Something that's been bothering me for a few years now is how I'm not someone worth passing down their genetics, having kids or generally worth being in a relationship with. I have a few mental/genetic issues that I would not want passed on to a child. However, from the perspective of the entire point of human existence (getting married, having children), I'm struggling to find an answer as to why I bother trying.
What to do if you're not genetically useful?
In a National Socialist ethnostate, you would be euthanized.
Humanity consists of two components. One genetic, one memetic. Work on the meme part and pass on only the good stuff.
Same. It reveals a glaring hypocrisy in the ideological basis for this leaderless movement and is all too often dismissed with "make propaganda or kill some kikes on your way out. You're still useful as fodder for the cause."
imagine being so pathetic you can't find a reason to live unless you have a roastie to validate your existence
If you are white, I expect you to do your part. Never forget the 14 words. Also, if any anons out there are infertile, you can still help the cause in other ways.
Imagine the only alternative to self-sacrifice for a stranger's benefit being to produce genetically ever more perfect (according to what criteria) offspring for the good of a State? It's almost as if these groups have more in common than is obvious on the surface.
This. Or at the very least adopt a handful of Boer refugee children and raise them into proud Aryans.
Anime Masturbation
Leftover men can either give their labor productivity to a cause or to a family. This is similar to gay men in that they provide additional resources to their immediate family. You could also go the route of martyrdom but I wouldn't advocate that because I'm against violence.
I don't intend to be disingenuous when I use the word State rather than nation. My more underlying view is that individualism is shunned tout court, not for the harm it can cause to a people but because it doesn't make the nation, or by extension the State, superior. No wonder libertarians and minarchists think there is something overly fishy with NS and the more NS-passing strains of contemporary right wing movements.
Support Whites who are. You can still leave a legacy even if it's not a genetic one.
More likely incentivized not to breed with cash, or sterilized. This would be reserved for the biggest defects. This is assuming we've removed all the jews and shitskins already of course. We're talking utopia essentially.
this. hitler didn't leave a genetic one either (not for the lack of trying), but his third empire is still the talk of the town.
I bet you also think the holocaust happened.
You can also protect your genetic legacy by helping out direct family members, and to lesser extent extended family then still lesser but still very relevant, your race. Of course having your own children is preferable but we play the hand we're dealt in this life.
Horrible comparison. Gay men are that way because they were abused or molested and furthermore embraced the "identity" or failed to rectify it. It's not genetic.
Don't adopt without a wife.
Damn, good point on adoption. There will likely always be orphans due to circumstance. So even if you win the genetic lottery you can still be fucked by chance. And those kids need parental love too to develop a healthy psyche into adulthood.
This is actually a viable unexplored angle, "Ethnostate now, for an end to your pain".
"You can do whatever you want besides produce offspring, so long as it's something your nation can use to bolster its strength. Otherwise, you are welcome to roll over and die."
Note that you could help your nation indirectly without specifically working for its benefit, but also that individual expression or egotism need not equate to civilization harming behavior.
It is genetic actually. You can see that the cultural explanation is BS given that aboriginal Mexican tribes such as the raramuri have gay shamans that are embraced by the villagers. They provide some utility for the tribe as a whole so most tribes will choose to keep them as an extra hand for hunting or gathering whereas certain tribes just killed them if they couldn't complete their tribe specific rite of passage (aka fucking a woman after engaging in battle).
Yeah you could pair up with an infertile woman or a widow to adopt. Since we're talking hypotheticals already…
Dew Nation is best Nation!
I have a feeling you're a paranoid little faggot with a few problems. Most people aren't going to get married these days. So if you're white then go have kids. If not then dont. If your sickness is really inherited and bad then dont.
If it's something faggy like "muh inherited depression" then you're a fucking hipster faggot, stop it.
That doesn't prove shit. Meanwhile look up jewtube gay child molesters in a club caught on camera (something like that). Some guy went undercover and recorded all the fag's origin stories. Also this was common knowledge in psychology before the (((60's))) when the gay lobby got faggotry removed from the DSM.
Aid those who do, you whiny faggot. it's not all "me, me, me" you have talents, contributions to make, think of many great men in history who never married or raised kids. Actually do something brave and bold with your life, knowing you don't have to worry your wife and kids will be targeted, and that you don;t need to keep up payments on the house they live in.
Embrace your freedom and pursue your destiny, whatever that may be.
try getting rid of criminals
Which comes first the gay child molester or the molested child? It's ridiculous to base it solely on a cultural explanation when indigenous tribes have gay members that contribute to the tribe even though they aren't passing on their genes. From an evolutionary perspective having a few gay men in your tribe that would focus solely on resource extraction would be incredibly beneficial.
you're easily in the top third tbh
If you hate yourself, you deserve the hate
This is a good line of thinking, user.
Would you put a craigslist ad up for this you think?
Lots of ways to help whites without making your own kids, but the total gene-centric worldview is mostly outdated 1990's bullshit. Genes play a major role in the creation of a phenotype, but the inheritance and state of an organism is much more complex than just genes. Most mental/physical ailments are a result of your mom having a shitty diet during pregnancy and you having a shitty childhood diet/lifestyle. Epigenetic changes from bad diet and environment are not permanent. They can be reversed with several generations of a sustained healthy environment.
Not saying you should have kids if you think they'd inherit too much fucked up biological traits, but the obsession with genes beyond being white and having decent IQ is not necessary.
I'd just say that find a parter who is the worth same as you
The advent of gene editing technology, though risky and entirely novel at this stage, assuming it exists as I have not personally encountered it my profession, would tend to undercut not having children for reasons of heritability also, no?
But it's hard to imagine Grady Stiles family toughing it out for generations until the technology works well enough to eliminate the mutation from their line.
For the most part I think gene editing will prove to be a foolish path for improving a race. Maximizing maternal and fetal health combined with strategies for keeping mitochondrial energy production optimized throughout the lifespan will produce better results. And the results will multiply with successive generations that maintain optimal health.
Could be. And the practice of animal husbandry has a much greater sample to reflect upon, technically. It seems like anymore, it's all scientism or science journalism, and the public are left placing their hopes in these new notion couched in computational metaphors because we love our computers and because this is the new shit. People think new is improved, but that's not always true.
Problem with getting rid of 'criminality' is you get rid of all the good warrior genes and become a nation of soft bellied cowards.
Are you White? If so, then stop acting like a nigger and figure it out. If you aren't White or White passing, name the kike everywhere you go. In fact, you should do this regardless but with more caution if you are White, because everything you say will just be dismissed as raycis unless you're well read and spoken. If you aren't White, gommies will be caught in a screeching boot-loop and you can enjoy endlessly fucking with their twisted little minds and maybe turn their shaming tactics against them by playing da poor oppressed "minority" (Whites are 11% of the population and facing extinction yet shitskins of every race are called minorities no matter where they are).
Some more advice, you can still help the cause of 14/88 whether or not you can fully realize the ideals we all uphold, faggot. Name the kike. Encourage other non dead-ends to reproduce and revolt. Give them good advice. Educate, agitate, radicalize. Fuck, give them some shekels if they are on the right track. As for your predicament, are you just making excuses? Genetic hygiene takes time (generations), and although you might not be Chad Thundercock, you're still probably better than most. Eventually we'll achieve designer alpha Aryans so your retardation won't matter, but you can't design them if they don't exist. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, or end it and stop shitting up the board with woe is me blogposts.
Sage. Good luck man.
It's can be caused by abuse too not just molestation. You're just making up your own fanfic about shamans for some reason. Look up identical twin studies and redpill yourself on this shit nigger.
Rule 4.
Imagine being a good man, but losing your balls in a battle to a landmine or something.
How would you procreate?
It is simple. By shaping the world into something that is in accordance to the goodness, stability, sensibility and power, you will indirectly create people that are more like you, and less like the enemy.
You will not have left your genetic legacy, but you have increased the chance of someone like you, if not actually you (if reincarnation or soul passing is a thing) to walk the earth once more.
Also, the Havamal has this fact in it:
Cattle die, kindred die,
Every man is mortal:
But the good name never dies
Of one who has done well
Havamal 76
Cattle die, kindred die,
Every man is mortal:
But I know one thing that never dies,
The glory of the great dead
Havamal 77
You will live on if you make a name for yourself, if you have done good deeds that keep your name on the minds and tongues of those who move past you.
If you're not free to make a life that doesn't revolve around the pursuit of national strength, you are a slave.
Guess what, we've always had more options than being a soldier or being a nihilistic, cumdrunk pervert.
I did. There is a much higher correlation between two twins both being gay that there is between two randomly-selected individuals.
Therefore there is a genetic component. QED.
This. Just by being on here, and having the concern that you have, shows that your probably above average iq. Iq is the only thing that matters in reproduction.
Nature and biology are the most cruel, emotion-less, unforgiving eugenicists ever known to mankind. We live at a time when there are Billions of unnecessary, surplus humans. May the best man win.
Just get a sperm donation from the most ubermensch aryan chad you can and raise the most superior babies you can if you prefer to create life instead of take it.
The correlation is nowhere near 1, though, so it's not simply genetic. If it were caused by a pathogen, for instance, you would expect to see this situation. The twin correlation is because disease resistance has a genetic component.
also the adopting aryans solution
Ragnarok. You die in the final great battle to create a better world.
Again, it's not fanfic, it's to counter your point about the environmental causes of homosexuality. So are you now saying any physical or emotional abuse against a child can turn them gay? I'd love to see some studies for this theory tbh as circumcision could be seen as a major trauma and should then result in most american men turning into homosexuals during adolescence. What constitutes abuse then?
see as he makes a great point.
Fag twins shared the same womb. The environment is the same for both. Something abnormal about the hormonal environment created by the mother during fetal development could be another explanation.
Walk into a Marxist conference with an AR-15.
I love the "Survival of the fittest" shit that everyone always spews out because what they don't realize is that survival can simply mean spitting out 1000000 offspring so that the overwhelming numbers are too many to completely get rid of. Survival doesn't always mean being the strongest because it's all relative, I mean the fucking Dinosaurs were massive goddamn things and even they got wiped out
with proper breeding you can weed out the negatives over a few generations. i would imagine everyone has something degenerative in this day and age even if its as benign as ape admixture.
Nothing can be truly done about it until all juden influence is removed though. It would requre a large organized strategy rather than one and twos who's children may well ruin anu progress by stacking disease instead of mitigating it.
This board is full of idiots for whom killing is the answer to everything (including killing oneself).
The point of you, OP, is to figure your life out and overcome.
Think of what might help and do some homework.
KYS faggot. Killing will be the only answer when the civil war hits. THIS IS BECAUSE YOU CANNOT ARGUE WITH A SOCIALIST.
Zig Forums is becoming a paraody of itself.
You do understand that war involves men with guns trying to kill each other, right?
Are you white? If yes then keep supporting the cause. Support your race. We aren’t just a race as whites, we are a very homogeneous group amongst humanity, we are an extended family. Your genes exist in other white people who will pass them along. Alone, you’re just a single link but you shouldn’t forget that link is just one part of a larger mesh that forms something greater. No more blackpills. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Many men far greater than any of us here died without producing offspring. Do we not still honor them? Are they not still the flesh of our flesh and blood of our blood? Stop thinking of yourself as a lone individual because you never were and can’t ever be, that’s just a Jewish lie designed to make you forget who you are and what you’re a part of, to make you feel isolated and alone. Don’t believe it.
childless homosexual detected
I bet she stinks.
You might as well say the N word.
and so it came to pass that the image of a 500 lbs amerifat saying he is "healthy" finally becomes intelligible
there is no faggot gene, and if there was (and i wish there was, but alas there can't be), then you'd get your faggot ass exterminated before you're even born.
And you know why?
Because noone wants a faggot for a son.
it's not genetic at all, for the simple reason that such a gene would be self terminating, as humans don't make kids by taking it in the ass like a little bitch.
faggots are just trying to look for some sort of excuse they hope would justify their repugnant shit.
No excuse will ever be given, period.
Set faggots on fire.
Whatever you say, edgelord. You're assuming that he's some sewer-rat byproduct of dysgenics, birthed by a fetid sewage pipe, spewing effluvia. He could just be some depressed autist. That's likely the case. But, of course, you thought it cool to be a trigger happy shit flinger. Anyone who is capable of socialising can see through your behaviour.
You sound young and you're definitely depressed. Are you sure your condition is that bad? Are you sure your depression isn't exaggerating your sense of your problems? I think it might be. If you're on here and redpilled, you're more than likely above average IQ. That's good.
Realise, if you have 100% Aryan babbiez with le Aryan waifu, you'll not be passing all of your genes to them and if she's of good stock, the kids will likely be well off. Besides, we need Aryan babies. Unless you're some kind of actual retard, there's no real problem, OP. It's in your mind.
Identical twins should have a near 100% co-incidence since are genetically identical. You also have to look into adopted identical twins (raised in separate households) where only one is gay, for example
Also watch this Norwegian documentary "Brainwash" it goes into more detail
These people are either the greatest roleplayers of all time or they unironically believe that there are any scenarios where people make the meaning of their life serving people with the worst pr of all time whose entire movement is based on self supremecy and who all look like the dude in those amerimutt pictures because "if you dont serve selfish people you are selfish"
People who arent ugly and useless are out there living life no matter where they grew up. They have no time to post on four chan. This entire forum is reject incel faggots "blowing off steam" by role-playing as a group of people who aren't afraid of their own shadow. The average post about a confrontation with the outside world here is something like "geez, I was treated like shit my whole life, should I stick up for myself , or should I cower in fear like a faggot because I wouldn't want to upset anyone who is living their ideal life, they might punish me, and I'm scared!"
Pol more like cringe . Most of you are either autistic (incel, beta, think you are smart but you are actually a defect and can't use your ability to memorize dates in any practical way) or narcissistic/ schizophrenic (wtf why don't people worship me I mean Jesus everyone needs to do my bidding I mean jesuses bidding because I'm god this is so much different than the 9000000 other groups claiming to be god I'm actually legit! /// Wtf my life is all suffering and shit it's definitely not social/economic/political/genetic factors it has to be fate this is a test from magic fairy!
You are denial so bad that you were the "street team" for the latest neo con puppet , they have done nothing of value for your cause and are literally there to do the George Bush stupid monkey act and make you look even more retarded, and rather than acknowledge that you are a failure you just run from the truth.
In all seriousness user, get a gf or wife or whatever who is interested in adoption. Then you can bypass your own genetic problems and negative predispositions but still raise a child right. I know an older gent who adopted a white south african 2 year old decades ago when that was still possible. Today that 2 year old is a gainfully employed white man with a white girlfriend, and likely the two of them will have white children of their own. If he hadn't adopted that kid would likely literally be getting murdered by nogs as you read this, but another white man who wasn't able to have his own kids saved him. There are positive answers out there user.
Bot post? Or paid Pajeet? Ranting and insulting stream of consciousness post totally out of context with the rest of the thread, this one pings of bullshit.
This right here, OP. Sex and procreation aren't everything. You can help the cause without nutting out 9 kids. Issac Newton was an incel, but he was also one of the smartest men to ever live. I remember Issac Newton, I have no idea who the 99.9% of white people fucking like rabbits are (but if you are, please keep doing it).
What do you think is more valuable, the living work of almost every single philosopher, or another mucus dripping loser kid? Zig Forums usually leans toward the latter, but maybe they should read some more of those childless losers. spoilerEvery genetic line (and all life, period) is wiped out. Our universe eventually ends as space expands perfectly flat and time reaches absolute zerospoiler
Your kid could be the end of your genetic line if it dies anyways. Simple car accident could do the trick. Stressing over this shit like the future of humanity is in your hands is retarted. If you want a kid, try fucking a woman and cumming inside her spoilerthat seems to do the trickspoiler
But put a "National" in front, and they become masters of the the Socratic method.
Nation is extended family, every family is socialist (from each according to his abiliy, to each according to his need), socialism is only a tool of genocide when extended outside small racial and cultural groups bound by a carefully cultivated sense of duty to feel like a family.
Look how we're spending time trying to cheer up a complete stranger (OP) because he's One Of Us.
Not invoicing him for the time or energy spent even though it's New Year's Eve/Day.
>Identical twins should have a near 100% co-incidence since are genetically identical. You also have to look into adopted identical twins (raised in separate households) where only one is gay, for example
>Also watch this Norwegian documentary "Brainwash" it goes into more detail
Most identitical twins aren't actually identical in the absolute sense. Many times they have slightly different genes. The problem is assuming they're the same without actually testing that.
Homo pacifist detected. An hero.
So you love a juevos rancheros. Got it.
He was voluntarily celibate you faggot, as was Tesla. Stop using their words to demean white heroes.
Have some New Years motivation.
I meant Volcel, I misspoke. You're absolutely right. plz no bulli
Identify your nearest redeemable next of kin. If you have to go out to third cousins so be it. Then live your life entirely for their success. Serve them as a knight would serve their liege.
I think it's funny that your only complaint about me is that I am short.
Let's ignore that I took control of an entire lodge in less than a month.
I am Volcel and have dozens of children already.
What are you going to say now?
good job, I guess. Are you a responsible father?
Yes, let's win this with words, like we've been doing. Pacifist pussy.
Before you do it, make yourself useful for once in your life, drive an suv into a crowd of antifa and an hero before anyone get to you.
I am the seed donor that got paid.
I forgive you user. You see words are extremely powerful which is why kikes have been trying to change their meanings through the media and publishing houses. This even applies to slang and meme words. As both the creators of those memes and the vanguard of all that is good we must hold ourselves to the highest standards. In fact…
t.father and 230 days god mode
This is true. Basically every word in English has at least two meanings. And English is a dumbed down, simplified language made for the most retarded subhumans to use and get tricked by. Zig Forums should really consider not speaking in the enemy's language and switching to German.
I like this one. He good.
Do you have a stable house and job?
Adopt kids instead of making them.
Unfortunately, there's no end of really nice kids that grew up in fucked up homes.
I'm your average white guy that is successful in most things in life, but I do carry a genetic defect that affects my lungs. It's nothing life threatening, but I decided I'm not passing it on to my child. I'll instead adopt a kid or two. I'll raise them to be great men and great women and if they are genetically healthy, encourage them to pass on their genes, otherwise, to make the same choice I made.
I was thinking about how gay once meant joyful and happy still meant lucky, like "happenstance", and things mad more sense, then I thought maybe a Jew wanted to make our word for joyful derogatory, like gay is now, so that he could convince himself the goy are bad things like being gay, their joy, and there again "joy", "goy", "gay", wtf is going on there?
English has many German roots.
Rainbow is the pledge of God not to flood Earth again for mankind's sins (Bible) or Bifrost, bridge to the realm of the gods (Norse).
They made it pic related in the eyes of most modern people.
And we can't coincidence-theory this because gematria and their other occult shit is highly complex and believes everything that has a likeness is linked. NO coincidences.
Please be specific. The state of the human genome at this point in time is pretty fucked up in general due to all the shit being pushed on us through vaccines, poor nutrition, and who fucking knows what scifi shit the elites have.
Schizophrenia and depression can be helped with niacin as a starter. Also keep in mind 'zersetzung', where people are targeted and deliberately fucked with, driven to suicide.
You have to keep an open mind while being paranoid as fuck in this world of today. That means just being conscious that your likely being fucked with all the time, either directly or indirectly, and adjust your life around that reality. The "sheeple" meme is accurate. Most people just want to go along with the program and stepping out of line is going to create cognitive dissonance and a lot of anxiety. Don't piss away your ancestors sacrifice to get you here.
tl;dr smoke a lot of weed and grow your own food. You'll attract the right person.
Genetic selection is often used in this
t. beekeeper who sells varoa resistant queens at a premium
There is no reason to think of this as an either or situation, the two are far from mutually exclusive.
Sterilise yourself and live your life to the fullest user.
That fact that you would ask such a question means your more worthy of breeding then the typical shit skin. but, if your set in your beliefs then I'd suggest "blaze of glory suicide". think about your target and make it count for the cause not against it. unless you can do something about every shit skin, commie or fag then your best not to target your actual enemy but rather target your group in an ineffectual yet headline grabbing way. A "false flag" if you will. one that'll raise awareness of the situation and increase the ranks. But make it believable that your our enemy maybe even go deep cover for several years before the big day. And I must insist that I am not encouraging anything illegal or violent and that if you think that then it was a gross misinterpretation of my message.
compare your DNA to a nigger or a kike.
Then have kids.
Free cash for promising to not do something I already don't do? I'd sign up in an instant if there was monetary incentive to get sterilized.
I feel the same way. Autistic and dumb as fuck, manlet with tiny hands christ I didn't grow up, I've been the same height since I was twelve and I'm in my 20's. I curse my parents for having me, 90% of the population should not be allowed to breed, only the strongest should.