldwide network of pedos and slave traders who a large percentage are members of the (((chosen))) tribe

I can help you out here user, just keep posting interesting details/facts/observations that make a good story.
Any funny inmate stories or examples of detachement from reality?

This place was down, remember.

Go back to bitching about Q.

Is there the same sort of extortion racket going on there?

I was afraid of this. That blows my theory that it's mostly older forever-alones, then.
That's not actually surprising.

So, how many do you have there that actually didn't do it. Not a case of
but a case of CPS or someone getting overzealous?

I ask because, story time:

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How much it will save the tax money if they are executed on the spot?

We could prevent the lion's share of this by genociding kikes, sending all shitskins home, and purging faggots, user. Easy peasy.

Hi OP, I'm a father of 3 young kids and protecting them from pedo filth is foremost on my mind. Can you give me like the red-pilled version of the "top pieces of advice for parents to protect their kids"? I mean, if you google this kind of stuff, the racial/ethnic bias is NEVER brought up, but critically important. I've always known never to leave my kids in the care of nonwhites, but I am also DEEPLY suspicious of e.g. white male kindergarten teachers (seriously what man wants to look after a bunch of 5-6 year olds?).

I wouldn't be surprised if the child abuse perpetrated by pedos is a factor for the proliferation of sluts and fags running around today. So many problems seem to come from it

Don’t let your children be around someone who doesn’t look like you. Also elementary teaching jobs are usually where teachers start out if they did poorly in school.

Yeah I fuck with them all the time. Mostly just little stuff. Like if they give me attitude I'll search their rooms and find shit to get them put into solitary for. Or I really like spending days and days trying to bust kikes and their stupid little usury rackets so I can go eat their fritos and chili with my friends.
I dunno. Nothing really great. One time I egged on a fight between a nigger and another nigger until they both fought and got sent back to prison but that was really the pinnacle.

Yes, the lion's share.
And what about the rest?
I want that number reduced to 0, user. And I'd rather not genocide a bunch of whites for it if it were possible to prevent it from happening in the first place.

Bingo. No part of this requires anything in this thread, does it. You're just entertaining another pussy ass cunt sitting on his ass complaining about his "job" as he watches the world burn around him

None of you would know this, because you're all a bunch of 4cuck refugee fags and reddit tards

Take this shit thread back to /b/

Do you guys ever get to hurt any of them?

These days it seems like more women my age that I've known have been abused growing up than not. It turns out a whole lot of that baby boomer "fee love" and "just do wat feels good maaaaaan" ethos culminates in raping your own daughter.

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Studying from the pedophile's handbook huh Moshe?

Get your wife or hire the tutor to homeschool your children. Public education is not good for your children.

is it Coalinga

No, see, this? This right here? This is part of the problem.
All of these illicit immediate knee-jerk "he's a pedo" responses, and shouldn't. Wouldn't, in a homogeneous white society that hadn't been programmed with talmudvision for years.
There is nothing wrong with a man wanting to teach children, and yet, there's always the suspicion there now that he may be there because he wants to stick his dick in them–and that's wrong. Our children NEED strong male rolemodels early in their lives, and this suspicion and fear denies them that.

Oh man I dunno but a lot of them do have schizo episodes, but pretty generic stuff like thinking that random aches and pains are actually conspiracies where like the security guys or the nursing ladies are microwaving their skin through the speakers and stuff like that. Plus sometimes they have psychotic breaks and say the funniest stuff. It's fun to talk to them about random stuff to see what they'll say.
Like one time this guy was quoting a bunch of bible stuff so I asked him about that line in Matthew about the splinter in the eye of your brother and the beam in your own, and whether or not that meant that he should not be so mean, and it like made him be quiet for a few days.
I dunno what else I could talk about though

One guy legit is in there because of two times his exes said they raped them, purely she said this, court says "yer an evil mens", guy's life is wrecked type stuff. I try to treat him pretty well.

Ancient Greece and slavic countries calling.
Homogenous society would have niche filled with replacement by white rejects. In all kinds of criminal activity.

I dunno user you're probably pretty well off judging by what you've said so far. You can tell a pedo by sight if they're white, and all shitskins just have it in them, as far as I'm concerned, so that's what you're doing as it is.
I hope you succeed in protecting your children, user. I guess I could mention that there's a correlation between manlets and violence and raping. I dunno if it's like statistically relevant on the large scale, but at least in here, the manlets are the ones with the most violent histories.

A man shouldn't teach young children, because its an unwise use of his talents. A woman is more in tune with children and she can teach them how to tie their shoes, read and do basic arithmetic just as well as a man. A man should teach older children, teaching young children is a waste of his time.

I too learned about Greeks all being boy-fuckers in public school.

Kill yourself OP
Go make threads there faggot

OP, have you done research into the Sabbatean Jewish sect? If not, you should, it will help you understand their mindset and foil their plots even more. It might even given you some ideas on how to extract valuable information out of some of them. It's frighteningly widespread among them, especially the wealthy and powerful.

Watch these interviews from two Jews.

Vicki Polin 1980s interview from banned Oprah Winfrey episode

Barry Chamish, went to Israel and joined the IDF, later became a well known Israeli journalist

Me, too user. #metoo. I dunno I'd be happy with solving most of it. There's always gonna be outliers but seriously we could solve most of it with what I mentioned above.

Nah we're forced to be really constrained if we ever have to use force, which is honestly really rare. We just mostly have to tell people to cut it out and maybe go break up the odd fight, but no one really fucks with us because they know that if they do, there's 2 tons of meat that will come down on them all at once and we'll all be fucking pissed off.

What % of them are actually heterosexual? I have always assumed that most are just homosexual.

I am just wondering here, are you self aware? You do understand that genocidal maniacs sit in exactly same places or on death trial?

Very well said, user. This sort of thinking is cancer, and it's sad that there's often merit to it.. I mean there are so many degenerates out there, and it sucks that good men have to deal with the prejudices they inspire. That's why I advocate draconian punishment for any and all degenerates; to make them scared again and want to hide away instead of coming out and mingling with society.

Yeah I've seen that Oprah vid. She almost lost her career in the ensuing kvetch storm, and you can tell that she knew she'd fucked up while doing the interview, when she was like "I mean… I need to say.. #notalljews do this". Great stuff.

Barry Chamish is also very good. I saw a vid of his hosted by Robert Sepehr and it got shoahed quick. Fuck kikes so much. I hate them with an ineffable fury that only rivers of kike blood can possibly quench.

butthurt as fuck

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user genociding kikes is the best thing that could possibly be done for not only humanity but all life on the planet as a whole.

This shit is a big part of pre-medieval history of every white civilization. Just the amount of smut was different.

Well, that shit is depressing.

HMM. Seems like you're forgetting some history there, TORpedo. The Greeks didn't become boy fuckers until they put women in positions of power, which is shortly before all the degeneracy started.

No, it is a very wise use of his talents, so long as it's focused on things he should be teaching them. For instance, men teach math and science better than women.
Yes, this is certainly true. But there are some things you want a man for.
There are some lessons that need to start as early as possible. You can't teach a girl to respect her father and not to be a whore if you're having to fight fifteen years worth of never having been taken to heel by a man.

Most isn't good enough, user.
As I said, yes, most of it could easily be solved with a lot of rope. Preventing it from happening again would be one of the greatest gifts we could give our children.

You glow in the dark, Schlomo. Go back where you came from.
Go and stay go.

I mean, I get it.
We started locking our doors and stopped letting kids walk around by themselves more than twenty years ago, because it just wasn't safe any more.
I'd rather they come out, so we can have a clear sight profile on them.

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Please tell me more how white pedos are not that bad.

We all know most white pedos are on /pol so I understand sympathy you have for them.

Neglecting history again, Schlomo?

There's a cycle.
See: Greece, Rome, etc.

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Have you ever planned for a situation where the government breaks down, and the prison bosses contemplate opening the gates, as there is no funding, and what you would do? I'd love to plan that, and execute it, just going around cage to cage blasting every fucking one of them.


That's the big thing with the whole pedo hysteria that's been pushed so hard. It's one thing if it's pizzagate stuff, those creatures can be executed without trial and there would be no problem. But all sides these days seem intent on making it so natural healthy attraction to teenagers below that magic number of 18 (despite AOC being below that in most places) is treated exactly the same as skippy sacrificing some 5 year old to moloch after raping him.It's the shit that gives these accusations so much power.

Stick to realistic goals.

Spotted the first wave feminist.

Thing about pedos, gays, transvestites and other degenerates…they need an outlet to keep themselves contained, but what they cannot have is recognition. This is what the kikes abusing by giving them a platform, because in doing so they create more and more of them. Europe in the 70s and 80s had under the counter child nudity (not sex) and teenagers 15+ having sex and that worked to keep child abuse a minimal issue for decades until they banned it all.

Question for OP…do you get many pedos from social service jobs, churches, teachers? You know like real predators who disguise themselves to get access to children or is it mostly opportunity related attacks?
Also do you house any long term abuse cases (father/daughter) or are these going straight to the big house?

What's the connection with anime if any? Has there been a spike because of interest in lolicon? Is it common to see drawings in stashes?

Here comes the user, and his name is Thread Destroyer!

Bring them Mexican children to rape

Anything in europe that actually worked or just your boomer delusions?

The lolis are in nearly all forms of teen age. Don't blame lolicon for schlomo's interest in 5 year olds.

I am genuinely interested in a non-malicious way.

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Yeah sure. Drawings are not people.

The most important step is social media training early on. They cannot escape jewish subversion in this timeline, but they need be taught about privacy in relation with the web. And you have to be as honest about it as you dare to get. They have to learn that there are many people out there who try to steer them away from a sturdy moral ground. As for real life dangers…try to teach them to always ask themselves in any situation "what if this person lies and wants to take advantage of me"?

LOL damage control on pedo drawing advocates here
