The United States Senate has unanimously approved a bill to make lynching a federal crime in the country.
Happening!! US passes first anti-lynching law after Senate vote
Killing people is illegal now.
Has there been a single lynching in the last 50 years?
>(((hate crimes)))
I'm sure there's a 'only whites have the freedom to be legally killed in non-white lead lynch mobs' buried in there somewhere :^)
Oh come on I had a lynching planned for Saturday
White crime illegal, black crime legal.
So… they've made it illegal for pantifa faggots to lynch whites now, right?
Oh come on. It can't be that.
you can't cleanly sue a mob
especially if they wear masks
that's why fucking antifa works at all
the bill will only work if there's anyone identifiable within a mob, even if it's just one individual, it's basically a bill that nabs anyone not hiding their face when shit goes down, pantifa clearly knew this bill was coming, and even if one of them got caught, they'll always have (((someone within the legislation))) to bail them out
this is a move (one of many more) that will impede any non-minority group when they go out for a payback against the kike's own pantifa goys and their pet niggers. You could say this is only one part of their prepping when DOTR eventually comes along
Back to cuckchan shitheel.
yep its a 300 pound LARPer who's never going to do anything, stay impotent virgin
I'm going to kill your family. Pencil it in on your calendar.
Considering military aged negro males commit almost all crime in the country that isn't committed by mestizos, it seems lynchings disproportionally affected Whites.
all you do is ridicule others who are not (((you))), glad everyone including myself don't have a shitty life like yours nigger
They know it will. It's not like you're ever going to fight back against them.
It hasn't been ratified yet you dumb nigger
I'm confused. Did anyone who went out to do a lynching ever consider if it was legal first?
Technically legal if they were livestock thieves(or worse) and you were three days ride from the sheriff's office.
I have posted this in another thread.
Lawfags, be as lawfaggoty as you can and dig deep to find even the most remote hook to hang this law onto the shit the ashkenazi jews pull.
In Germany not all lynchings are lethal, yet they fall under the umbrella of lynching, this includes public hazings and effigy punishment.
Effigy punishment. ((( Fellow white people we sure are mean aren't we, oy ve, I mean, son.)))
i wouldn't understand why you still subscribe to the belief that you are a majority in your own country.
If you are talking locally, it could be. There are too many outsiders on your own country.
I would guess that white nationalist americans are about 20 to 30% of the total population, at most.
The car truly did ruin everything.
About half of all the lynchings in the US were white people but ask anyone today about it and you will get a unanimous reply they were all niggers.
We all know of your underdeveloped amygdaloid. Life must be so difficult for you.
all you do is ridicule others who are not (((you))), glad everyone including myself don't have a shitty life like yours nigger
Perhaps, but they would all have been other minorities like non-Christians or gays or suspected witches. Pretending that lynching ever affected YOUR personal demographic is patently ridiculous.
Great, so now we can’t even hang fags. Have to throw them off buildings instead now that ropes are illegal. Islam got one thing right.
Nearly every scum sucker lynched was killed for suspected murder, suspected rape, or cattle thievery.
And the total number o lynchings was around 4700.
I never said anything about me being part of a majority group user, I said 'non-minority groups' which doesn't exactly mean they are a majority, now is it? The point is, the bill has the potential to go after any group who're not on (((their side))), also anyone stupid enough to show off their face on camera
lmao you're an absolute amateur at shitposting nigger
I believe they were just criminals. Considering the fact that the racial breakdown of lynching "victims" is similar to the racial breakdown of the present day prison population.
The FBI has records I believe of the number as well. Niggers kill more in a month than anything then bitch about.
Not that I'm aware of.
but there should have been
How many Whites have been murdered by mobs of rabid niggers since then? I bet it's more.
Just when my tree has grown tall enough, was looking forward to carrying on the family tradition with a summer barbeque and lynching.
Damn democrats ruining everything with their soshulisms and their black presidents.
So fucking BASED. Can't have those RACIST DEMOCRAP WHITE SNOWFLAKES lynching all of our BASED NIGGERS before the 2020 election, amirite my fellow pedes? XD
If 3 black senators get lynched in a forest and no one is around do they make noise at all?
Rather than run the country, the indignant and malicious nigros that you've elected into power would rather spend your tax dollars virtue signalling about something that probably hasn't happened in nearly 50+ years.
Keep killing. Never stop. Form armed militias and also kill (((enforcers))).
So? We will still kill those that we want dead.
>Keep killing. Never stop. Form armed militias and also kill (((enforcers)))
It's isn't time to start shooting yet. Now is the time for planning, logistical preparation, and stocking up. I have a feeling shit's going to get super bad during the 2020 election, and we can use the unrest as an opportunity to put leftist bodies in bags, while letting the MAGAtards take the heat.
Lynching in US history was done for cattle theft, which was like stealing someone's livelihood and sustenance from them.
Even to today niggers try to take what isn't theirs. Also killing is already illegal so why make it redundant?
This is a moral and legal outrage. Above everything else, killing niggers should be legal. Every nigger alive on this Earth is a dangerous animal, and the law should recognize that whoever is around the negro is in a justified self-defense situation. It is a violation of our natural rights that we are not allowed to open fire at first sight of shit-brown skin. Besides the element of danger, I compare a nigger on the street to a piece of trash lying on the sidewalk, as his existence is racial pollution upon our white Earth. The niggers occupying Africa do more harm to it than any mineral mines, factories, or landfills could. Not only is killing niggers an act of public safety, it's eco-friendly. Niggers should be rounded up, pushed into those giant car-grinders they have at junkyards, and their pulverized gibs be used as fertilizer. They're more valuable dead than alive
Time to lynch a few of our own and challenge this legal reasoning.
America has been fully and utterly niggerized, just as (((Lincoln))) wanted.
ALL niggers are automatically enemy combatants. It's literally the law of war that we kill them.
So…..can welynch for crimes committed befor this law?
Thats the only way id be ok with it…
Learn some history nigger lover.
Slavery was brought here by jews.
Jews owned most of the slaves.
Jews kvetched the most over slavery being abolished.
Many KKK were jews.
Fucking nigger lover.
Does anyone have the bill number and/or a link to it?
We need to go over this with a fine-tooth comb and to take it apart piece by piece and have it either destroyed OR have another bill suggested and passed to add addendums to it.
I wonder if this law will be enacted against black people. Unfortunately, those 4 kaffers that abducted and physically assaulted that autistic white man not only got off, the hate-crime charge was dropped BEFORE the case went to trial DESPITE the fact that there was insurmountable evidence that it was racially-motivated and influenced by hate; which essentially states that the crime was committed because of the person's protected status race/religion/creed/order and magnitude of faggotry etc..
Lincoln wanted to send the blacks back to Africa after they were emancipated. You have no idea what you're talking about.
The last lynching in the US was 1981. Way to address a fake problem.
lynch verb
lynched; lynching; lynches
Definition of lynch
transitive verb: to put to death (as by hanging) by mob action without legal approval or permission The accused killer was lynched by an angry mob.
So if a gang of niggers kills a white (or anyone), it is now a federal crime?
It's up to us to insure they apply this law in EVERY case.
We can fill the federal prisons with niggers.
All this was was a waste of time. Lynchings haven't been a thing for decades, plenty of whites were lynched too and for the most part lynchings were an act of mob justice, usually against someone who killed or raped, which is why it was usually niggers.
Wrong, lynchings are frequent and the perpetrators are dindus with white as victims.
Those aren't lynchings. That's just murder
Newsflash, both sides were garbage.
Lincoln may have had legitimate racialist views, but the emancipation (even if it was only to weaken the south) was extremely stupid.
Almost as stupid as the founders not putting a racial clause in the constitution.
The south had a legitimate right to secede as well.
the northern war effort was funded by the rothschilds of NYC
Southerners were fighting for the continuation of a system that was garbage, and would eventually result in their genepool being contaminated.
The Southerners had the same gross, paternalistic attitude toward blacks that the South Africans and Rhodesians had.
and their war effort was paid for by London rothschilds
TLDR-both sides were pretty crappy.
t. northerner
Curious: how many blacks have died from lynchings throughout US history?
How many whites have been killed by blacks throughout US history?
An answer to the second question is probably impossible to find. I’m curious though.
Well, let's examine this rationally.
Suppose that you are a pedovore politician who knows that information is about to be brought to light that will make people want to burn you alive in front of your own house, what would YOU do?
If Trump signs this into law, he is empowering the very people who are the enemy of the USA, and all that is right and good in the world.
Here's one: how about we make child sex, ANY sex in prison, treason, foreign lobbying, and ownership of media in the USA if you are a foreigner federal crimes that carry a death penalty punishment instead?
I want to see a counter to this endless avalanche of legislation aimed at destroying justice and preserving the safety of perverts.
How about it's a federal crime for ANY black to attack ANY white?
How about "sterilization for any female who has had a child while on Welfare."
This is unironically going to be how it will start. MAGAcucks and their very similar associates, the cuckservative, will take the heat because there's no other way. They will cuck to protect their image while actual white men are putting jews, leftists, and assorted jewish pets like niggers to death.
Serious or not this is self-indulgent animalistic bullshit which is exactly what our enemies want us to do - overreact and commit pointless atrocities that mobilize the bulk of whites against us.
Sage. Shills GTFO.
Nah. Do something constructive, like raising a family or building a community, rather than doing something retarded that's guaranteed to get you killed or imprisoned.
Shills want you dead or in prison. It's that simple.
Murder is a state crime
Our people will eventually get killed or imprisoned if we keep going pacified playing by their make believe rules that they don't follow anyway.
Once the pozz South Africa state be the global state, your "something construictive" will only produce more cattle to the meat grinder.
Im so glad they made it finally illegal
there were about 3000 people total lynched, this number compiled by lefties themselves.
This is over a century, this is independent of whether the party was guilty or not, this doesnt include whites lynched in the old west.
3,000 is how many murders occur every few months in Chicago.
Lynching is historically irrelevant.
Are you seriously fucking telling me would could have been cleaning the place up LEGALLY up 'til now?!
Exactly like the "terrible" Spanish Inquisition executions.
to make sure white man understands that its his fault the lynch happen
Lynching was one of the only ways to keep corrupt politicians to account.
Moron. Killing people is one thing. Generally speaking, murdering someone is not a federal crime. Now lynching someone is. There's a huge difference there.