Post pro-existence and pro-fighting for life stuff
Makes me feeels because it shows how much we can do and what we've already done as a people.
Post pro-existence and pro-fighting for life stuff
Makes me feeels because it shows how much we can do and what we've already done as a people.
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Posting French Nationalist
I can't take anything that Red Ice does seriously since they had that "BASED nationalist jew" on and said zionists were our allies, and I was a paid subscriber since their "esoteric" tinfoil days.
I like them because they present appealing optics for the uninitiated.
But they're poisoning the uninitiated with fables about "good jews" and implicit (and sometimes explicit) tolerance of sodomy.
>check out a review of The Origins of Christianity on Goodreads
pic related
Zig Forums is breaking containment
White pride worldwide. Remember Whites and Europeans are the most superior organism to ever exist on this Earth all the other sub-humanoids are left over slaves who will disappear as we rise.
If you haven't already, you should check out Alex Linder's audiobooks of The Jewish Strategy, The Enemy of our Enemies, and America's Decline (in progress). His commentary adds so much to the books he records, especially the ones from authors who aren't quite on the mark about everything (like E. Michael Jones).
No shekels for jew.
It's a Sad Day when you legitimately believe that factions within the U.S.A. (created by Whites) cannot be Pro-White.
I understand that you may seek to break down 'fellow'-white people with the Blackened-pill, but you over-estimate the power of the Jew within the culture that the White man has built.
We built it, we sustain it, and we control the primary functions of this thing. If it changes, we will purge the communists.
You faggot cock-sucker.
You should watch the video. It's calls it all out
I listen to You Religiously..
When all hell breaks loose. All hell will.
Just as I quitly stood by. stand by and hit when the time is tight.
Im not saying the time is right. but secret Red Ice. Stay Secret. Slubovyu.
key is not what "we" have done (we have done nothing compared to a few of our ancestors, the rest were mostly slaves, some were even black well contributing slaves).
the key is what will you do. Dont rely on past doings of your ancestors. That really doesnt matter any more. The blacks dont care. Become strong , become powerful, impose your will.
happy new year
there is a reason they call you paypigs subs
This is why I don't like red ice.
Refuse to name the jew.
Jews are obsessed with their own people.
Jews want their own nation, greater Israel.
Although, this video is on youtube, the moment you mention jews, your video will be removed.
Have some Empereor in your life might his light bless you
This always sends me into a murderous rage
You know as well as I do that they never pushed this. They simply interviewed a kike. That's simply journalism.
I don't agree with them on everything, including Lana's meek handling of the interview. But I'm not going to toss out the baby with the bathwater.
Whenever attractive, articulate men and women talk about White issues, that is a good thing. Red Ice is one of those shows that I would introduce to Alex Jones level conservatives to get them on the next step of the journey.
I'm surprised (((AmRen))) would post a clip that makes a good "h'White" man like Kristol look bad.
Yeah I agree with this. I showed my wife a few Red Ice videos to get her initiated because they are easily digestible. Too bad about the LARPaganism tho.
Isn't all that tells us that the cat was at one point a pet belonging to somebody in the military? It also says it supports all military branches, so I imagine they might have similar services for people living in the US who are involved in the military of friendly nations, for example I doubt they'd turn away people from the Israeli military.
Basically what I'm getting at is that Henrik being a swede would have likely done his mandatory conscription year, and might have been eligible for their services whilst living in the US.
If a jew says "jews should replace white men", that's AOK
If white men say "jews will not replace us" that is EEEEVILLLLL. NATZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
I really like the Paganism stuff.
I have no clue whether they glow in the dark or not but one thing is for certain is that Lana looks like a tranny!
That image is wrong, by the way. My dad is 6'1, with the build of a girl, no joke. My mom is a bit shorter, but probably weighs more than him. And he has a higher BMI, objectively.
My mom is just a freakozoid who has fucking GIGANTIC shoulders. And that's how I am a brick shithouse of a man, despite my dad having a bit of a girly build.
Nevertheless Lana looks like a butt ugly jewess, lol I mean if people are going to shill for jewess skanks they should at least shill for Lauren Southern!
This is why people make fun of far right groups.
Perspective people. Get outside of your autismo boxes.
I dunno man, I wouldn't trust any of these people. My brother excitedly asked me one time "have you heard about this Lauren Southern chick?", and I'm like "yeah, but what does she DO though? Like I know she's a commentator now, but Ben Shapiro was a columnist, Joe Rogan was an MMA and television guy (kinda like Trump as well), etc etc. What does Lauren Southern actually DO in her spare time?
no one cares about why people "make fun" of far right groups , they make fun because they are retarded. The left is a bunch of clowns who laugh at shit like pedos
id totally get inside that trannys autismo box
look it up retard …
protip: she does more than shit post on (not much more but who the fuck are you to talk)
what do any of these ethots do in their spare time?
I did look it up, and the question was not actually answered. She was a "correspondent" for some media organization. But like….. where's her high-traction articles? Where's her television spots? Usually when people make the jump to trying to own their own fucking media empire, they have a slightly higher ranking position than "correspondent". Again, I don't question Shapiro's meteoric ascent, because he founded media organizations BEFORE he became mainsteam.
Bump, we dearly need to keep morale high in these trying days.
It's actually kike well poisoning, and groups are just invitations for infiltration. A (((far-right group))) in public is always controlled opposition / false flag.
But I hate listening to something I could read 10x faster.
I'm saving the JQ and working through shorter works: "Reflections on the Christ Myth," "Marxmanship" (on the JFK assassination), and "On Homosexuality" (amazingly redpilled and full of keks):
Common criticism, but he quotes "The Late, Great Book, the Bible" by Nick Carter:
Dovetails with Rosenberg on how Jesus very un-jewish but still benefit from a "slave religion".
Marcionism ftw
>T-there are hardly any trannies in Hollywood, go guys!
mystery cults are still alive!
Pic related shows how to tell men from women:
Where are the fucking whitepills you cucks?
Now I was on the fence with Red Ice, but you might have just changed my mind a little here.
Darn, I forgot to not hand the (You) over.
Should have added the title: "When my brothers finally wake up"
Or, just a stupid idea of mine, you could read it with your eyes. Fiction novels and light polemics make for good audiobooks, but the really meaty stuff—i.e. the works a warrior-poet should be reading—is best consumed and digested slowly, in a quiet room.
You are assuming they are another hwhite man arguing in good faith, which they are not. They are part of a forum guiding operation (of which, I assume, there are more than one, for more than one reason, on behalf of more than one group, on multiple channels) meant to spread paranoia, confusion and slow productivity. I can't tell if it's working or if there's just a bunch of them posting here, but schizoposting is a very real phenomenon.
Remember that public discussion of aliens was not a notable phenomenon before the JFK assassination. There was one group in particular that stood to benefit from this sort of disinformation campaign, and they wield much the same power today as they did in 1963.