Okay seriously I am finding a lot of oddity about this entire chain of events. So Bre Payton goes to San Diego to fill in for some show by a woman named Liz and asked to do it by Morgan Murtaugh who is currently trying to take over leadership of a political office in San Diego while running as (keep this in mind) a "Christian Republican".
Payton was going to stay at a hotel but Murtaugh claims she "insisted" that Payton stay at her place. Murtaugh, her "friend" later claims she found Payton unconscious and Payton later is said to have died from swine flu and meningitis which, both rare and (this is key) both highly contagious if around someone with it.
Now it should first be said that San Diego is a literal Islam shithole at this point. Most recently parents in SDUSD went ape shit due to the forcing of Sharia into the district along with the constant presence of CAIR. Keep that in mind. I am not a Christian but I know them well enough to know how they wish someone off when a person dies. Each religious has a very specific and normal goodbye. God Bless you, God be with you, May God grant you peace, Rest in heaven, May heaven embrace you, etc, etc. You all know what I mean as you have heard them all as Christians and Catholics reinforce "heaven" and "God" in everything they do.
Now why does this matter? The same person, Murtaugh, who claims Payton is her close friend, had said friend die in her fucking place (basically) after "insisting" she go there after fucking inviting her out to SD, who claims to be a devout Christian… well… why does she consistently cite Islamic funeral rights goodbye to her "friend"… and why do all her male friends have yabba dabba beards? You be the judge but I smell a setup here. She also claims BP came to stay with her family. So a fucking family of 6 had no idea while she was babysitting "Mav"? Did they all just randomly decide to leave her alone?
This girl/family set Payton up, they are connected to the Muslim Brotherhood and this is all an act. Guys… fucking HuffPost, WaPo and the NYT have done articles repping this bitch… since when have they (ever) repped a Republican? She is a plant… she had something to do with this girls death and led her into a trap
Bump for interest. I thought I read somewhere she was in an induced coma.
Joshua Sanchez
bump, this story is suspicious
Elijah Stewart
Nobody cares about some roastie
Parker Hughes
Looking more into it, it really is.
Josiah Torres
Jayden Moore
Muzzies/Thuggees are robbers, stranglers and thieves.
Caringbridge is their little fund raiser. There's a formula to these things.
Carson Reed
H1N1 needs a patient zero? "It is not known how she contracted the H1N1 flu virus." Is San Diego and CA not concerned? Why is this H1N1 Swine Flu in San Diego CA not all over the News?
Exactly, yet another oddity. We're talking about a serious fucking issue that could wipe out millions and no big deal, no searching for the source, no anything, no message from CDC on how one person contracted two rare yet highly dangerous issues at the same time?
It's fucking suspicious at best.
Elijah Campbell
I thought only gay men who had unprotected ass sex together got meningitis in American cities. It's not like there's vast swamps full of disease bearing mosquitoes around San Diego.
Parker Ward
Is that ShariahBlue fag in the picture with her?
Luke Turner
What the fuck is the point of this story?
Ian Brown
Yeah appears so.
Evan Young
Robert Taylor
Bump for fucking jews
Juan Hill
There's no content here.
Ryder Roberts
As above, so below user. Muzzie larping as a Christian has political aspirations and removes possible future thorn. If this shit happens in regular local power struggles, it happens in larger more ppwerful circles as well.
Nolan Price
Not to mention how she invites reporter to her place only for reporter to die of highly contagious and deadly not one but two fucking illnesses and no word from CDC.
What are you talking about? She has the exact same eyes as her kike grandma.
Lincoln Davis
Aristotle… can you trust a man who was a bugger for a bottle?
Christian Adams
Maybe OP. I would go with, she got sick on the plane ride over first though. Fucking airplane air is horrific and the passengers are literally all fucking niggers now. Airports are just shitskin central. Avoid if you can.
Chase Hughes
Pretty big deal though user. Both meningitis and swine flu and no word from CDC? I mean shit.. either of those could kill millions if outbreak took place.
San Diego has had several outbreaks over the past few years with the most recent at San Diego State. Also those two kids that died at border had symptoms of meningitis so either the beans are bringing it here or they are being used as vectors to infect the US.
Connor Fisher
Every time.
Owen Thompson
This is a complete nothing burger that belongs on /x/ or cuckchan.
what the god damn fuck is this drama bullshit and why should I give a shit
Adrian Cook
I admit its all quite suspicious, but frankly this Morgan bird could have caught it by just hanging out with her "friend" in the city by accident, dont most american cities have a big problem with feces sitting out in the open, from diseased homeless people and drug addicts? if she's from another entire city her immune system could be highly vulnerable to local strains and could have been overwhelmed by a disease that would only have bed ridden a local.
She could also have suffered from an auto-immune disease which has not been made aware yet, or had been unaware of possible kidney failure (you don't get symptoms of kidney failure until they almost completely fail, some people can live years on ~20% functionality without ever knowing it), and combined with the new environment and local disease (admittedly local disease imported from other countries), it could have hit her like a freight train and her body failed to stay alive.
Bacteria for all sorts of nasty things is all around us every second of the day, when it builds up and consolidates in our bodies in enough numbers to coordinate and multiply, that's when shit gets bad and you can get sick.
Done a fair bit of reading on immune systems and genetics recently and i even butted heads with a microbiologist on the subject so i'm not talking out my arse here. Until you can prove the jew had a real reason/motive to take her out when she could have simply shut her out of her life, and a viable method of infection this is all just pointless speculation.
That being said, the Jew is clearly an opportunistic subversive in her political life, but she like most humans still wants/needs friends in her life and goys like morgan will do just fine, usually moreso than other kikes, most kikes don't get along remember? they just work together.
Fishy, but lots of stories and events are, until you discover all the facts.
Its true in the pat 8 years San Diego has been hit hard with hundred of thousands of muslims sent to the only blue collar, heavy conservative White areas left which is east county primarily in the same neighborhoods as chaldeans to crpyto move thousands of muslim invaders hoping people won't recognize these are inbred mudslime arabs and somalis, saudis all live around SDSU. Hijab wearing scum is now normal to see around around SD they tried heavily to put sharia law teachings in public schools for pure indoctrination in the only White areas that have no mudslimes because the mudslimes go to special islamic schools in SD.
There will be some major terrorist attacks from the mudslimes guaranteed , a couple have already been attempted or chose LA instead.
San Diego has been a hq for muslim invasion operations and a (((spy ring))) for a over 2 decades now.
Sebastian Moore
Jordan Brooks
I believe it was foul play. Only a week prior, she broke the Mueller text deletion scandal which Trump later tweeted about. She was seen perfectly healthy on a Wed broadcast and was dead by Friday, less than 2 days later. This, so-called friend of hers seems suspicious at best. How do you not know when a friend sleeping over your own house is sick? She's hiding something. The cause of death had also gone from meningitis to H1N1, but viral meningitis takes awhile to kill someone. No followup investigation has been requested either. We need to get to the bottom of this
Kevin Hernandez
"I came here to say I don't care and you shouldn't care either!" Sincerely, R.Mueller
Julian Hall
Who is this? Political figure? E-celeb? Random person? If not Zig Forums related, take it elsewhere.
Sebastian Phillips
Viral meningitis is almost never deadly. Bacterial meningitis is the one that kills you.
Joshua Reed
You may want to read what was written before asking who it is after it was fully explained in the OP.
Ethan Bennett
There has been loads of Islamic activity and infiltration into western society. This is all pushed through their NGO faith groups with the backing of a very large contingent of communist type liberals and of course our good friends the jews. These groups mask themselves as humanitarian groups but their is absolutely no doubt to anybody that they have a strict guideline to penetrate western politics and basically lobby for special treatment for Muslims. They are taking over as I’ve heard it said again and again, via money through politics with the jews handling and directing it for the most part. From law and order to demographics and God knows what else the Muslims at least what seems to be the more aggressive sections and denominations have made a huge push into our political l/economic systems with surprisingly very little hinderance considering less the 18 years ago we were by all rights at war with the radical Muslim world. Originally the knee jerk reaction of the average neocon/civnat right wing is that this is by their own doing but their has been a spectre which one could only attribute to the jews that has been advancing them into our institutions. This coupled with other racial difference and a culture of ignorance and liberal brain wash is creating a very volatile situation across Europe and it’s colonies l. White man better get his shit together fast
How can it be fought back against when every facet of society is under control of said situations outside maybe one branch of government?
Owen Green
I highly suspect the Left assassinated her. If this is proven to be true then these communists and islamists drew first blood. Anything that happens to them from this point on would be fair game.
Evan Hall
You're thinking of California solely. They're the only state with that issue due to the large population of street shitters they imported for Tech Valley.
Asher Phillips
Bet this is your first post on the entire site too nigger.
Matthew Ward
Did she respawn?
Xavier Scott
Christopher Ross
My kid's Christian HS played Baseball at that school.
Comparing their mom's to ours was just pathetic.
Additionally I worked with a woman who sent her kids to that Jewish Academy. South African Kike.
Quite possibly the ugliest woman I've ever seen at least in a professional setting. My god she was hideous.