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Why this prediction? All the other predictions don't seem too unlikely but cui bono regarding Ukraine? I thought both sides have resigned themselves to a frozen conflict?

Alberta separatist movement polls above 25%.
Jordan Peterstein incorporates himself into Conservative party and makes a bid for prime minister

Ukraine needa perpetual escalation so the gov can be propped up, continue gaining free weapons from US and cheap loans from IMF. On the other side Russia wants to keep up the pressure on Ukraine so they can keep them out of NATO, economically bresk them into submission again.

Whites lose the coming race war, overpopulation destroys the world but the few remaining albino hominids are bred by Mongolian mountain bulls to repopulate Europe.

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Syria withdrawal is replaced by PMCs in a shell game

I agree with your prediction and I would like to raise the stake. NATO and especially (UK, CA) have a solid hard on for war with Russia.

Remember the "Naval incident" a month ago….. Pic related.

Right after, Ukraine gain a few warplane and the Russian where really pissing off a British Missile frigate. One of the Pick is some info that was drop right after the "Incident" it kind of put thing in perspective.

Attached: 17 jet.jpeg (671x875 87.08 KB, 80.9K)

There will be at least 3 major israel sponsored terrorist attacks in the US alone. At least one 9/11 sized terrorist attack in Europe or the US in 2019.
This will be used against Trump and it will critically hit.
The wall won't be built.
The US will be dragged into more trillions of dollar wars for freedom's israel's sake.
There will be "big" uprisings of whites in various places around the country due to various reasons. None of them will take hold. This will be used - successfully - against whites.

I'm not looking into '19 with any hope.

(((Assad himself personally directs a attack on the white house triggering WW3)))
Because every time the USA wants out of a war, the country who will lose the most (((coincidentally))) attacks it



Fuck off, already, you degenerate fetishist cuck.

There will be fighting in Ukraine eventually. The Russians are Eager to create novorussia. Now that Syria is closing up the Russians will likely refocus on this front. There will be heavy casualties on both sides I’m doubtful the Ukies could hold those regions against Russians but I’m also doubtful the Russians can break Ukraine the way they want. Either way give em hell Ukrainian bros

The war never really ended just diverted for a time. Russia needs to link Donbas to Crimea so as to control the Azov sea in full. Every map the Russians have produced shows this without it the annexation is partially negated


You sad, sad, boring man.

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It always seems like a waste to me whenever Russians invest in a navy they have always been so bad at naval warfare

I like your optimism.

Kill yourself shitskin.


What Russia wants has always been fairly clear with there population placement and every geopolitical map they have show or propoganda they have produced. Cutting off Ukraine from the Black Sea completely seems improbable though they will likely annex everything east of the dnieper

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Maybe not. Sen. Faggot Graham suggests Trump might reverse his decision to pull out. IIRC, Trump was rewarded with a political "win" after he bombed the Syrian airfield, he might make a deal to stop the political gridlock…
…which would be a mistake. I'd be content with a 2 year shutdown/legislative gridlock

Predictions for 2019:
Stuff gets more expensive, Whites lose more Rights, and Turdworlders keep multiplying like roaches.

Jews continue to jew.

Attached: NPR_2018-12-27_twitter.png (640x944, 485.47K)

source or gtfo torPEDOfag

be nice.



UFO disclosure. Todd Howard was basically right about everything.

The American flag will wave over a sea of blue.
Rockets over Syria.
Something going on between China and North Korea.
The discovery of a new archeological site, possibly a previously unknown ancient civilization.
An intentional oil spill.
A historical speech by Trump.

This is not all but it seems to get less and less interesting the further one asks.

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It's gonna be a year of furious energy and widespread disruption, normalfags and boomers are gonna fuckin implode.

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Q-tier post in that third image (not that Tom Clancy shit doesn't happen, but I doubt that did)

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (299x168, 83.93K)

Things will start to pick up after the January lunar eclipse.
Expect a paradigm shift.

I’m predicting a boring year with lots of political tug of war with few visible results. Any user who’s not a complete sperg should start a YouTube channel and do political commentary with facts and data to support our worldview. We aren’t doing this for money so let’s flood their shit with redundant channels that present hatefacts in such a way that they can’t Shoah our channels for “hate speech”. If enough of us do it, some of the channels are bound to become somewhat popular. I don’t know what our numbers really are but we are an elite same here so we can easily create the illusion of numbers and sway some normalfags. That’s what I’m gonna work hard on this year - bringing as many normalfags over as we can. We gotta talk about things that piss them off and then relate those things back to race realism.


Pls be a sign from God and our ancestors.

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One thing worth looking at from here on is a push another copyright extension. 2019 means shit FINALLY starts going into the public domain again. And a lot of merchants are not going to like that.

Attached: 2018-12-31-191240_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 355.97K)

Foam boy is on the case


It doesn't matter. In 2023 they'll extend copyright another 50 years and it will be passed unanimously by Congress so that Mickey Mouse doesn't ever enter the public domain. Trump will be out of office by then, so no one will stop it.

He's going to be used by (((Scheer))) to fight "Max Bernier's Xenophobic Alt-Right Rump"

If Disney is RICOed and broken up due to child sex trafficking, presumably the copyrights will revert to public domain.