Ancap/lolberg cringe thread

Is anyone unironically a libertarian in the new current year?

Other urls found in this thread:

Be OP, and post Libertarian larp thread while not knowing what Austrian Economics is, or what colors rhe Austrian flag is.

never gets old

I sure love being an uneducated faggot too, OP. 1488! Vote for Democrats to make whites angry so they finally all turn collectivist and kill the niggers! You fucking retard.


Competition is for suckers, I like my cushy gov't job where I don't have to bust my ass like some low IQ loser.

I support more free shit for whites, less for spics and niggers. Insofar tax cuts coincide with that, I'm with lolbergs. Beyond that, I want more pro white laws enacted and more crackdowns on nigger crime, and keep the foreign leeches out of our fucking healthcare. God bless America.

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Go back to cuckchan / leftypol

libertarians are just leftists who understand economics

they're cucked on social issues, that's why we jumped onto the altright ship in the first place

You forgot the part where you stop to buy some opioids from a vending machine on the private street.

Nobody gives a fuck about your autistic vision of the world. Some combination of nationalism and moderate socialism inevitably triumphs in every democracy.

Plus, ancaps/hardcore libertarians are moralfag cucks, often with cultural marxist views who are too idealistic and conscientious to do what is necessary and remove the undesirables through brutal state force. They're also immature af, constantly trying to skirt the rules and give the symbolic middle finger to cops at every opportunity, totally unaware of how legal precedent works and why the sovereign citizen stuff is fucking retarded

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you dun goofed at the end , OP.

This reads like a jewish Zig Forums thread. I don't like lolbergs either, but you're complaining about them from the left, not on the real issues like how they are awful on immigration, don't care about cultural integrity, create a system that rewards jews and others who undermind their neighbors and communities, put economics before race and culture, don't protect racial unity, are ok with rampant social degeneracy, etc., which is where they are no better than leftists.

Many an error has crept into the precedent of the State.

To be fair, the supreme court has gone rogue in their interpretation of the constitution. Every judge that ruled in favor of birthright citizenship should be jailed for treason.

National anarchism is the only tolerable libertarian position.

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These faggots are infesting the new Max Bernier party in Canada to the point where I don't really want to help out.


Not true.

The scene is full of masonic hoodwinks and scam artists, but my driver's licence is now in both upper and lower case. It's not bullshit, but it's very very complicated (and I'm a working paralegal for 25+ years). FWIW I like having car insurance so my title is ALL CAPS, just like my business corporation.

But I will not go into too much detail about it because I don't want assholes stealing money. I use it for corrupt cops.

Fuck off back to half, niggerjew.

Lolberts were on the right path but somewhere along the way they stopped evolving. As long as our rootless deracinated future of slaves to consumption is voluntary it's all good. Truth is they are 90% fatties who can't even govern their own bodies, and are willing to sell out their own family and race for a bit of comfort in the present (which they will squander on drugs and the TV/vidya box).

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Stay mad.


all you did was admit that ancap is superior because it would allow for vokluntary Nazism


I have a question for all lolbergs:

What if the baby consents?

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< Leftypol! Leftypol!
Not an argument!

Ancapball should be getting less bald instead.

Too many drugs, lots of porn and a merchant mindset of materialism. HHH is the only decent lolberg I can think of.

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Wait, this ISN'T /r/The_Donald 2.0?

Also it looks like mods are asleep lol, there are some antisemites and collectivists on this image subreddit… NOT BASED, LOW ENERGY🐸🐸💯

PS: where's le upvote button on this thing!? I'm tired of making arguments and need some binary mechanism to agree/disagree

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It's moreso just a good ole fashioned story to get a rise along the lines of

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Very accurate. Myself and so many others were libertarian/ancap till realizing that the economic truths I'd learned were only true in the context of peacetime. But we are inundated with enemies who care nothing for win/win scenarios.


He committed a political suicide for lolberg party.

Libertarians are part of the alt-right
They don't understand economics
They're all over the place on social issues: 10 libertarians, 10 different opinions.

Get the fuck out. We have were never part of the alt-right, which is full of libertarians.
Everything you said is false.

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Pretty true, then I realized the folly of being unorganized in the fight against fascist and greedy Jews.

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That guy always reminded me of someone pushing pseudo-fascist/NS stuff while staying under the lolberg protective blanket.

Any form of libertarian thinking/policy is only possible in the new world.
Europe, with its rigid class differences, would probably prefer aristocratic regimes, neo-feudalism, etc.
but since the only libertarian state to exist, the US, is on the verge of collapse, I think libertarianism may just die off

thanks for this edit. I can't believe stone toss didn't think to create both the commies and cappies as being jew-nosed. I have one suggestion, consider making them un-jew-nosed in one panel, then the lolberg finally sees the nose.

At this point I think an AnCap or libertarian society would actually be an improvement.

Not because I support either of those autistic ideologies but because being able to effectively break away from this trash fire would be great. Aryan megacorp is the only solution.

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The thing about these guys is that they just don't know when to shut the fuck up. As a general rule, shut your mouth around law enforcement and see how things play out. If you do have some firm ground to stand on work through it later on.

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A free market devolves into exclusive nepotism, dumbass. An open market is an antagonist to meritocracy.

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bretty gud video mate

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It dies naturally once the people develop a heritage and well defined culture they wish to preserve. Libertarianism is only appealing to people who have nothing and don't realize that what's taking everything from them isn't some amorphis idea of "government", but rather a (((specific group))) of people.

Shut up AMREN Jew lover.

Would still plunge her from behind.

lololol XD XD XD look at this CRINGE XDXDXDXDXD
Thanks codenigger, for turning this board into literal fucking reddit.

Good. We could start making our own companies and taking care of our own again. The American libertarian movement died when they refused to fight against the civil rights act. They're still too cowardly to fight it.
The one possible way this whole mess could have been made to work was free association and the libertarians wont even fight for that.

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Honestly, reddit was great before the wave of censorship. But ofc the admins cucked on free speech and made it clear that anything remotely edgy or interesting is no longer welcome on their site. No criticism of degenerate fags or savage niggers, no gore, no banter, nothing that "advocates violence" (which apparently includes the legal imposition of the death penalty for traitors).

So we're stuck with imageboards for now, despite their lack of an upvote function. While the free speech is enjoyable, it feels like nothing I post really matters since there's no attribution of posts to a user profile with karma, and everything eventually gets "slided" into deletion.

Sad times…

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Reddit was always a clunky, crappy site.
The censorship and faggotry just made it worse.

le toasting in le ebin bread

so many nazis here on 4chan, i did NAZI that coming :P

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nice dubs friend :^)

Lurk for 2 gorillion years before posting, faggot.

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That's literally the entire point you gibbering retard! No identity means each post gets evaluated on its own merits. No identity means the reddit cancer of mining post history (rather than the content of the post in question) is impossible. Votes encourage karma whoring.

I had dinner with the guy who introduced him and held up his "mobile phone" at the end. Jim Lark from UVA. Very cool and interesting guy. Such a shame that faggot had to embarrass the LP like that, but it had to be done. They were just waiting for something like this to happen and begin the implosion of the LP, it's the only way for true conservative libertarians to realize they need to leave that joke of a party.

Ah, a slide thread then, nice

Dude, I remember the glory days of Gary Johnson and Ron Paul…

It's like their whole party got taken over by shills or something

I’m a libertarian insofar as I believe in the original concept of liberty as espoused by the founding fathers who founded the US, back when white males were the only citizens.
An unfortunate fact our current society forgot is that liberty can only be fostered in a country where a majority of the population actually gives a shit about it. When you import spics who want a nanny state, they will populate the government with assholes who will corrupt liberty.
So I guess I believe in a sort of “eggshell” protectionist libertarianism, for lack of a better word. A hard shell protects the population (a strong government that cracks down very tough on immigration). But within the shell I think whites should be free to tap into our creativities and compete with each other to better society.
And this is distinct from anarchism as I do believe in some sort of rule of law. I just think it needs to be limited to some degree.

In the words of Stefan Molyneux…


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Go the fuck away. Go to Voat, go to TRS, go to Kiwifarms or Facebook or Liveleak or ClubPenguin, but GO AWAY.

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Hey actually now that you bring it up, what the fuck happened to Voat?

It used to be the big "alternative to reddit" until it just sort of… faded out of relevance

Didn't they have some sort of legal fuckery?

that's what reddit is and i dont like it

The bernout fans all voted libertarian

What is your opinion on agorism?

ahahahaha good one..

And let's talk about Sovereign Citizens….BLACK ONES of the Moorish American Government.


Holy fuck now the Moorish American Citizens are making their own license plates…

And thanks to Colin Flahterty for calling my attention to Black Sovereign Citizens.


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I just recently watched a session of the STATE OF WASHINGTON v. MICHAEL IAN BURNS case and the Supreme Court Justices confirmed the existence of the kind of contract sovcits argue exists. Also learned that the ability to represent oneself is equal to the ability to stand trial.

This shit is hilarious.

Sovereign citizen attempts to buy a 58k car with a promissory note he has no intention of honoring.


There was this guy who used to make his own money. Free to do today but a decade or so ago the jews and feds were quite unhappy.

A libertarian utopia is only feasible in a white ethnostate.

Holy fuck these assholes have been around since 1913…

As Drew Ali began his version of teaching the Moorish-Americans to become better citizens, he made speeches like, "A Divine Warning By the Prophet for the Nations", in which he urged them to reject derogatory labels, such as "Black", "colored", and "Negro". He urged Americans of all races to reject hate and embrace love. He believed that Chicago would become a second Mecca.

Drew Ali reported that during his travels, he met with a high priest of Egyptian magic. In one version of Drew Ali's biography, the leader saw him as a reincarnation of the founder. In others, he claims that the priest considered him a reincarnation of Jesus, the Buddha, Muhammad and other religious prophets. According to the biography, the high priest trained Ali in mysticism and gave him a "lost section" of the Quran.

This text came to be known as the Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America (not to be confused with the Islamic Quran). It is also known as the "Circle Seven Koran" because of its cover, which features a red "7" surrounded by a blue circle. The first 19 chapters are from The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, published in 1908 by esoteric Ohio preacher Levi Dowling. In The Aquarian Gospel, Dowling described Jesus's supposed travels in India, Egypt, and Palestine during the years of his life which are not accounted for by the New Testament.

Chapters 20 through 45 are borrowed from the Rosicrucian work, Unto Thee I Grant with minor changes in style and wording. They are instructions on how to live, and the education and duties of adherents.[7]

far out man….

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The cop can avoid paying the taxes by volunteering in exchanges for cryptocurrencies and gift cards. Is that agoristic?

And of course, it's inevitable with the coons..

Green-Bey! hahaha
It's too bad the coons are so violent and dangerous. If they were peaceful and harmless it might be fun to keep some around just for the laughs…

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Allodial…there's another key word in their magical legalistic vocabulary.

Webster's 1913 Dictionary

a. 1. (Law) Pertaining to allodium; freehold; free of rent or service; held independent of a lord paramount; - opposed to feudal; as, allodial lands; allodial system.
1. Anything held allodially.

Allodial title constitutes ownership of real property (land, buildings, and fixtures) that is independent of any superior landlord. Allodial title is related to the concept of land held "in allodium", or land ownership by occupancy and defense of the land. Historically, much of land was uninhabited and could, therefore, be held "in allodium".[1]

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Baton Rouge cop killer Gavin Eugene Long was affiliated with a little-known black nationalist sovereign citizen group known as the Washitaw Nation, filings in Jackson Co., Missouri show.

The records, which were first reported by the Kansas City Star, show that in May 2015, Long changed his name to Cosmo Ausar Setepenra and declared himself a sovereign citizen of the United Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Mu’ur Nation.

Members of the Washitaw Nation, which is similar to a group called the Moorish Science Temple, believe that they are not governed by local, state or federal law. So-called Moorish Americans file documents changing their names and relinquishing their power of attorney. The process involves the issuance of a special ID card.

The declaration has no legal standing, Moorish Americans and other sovereign citizens often end up being charged with crimes for refusing to pay federal and state income taxes and refusing to comply with other laws that they claim do not govern them.

Baton Rouge cop killer Gavin Eugene Long was affiliated with a little-known black nationalist sovereign citizen group known as the Washitaw Nation, filings in Jackson Co., Missouri show.

The records, which were first reported by the Kansas City Star, show that in May 2015, Long changed his name to Cosmo Ausar Setepenra and declared himself a sovereign citizen of the United Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Mu’ur Nation.

Members of the Washitaw Nation, which is similar to a group called the Moorish Science Temple, believe that they are not governed by local, state or federal law. So-called Moorish Americans file documents changing their names and relinquishing their power of attorney. The process involves the issuance of a special ID card.

The declaration has no legal standing, Moorish Americans and other sovereign citizens often end up being charged with crimes for refusing to pay federal and state income taxes and refusing to comply with other laws that they claim do not govern them.

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That's what brought me from the libertarian side to the fashy side. It would completely work, and did work, until the nogs got free. Even worked for a while after until the democrats started handing out gibs. But today? No fucking way.

Not very logical thinkers, some of these.

There must be more to it.

If the tax is voluntary then the citizens who refuses to pay shall be denied the public and private access to the tax funded services.

except the complete opposite has happened under the ZOG

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I will work for you for 24 if you give me 0.5 gold gram.

*basically the same



Yeah, and so is moneyless commune, your point being?

Wait what about the roads?

Is there a soyboy face version of lolbergtarians or are lolbergtarians the original soyboys?

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This happens in places like Tennesseeeeeee

What do you mean "infesting"? Bernier is a lolberg. "OMG lolbergs are infesting the lolberg party!111".

jews are the originals