Some scientific research about a phenomenon known as "Cute Aggression" just showed up on my radar. As I was reading into it, numerous light bulbs started flashing in my head. It explains so much about what we already know about the differences between the liberal and conservative brain. The Amygdala! It is also heavily involved in the reaction to cuteness and is involved in reward processing for behavioral responses. If you have an underdeveloped amygdala, you are more vulnerable to cuteness overload which activates an aggressive response wherein you want to attack, hurt or destroy the source of the cuteness.
I think Cute Aggression warrants some more investigation by interested parties here on Zig Forums and elsewhere, I think it can directly compliment some of our strategies going forward. Cute Aggression turns out to be more prevalent in young girls and feminists. I bet you could predict which girls are more likely to become rabid feminists by analyzing their response to cuteness. Why do we get so much flak from leftists and even some people who claim to be right-wing (neocohens, cuckservatives) about using anime avatars and posting anime memes–it's because they have underdeveloped amygdala. Why are most Western cartoons and AAA games so ugly, with the exception of say French cartoons or stuff derived or influenced by Disney classics: because the Jewish producers and art directors tend to become aggressive with cute artwork, they really don't like it. Why do the corrupt leftist and globalist elite partake in child sex trafficking, rape and torture? Why has child vore emerged in Jewish occult practices? Why do Jews run the worst of the hentai and porn industries? Cute Aggression and the brain chemistry involved explains it all.
Even the fact that 4chan started as an anime image board ended up acting as a filter to select for those who tend not to be aggressive to cuteness–it selects for those with normal to well developed amygdala. It explains a large part of why Zig Forums and the alternative right emerged from image board culture, the other part of course would be anonymity selecting for INTJ/INTP personality types who tend to score lower on narcissism. It explains why whenever we got floods of new posters from reddit or elsewhere, complaints about anime would always follow. It explains our relative power against leftists on image boards and why Zig Forums can't seem to grow without bots, as less of them tend to like cute things and hence avoid anime.
Cuteness can be used as a wedge in our strategies. Aversion to anime is a litmus test for the underdeveloped amygdala and the liberal brain. We can use cuteness in our memes and campaigns to attract like minded people into our fold and keep out the unwanted. All of these things we've already been doing inadvertently, but now we have comprehensive theory as to why it works and what we can do to really hit the pressure points. Best of all we can call people out for not liking our anime smugs.
Here's some links to get you started, but by no means is it complete. There's a lot more material available if you search for it. If this gives you any interesting ideas, please share them.
When Too Cute Is Too Much, The Brain Can Get Aggressive
Dimorphous Expressions of Positive Emotion: Displays of Both Care and Aggression in Response to Cute Stimuli
The Affect of Cute Animals on the Human Phsyiology
The Goons fear the Anime is a well known slogan on here. Note how SomethingAwful was basically the original reddit where the dawn of internet SJWs and oppression olympics culture began?
What kind of psychopath doesn't like cute things? Is this the source of all our problems?
John Cox
From the first link…
If around half of people are cute aggressive, it explains the left-right split, although the study was done in Commiefornia, so it's biased more to the left. They're probably less than half of the population, maybe closer to 30-40%, across the entirety of America, concentrated in the blue states and counties. It must also explain their aversion to nature and their inclination to live in cities?
I can't get your third link to work though. The "See full transcript" button does nothing. I think archive fucked it up.
It's so strange reading about how fucked up other people are. This is like when I read about NPCs not having inner voices at all. The entire concept is just foreign to me. It's as foreign as if someone said they drank sand from a glass.
Ryder Phillips
Apparently half of the subjects in the study have an aggressive response to cute things. Unsettling, isn't it?
Dominic Walker
It's insane, but it does explain why the more radical feminists hate anything and everything feminine/cute.
Gavin Sanders
Come on user, we both know the average weeb isn't some manly man lumberjack outdoors type.
Ian Davis
The left hates babies and gays hate girls. Just saying Thank God for White Babies would give them a heart attack.
Eli Reyes
Looks like it doesn't work through the archive site, uses HTML and javascript I think. It's just the slides from their presentation of the research paper. It directly references the "amygdala" which is why I included it.
I like anime well enough but it's been more of a jail than a liberation for most people.
The jew fears the samurai, they say. But sitting at home and jerking off to anime is not being a samurai. A samurai goes outside and slashes faggots for his daimyou.
Jordan Scott
Good read. Can’t wait for this to be weaponized.
Zachary Gray
Everything is so lucid now. It all makes perfect sense.
Colton Russell
Kill yourself nigger, not your blog.
Zachary James
Jews. And their allies, the left-minded "people"
Hunter Brown
Admittedly I don't think babies are that cute. I just can't look past the immense amounts of vomit and shit that babies are constantly producing. Children, anime girls, and fuzzy animals are all pretty cute though.
Angel Foster
It's not that bad and it's a woman's job anyway, you gelded cuckling.
Yup. There's a lot to unpack here. The juxtaposition of amygdala stimuli to hijack the brain, along with awareness of the hermetic principle of polarity, can push an user a long way down the road to understanding our memetics and initiation practices.
So the positive evolutionary reaction to cuteness would essentially be linked to Eros, and is a diluted sexual desire. To oversimplify for the sake of brevity, you think girls are cute so that you wont kill them in a primal rage and will keep them alive long enough for them to grow up and bear your children. Cute aggression also serves an evolutionary purpose, but one essentially linked to Thanatos, and would be triggered by excessive interaction with the young of another genetic line, causing a snapping point where the animal slaughters all babies that are not its own, intending to prevent competition with its offspring or itself.
This is all spun on its head by the fact that the jews have been self-selecting for underdeveloped amygdalas for thousands of years to better perform the twisted duties of their Saturn cult, and would have experienced micro-evolution related to this, becoming even more soulless and craven.
Good op, OP
.>>12622222 (checking those sacred pentuple twos) We are guardians of mystery, user. Our weapons are everything that exists. :^)
It is definitely because of the "underdeveloped amygdala" and not because people realize when you post a "smug anime girl" with your post or use one as an avatar that you're essentially masquerading as a female. That, of course, implies you're the worst kind of homosexual. Surely it isn't that people are made less happy by witnessing such faggotry, it's because their biology is bad and they're big libtards who exist only for you to trigger them with your hilarious smug anime girls.
OP is trying to justify his weirdly feminized hobby. The split between cuteness is between men and women. Not between left and right. Anime is escapism to the extent to where some weebs will watch it in subtitles
And any man that like anime should have their masculinity questioned.
I was talking about english dubs in anime, cretin.
Connor Phillips
Stop reposting garbage from Hacker News you fucking nigger
Evan Cruz
sorry your over developed amygdala along with your over developed breast are too much for me to handle soyboytoy.
Wyatt Williams
I would say there's a difference between having an aggressive response when looking at anime and recognizing anime as a degenerate, escapist hobby. You don't need to continue to watch anime regularly while using anime imagery as a weapon, or having anime desktop wallpaper, or posting anime images.
Adam Cook
Then why not just post cute dogs? You really think under the scientific analyses anime falls under cuteness? That's assuming a lot, buddy.
Of course you can use anime imagery as a weapon without being a fan of the medium. However, you're underestimating the sheer level of hatred that (((goons))) have towards anything related to anime.
Austin Allen
Because anime is the perfect abstraction of cuteness.
I wish new artists in the west would draw western things, though. And I don't mean cartoons.
People like Frank Frazetta have inspired the Japs. Shouldn't just let that tradition die.
Kevin Young
It's genuinely hard to watch enough anime to qualify as an "escapist hobby" for an extended period of time. Keeping up with a few shows a season doesn't take much time out of a week.
Dominic Rivera
Checked. Thanks for posting.
Angel Foster
Why is that escapism or bad? I haven't watched an anime in years, but I want to learn Japanese for business purposes and so if I ever watch anime, it's in subtitles to pick up the language.
Aiden Edwards
Aiden Morales
Babies are not an abstraction you blithering dipshit.
Okay, then learn spainish. Go to spain or any 3rd world shit-hole in the americas
Carter Carter
Weaponization 1:
"Did you know that feeling aggressive when seeing cute things is one of the first signs of early-onset dementia/brain tumour/other scary degenerative disease?" Drop this into random comments all over blogs that permot commenting with unverified email and a name.
Weaponization 2:
"Did you know that feeling aggressive when seeing cute thing is a sign of deep-seated bigotry and rage to lash out at minorities?" bonus points for trigger white shitlib who does sometimes feel this way.
Because they're drawn by nepotistic reprobates with no talent or passion seeking to emulate the MTV/Heavy Metal aesthetic with cartoony, anthropomorphic characters because they're physically incapable of drawing well - or they're trying to copy the style of, initially low budget, shows like Family Guy and The Simpsons.
The alternative is that they're intentionally drawn ugly or unusual to achieve a specific comedic or visual effect. That is to say it's a conscious choice of artistic style for the purposes of visual storytelling and tone-setting(and in certain instances cost cutting).
The reason nip-toons are "cute" is because their art styles are non-existent, they're almost all derivative down to a very specific formula which can be applied to 99% of all anime. That formula exists because it's meant to appeal to YOU, not children and not the general public. It's meant to appeal to unpopular, socially inept boys and men between their mid teens and late 20s. The reason they go for "cute" is because it's the best way to appeal to the broadest demographic of lonely young men, more yet it's a way to have them throw money away because they want to posses a part of that cuteness. It's an effective tool because the lonelier you are and the less affection you receive from the opposite sex the more responsive you are to these stimuli. It's why lonely, long-term single women have a tendency to adopt and pamper up to several pets at a time, purchase toys and plushies. It's a form of emotional fulfillment to fill a hole otherwise not filled by the affection of another human being. Yes, this does include serial-hoores because, as any serial hoore will tell you, regular sex =/= love, especially when that's done with many, often not well known, people concurrently or in short order. It's also why "friends with benefits" relationships rarely work out in the long run since one of the partners will invariably develop a strong emotional attachment to the other(sex is, never the less, intimacy).
So, next time you see a cute anime girl and your heart flutters, user, it's because you feel unloved and your psyche is reaching out as a way to cope and compensate for that.
On the note of anime,it's why I don't like Goblin Slayer. It sells itself like this uber-dark, fucked up show but it's art-style really doesn't reflect this. It looks like every light-novel adaptation out there and the tone and color choice completely fucks with the content in a way that is not positively subversive(ie: contrasting the good you want preserved with the sheer evil you want to protect it from) but just jarring.
I don't know, I've never seen aggressive as in "I want to kill you and eat your eyeballs' I've always seen aggressive as in "I want to hug it and kiss it and posses it". Feminists seem more like the "I want to kill you and eat your eyeballs" types, to be frank.
Who the actual fuck watches anime? Cartoons are supposed to be a) comedy, b) political satire, or c) both. They're not supposed to be dramas, romance novels, or anything like that because connecting with a cartoon character on some emotional level is retarded. Maybe you can have a cartoon that is an adventure story like Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Lehningen and the Ants, or something like that. You know, a masculine work of fiction where there is a real plot and the characters have to travel somewhere to accomplish some task. 99% of anime is nothing like that. Most anime is like an episode of Melrose Place except it stars 12 year old girls. Anime is shows about nothing.
The only decent anime was Legends of the Galatic Heroes because it was Space Reich vs Space ZOG and the Space Reich won. And even then, half of the shit was about stupid social interactions and the political message was the same tired old "war never changes, everyone loses" which is what you'd expect from a country that got nuked twice. Fucking nips. Stop wasting time drawing gundams and go invent them IRL already.
It's impossible with the welfare state, high taxes and predatory divorce laws that benefit small amygdala beings at the expense of big amygdala humans. Besides only big amygdala chads are capable of successfully reproducing and raising kids properly. Small amygdala virgins would just abandon their kids and create more small amygdala children.
Thomas Torres
I agree, kids only become cute once they can walk.
Carson Rogers
This is what happens when your society suppresses informal human interaction. It gets expressed through fiction, but in a twisted, indulgent, degenerative form.
This is informality in the imagination of someone who has never experienced real informality, only sterile interaction within an anthive society.
I'm ok with anime, don't watch anime shows (did checked out a few), but I do like many anime memes.
Anime could not serve as a filter against shitlibs, and such. When posted in serious threads, whether or not it belong in the thread will come up and derail the thread. Even if you actually trigger someone with it, you'll just reply to mock him some more, than he rages more, and the original topic of the thread will not get talked about. Plus anime girls is not exacly safe for work, even if not lewd, you don't want people seeing you looking at thread with them in it. Zig Forums nsfw nature should not be abused, and only be used for on topic nsfw material, and the freedom to write "politically incorrectly", you cannot spot a swear word, or someone writing nigger or kike from a meter away on a subway, school or at your office, but you sure as fuck can spot an anime girl, and that will be noted.
I'm not saying you should not use anime images, just don't overuse them, and for them to serve as a filter they would have to be posted way too frequently.
As for the part of cuteness brings out agression from shitlibs and kikes, that might worth being investigated some more, but I also think that is overstated. Could be more like that roasties get mad, because they could never live up to the qualities of a fictional young character, and they get jelous.
Interesting find and theories OP, thank you for sharing. I’d go even further and say that they hate not just cuteness but also beauty and perfection of form. I don’t have anything to back my theory except anecdotes which I’ll omit here for time but think of how a Greek statue makes you feel. You get a sense of satisfaction and awe looking on something so perfectly proportioned and aesthetically pleasing, I think that some insane SJW type seeing the same statue would get triggered, not in an overt obvious way but like a small, nagging way. Wish I had more to contribute to the conversation than just a bump.
Joseph Diaz
Maybe I have it because when I see a grown man post an asian masturbation medium cartoon I want to get violent.
Colton Sanchez
I thought cute agression was just a need to squeesh really hard, not hurt. For instance, when babushka pinches your cheeks is it cute agression? Is biting your gf cute agression?BDSM?
Wow, I guess my theory wasn’t as flimsy as I thought. Thank you user. Saved.
Brayden Robinson
From what I remember reading it is an instinct. You bite your woman so it leaves a mark on her so other men can see that she is property of another male. Woman themselves are submissive by nature (instinct) and don't mind the occasional biting and other painful stuff. They actually desire oppression by a strong man that takes ownership over her and provides for her. It is what it is. It is more of a dominance instinct then cute aggression.
Jonathan Rivera
that's exactly it, user I've being saying so for years: our enemy is psychopathy (this includes all jews)
interesting stuff op, made me think of these (mostly the first link)
James Martinez
This. Also let's examine how many of them are deviants.
Lincoln Lopez
Even if its only you im glad to see another person who agrees that anime is escapism. Its a tool to help you ignore your own life.
Easton Ortiz
is that "aggressive"?
Nathan Howard
Yeah, I assume most of Zig Forums has at one point or another been familiarized with AC's work. This new stuff about Cute Aggression is another aspect of it.
Levi Clark
Got you covered: Don't be fooled, it is a Lovecraftian horror in disguise. Don't search for it on YouTube or you will get spoilers.
What about animals, and those libs who love their kittens and puppies? Is there supposed to be a clear distinction between depictions of humans and non-humans here? Do they just ironically like them, or pretend to like them to improve their image?
This explains why Niggers, and Arabs routinely hurt domesticated animals, and pets.
Josiah Scott
user, why are you calling your children kids? Last I checked kids are baby goats, so if a jew reads someone calling their own children 'kids' the jew would let his (((imagination))) run wild off the many dark things it loves to do upon them. The same goes for mentally ill leftists.
To be fair, in the very beginning, there was a modicum of culture overlap between SA and ancient /b/ or so I've been told, it's not my 10bux, but yes, the speed at which that site metastasized into ultimate faggot was staggering, and they've been this way for longer than some of the people here have been online..