My dog is max

Something big is happening but I cannot post about it in case (((they))) are here.

I will post some hints. Keep this thread alive until next week, please drop any GOOD redpills you have in the meantime.

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As a white person, I ask all of you to please bump my thread.
We need more merry New Year's cheer

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((( )))
fuck off mordacai

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You don't seem to understand how this website works.
You have to give up the goods FIRST before we do what you want. If you can only talk next week, then make a thread next week.

Mossad agents did the shooting in Las Vegas, well they arranged it and paid a foreigner to do the actual shooting.

I already posted something great, it's in front of you… I told you I would drop clues/breadcrums not the whole thing

I ain't seeing anything great. And it's not because I'm stupid.
This website is a restaurant of information. If you're not being a good host, everyone will leave.

> but I cannot post about it in case (((they))) are here.
(((they))) are always here nigger

READ! Inside those pictures is everything you need to know in WORD FORM!!

fake and gay

Yeah, I fucking read them. This sort of information has been floating around since 2014 at least. Maybe earlier, I'm not sure when exactly the CIA declassified a lot of it.

Are you fucking retarded? It was the FBI, btw, they (((lost))) the selfie-video that the israelis took on 9/11 (they one where they are swaying a green lighter like a rock concert)

OP is truly a faggot today but looking at the catalog he is not the first of the year.

…so you're confirming you've got nothing new to share?

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Shit OP.

Top kek


Nice dubs, rolling for DACA amnesty !

well, I guess I'm for DACA now, can't go against kek's will.