Dirty Duterte

"I lifted the blanket … I tried to touch what was inside the panty … I was touching [it]," he said, news website Rappler reports.
"She woke up so I left the room."
At the time he told the audience "it's true" but the President's office defended his confession, calling it a laughable anecdote that he made up.


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Grab by the puci

transparent slide thread

There's nothing to slide in the catalogue.

Good leaders grasp what is rightfully theirs.

Don't care. Eat shit.

Who cares, it's just more salt collection from the local feminist marxist Gabriela party.


Please lighten up. There is no need for hostility.

So no real content, then.

Yeah, that was kind of it.

What angle are you coming from? 90% of the shit here isn't real content.

Madlad. Always grab puss when presented with opportunity to grab puss.

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Thanks for confirming this is a slide.

We all play a vital part in the grand scheme of things.

If you think it, it is true.

The phrase "slide thread" inherently invokes cringe because the term became popularized during Trump's election, and really hasn't had anything applicable to be applied to since.

Even when good threads appear, I would suspect that the average Zig Forums user is intelligent enough to find them out, not merely looking at the front page.

And finally, "Slide thread" is a phrase popularized on 4cuck. A place where you should go back to. Now get the fuck off my board.

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Theres probably a reason they didn't mention a vagina.

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Why should I even be surprised.

< Slide threads don't exist anymore user.

Notice how the kikes never make fake pedo accusations? Guessing they don't want the heat

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Beat me to it lol.


Thanks, posted it in the wrong thread. I was telling a guy how Dominoes garlic bread is shit and it's better to cook your own.

Grains are bad for you and can cause alzheimers, depression, ADD, ADHD, among other things.

you fat cunt

Paid shill confirmed.

you Nigger, Gluten Tolerance is proof of white supremancy

So I am just "a guy" to you now? Is this how you are when I am not around? Really puts me in my place.

Of all the arguments I've heard for white superiority gluten tolerance has never been one of them. While it is true that white's eat the most gluten riddled foods and products, there is a major issue of mental and physical illnesses caused by the grains.

This is because the wheat you eat today is not the wheat your ancestors ate. The wheat of today has been refined to the point that it is has a gigantic glycemic index rating, causing insulin spikes, which can and WILL lead to insulin resistance and hyperthyroidism. Couple that with leavening and you're straight up fucked. There is also a chemical that causes most of these issues beyond the glycemic rating. I cannot remember the specific chemical as the studies I saved are on a different computer. But I do know for certain that the grains our ancestors ate, such as eincorn grain did not contain this contaminant. I also know that you can remove it by boiling it, as such pasta is safe to eat, even though the gluten will still cause insulin spikes.

t. assmad negro who can't eat bread
yes too much of anything will fuck you over but you need heaps of gluten for anything to happen and is more of a carbohydrates present in glutenous products, ie the Fructose rather than the actual gluten itself

Sounds like skele propaganda to me.

Buk buk say wut?

Yeah, I agree. Find some content, bitch.

Fuck off with that paleo shit.
It assumes we haven’t evolved in 10,000 years, which is false. We evolved in the past few thousand to be able to digest milk. There is a reason most of the world is lactose intolerant while whites have much lower rates of lactose intolerance.
In addition cave men skeletons have been found with grain/carb remains in their teeth. We’ve been eating grains for a very long time.
Gluten intolerance is largely an allergy. Not always but often. Some people are allergic to dog (despite us domesticating them thousands of years ago). Many are not allergic. Live your life accordingly without blanket irrelevant rules

Skelles shall rule the world exec scum

Somedays I just wish that the retards would stop posting for one day.

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Sorry user I didn’t mean to rustle your jimmies and ruin your cute ancestor fad diet.
But it’s a farce not based in actual science. Shits broscience man.

Haven't you ever thought, "Maybe I should do something with my life instead of shitposting all night"?

Truly pathetic


Oh Paleo is a meme too, I know this, I'm just saying the gluten free shit is also gay meme fad and if you think you're gluten intolerant you actually just had too much carbs
Unless you're actually a Coeliac, rare as fuck ie 1 in 10,000 in the west but does exist

Duterte Grabs em by the gook pussy.

I’m not shitposting, misread your post. Nutritional biochem is a professional interest of mine and I got triggered by misreading

what supposedly does gluten intolerance do to the whales,let me guess make them fat right?

Mood issues such as anxiety, depression, mood swings,
Inflammation, swelling or pain in your joints such as fingers, knees or hips,,Digestive issues such as gas, bloating, diarrhea and even constipation,Fatigue, brain fog Migraine headaches.
Yep sounds like all these ham planet liberals making some shit up in place of not taking care of themselves.

I think it's called guk dik.

Real leaders grab 'em by the pussy.

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I thought it meant that you were bred to be a bronze age agricultural slave.

either way I doubt Duterte cares

Does Phlip really have trannies? I thought they are better-looking than gooks… spaniard blood…


that's Thailand mate, the Flips are influenced heavily by Catholicism. Thailand has your ladyboys.

Nobody wants to eat your shitty matzoh, Malachi.