George Lincoln Rockwell

Do you guys think someone like GLR could pop up again in our lifetime? What did he do right and wrong? Do you think the extremist platform is the only way to go from here? Personally I think it's time for someone who unifies whites, National Socialism seems like the best candidate for that. When are we going to see the rise of another American National Socialist party?

Attached: george-lincoln-rockwell-03.jpg (496x405, 162.45K)

he was a lying CIA asset and should be forgotten in history

hmmm this seems organic

These. George was a Glow in the Dark Cia Nigga.

To obvious.

Attached: Hmmm.jpg (2000x1125, 146.65K)

I didn't know that, I thought his platformed seemed pretty genuine. Why would the feds plant him though? What's the point of making a legitimate nazi figure if it garners actual people who genuinely identify with that


OP, George Lincoln Rockwell is a trigger to shills. They immediately jump into any thread that mentions him because they are absolutely terrified at the prospect of America becoming National Socialist. Listen to the words of GLR, read his speeches, and decide for yourself whether or not he was a fed. I can guarantee you right now that you will not find a straight answer here.


Any great orator who comes along will be assassinated before he ever gets a chance to gain a following.

cool convincing meme talk fellow anonymous

because this thread is filled kike gas-lighting and can't stand up to logic.

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The people saying he's a fed are retards. Why would the government plant him just to kill him a few years later?


So I guess feds are firebombing their own colleagues now?

Fascinating. Another anti-GLR thread calling him a fed…

A lot of opposition, must be a good idea.

All it takes is for someone to be brave and to know what they're talking about it. Meaning, it has to be one of us to step up.

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Paid shill confirmed. Thank Codemonkey for allowing this

Goodluck user with getting an actual response from these dimwit fucks other than -insert name here- is a cia nigger plant.

Patrick Little, Paul Nehlen, Arthur Jones - pick one.

Reported for spamming nigger porn. Dunk on a shotgun barrel you degenerate waste of space.

I don't know much about him but he seemed like an interesting character, I never knew about the fed allegations but I'll be sure to look into him more. I'm not entirely convinced he was some fed plant, sounds a little fishy to me

Yes, yes I know you get paid by how many posts you make, and grouping in irrelevant replies is a great way to bait more replies
Paid shill confirmed

You're wasting your time solving captchas to report. The site admin personally endorses posters like the nigger spammer

As you can see, he isn't even banned. Just posts deleted.

Thank you Codemonkey

Technically everything is nigger porn. Nogs would fuck a roll of barbedwire if you stuffed it into a dirty pair of sweatpants.

Reminder to the spineless mod that's lurking this thread that you are a part of the problem that has made Zig Forums into /intl/

Reminder that you are a husk. You are nothing more than Codemonkey's little marionette on a string

Oh no, not my virginity.

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I'm going to do the one thing that pisses off this shill more than anything. Get back on topic.

Here's "What We Stand For" by George Lincoln Rockwell and read by microsoft sam for some reason

Attached: what we stand for.mp4 (1280x720, 11.71M)

And here's an embed because Zig Forums is being (((cohencidentally slow))) right now

I don't know, but there sure are an awful lot of people asking those kinds of questions, though. Where is he supposed to come from? Thin air?

In the same way that he did, sure

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Why are feds so obsessed with porn. Is it because they're all kikes now?

What is TRS

Well, gg I guess.

Who makes the nazis?

One last speech to try to salvage this mess

GLR was never a FED plant. In fact, he stated that (((members))) lied about him being a Fed in his autobio.

One thing he did wrong was adopting the NatSoc imagery. People were willing to adopt his platform, but not his imagery because they recently fought Nazis after WWII. The imagery only attracted mentally ill LARPers who believed in a hollywood version of Nazi Germany and shills. As a result, he met his downfall by one of those two.

The imagery is the only reason he got as much attention as he did. He wasn't the only White "racist" of his era, but he's the only one you remember, because of the thing you said he did "wrong".

Rule 4.

Drop the National Socialism angle, put the WWII memorabilia away and be a leader by exposing Jewish crimes to the world. Catch your audience by pulling out the ones responsible for a crime that effects them at the moment and expose the shit out of the jewish angle. Be bulletproof to accusations while you are hammering down the crime that has been committed. Don't be the one who has answers to anything, become the one who solves problems head on. Reach out and ask the public for their voices so that you can act against them. Always keep your finger on your target and don't let him out of the public sight, if he runs send protesters after him, if they try to intimidate you force them to try this out in the open. Keep the real redpills for later but viciously attack the cancer around you, while building your army of supporters and whenever you archive a victory you dig a little deeper and call even more Jewish crimes out.

In short…don't waste time building a future, focus on cleaning up the present. Be a moral compass, be the one thing humanity needs right now…ein Fels in der Brandung.

I think there is a neccesary role to be played by the 'hard-line' of any political struggle.
GLR was a good speaker and an ok leader, but he made some serious mistakes that set us back decades because people keep repeating them.

GLR's big problem was fighting against the 'hobbyists' who weren't committed enough, and that is a major problem on the right. His thinking was that if you just say fuck it march around in SA uniforms then you won't get hobbyists. It makes sense. But he was wrong, you do get hobbyists. You just get hobbyists who are attention seekers and who have mental issues.

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